Select Publications

Conference Presentations

Botfield J; Newman CE; Lenette C; Albury K; Zwi A, 2016, 'Using digital storytelling to promote healthy relationships and sexual health among young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds in Australia: A scoping review', presented at Youth, Health and Practical Justice: An Interdisciplinary Conference, Sydney, 04 December 2016 - 05 December 2016

Lenette CD; Schweitzer R; Brough M; Murray K; Correa-Velez I, 2016, 'Digital narratives: A transformative storytelling process for refugee women in Australia', presented at Contemporary Ethnography Across Disciplines, South Africa, 16 November 2016 - 18 November 2016

Sunderland N; Isvandity L; Lakhani A; Lenette CD, 2015, 'They [do more than] Interrupt us from Sadness: Exploring the impact of participatory music making on social determinants of health and wellbeing for refugees in Australia', presented at Conference in Ethnomusicology and Anthropology of Music, Spain, 01 July 2015 - 03 July 2015

Lenette CD; Ingamells A, 2012, 'Migrant and refugee pathways to employment: a university initiative', presented at AASWWE Symposium, Celebrating Diversity: navigating the challenges of inclusivity, 27 September 2012 - 28 September 2012

Lenette CD, 2012, 'The everyday resilience of refugee women', presented at Australian Anthropological Society conference, 25 September 2012 - 28 September 2012

Lenette CD, 2011, 'Narratives of widowhood among refugee women.', presented at Social Participation: Knowledge, Policy and Practice, 28 November 2011 - 29 November 2011


Lenette C; Vaughan P; Boydell K, 2022, Reflexive Thematic Analysis in Story Completion Research, SAGE Publications,

Baker S; Lenette C, 2019, Australian OUR forum (Project Eucalyptus) Collaborate, Create & Change: Post-Forum Report,,

Lenette CD, 2017, Kaja’s story: The importance of narrative ‘threads’ as a qualitative analysis approach, York University Libraries,

Lenette CD, 2017, Using digital storytelling in participatory research with refugee women., SAGE Publications Ltd,

Newman CE; Albury K; Lenette C; Botfield J; Zwi A, 2016, Organisational perspectives on digital storytelling in promoting healthy relationships and sexual health among diverse young people: a pilot study,

Lenette CD, 2016, Asylum seeker and Refugee policy.,

Theses / Dissertations

Jops PT, 2017, Negotiating Survival: Uncovering the Lived Experiences of Chin Refugee Women in Delhi, India who Engage in Risky Livelihoods

Creative Written Works

Vaughan P; Agha Y; Bennett J; Blayney A; Dew A; Hooper A; Ifred B; Lenette C; Lui C; Maror A; McKim J; Ngo A; Ussher J; Wells R; Yahya Y; Boydell K, 2023, Mapping Stigma and Resilience: Body maps created for the Women marginalised by mental health, disability, or refugee background project., Vaughan P, (ed.), Black Dog Institute

Lenette C; Amir N, 2020, ‘Behind each work there is a story of pain’: Nedhal’s art makes her happy,

Lenette C, 2020, Love in exile,

Lenette CD, 2012, From this time forward I pledge., Griffith Review 36: What Is Australia For? Some provocations.

Recorded / Rendered Creative Works

Sunderland N; Lenette CD; Bartleet B-L, 2015, Health and wellbeing outcomes of participatory music for asylum seekers and refugees., Editor(s): Monsour L, Published: 31 July 2015, Recorded / Rendered Creative Works


Lenette C, 2020, Behind each work there is a story of pain: Nedhal’s art makes her happy,

Lenette C, 2019, The value of everyday resilience, Refugee Hosts,

Baker S; Lenette C, 2019, Higher English entry standards for international students won’t necessarily translate to success,

Lenette C, 2018, Refugee women use their voices through digital storytelling


Kasherwa A; Lenette C; Arop A; Duot A, 2024, ‘I Can’t Even Talk to My Parents About It’: South Sudanese Youth Advocates’ Perspectives on Suicide Through Reflexive Discussions and Collaborative Poetic Inquiry,


Lenette C, 2023, Anti-Colonial Research Library,

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