Select Publications

Journal articles

Sinclair M; Schofield P; Turner J; Rauch P; Wakefield C; Mann GB; Newman L; Mason K; Gilham L; Cannell J; Stafford L, 2019, 'Maternal breast cancer and communicating with children: A qualitative exploration of what resources mothers want and what health professionals provide', European Journal of Cancer Care, 28,

Lum A; Wakefield CE; Donnan B; Burns MA; Fardell JE; Jaffe A; Kasparian NA; Kennedy SE; Leach ST; Lemberg DA; Marshall GM, 2019, 'School students with chronic illness have unmet academic, social, and emotional school needs', School Psychology, 34, pp. 627 - 636,

Gabriel MG; Wakefield CE; Vetsch J; Karpelowsky JS; Darlington ASE; Cohn RJ; Signorelli C; Alvaro F; Corbett R; Downie P; Egan K; Ellis S; Emery J; Fardell J; Foreman T; Gabriel M; Girgis A; Graham K; Johnston K; Jones J; Lockwood L; Maguire A; McCarthy M; McLoone J; Mechinaud F; Molloy S; Moore L; Osborn M; Skeen J; Tapp H; Till T; Truscott J; Turpin K; Williamson J; Walwyn T; Yallop K, 2019, 'Paediatric surgery for childhood cancer: Lasting experiences and needs of children and parents', European Journal of Cancer Care, 28, pp. e13116,

McGill BC; Wakefield CE; Vetsch J; Lim Q; Warby M; Metcalfe A; Byrne JA; Cohn RJ; Tucker KM, 2019, '“I remember how I felt, but I don't remember the gene”: Families’ experiences of cancer-related genetic testing in childhood', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 66,

Brierley MEE; Sansom-Daly UM; Baenziger J; McGill B; Wakefield CE, 2019, 'Impact of physical appearance changes reported by adolescent and young adult cancer survivors: A qualitative analysis', European Journal of Cancer Care, 28,

Robertson EG; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; Battisti RA; Donoghoe MW; Ziegler DS; Fardell JE; Mitchell R; O'Brien TA, 2019, 'Piloting a parent and patient decision aid to support clinical trial decision making in childhood cancer', Psycho-Oncology, 28, pp. 1520 - 1529,

Mizrahi D; Wakefield CE; Ha LJ; Cohn R; Simar DE; Fardell J, 2019, 'Satisfaction with an exercise physiology consultation after treatment for childhood cancer: An opportunity for healthy lifestyle education', Heart and Mind, 3, pp. 77 - 106,

Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; Hetherington K; Evans HE; Ellis SJ; McGill BC; Cohn RJ, 2019, 'Author reply', Internal Medicine Journal, 49, pp. 808 - 809,

Kelada L; Wakefield CE; Doolan EL; Drew D; Wiener L; Michel G; Cohn RJ, 2019, 'Grandparents of children with cancer: a controlled comparison of perceived family functioning', Supportive Care in Cancer, 27, pp. 2087 - 2094,

Vetsch J; Wakefield CE; Techakesari P; Warby M; Ziegler DS; O'Brien TA; Drinkwater C; Neeman N; Tucker K, 2019, 'Healthcare professionals’ attitudes toward cancer precision medicine: A systematic review', Seminars in Oncology, 46, pp. 291 - 303,

Kelada L; Wakefield CE; Carlson L; Hetherington K; McGill BC; McCarthy MC; Miles G; Cohn RJ; Sansom-Daly UM, 2019, 'How Parents of Childhood Cancer Survivors Perceive Support From Their Extended Families', Journal of Child and Family Studies, 28, pp. 1537 - 1547,

Mizrahi D; Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; Simar D; Maguire AM; Hubbard G; Cohn RJ; Fardell J; Foreman T; Girgis A; Signorelli C; Ellis S, 2019, 'How physically active do Australian and New Zealander childhood cancer survivors perceive themselves? A report from the ANZCHOG survivorship study', Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 44, pp. 196 - 203,

