Select Publications

Journal articles

Foster E; Chen Z; Wakefield CE; Ademi Z; Hutton E; Steiner TJ; Zagami AS, 2024, 'Australian Headache Epidemiology Data (AHEAD): a pilot study to assess sampling and engagement methodology for a nationwide population-based survey', Journal of Headache and Pain, 25,

Signorelli C; Kelada L; Wakefield CE; Alchin JE; Adam I; Hoffmann P, 2024, 'Pilot testing “Teach Ted”: A digital application for children undergoing blood tests and their parents', PEC Innovation, 4,

Jongenelis MI; Gill M; Lawrence N; Wakefield CE, 2024, 'Quitting intentions and behaviours among young Australian e-cigarette users', Addiction, 119, pp. 1608 - 1615,

Gerstl B; Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; Deans R; Vaishnav T; Johnston K; Neville K; Cohn RJ; Anazodo A, 2024, 'Sexual and reproductive complications and concerns of survivors of childhood, adolescent and adult cancer', Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 18, pp. 1201 - 1210,

Fredriksen T; Vatne TM; Haukeland YB; Czajkowski NO; Wakefield CE; Fjermestad KW, 2024, 'Evaluation of Siblings’ Perceived Relationship Outcomes with Their Parents in an Open Trial of the SIBS Intervention for Children with Chronic Disorders', Journal of Child and Family Studies, 33, pp. 2271 - 2285,

Nguyen CQ; Kariyawasam DST; Ngai TSJ; Nguyen J; Alba-Concepcion K; Grattan SE; Palmer EE; Hetherington K; Wakefield CE; Dale RC; Woolfenden S; Mohammad S; Farrar MA, 2024, '‘High hopes for treatment’: Australian stakeholder perspectives of the clinical translation of advanced neurotherapeutics for rare neurological diseases', Health Expectations, 27,

Kelada L; Robertson EG; McKay S; McGill BC; Daly R; Mazariego C; Taylor N; Tyedmers E; Armitage N; Evans HE; Wakefield CE; Ziegler DS, 2024, 'Communicating with families of young people with hard-to-treat cancers: Healthcare professionals’ perspectives on challenges, skills, and training', Palliative and Supportive Care, 22, pp. 539 - 545,

Robertson EG; Hetherington K; Daly R; Donoghoe MW; Handelsman N; Ziegler DS; Wakefield CE, 2024, 'The feasibility and acceptability of collecting psychosocial outcome measures embedded within a precision medicine trial for childhood cancer', Cancer Medicine, 13,

Daly R; Hetherington K; Wadling BR; Jacobs C; Karpelowsky J; Wakefield CE, 2024, 'It provides families with other avenues for treatment when there are no other options Surgeons' perspectives of being part of a precision medicine trial for poor prognosis paediatric cancer patients: A short report', Cancer Medicine, 13,

Fardell JE; Schilstra C; Hikila J; Collins D; Kelada L; Lah S; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE; Ellis S, 2024, 'Survivors of child and adolescent cancer experiences of bullying at school or work: self-report and parent proxy report', Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 6,

Smyth R; Reid SM; Paton K; Guzys AT; Wakefield CE; Amor DJ, 2024, 'Causation in cerebral palsy: Parental beliefs and associated emotions', Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 66, pp. 258 - 266,

Schilstra CE; Sansom-Daly UM; Ellis SJ; Trahair TN; Anazodo AC; Amiruddin A; Lindsay T; Maguire F; Wakefield CE; Lah S; Bland E; Lenthen K; Rifkin A; Awan A; Kittos T; Hanbury N; Tsalidis S; Patterson P; McDonald F; Fardell JE, 2024, 'Guidelines for Caring for the Social Well-Being of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer in Australia', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 13, pp. 8 - 29,

Lee AE; McLoone JK; Touyz LM; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; Signorelli C, 2024, 'It just never ends: Childhood cancer survivors' perceived psychosocial impacts of recurrence and second cancer', Palliative and Supportive Care, 22, pp. 31 - 40,

Budden AK; Song S; Henry A; Wakefield CE; Abbott JA, 2024, 'Surgeon reported measures of stress and anxiety prior to and after elective gynecological surgery', Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 103, pp. 360 - 367,

Cayrol J; Wakefield CE; Ilbawi A; Donoghoe M; Hoffman R; Echodu M; Schilstra C; Ortiz R; Wiener L; Gok C, 2024, 'The lived experience of people affected by cancer: A global cross-sectional survey protocol', PLoS ONE, 19, pp. e0294492,

Mazariego C; Daly R; McGill B; Kelada L; McKay S; Hetherington K; Ziegler DS; Wakefield CE; Taylor N, 2024, 'Barriers to access of precision guided therapies for children with high-risk cancer', Pediatric Blood and Cancer,

