Select Publications


Forster C; Jivan V, 2021, Sex As a Protected Ground in International and Domestic Law

Forster C; Sagade J, 2019, Women's Human Rights in India, Routledge,

Nagarajan V; Forster C; Sonali Heddich S; Wiryakusuma C; Passmore K, 2018, Women and Business in the Pacific, Asian Development Bank, Manila Philippines,

Forster CM, 2011, Advancing the Implementation of CEDAW in the Cook Islands: Good Practice Approaches to Civil Family Law Bill, UNDP Pacific Centre, Fiji,

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2009, Gender equality laws: global good practice and a review of five southeast asian countries, UNIFEM East and South East Asian Office, Bangkok, Thailand

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2007, Translating CEDAW into Law: CEDAW Legislative Compliance in Nine Pacific Island Countries, UNDP Pacific Centre: UNIFEMPacific Regional Office, Suva, Fiji

Forster CM; Jivan V; Mehra M; Jalal I, 2003, A Digest of Case Law on the Human Rights of Women, Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development, Changmai

Book Chapters

Forster C, 2020, 'Le fédéralisme et l’enjeu de l’égalité des genres', in Mathieu F; Guénette D; Gagnon A-G (ed.), Cinquante déclinaisons de fédéralisme : théorie, enjeux et études de cas, Les Presses de l'Université du Québec, Quebec Canada, pp. 657 - 664,

Forster CM, 2015, 'Health and End of Life', in Elder Law in Practice - New South Wales, LexisNexis, Sydney,

Forster CM, 2014, 'Fair Go for Fair Work? Gender, the Right to Request Flexible Work Arrangements and the Paid Parental Leave Scheme', in Sagade J; Jivan V; Forster C (ed.), Feminism in the Subcontinent and Beyond: Challenging Laws, Changing Laws, Eastern Book Company, India, pp. 309 - 331,

Forster CM, 2013, 'Legislative Protection for Women's Right to Health in Australia', in Xixia L; Fleiner L (ed.), Protection of Women's Social Rights: from International and Domestic Law Perspectives, Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, pp. 887 - 903

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2011, 'Reworking Sex: Prostitution in the Pacific and the Challenges of Law Reform', in Dalla R; Baker L; DeFrain J; Williamson C (ed.), Prostitution of Women, Men, and Children: A Global Perspective Volume I, Lexington Books, Lanham, pp. 277 - 299

Edited Books

Forster CM; Sagade J, (ed.), 2014, Feminism in the Subcontinent and Beyond. Challenging Laws. Changing Laws, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow,

Journal articles

Forster C; Schulz J, 2024, 'Abortion Law in Aotearoa New Zealand. Medical Paternalism and Barriers to Recognition of Reproductive Rights', New Zealand Law Journal, September Issue, pp. 238 - 245

Forster C; Schulz J; Diesfeld K, 2023, 'Sexual Misconduct by New Zealand Lawyers', New Zealand Law Journal, pp. 79 - 85

Forster C, 2022, 'Decriminalizing Abortion in Federal Systems', Perspectives on Federalism, 13, pp. 10 - 39,

Schulz JS; Forster C; Diesfeld K, 2022, 'The discipline of, and failure to sanction, sexual misconduct by Australian legal practitioners', Legal Ethics, 25, pp. 88 - 108,

Schulz Moore J; Forster C; Engel J, 2021, 'The gendering of gratuitous attendant care in the law of damages: New South Wales negligence cases, 2013–20', Torts Law Journal, pp. 111 - 136

Botfield JR; Newman CE; Bateson D; Haire B; Estoesta J; Forster C; Schulz Moore J; Schulz J, 2020, 'Young migrant and refugee people’s views on unintended pregnancy and abortion in Sydney', Health Sociology Review, 29, pp. 1 - 16,

Forster C; Moore JS; Diesfield K, 2019, 'Understanding Client Vulnerability in the Disciplining of Legal Professionals in New South Wales', Journal of Law and Medicine, 26, pp. 849 - 865,

Sagade J; Forster CM, 2018, 'Recognising the Human Rights of Female Sex Workers in India: Moving from Prohibition to Decriminalisation and a Pro-work Model', Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 25, pp. 26 - 46

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2017, 'Abortion Law in NSW: Shifting from Criminalisation to the Recognition of the Reporoductive Rights of Women and Girls', Journal of Law and Medicine, 24, pp. 850 - 863

Forster CM, 2014, 'Compensating for the Harms of Family Violence: Statutory Barriers in Australian victims of Crime Compensation Schemes', Journal of Law and Medicine, 22, pp. 188 - 208,

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2014, 'Opportunity or Austerity: Gender, Australian Workplace Reform and the Global Financial Crisis', Journal of Race, Gender and Poverty, 5, pp. 26 - 52

Forster CM, 2013, 'Transplanting Gender Equity Laws: Evaluating the Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanisms of Vietnam’s Law on Gender Equality', LAWASIA Journal,