Young AL; Butow PN; Rhodes P; Tucker KM; Williams R; Healey E; Wakefield CE, 2019, 'Talking across generations: Family communication about BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic cancer risk', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 28, pp. 516 - 532,

Darlington AS; Long-Sutehall T; Randall D; Wakefield C; Robinson V; Brierley J, 2019, 'Parents’ experiences of requests for organ and tissue donation: the value of asking', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 104, pp. 837 - 843,

Goddard E; Cohen J; Bramley L; Wakefield CE; Beck EJ, 2019, 'Dietary intake and diet quality in children receiving treatment for cancer', Nutrition Reviews, 77, pp. 267 - 277,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Foreman T; Johnston KA; Emery J; Thornton-Benko E; Girgis A; Lie HC; Cohn RJ; Alvaro F; Corbett R; Downie P; Egan K; Ellis S; Gabriel M; Graham K; Jones J; Lockwood L; Maguire A; McCarthy M; McLoone J; Mechinaud F; Molloy S; Moore L; Osborn M; Skeen J; Tapp H; Till T; Truscott J; Turpin K; Walwyn T; Yallop K; Thornton E, 2019, 'The Role of Primary Care Physicians in Childhood Cancer Survivorship Care: Multiperspective Interviews', Oncologist, 24, pp. 710 - 719,

Ellis SJ; Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; Schilstra CE; Burns MA; Donnan B; Walwyn T; Lum A; Marshall G; Carter A; Barton B; Cohn RJ; Gok C, 2019, 'Are we meeting the training needs of healthcare and education professionals supporting children with cancer in their return to school?', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 66, pp. e27575,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Brierley ME; Darlington AS; Williamson J; Downie P; Cohn RJ, 2019, 'Perceptions of future health and cancer risk in adult survivors of childhood cancer: Implications for engagement in follow-up care', Cancer, 125, pp. 1008 - 1009,

Vetsch J; Wakefield CE; Doolan EL; Signorelli C; McGill BM; Moore L; Techakesari P; Pieters R; Patenaude AF; McCarthy M; Cohn RJ; Wakefield C; Cohn R; Girgis A; McLoone J; Fardell J, 2019, '‘Why us?’ Causal attributions of childhood cancer survivors, survivors’ parents and community comparisons - a mixed methods analysis', Acta Oncologica, 58, pp. 209 - 217,

Donovan LA; Wakefield CE; Russell V; Hetherington K; Cohn RJ, 2019, 'Brief report: Bereaved parents informing research design: The place of a pilot study', Death Studies, 43, pp. 62 - 69,

Collins DE; Ellis SJ; Janin MM; Wakefield CE; Bussey K; Cohn RJ; Lah S; Fardell JE, 2019, 'A Systematic Review Summarizing the State of Evidence on Bullying in Childhood Cancer Patients/Survivors', Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 36, pp. 55 - 68,

Touyz LM; Cohen J; Cohn RJ; Garnett SP; Anazodo A; Gohil P; Grech AM; Ng A; Wakefield CE, 2019, 'Childhood cancer survivors report preferring lifestyle interventions delivered in person rather than online: An adolescent and parent perspective', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 66,

McGill BC; Wakefield CE; Vetsch J; Barlow-Stewart K; Kasparian NA; Patenaude AF; Young MA; Cohn RJ; Tucker KM, 2019, 'Children and young people's understanding of inherited conditions and their attitudes towards genetic testing: A systematic review', Clinical Genetics, 95, pp. 10 - 22,

Grimmett C; Brooks C; Recio-Saucedo A; Armstrong A; Cutress RI; Gareth Evans D; Copson E; Turner L; Meiser B; Wakefield CE; Eccles D; Foster C, 2019, 'Development of Breast Cancer Choices: a decision support tool for young women with breast cancer deciding whether to have genetic testing for BRCA1/2 mutations', Supportive Care in Cancer, 27, pp. 297 - 309,