Mazariego CG; McKay S; Tyedmers E; Kelada L; McGill BC; Daly R; Wakefield CE; Ziegler DS; Taylor N, 2024, 'Co-design of a paediatric oncology medicines database (ProCure) to support complex care provision for children with a hard-to-treat cancer', Frontiers in Medicine, 11,

Ha L; Nevin SM; Wakefield CE; Jacovou J; Mizrahi D; Signorelli C, 2024, 'Exploring childhood cancer survivor, parent, healthcare and community professionals’ experiences of, and priorities for, using digital health to engage in physical activity: a mixed methods study', Journal of Cancer Survivorship,

Robertson EG; Kelada L; Ilin R; Palmer EE; Bye A; Jaffe A; Kennedy SE; Ooi CY; Drew D; Wakefield CE, 2024, 'Psychological wellbeing among parents of a child living with a serious chronic illness: A cross-sectional survey study', Journal of Child Health Care,

Van Hoyweghen S; BM Claes K; de Putter R; Wakefield C; Van Schoors M; Hellemans S; Verhofstadt L, 2024, 'The psychological impact of genetic testing in childhood cancer: A systematic review', Psycho-Oncology, 33,

Church AJ; Wakefield CE; Hetherington K; Shern JF, 2024, 'Promise and Perils of Precision Oncology for Patients With Pediatric and Young Adult Sarcomas.', Am Soc Clin Oncol Educ Book, 44, pp. e432794,

Hetherington K; Wakefield CE; McGill BC; Tucker KM; Donoghoe MW; Daly R; Hunter JD; Ballinger M; Fuentes-Bolanos NA; Ziegler DS, 2024, 'When genetics and pediatric cancer collide: Understanding and optimizing families' experiences.', Neurooncol Adv, 6, pp. vdae133,

Hill RE; Mercieca-Bebber R; Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; Webber K; Cohn RJ, 2023, 'Relationship between survivorship care plans and unmet information needs, quality of life, satisfaction with care, and propensity to engage with, and attend, follow-up care', Cancer, 129, pp. 3820 - 3832,

Nevin SM; McGill BC; Kelada L; Hilton G; Maack M; Elvidge KL; Farrar MA; Baynam G; Katz NT; Donovan L; Grattan S; Signorelli C; Bhattacharya K; Nunn K; Wakefield CE, 2023, 'The psychosocial impact of childhood dementia on children and their parents: a systematic review', Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases, 18,

Gereis JM; Hetherington K; Robertson EG; Daly R; Donoghoe MW; Ziegler DS; Marshall GM; Lau LMS; Marron JM; Wakefield CE, 2023, 'Parents’ and adolescents’ perspectives and understanding of information about childhood cancer precision medicine', Cancer, 129, pp. 3645 - 3655,

McGill BC; Wakefield CE; Tucker KM; Daly RA; Donoghoe MW; Vetsch J; Warby M; Fuentes-Bolanos NA; Barlow-Stewart K; Kirk J; Courtney E; O’Brien TA; Marshall GM; Pinese M; Cowley MJ; Tyrrell V; Deyell RJ; Ziegler DS; Hetherington K, 2023, 'Parents’ expectations, preferences, and recall of germline findings in a childhood cancer precision medicine trial', Cancer, 129, pp. 3620 - 3632,

Wakefield CE; Hetherington K; Robertson EG; Donoghoe MW; Hunter JD; Vetsch J; Marron JM; Tucker KM; Marshall GM; Broom A; Haber M; Tyrrell V; Malkin D; Lau L; Mateos MK; O’Brien TA; Ziegler DS, 2023, 'Hopes, concerns, satisfaction and regret in a precision medicine trial for childhood cancer: a mixed-methods study of parent and patient perspectives', British Journal of Cancer, 129, pp. 1634 - 1644,

Budden AK; Song S; Henry A; Nesbitt-Hawes E; Wakefield CE; Abbott JA, 2023, 'Acute Biological Changes in Gynecologic Surgeons during Surgery: A Prospective Study', Journal of Minimally Invasive Gynecology, 30, pp. 841 - 849,

Fardell JE; Hu N; Wakefield CE; Marshall G; Bell J; Lingam R; Nassar N, 2023, 'Impact of Hospitalizations due to Chronic Health Conditions on Early Child Development', Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 48, pp. 799 - 811,

Ha L; Wakefield CE; Diaz C; Mizrahi D; Signorelli C; Yacef K; Simar D, 2023, 'Patterns of physical activity and sedentary behavior in child and adolescent cancer survivors assessed using wrist accelerometry: A cluster analysis approach', Health Informatics Journal, 29,

