Select Publications

Journal articles

Body A; Donoghoe MW; Ahern ES; Lal L; Downie P; Leahy MF; Fuentes-Bolanos N; Anazodo A; Padhye B; Hamad N; Wakefield CE; Segelov E, 2023, '2106P Safety and patient reported outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in patients with cancer', Annals of Oncology, 34, pp. S1104 - S1104,

Katz T; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; Day AS; Vernon-Roberts A; Ooi CY, 2023, 'P298 Gastroenterology services for patients with cystic fibrosis across Australia and New Zealand: a multi-stakeholder assessment of patients’ and professionals’ perspectives', Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 22, pp. S156 - S156,

Nguyen CQ; Kariyawasam D; Alba-Concepcion K; Grattan S; Hetherington K; Wakefield CE; Woolfenden S; Dale RC; Palmer EE; Farrar MA; Concepcion K, 2022, '‘Advocacy groups are the connectors’: Experiences and contributions of rare disease patient organization leaders in advanced neurotherapeutics', Health Expectations, 25, pp. 3175 - 3191,

Chow WK; Hetherington K; McGill BC; Sansom-Daly UM; Daly R; Miles G; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE, 2022, '‘Like ships in the night’: A qualitative investigation of the impact of childhood cancer on parents’ emotional and sexual intimacy', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 69,

Schaffer M; McLoone JK; Wakefield CE; Brierley ME; Girgis A; McCarthy MC; Thornton-Benko E; Chan RJ; Johnston KA; Cohn RJ; Signorelli C, 2022, 'eHealth tools for childhood cancer survivorship care: A qualitative analysis of survivors', parents', and general practitioners' views', PEC Innovation, 1, pp. 100010,

Nevin SM; Wakefield CE; Dadich A; LeMarne F; Macintosh R; Beavis E; Sachdev R; Bye A; Nunn K; Palmer EE, 2022, 'Hearing parents' voices: A priority-setting workshop to inform a suite of psychological resources for parents of children with rare genetic epilepsies', PEC Innovation, 1,

Broom A; Kenny K; Williams Veazey L; Page A; Prainsack B; Wakefield CE; Khasraw M; Itchins M; Lwin Z, 2022, 'Living (well) with cancer in the precision era', SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2,

Schilstra CE; McCleary K; Fardell JE; Donoghoe MW; McCormack E; Kotecha RS; Lourenco RDA; Ramachandran S; Cockcroft R; Conyers R; Cross S; Dalla-Pozza L; Downie P; Revesz T; Osborn M; Alvaro F; Wakefield CE; Marshall GM; Mateos MK; Trahair TN; Gok C, 2022, 'Prospective longitudinal evaluation of treatment-related toxicity and health-related quality of life during the first year of treatment for pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia', BMC Cancer, 22, pp. 985,

Kelada L; Wakefield CE; Drew D; Ooi CY; Palmer EE; Bye A; De Marchi S; Jaffe A; Kennedy S, 2022, 'Siblings of young people with chronic illness: Caring responsibilities and psychosocial functioning', Journal of Child Health Care, 26, pp. 581 - 596,

Ha L; Wakefield CE; Fardell J; Cohn RJ; Simar D; Signorelli C; Mizrahi D, 2022, 'Parent perceptions of their child’s and their own physical activity after treatment for childhood cancer', Supportive Care in Cancer, 30, pp. 8947 - 8957,

Gereis J; Hetherington K; Ha L; Robertson EG; Ziegler DS; Barlow-Stewart K; Tucker KM; Marron JM; Wakefield CE, 2022, 'Parents’ understanding of genome and exome sequencing for pediatric health conditions: a systematic review', European Journal of Human Genetics, 30, pp. 1216 - 1225,

Hetherington K; Wakefield CE; Kunalan KPK; Donoghoe MW; McGill BC; Fardell JE; Daly R; Deyell RJ; Ziegler DS, 2022, 'Quality of Life (QoL) of Children and Adolescents Participating in a Precision Medicine Trial for High-Risk Childhood Cancer', Cancers, 14,

