Select Publications

Book Chapters

Stewart BW, 2016, 'The Mechanistic Basis of Cancer Prevention', in Translational Toxicology and Therapeutics: Windows of Developmental Susceptibility in Reproduction and Cancer, pp. 147 - 170,

Stewart BW, 2011, 'Cancer Risk Assessment and Communication', in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, pp. 482 - 488,

Stewart BW, 2011, 'Cancer Risk Assessment and Communication', in Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Volume 1-5, pp. V1-482-V1-488,

Stewart BW; Cotter PF; Bishop JF, 2009, 'Cancer and tobacco: Its effects on individuals and populations', in When Cancer Crosses Disciplines: A Physician's Handbook, pp. 1 - 31,

Stewart BW, 2009, 'Involuntary exposures — Can knowledge keep pace with perceptions?', in When Cancer Crosses Disciplines: A Physician's Handbook, pp. 131 - 159,

Kleihues P; Stewart BW, 1996, 'From host factors to genetic susceptibility', in Genetics and cancer susceptibility: implications of risk assessment, edn. Original, Wiley-Liss Inc., New York, pp. 201 - 209

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