Emeritus Professor Bob Fox. Former Professor Curriculum, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience at UNSW Sydney (2013-present) and Professor (AD) Innovation in Higher Education, School of Education at UNSW (2013-2019). Awarded University Teaching Fellow, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Professor (Hon) Faculty of Education, HKU (2013-2019). 2000-2013 Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Centre for IT in...view more
Emeritus Professor Bob Fox. Former Professor Curriculum, Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience at UNSW Sydney (2013-present) and Professor (AD) Innovation in Higher Education, School of Education at UNSW (2013-2019). Awarded University Teaching Fellow, The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Professor (Hon) Faculty of Education, HKU (2013-2019). 2000-2013 Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Centre for IT in Education and A/Dean (Learning Environments), Faculty of Education HKU, with one year as Professor and A/Director, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research at Chinese University. Professor Fox was A/Director, Centre for Advancement of Education at Curtin University, Perth for 13 years; a senior lecturer in vocational training for four and a further education lecturer for two years. He has published around 150 papers on innovation, change and learning environments in higher education. His research focuses on learning, teaching and technological practice and change in higher education; blended, online and mobile learning; change and e-leadership.
My Awards
University Teaching Fellow.
In recognition of excellence in teaching, The University of Hong Kong
Certificate of Merit. IT in Education Awards. Academic Council for IT in Education (ACITE), University of Hong Kong, Establishing communities of practice with Interactive Learning Network
My Engagement
Professor and Academic Lead Curriculum, PVC (Education) Portfolio, The University of New South Wales (UNSW)
Concurrent appointments as Honorary Professor, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong (HKU) (2013-2018)
and Adjunct Professor, Innovation in Higher Education, School of Education, UNSW (2013-2019)
Awarded HKU University Teaching Fellow for Excellence in Teaching
Journal Editorships
Invited Editorial Boards and Panels of the following international, regional and local journals:
Research in Learning Technology 2009 – ongoing
International Journal of Education and Development Using ICT http://ijedict.dec.uwi.edu/ 2005 - ongoing
Association for Advancement of Computing in Education Journal http://www.aace.org 2006 – 2017
Journal of Education and Human Development, Scientific Journals International http://www.scientificjournals.org/ 2007 - 2017
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education http://www.aace.org 2006 – 2016
Educational Media International http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/routledge/09523987.html 2001 – 2007
International Journal of Innovation and Learning www.inderscience.com/ijil 2007-2010
International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management http://ijm.cgpublisher.com/ 2004 - 2012
Asia-Pacific Cybereducation Journal 2004 – 2015
Information, Technology and Educational Change http://ejournal.cite.hku.hk/ 2004 – 2013
Reviewer of journal papers
Invited reviewer of papers for the following additional international journals:
Australian Journal Educational Technology from 1995
Cambridge Journal of Education from 2001
Educational Research and Evaluation from 2009
International Journal of Distance Education and Open Learning from 1997
International Journal of Internet and Enterprise Management from 2008
International Journal on E-learning from 2005
International Journal of Web Based Communities from 2007
Journal of Educational Technology and Society from 2007
Journal of Interactive Learning Research from 2005
Journal of Open and Distance Learning from 1997
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education from 2005
Language Learning & Technology from 2004
Quality Assurance in Education from 2009
Research in Learning Technology from 2006
My Teaching
Teach into the following programs:
Beginning To Teach (BTT)
Foundations of University Teaching (FULT)
Graduate Certificate of University Learning and Teaching (GCULT)
Master of Education (Higher Education) MEd (HE)
PhD Supervision
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