McLoone JK; Chen W; Wakefield CE; Johnston K; Bell R; Thornton-Benko E; Cohn RJ; Signorelli C, 2022, 'Childhood cancer survivorship care: A qualitative study of healthcare providers’ professional preferences', Frontiers in Oncology, 12,

Woolfenden S; Farrar MA; Eapen V; Masi A; Wakefield CE; Badawi N; Novak I; Nassar N; Lingam R; Dale RC, 2022, 'Delivering paediatric precision medicine: Genomic and environmental considerations along the causal pathway of childhood neurodevelopmental disorders', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 64, pp. 1077 - 1084,

McLoone J; Wakefield CE; Marshall GM; Pierce K; Jaffe A; Bye A; Kennedy SE; Drew D; Lingam R, 2022, 'It's made a really hard situation even more difficult: The impact of COVID-19 on families of children with chronic illness', PLoS ONE, 17,

Hunter JD; Robertson EG; Hetherington K; Ziegler DS; Marshall GM; Kirk J; Marron JM; Denburg AE; Barlow-Stewart K; Warby M; Tucker KM; Lee BM; O’Brien TA; Wakefield CE; O'Brien T, 2022, 'What’s in a Name? Parents’ and Healthcare Professionals’ Preferred Terminology for Pathogenic Variants in Childhood Cancer Predisposition Genes', Journal of Personalized Medicine, 12, pp. 1327,

Darlington ASE; Wakefield CE; van Erp LME; van der Graaf WTA; Cohn RJ; Grootenhuis MA, 2022, 'Psychosocial consequences of surviving cancer diagnosed and treated in childhood versus in adolescence/young adulthood: A call for clearer delineation between groups', Cancer, 128, pp. 2690 - 2694,

Ha L; Wakefield CE; Mizrahi D; Diaz C; Cohn RJ; Signorelli C; Yacef K; Simar D, 2022, 'A Digital Educational Intervention With Wearable Activity Trackers to Support Health Behaviors Among Childhood Cancer Survivors: Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study', JMIR Cancer, 8, pp. e38367,

Kirchhofer SM; Orm S; Haukeland YB; Fredriksen T; Wakefield CE; Fjermestad KW, 2022, 'A systematic review of social support for siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorders', Research in Developmental Disabilities, 126,

Sansom-Daly UM; Wiener L; Darlington AS; Poort H; Rosenberg AR; Weaver MS; Schulte F; Anazodo A; Phillips C; Sue L; Herbert AR; Mack JW; Lindsay T; Evans H; Wakefield CE; Girgis A; Al-Awamer A; Kirchhoff A; Cohn R; Fair D; Cable M; Wernli K; Donovan L; Mosher P; Fernando R; Trethewie S, 2022, 'Thinking globally to improve care locally: A Delphi study protocol to achieve international clinical consensus on best-practice end-of-life communication with adolescents and young adults with cancer', PLoS ONE, 17,

Hou SHJ; Tran A; Cho S; Forbes C; Forster VJ; Stokoe M; Allapitan E; Wakefield CE; Wiener L; Heathcote LC; Michel G; Patterson P; Reynolds K; Schulte FSM, 2022, 'The Perceived Impact of COVID-19 on the Mental Health Status of Adolescent and Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer and the Development of a Knowledge Translation Tool to Support Their Information Needs', Frontiers in Psychology, 13,

Tonorezos ES; Cohn RJ; Glaser AW; Lewin J; Poon E; Wakefield CE; Oeffinger KC, 2022, 'Long-term care for people treated for cancer during childhood and adolescence', The Lancet, 399, pp. 1561 - 1572,

Marchak JG; Christen S; Mulder RL; Baust K; Blom JMC; Brinkman TM; Elens I; Harju E; Kadan-Lottick NS; Khor JWT; Lemiere J; Recklitis CJ; Wakefield CE; Wiener L; Constine LS; Hudson MM; Kremer LCM; Skinner R; Vetsch J; Lee JL; Michel G, 2022, 'Recommendations for the surveillance of mental health problems in childhood, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors: a report from the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group', The Lancet Oncology, 23, pp. e184 - e196,

Schilstra CE; Fardell JE; Ellis SJ; Jones KM; Anazodo AC; Trahair TN; Lah S; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE; Sansom-Daly UM, 2022, 'Social Anxiety Symptoms in Survivors of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 11, pp. 129 - 137,