Forster C, 2013, 'Victims of Crime Compensation Schemes. Compensating Victims of Family Violence', Precedent

Forster CM; Engel J, 2012, 'Reinforcing historic distinctions between mental and physical injury: The impact of the civil liability reforms', Journal of Law and Medicine, 19, pp. 593 - 609,

Forster CM, 2011, 'Ending Domestic Violence in Pacific Island: The Critical Role of Law', Asian Pacific Law and Policy Journal, 12, pp. 123 - 144,

Forster CM, 2010, 'Sexual Offences Law Reform in Pacific Island Countries: Replacing Colonial Norms with International Good Practice Standards', Melbourne University Law Review, 33, pp. 833 - 864,

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2009, 'Challenging connventions: in pursuit of greater legislative compliance with CEDAW in the Pacific', Melbourne Journal of International Law, 10, pp. 655 - 690

Forster CM; Salem , 2009, 'Defensive Medicine in General Practice: Recent Trends and the impact of the Civil Liability Act 2002', Journal of Law and Medicine, 17, pp. 235 - 248

Forster CM, 2008, 'Public Interest Litigation and Human Rights Implementation: The Indian and Australian Experience', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 3

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2007, 'Making the Unaccountable Accountable: Achieving Corporate Compliance with Human Rights Norms', Torts Law Journal, 15, pp. 263 - 283

Forster CM, 2005, 'Good Law or Bad Lore? The Efficacy of Criminal Injuries Compensation Schemes for Victims of Sexual Abuse: A New Model of Sexual Assault Provisions', University of Western Australia Law Review, 32, pp. 264 - 297

Forster CM, 2005, 'Opportunity Lost: In Search of Justice for Victims of Sexual Assault', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 28, pp. 758 - 779

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2005, 'What would Ghandi Say? Reconciling Universalism, Cultural Relativism and Women`s Use of CEDAW', Singapore Year Book of International Law, 9, pp. 103 - 123

Forster CM, 2002, 'The failure of criminal injuries compensation schemes for victims of intra-familial abuse: The example of Queensland', Torts Law Journal, 10, pp. 143 - 167

Forster CM, 2002, 'The Stolen Generation and the Victims Compensation Tribunal: The `Writing In` of Aboriginality to `Write Out` a Right to Compensatory Redress for Sexual Assault', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 25, pp. 185 - 194

Forster CM; Parkinson PN, 2000, 'Compensating Child Sexual Assault Victism within Statutory Schemes: Imagining a More Effective Compensatory Framework', University of New South Wales Law Journal, pp. 172 - 196

Conference Presentations

Botfield J; Newman C; Bateson D; Haire B; Estoesta J; Forster C; Moore J, 2019, 'Disentangling the social, clinical and legal barriers to abortion access for young women from migrant and refugee backgrounds in NSW', presented at Children by Choice: Unplanned Pregnancy and Abortion Conference, 01 August 2019


Forster C, 2020, Gender Equality and Federalism. Opportunities and Challenges in Multilevel Governance, Forum of Federations, Ottawa Canada,

Rosenthal I; Lineham J; Lister L; Forster C, 2020, Next Steps Towards Reform. Assessing Good Practice and Gaps in Commonwealth Sexual Offences Legislation in Africa, Equality & Justice Alliance, London,

Rosenthal I; Lister L; Lineham J; Forster C, 2020, Next Steps Towards Reform. Assessing Good Practice and Gaps in Commonwealth Sexual Offences Legislation in Asia, Equality and Justice Alliance, London United Kingdom,

Rosenthal I; Lineham J; Lister L; Forster C, 2020, Next Steps Towards Reform. Assessing Good Practice and Gaps in Commonwealth Sexual Offences Legislation in Europe, Equality & Justice Alliance, London United Kingdom,

Rosenthal I; Lineham J; Lister L; Forster C, 2020, Next Steps Towards Reform. Assessing Good Practice and Gaps in Commonwealth Sexual Offences Legislation in the Caribbean & Americas, Equality and Justice Alliance, London,

Rosenthal I; Lineham J; Lister L; Forster C, 2020, Next Steps Towards Reform. Assessing Good Practice and Gaps in Commonwealth Sexual Offences Legislation in the Pacific, Equality and Justice Alliance, London United Kingdom,

Forster CM, 2017, Advancing Gender Equality Withina Federal Governance Model in Myanmar, UN Women, Myanmar, Myanmar

Forster CM, 2016, Women's Rights in Constitutions: Global Good Practices in Advancing Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Constitutions, United Nations Development Programme, New York

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2008, Translating CEDAW into Law. CEDAW Legislative Compliance in the Cook Islands, UNDP Pacific Centre and UNIFEM, Suva Fiji

Forster C; Jivan V, 2007, Translating CEDAW into Law. CEDAW Legislative Compliance in nine Pacific Island Countries, UNDP Pacific Centre, Suva Fiji

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