Warby M; Wakefield CE; Vetsch J; Tucker KM, 2019, 'Families’ and health care professionals’ attitudes towards Li-Fraumeni syndrome testing in children: A systematic review', Clinical Genetics, 95, pp. 140 - 150,

Vetsch J; Wakefield CE; Duve E; McGill BC; Warby M; Tucker KM; Malkin D; Lau L; Ziegler DS, 2019, 'Parents', health care professionals', and scientists' experiences of a precision medicine pilot trial for patients with high-risk childhood cancer: A qualitative study', JCO Precision Oncology, 3, pp. 1 - 11,

Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; Robertson EG; McGill BC; Wilson HL; Bryant RA, 2018, 'Adolescent and young adult cancer survivors' memory and future thinking processes place them at risk for poor mental health', Psycho-Oncology, 27, pp. 2709 - 2716,

Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; Bryant RA; Patterson P; Anazodo A; Butow P; Sawyer SM; McGill BC; Evans HE; Cohn RJ; Robertson E, 2018, 'Feasibility, acceptability, and safety of the Recapture Life videoconferencing intervention for adolescent and young adult cancer survivors', Psycho-Oncology, 28, pp. 284 - 292,

Wakefield CE; Doolan EL; Fardell JE; Signorelli C; Quinn VF; Tucker KM; Patenaude AF; Marshall GM; Lock RB; Georgiou G; Cohn RJ, 2018, 'The Avatar Acceptability Study: Survivor, Parent and Community Willingness to Use Patient-Derived Xenografts to Personalize Cancer Care', EBioMedicine, 37, pp. 205 - 213,

Janin MMH; Ellis SJ; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE, 2018, 'Talking about Cancer among Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Patients and Survivors: A Systematic Review', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 7, pp. 515 - 524,

Vetsch J; McGill BC; Sansom-Daly UM; Hetherington K; Ellis SJ; Marshall KH; Wakefield CE, 2018, 'Comorbidity of distress experienced by parents of childhood cancer survivors points to the importance of understanding transdiagnostic cognitive-affective mechanisms.', Acta Oncologica, 58, pp. 1 - 2,

Janin MMH; Ellis SJ; Lum A; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE, 2018, 'Parents’ Perspectives on Their Child's Social Experience in the Context of Childhood Chronic Illness: A Qualitative Study', Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 42, pp. e10 - e18,

Nandakumar BS; Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; McLoone JK; Skeen J; Maguire AM; Cohn RJ; Alvaro F; Corbett R; Downie P; Egan K; Emery J; Ellis S; Foreman T; Gabriel M; Girgis A; Graham K; Johnston K; Jones J; Lockwood L; McCarthy M; Molloy S; Osborn M; Tapp H; Till T; Truscott J; Turpin K; Walwyn T; Yallop K, 2018, 'Attitudes and experiences of childhood cancer survivors transitioning from pediatric care to adult care', Supportive Care in Cancer, 26, pp. 2743 - 2750,

Wakefield CE; Doolan EL; Fardell JE; Signorelli C; Quinn VF; Tucker KF; Patenaude AF; Marshall GM; Lock RB; Georgiou G; Cohn RJ, 2018, 'Protocol for the avatar acceptability study: A multiperspective cross-sectional study evaluating the acceptability of using patient-derived xenografts to guide personalised cancer care in Australia and New Zealand', BMJ Open, 8, pp. e024064,

Robertson EG; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; Cohn RJ; Patenaude A; Foster C; Pettit T; Fardell JE, 2018, 'Strategies to facilitate shared decision-making about pediatric oncology clinical trial enrollment: A systematic review', Patient Education and Counseling, 101, pp. 1157 - 1174,

Gan LL; Lum A; Wakefield CE; Donnan BM; Marshall GM; Burns MA; Jaffe A; Leach S; Lemberg DA; Fardell JE, 2018, 'The School Experiences of Siblings of Children with Chronic Illness: Australian Parents' Perceptions', Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 35, pp. 36 - 50,