Espinoza-Salgado FS; García RR; E.wakefield C; Kelada L; Sansom-Daly UM; McGill BC; Tusie AZ; García FLJ; Cardos RDSC; Zapata-Tarrés M, 2022, 'Mexican cultural adaptation of the CASCAdE intervention program for parents of childhood cancer survivors', Psicooncologia, 19, pp. 63 - 80,

Nevin SM; Wakefield CE; Le Marne F; Beavis E; Macintosh R; Sachdev R; Bye A; Palmer EE; Nunn K, 2022, 'Piloting positive psychology resources for caregivers of a child with a genetic developmental and epileptic encephalopathy', European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 37, pp. 129 - 138,

Hu N; Fardell J; Wakefield CE; Marshall GM; Bell JC; Nassar N; Lingam R, 2022, 'School academic performance of children hospitalised with a chronic condition', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 107, pp. 289 - 296,

Chittem M; Kelada L; Muppavaram N; Lingappa L; Wakefield CE, 2022, 'Unmet and under-met needs among Indian parents of children with neurological disorders', Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 63, pp. e1 - e9,

Kelada L; Wakefield C; Vidic N; Armstrong DS; Bennetts B; Boggs K; Christodoulou J; Harrison J; Ho G; Kapur N; Lindsey-Temple S; McDonald T; Mowat D; Schultz A; Selvadurai H; Tai A; Jaffe A, 2022, 'Genomic testing for children with interstitial and diffuse lung disease (chILD): Parent satisfaction, understanding and health-related quality of life', BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 9,

Page A; Broom A; Kenny K; Lwin Z; Wakefield CE; Itchins M; Khasraw M, 2022, 'Experiencing the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic Whilst Living With Cancer', Qualitative Health Research, 32, pp. 426 - 439,

Alchin JE; Signorelli C; McLoone JK; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Johnston K; Cohn RJ, 2022, 'Childhood Cancer Survivors’ Adherence to Healthcare Recommendations Made Through a Distance-Delivered Survivorship Program', Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 15, pp. 1719 - 1734,

Gonzalez T; Tucker K; Wakefield CE; Geelan-Small P; Macmillan S; Taylor N; Williams R, 2022, 'Comparing cancer genetic counselling using telegenetics with in-person and telephone appointments: Results of a partially randomised patient-preference pilot study', Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare,

Callander EJ; Bull C; Lain S; Wakefield CE; Lingam R; Marshall GM; Wake M; Nassar N, 2022, 'Inequality in early childhood chronic health conditions requiring hospitalisation: A data linkage study of health service utilisation and costs', Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 36, pp. 156 - 166,

Fleming CAK; Murphy-Alford AJ; Cohen J; Fleming MR; Wakefield CE; Naumann F, 2022, 'Poor diet quality and adverse eating behaviors in young survivors of childhood cancer', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 69,

Nevin SM; Wakefield CE; Barlow-Stewart K; McGill BC; Bye A; Palmer EE; Dale RC; Gill D; Kothur K; Boggs K; Le Marne F; Beavis E; Macintosh R; Sachdev R, 2022, 'Psychosocial impact of genetic testing on parents of children with developmental and epileptic encephalopathy', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 64, pp. 95 - 104,

Bryan G; Kelly P; Chesters H; Franklin J; Griffiths H; Langton L; Langton L; Wakefield CE; Gibson F, 2021, 'Access to and experience of education for children and adolescents with cancer: a scoping review protocol', Systematic Reviews, 10, pp. 167,

Kamaladasa DS; Sansom-Daly UM; Hetherington K; McGill BC; Ellis SJ; Kelada L; Donoghoe MW; Evans H; Anazodo A; Patterson P; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE, 2021, 'How Are Families Faring? Perceived Family Functioning among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors in Comparison to Their Peers', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 10, pp. 711 - 719,

Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; De Abreu Lourenco R; Signorelli C; McCarthy M; McLoone J; Osborn M; Gabriel M; Anazodo A; Alvaro F; Lockwood L; Walwyn T; Skeen J; Tillemans R; Cohn RJ; Corbett R; Downie P; Egan K; Ellis S; Emery J; Foreman T; Girgis A; Graham K; Johnston K; Jones J; Maguire A; Mechinaud F; Molloy S; Moore L; Tapp H; Till T; Truscott J; Turpin K; Williamson J; Yallop K, 2021, 'Long-term health-related quality of life in young childhood cancer survivors and their parents', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 68, pp. e29398,

Kenny K; Broom A; Page A; Prainsack B; Wakefield CE; Itchins M; Lwin Z; Khasraw M, 2021, 'A sociology of precision-in-practice: The affective and temporal complexities of everyday clinical care', Sociology of Health and Illness, 43, pp. 2178 - 2195,

Kelada L; Wakefield CE; De Graves S; Treadgold C; Dumlao G; Schaffer M; O'Brien T, 2021, 'Evaluation of an in-hospital recreation room for hospitalised children and their families', Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 61, pp. 191 - 198,

Sansom‐daly UM; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; Donoghoe MW; Anazodo A; Sawyer SM; Osborn M; Viney R; Daniell N; Faasse K; Cohn RJ; Sansom-Daly U, 2021, 'Patterns and predictors of healthcare use among adolescent and young adult cancer survivors versus a community comparison group', Cancers, 13, pp. 5270,

Wakefield CE; Sansom‐daly UM; McGill BC; Hetherington K; Ellis SJ; Robertson EG; Donoghoe MW; McCarthy M; Kelada L; Girgis A; King M; Grootenhuis M; Anazodo A; Patterson P; Lowe C; Dalla‐pozza L; Miles G; Cohn RJ; Sansom-Daly U, 2021, 'Providing psychological support to parents of childhood cancer survivors: ‘cascade’ intervention trial results and lessons for the future', Cancers, 13, pp. 5597,

Davies JP; Mcgill BC; Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; Kelly DM, 2021, '"This Is the First Time I've Talked about This": Considerations When Conducting Qualitative Research Interviews with Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 10, pp. 540 - 548,

Sajeev MF; Kelada L; Yahya Nur AB; Wakefield CE; Wewege MA; Karpelowsky J; Akimana B; Darlington AS; Signorelli C, 2021, 'Interactive video games to reduce paediatric procedural pain and anxiety: a systematic review and meta-analysis', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 127, pp. 608 - 619,

Ha L; Mizrahi D; Cohn RJ; Simar D; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C, 2021, 'Accuracy of perceived physical activity and fitness levels among childhood cancer survivors', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 68, pp. e29134,

Edge R; Meyers J; Tiernan G; Li Z; Schiavuzzi A; Chan P; Vassallo A; Morrow A; Mazariego C; Wakefield CE; Canfell K; Taylor N; Mazariego-Jones C, 2021, 'Cancer care disruption and reorganisation during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: A patient, carer and healthcare worker perspective', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. e0257420,

Gerstl B; Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; D'Souza C; Deans R; Vaishnav T; Johnston K; Neville KA; Cohn RJ; Anazodo A, 2021, 'Feasibility, acceptability and appropriateness of a reproductive patient reported outcome measure for cancer survivors', PLoS ONE, 16, pp. e0256497,

McLoone J; Wakefield CE; Sansom-Daly UM; Thornton-Benko E; Govender D; Gabriel M; Walwyn T; Signorelli C; Johnston K; Cohn RJ; Thornton E, 2021, 'The lived experience of children and adolescents with cancer', Australian Journal of General Practice, 50, pp. 545 - 549,

Bell L; Anderson K; Girgis A; Aoun S; Cunningham J; Wakefield CE; Shahid S; Smith AB; Diaz A; Lindsay D; Masa A; Garvey G; Smith B, 2021, '“We Have to Be Strong Ourselves”: Exploring the Support Needs of Informal Carers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People with Cancer', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18, pp. 7281,

Stafford L; Sinclair M; Rauch P; Turner J; Mann GB; Newman L; Wakefield CE; Gilham L; Mason K; Cannell J; Little R; Schofield P, 2021, 'Feasibility of Enhancing Parenting in Cancer, a psychoeducational intervention for communicating with children about parental cancer', Psycho-Oncology, 30, pp. 1172 - 1177,

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