Høeg BL; Sevillano PB; Enesco I; Wakefield CE; Larsen HB; Bidstrup PE, 2023, 'Child-centered communication interventions in pediatric oncology: A scoping review and proposed new communication model', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 70,

Zhang T; Wakefield CE; Ren Z; Chen W; Du X; Shi C; Lai L; Zhao C; Gao Y; Chen Z; Zhou Y; Wu T; Cai M, 2023, 'Effects of digital psychological interventions on physical symptoms in cancer patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis', General Hospital Psychiatry, 84, pp. 47 - 59,

Hou SHJ; Forbes C; Cho S; Tran A; Forster VJ; Wakefield CE; Heathcote LC; Wiener L; Michel G; Patterson P; Stokoe M; Reynolds K; Schulte FMS, 2023, 'Mental health and health behaviors of parents of survivors of childhood cancer in the early COVID-19 pandemic: Exploring the role of intolerance of uncertainty', Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice, 5,

Daly R; Hetherington K; Hazell E; Wadling BR; Tyrrell V; Tucker KM; Marshall GM; Ziegler DS; Lau LMS; Trahair TN; O’Brien TA; Collins K; Gifford AJ; Haber M; Pinese M; Malkin D; Cowley MJ; Karpelowsky J; Drew D; Jacobs C; Wakefield CE, 2023, 'Precision Medicine Is Changing the Roles of Healthcare Professionals, Scientists, and Research Staff: Learnings from a Childhood Cancer Precision Medicine Trial', Journal of Personalized Medicine, 13,

McLoone J; Hamayun M; Nagabushan S; Signorelli C; Wakefield C; Johnston K; Bell R; Cohn R, 2023, 'OUTC-09. PEDIATRIC LOW GRADE GLIOMA SURVIVORS’ NEED FOR SURVIVORSHIP CARE: ‘ENGAGE’ A MULTIDISCIPLINARY, E-HEALTH INTERVENTION', Neuro-Oncology, 25, pp. i37 - i37,

Budden A; Song S; Henry A; Wakefield CE; Abbott J, 2023, 'A systematic review of biological changes in surgeons’ acute stress levels during surgery', Surgery in Practice and Science, 13, pp. 100174,

Fuentes Bolanos NA; Padhye B; Daley M; Hunter J; Hetherington K; Warby M; Courtney E; Kirk J; Josephi-Taylor S; Chen Y; Alvaro F; Barlow-Stewart K; Wong-Erasmus M; Barahona P; Ajuyah P; Altekoester AK; Tyrrell VJ; Lau LMS; Wakefield C; Sylvester D; Tucker K; Pinese M; Dalla Pozza L; O'Brien TA, 2023, 'Protocol for a comprehensive prospective cohort study of trio-based whole-genome sequencing for underlying cancer predisposition in paediatric and adolescent patients newly diagnosed with cancer: The PREDICT study', BMJ Open, 13,

Kenny K; Williams Veazey L; Broom A; Peterie M; Page A; Prainsack B; Wakefield CE; Itchins M; Khasraw M; Lwin Z, 2023, 'Hope in the era of precision oncology: a qualitative study of informal caregivers' experiences', BMJ Open, 13,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; McLoone JK; Johnston KA; Mertens AC; Osborn M; Cohn RJ; Alvaro F; Corbett R; Downie P; Egan K; Ellis S; Emery J; Fardell J; Foreman T; Gabriel M; Girgis A; Graham K; Johnston K; Jones J; Lockwood L; Maguire A; McCarthy M; Mechinaud F; Molloy S; Moore L; Skeen J; Tapp H; Till T; Truscott J; Turpin K; Williamson J; Walwyn T; Yallop K, 2023, 'Childhood Cancer Survivors' Reported Late Effects, Motivations for Seeking Survivorship Care, and Patterns of Attendance', Oncologist, 28, pp. E276 - E286,

Signorelli C; Schneuer FJ; Wakefield CE; McLoone JK; Trahair T; Cohn RJ; Nassar N, 2023, 'Hospitalizations in Australian children with neuroblastoma: A population-based study', Cancer Medicine, 12, pp. 10939 - 10949,

Webster SN; Spunt SL; Cunningham SJ; Wakefield CE; Smith SM; Alberts NM; Palesh O; Simons LE; Heathcote LC, 2023, 'International Survey of Pediatric Oncologists' Beliefs and Communication Practices Regarding Symptom Self-Monitoring by Childhood Cancer Survivors', JCO Oncology Practice, 19, pp. E650 - E659,