Vetsch J; Wakefield CE; Warby M; Tucker K; Patterson P; McGill BC; Metcalfe A; Cohn RJ; Fardell JE, 2018, 'Cancer-Related Genetic Testing and Personalized Medicine for Adolescents: A Narrative Review of Impact and Understanding', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 7, pp. 259 - 262,

Vetsch J; Wakefield CE; Robertson EG; Trahair TN; Mateos MK; Grootenhuis M; Marshall GM; Cohn RJ; Fardell JE, 2018, 'Health-related quality of life of survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a systematic review', Quality of Life Research, 27, pp. 1431 - 1443,

Touyz L; Cohen J; Wakefield C; Grech A; Garnett S; Gohil P; Cohn R, 2018, 'Design and rationale for a parent-led intervention to increase fruit and vegetable intake in young childhood cancer survivors (reboot): Protocol for a pilot study', JMIR Research Protocols, 20,

Robertson EG; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; O'Brien T; Ziegler DS; Fardell JE, 2018, 'The development of delta: Using agile to develop a decision aid for pediatric oncology clinical trial enrollment', JMIR Research Protocols, 7, pp. e119,

Wakefield CE; Quinn VF; Fardell JE; Signorelli C; Tucker KM; Patenaude AF; Malkin D; Walwyn T; Alvaro F; Cohn RJ, 2018, 'Family history-taking practices and genetic confidence in primary and tertiary care providers for childhood cancer survivors', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 65,

Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; Patterson P; Lum A; Cohn RJ; Pini SA; Sansom-Daly UM, 2018, 'Narrative Review of the Educational, Vocational, and Financial Needs of Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: Recommendations for Support and Research', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 7, pp. 143 - 147,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; Johnston KA; Fardell JE; Brierley MEE; Thornton-Benko E; Foreman T; Webber K; Wallace WH; Cohn RJ; Thornton E, 2018, 'Re-engage' pilot study protocol: A nurse-led eHealth intervention to re-engage, educate and empower childhood cancer survivors', BMJ Open, 8, pp. e022269,

Clifford BK; Mizrahi D; Sandler CX; Barry BK; Simar D; Wakefield CE; Goldstein D, 2018, 'Barriers and facilitators of exercise experienced by cancer survivors: a mixed methods systematic review', Supportive Care in Cancer, 26, pp. 685 - 700,

Touyz LM; Wakefield CE; Grech AM; Quinn VF; Costa DSJ; Zhang FF; Cohn RJ; Sajeev M; Cohen J, 2018, 'Parent-targeted home-based interventions for increasing fruit and vegetable intake in children: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Nutrition Reviews, 76, pp. 154 - 173,

Gabriel MG; Wakefield CE; Vetsch J; Karpelowsky JS; Darlington ASE; Grant DM; Signorelli C, 2018, 'The Psychosocial Experiences and Needs of Children Undergoing Surgery and Their Parents: A Systematic Review', Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 32, pp. 133 - 149,

Vetsch J; Wakefield CE; McGill BC; Cohn RJ; Ellis SJ; Stefanic N; Sawyer SM; Zebrack B; Sansom-Daly UM, 2018, 'Educational and vocational goal disruption in adolescent and young adult cancer survivors', Psycho-Oncology, 27, pp. 532 - 538,

Fardell JE; Patterson P; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; Cohn R; Anazodo A; Zebrack B; Sansom-Daly U, 2018, 'A Narrative Review of Models of Care for Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: Barriers and Recommendations.', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 7, pp. 148 - 152,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Thornton-Benko E; Emery J; McLoone JK; Cohn RJ; McLoone J; Thornton E, 2018, 'Recruiting primary care physicians to qualitative research: Experiences and recommendations from a childhood cancer survivorship study', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 65,

Stafford L; Sinclair M; Turner J; Newman L; Wakefield C; Krishnasamy M; Mann GB; Gilham L; Mason K; Rauch P; Cannell J; Schofield P, 2017, 'Study protocol for Enhancing Parenting In Cancer (EPIC): Development and evaluation of a brief psycho-educational intervention to support parents with cancer who have young children', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 3, pp. 72,

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