Select Publications
Journal articles
2011, 'Description- and experience-based choice: Does equivalent information equal equivalent choice?', ACTA Psychologica, 136, pp. 276 - 284,
,2011, 'Feature-based versus Category-Based induction with uncertain categories', Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning Memory and Cognition, 38, pp. 576 - 595,
,2011, 'Recognising the Recognition Heuristic for what is (and what it's not).', Judgment and Decision Making Journal, 6, pp. 409 - 412
,2011, 'Revising beliefs about the merits of unconscious thought: Evidence in favor of the null hypothesis', Social Cognition, 29, pp. 711 - 726
,2011, 'The uncertain status of Bayesian accounts of reasoning', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 34, pp. 201 - 202,
,2011, 'Using hierarchical Bayesian methods to examine the tools of decision making.', Judgment and Decision Making Journal, 6, pp. 832 - 842
,2011, 'Where to look first for an explanation of induction with uncertain categories', Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18, pp. 1212 - 1221,
,2010, 'Speeded induction under uncertainty: The influence of multiple categories and feature conjunctions', PSYCHONOMIC BULLETIN & REVIEW, 17, pp. 869 - 874,
,2010, 'Degrees of uncertainty: An overview and framework for future research on experience-based choice', Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 23, pp. 1 - 14,
,2010, 'Cue integration vs. exemplar-based reasoning in multi-attribute decisions from memory: A matter of cue representation', Judgment and Decision Making Journal, 5, pp. 326 - 338
,2010, 'In conflict with ourselves? An investigation of heuristic and analytic processes in decision making', Memory and Cognition, 38, pp. 186 - 196
,2010, 'Non-categorical approaches to feature prediction with uncertain categories', Memory and Cognition, 39, pp. 304 - 318,
,2010, 'Rich in Vitamin C or just a convenient snack? Multiple-category reasoning with cross-classified foods', Memory and Cognition, 39, pp. 92 - 106,
,2010, 'Speeded induction under uncertainty: The influence of multiple categories and feature conjunctions', Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 17, pp. 869 - 874,
,2010, 'The dimensionality of perceptual category learning: A state-trace analysis', Memory and Cognition, 38, pp. 563 - 581
,2010, 'The psychology of global warming: Improving the fit between the science and the message', State of the Climate, 91, pp. 1003 - 1014,
,2010, 'The right tool for the job? Comparing an Evidence Accumulation and a Naïve Strategy Selection Model of Decision Making', Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 24, pp. 456 - 481,
,2010, 'The role of working memory in information acquisition and decision making: Lessons from the binary prediction task', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63, pp. 1335 - 1360
,2010, 'The testing effect: The role of feedback and collaboration in a tertiary classroom setting', Applied Cognitive Psychology, 24, pp. 1183 - 1195
,2010, 'When and why rare events are underweighted: A direct comparison of the sampling, partial feedback, full feedback and description choice paradigms', Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 18, pp. 377 - 384,
,2009, 'A Science of Decision Making: The Legacy of Ward Edwards', Journal of Economic Psychology, 30, pp. 694 - 695
,2009, 'Induction with uncertain categories: When do people consider the category alternatives?', Memory and Cognition, 37, pp. 730 - 743
,2009, 'Missing the target', Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 22, pp. 528 - 532,
,2009, 'Personal experience in doctor and patient decision making: from psychology to medicine', Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 15, pp. 993 - 995,
,2009, 'The effectiveness of feedback in multiple-cue probability learning', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, pp. 890 - 908,
,2009, 'The role of representation in experience-based choice.', Judgment and Decision Making Journal, 4, pp. 518 - 529
,2009, 'Think, blink or sleep on it? the impact of modes of thought on complex decision making', Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 62, pp. 707 - 732
,2009, 'What is the link between propositions and memories?', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32, pp. 219
,2008, 'A Case Report of Reappearance of Spinal Anesthesia', Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 33, pp. 271 - 272,
,2008, 'A Case Report of Reappearance of Spinal Anesthesia', Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine, 33, pp. 271 - 272,
,2008, 'Biased samples not-mode of presentation: Re-examining the apparent underweighting of rare events in experience-based choice', Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 106, pp. 168 - 179
,2008, 'Challenging some common beliefs: Empirical work within the adaptive toolbox metaphor', Judgment and Decision Making Journal, 3, pp. 205 - 214
,2008, 'Cognitive processes, models and metaphors in decision research', Judgment and Decision Making Journal, 3, pp. 195 - 204
,2008, 'Dimensions in data: testing psychological models using state-trace analysis', Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 12, pp. 285 - 290,
,2008, 'Getting scarred and winning lotteries: Effects of exemplar cuing and statistical format on imagining low-probability events', Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 21, pp. 317 - 335
,2008, 'How to make a risk seem riskier: The ratio bias versus construal level theory', Judgment and Decision Making Journal, 3, pp. 411 - 416
,2008, 'On the immunity of perceptual implicit memory to manipulations of attention', Memory and Cognition, 36, pp. 725 - 734,
,2007, 'Challenging the role of implicit processes in probabilistic category learning', Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 14, pp. 505 - 511
,2007, 'Naturally nested, but why dual process?', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 30, pp. 276 - +
,2007, 'Recognising what you like: Examining the relation between the mere-exposure effect and recognition', European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 19, pp. 103 - 118
,2007, 'The role of experience in decisions from description', Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 14, pp. 1133 - 1139
,2006, 'Take some new trainees and add late nights, party food and life events: The experience of using problem-based learning in training', Clinical Psychology Forum, pp. 7 - 9
,2006, 'Insight and strategy in multiple-cue learning', Journal of Experimental Psychology - General, 135, pp. 162 - 183
,2006, 'On the binary quality of recognition and the inconsequentiality of further knowledge: Two critical tests of the recognition heuristic', Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 19, pp. 333 - 346
,2006, 'On the role of causal intervention in multiple-cue judgment: Positive and negative effects on learning', Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning Memory and Cognition, 32, pp. 163 - 179
,2005, 'Evaluating Three Criteria for Establishing Cue-Search Hierarchies in Inferential Judgment', Journal of Experimental Psychology - Learning Memory and Cognition, 31, pp. 1088 - 1104,
,2005, 'Perceptual and physiological responses to the visual complexity of fractal patterns', Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology and Life Sciences, 9, pp. 89 - 114
,2005, 'Re-visions of rationality?', Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 9, pp. 11 - 15,
,2005, 'Repetition priming in lexical decision is not immune to manipulations of attention', Australian Journal of Psychology, 57, pp. 64 - 64
,2004, 'On the role of recognition in decision making', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition, 30, pp. 923 - 935,