Sansom-Daly UM; Zhang M; Evans HE; McLoone J; Wiener L; Cohn RJ; Anazodo A; Patterson P; Wakefield CE, 2023, 'Adapting the Voicing My CHOiCES Advance Care Planning Communication Guide for Australian Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: Appropriateness, Acceptability, and Considerations for Clinical Practice', Cancers, 15, pp. n/a - n/a,

Allison KR; Patterson P; McDonald FEJ; Bibby K; Ciarrochi J; Tracey D; Hayes LL; Wright A; Konings S; Davis E; Hulbert-Williams NJ; Wakefield CE; White K, 2023, 'Truce: Feasibility and acceptability of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy-based intervention for adolescents and young adults impacted by parental cancer', Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 28, pp. 91 - 101,

Katz TE; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; Day AS; Vernon-Roberts A; Ooi CY, 2023, 'Gastroenterology services for patients with Cystic Fibrosis across Australia and New Zealand: a multi-stakeholder assessment of patients' and professionals’ perspectives', Frontiers in Pediatrics, 11,

Tran A; Hou SHJ; Forbes C; Cho S; Forster VJ; Stokoe M; Wakefield CE; Wiener L; Heathcote LC; Michel G; Patterson P; Reynolds K; Schulte FSM, 2023, 'The Impact of the Early COVID-19 Global Pandemic on Children Undergoing Active Cancer Treatment and Their Parents', Current Oncology, 30, pp. 2441 - 2456,

van Kalsbeek RJ; Hudson MM; Mulder RL; Ehrhardt M; Green DM; Mulrooney DA; Hakkert J; den Hartogh J; Nijenhuis A; van Santen HM; Schouten-van Meeteren AYN; van Tinteren H; Verbruggen LC; Conklin HM; Jacola LM; Webster RT; Partanen M; Kollen WJW; Grootenhuis MA; Pieters R; Kremer LCM; Aarsen F; Adams M; Adams T; van den Akker C; Amman R; Andrews S; Armstrong G; Attarbaschi A; Azizi A; van Baarsen K; Bailey S; Baker J; Bakker-Provoost L; Beek L; Bekkering P; van den Bergen J; van den Bergh E; Bierings M; Bishop M; Bisogno G; Boatner J; Boerboom S; de Bont J; Boop F; van den Bos C; Bouffet E; Brandsma R; Ophorst IB; Brennan B; Brennan R; Bresters D; ten Brink S; Brugières L; Burkhardt B; Calaminus G; Calkoen F; Canavera K; Carmichael L; Castellino S; Cepelova M; Chemaitilly W; Chisholm J; Clark K; Crom D; Curry A; DeFeo B; van Dijk J; Dixon S; Dome J; Donadieu J; Drenth B; Dufour C; Esbenshade A; Escherich G; Fay-McClymont T; Faure-Conter C; Ferrari A; Flerlage J; Foster K; Frazier L; Furman W; Galindo-Rodriguez C; Gan HW; Gartrell J; Geller J; Gidding C; Jan Godzinsky ; Goemans B; Gorlick R; Graafland R; Graf N; van Grotel M; ter Haar M; de Haas V; Hagleitner M, 2023, 'Author Correction: A joint international consensus statement for measuring quality of survival for patients with childhood cancer (Nature Medicine, (2023), 29, 6, (1340-1348), 10.1038/s41591-023-02339-y)', Nature Medicine,

Koczwara B; Chan A; Jefford M; Lam WWT; Taylor C; Wakefield CE; Bhoo-Pathy N; Gyawali B; Harvet G; Lou Y; Pramesh CS; Takahashi M; Ke Y; Chan RJ, 2023, 'Cancer Survivorship in the Indo-Pacific: Priorities for Progress', JCO global oncology, 9, pp. e2200305,

Tan J; McLoone JK; Wakefield CE; Nassar N; Cohn RJ; Signorelli C, 2023, 'Neuroblastoma survivors’ self-reported late effects, quality of life, health-care use, and risk perceptions', Palliative and Supportive Care, 22, pp. 296 - 305,

Young AL; Imran A; Spoelma MJ; Williams R; Tucker KM; Halliday J; Forrest LE; Wakefield CE; Butow PN, 2023, 'Proband-mediated interventions to increase disclosure of genetic risk in families with a BRCA or Lynch syndrome condition: a systematic review', European Journal of Human Genetics, 31, pp. 18 - 34,

Koczwara B; Chan A; Jefford M; Lam WWT; Taylor C; Wakefield CE; Bhoo Pathy N; Gyawali B; Harvet G; Lou Y; Pramesh CS; Takahashi M; Yu K; Chan RJ, 2023, 'Reply to E.C. Dee et al', JCO Global Oncology, 9,

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