Select Publications

Book Chapters

Forster C, 2020, 'Le fédéralisme et l’enjeu de l’égalité des genres', in Mathieu F; Guénette D; Gagnon A-G (ed.), Cinquante déclinaisons de fédéralisme : théorie, enjeux et études de cas, Les Presses de l'Université du Québec, Quebec Canada, pp. 657 - 664,

Forster CM, 2015, 'Health and End of Life', in Elder Law in Practice - New South Wales, LexisNexis, Sydney,

Forster CM, 2014, 'Fair Go for Fair Work? Gender, the Right to Request Flexible Work Arrangements and the Paid Parental Leave Scheme', in Sagade J; Jivan V; Forster C (ed.), Feminism in the Subcontinent and Beyond: Challenging Laws, Changing Laws, Eastern Book Company, India, pp. 309 - 331,

Forster CM, 2013, 'Legislative Protection for Women's Right to Health in Australia', in Xixia L; Fleiner L (ed.), Protection of Women's Social Rights: from International and Domestic Law Perspectives, Social Sciences Academic Press, Beijing, pp. 887 - 903

Forster CM; Jivan V, 2011, 'Reworking Sex: Prostitution in the Pacific and the Challenges of Law Reform', in Dalla R; Baker L; DeFrain J; Williamson C (ed.), Prostitution of Women, Men, and Children: A Global Perspective Volume I, edn. Original, Lexington Books, Lanham, pp. 277 - 299

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