Select Publications

Journal articles

Young AL; Butow PN; Vetsch J; Quinn VF; Patenaude AF; Tucker KM; Wakefield CE, 2017, 'Family Communication, Risk Perception and Cancer Knowledge of Young Adults from BRCA1/2 Families: a Systematic Review', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 26, pp. 1179 - 1196,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; McLoone JK; Fardell JE; Lawrence RA; Osborn M; Truscott J; Tapp H; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'Models of childhood cancer survivorship care in Australia and New Zealand: Strengths and challenges', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 13, pp. 407 - 415,

Lim Q; McGill BC; Quinn VF; Tucker KM; Mizrahi D; Patenaude AF; Warby M; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE, 2017, 'Parents’ attitudes toward genetic testing of children for health conditions: A systematic review', Clinical Genetics, 92, pp. 569 - 578,

van Breeschoten J; De Abreu Lourenco R; Signorelli C; Haas M; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE, 2017, 'Patterns and drivers of health care use in long-term childhood cancer survivors: A systematic review', Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 120, pp. 60 - 76,

Healey E; Taylor N; Greening S; Wakefield CE; Warwick L; Williams R; Tucker K, 2017, 'Quantifying family dissemination and identifying barriers to communication of risk information in Australian BRCA families', Genetics in Medicine, 19, pp. 1323 - 1331,

McGill BC; Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; Ellis SJ; Robertson EG; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'Therapeutic Alliance and Group Cohesion in an Online Support Program for Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors: Lessons from "recapture Life"', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 6, pp. 568 - 572,

Sajeev M; Cohen J; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'Decision Aid for Nutrition Support in Pediatric Oncology: A Pilot Study', Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition, 41, pp. 1336 - 1347,

Cohen J; Wakefield CE; Tapsell LC; Walton K; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'Parent, patient and health professional perspectives regarding enteral nutrition in paediatric oncology', Nutrition and Dietetics, 74, pp. 476 - 487,

Mizrahi D; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Quinn VF; Lim Q; Clifford BK; Simar D; Ness KK; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'Distance-delivered physical activity interventions for childhood cancer survivors: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 118, pp. 27 - 41,

Russo S; Warby M; Tucker KM; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'Importance of updating family cancer history in childhood cancer survivors', Familial Cancer, 16, pp. 605 - 610,

Fardell JE; Vetsch J; Trahair T; Mateos MK; Grootenhuis MA; Touyz LM; Marshall GM; Wakefield CE, 2017, 'Health-related quality of life of children on treatment for acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A systematic review', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 64,

Sansom-Daly UM; Evans HE; Ellis SJ; McGill BC; Hetherington K; Wakefield CE, 2017, 'Something's got to give: time–cost trade-offs in site-specific research approval can negatively impact patient recruitment in multi-institutional studies', Internal Medicine Journal, 47, pp. 1088 - 1089,

Lum A; Wakefield CE; Donnan B; Burns MA; Fardell JE; Marshall GM, 2017, 'Understanding the school experiences of children and adolescents with serious chronic illness: a systematic meta-review', Child: Care, Health and Development, 43, pp. 645 - 662,

May E; mcgill B; Anazodo A; wakefield C; Sansom-Daly U; Robertson E, 2017, 'Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivors’ Experiences of the Healthcare System: A Qualitative Study.', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 7, pp. 88 - 96,

Lum A; Donnan B; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Marshall GM, 2017, 'Establishing Australian school re-entry service guidelines for children diagnosed with cancer', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53, pp. 529 - 533,

Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Wallace WHB; Robertson EG; McLoone JK; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'The impact of long-term follow-up care for childhood cancer survivors: A systematic review', Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 114, pp. 131 - 138,

Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; Hill R; Skeen J; Maguire AM; McLoone JK; Cohn RJ; Alvaro F; Corbett R; Downie P; Egan K; Ellis S; Foreman T; Gabriel M; Girgis A; Graham K; Johnston K; Jones J; Lockwood L; McCarthy M; Molloy S; Osborn M; Tapp H; Till T; Truscott J; Turpin K; Walwyn T; Yallop K, 2017, 'Transition of childhood cancer survivors to adult care: The survivor perspective', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 64,

Lin M; Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; McGill BC; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'Health Literacy in Adolescents and Young Adults: Perspectives from Australian Cancer Survivors', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 6, pp. 150 - 158,

Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Doolan EL; Aaronson NK; Jacobsen PB; Cohn RJ; King M, 2017, 'Participation in psychosocial oncology and quality-of-life research: a systematic review', The Lancet Oncology, 18, pp. e153 - e165,

Gan LL; Lum A; Wakefield CE; Nandakumar B; Fardell JE, 2017, 'School Experiences of Siblings of Children with Chronic Illness: A Systematic Literature Review', Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 33, pp. 23 - 32,

Vetsch J; Fardell JE; Wakefield CE; Signorelli C; Michel G; McLoone JK; Walwyn T; Tapp H; Truscott J; Cohn RJ, 2017, '“Forewarned and forearmed”: Long-term childhood cancer survivors’ and parents’ information needs and implications for survivorship models of care', Patient Education and Counseling, 100, pp. 355 - 363,

Wakefield CE; Fardell JE; Doolan EL; Drew D; De Abreu Lourenco R; Young AL; Cohn RJ, 2017, 'Grandparents of children with cancer: Quality of life, medication and hospitalizations', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 64, pp. 163 - 171,

Ellis SJ; Wakefield CE; Antill G; Burns M; Patterson P, 2017, 'Supporting children facing a parent's cancer diagnosis: a systematic review of children's psychosocial needs and existing interventions', European Journal of Cancer Care, 26, pp. e12432,

Lawrence RA; McLoone JK; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Primary Care Physicians’ Perspectives of Their Role in Cancer Care: A Systematic Review', Journal of General Internal Medicine, 31, pp. 1222 - 1236,

Georgiou G; Wakefield CE; McGill BC; Fardell JE; Signorelli C; Hanlon L; Tucker K; Patenaude AF; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Genetic testing for the risk of developing late effects among survivors of childhood cancer: Consumer understanding, acceptance, and willingness to pay', Cancer, 122, pp. 2876 - 2885,

McCarthy MC; Wakefield CE; DeGraves S; Bowden M; Eyles D; Williams LK, 2016, 'Feasibility of clinical psychosocial screening in pediatric oncology: Implementing the PAT2.0', Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 34, pp. 363 - 375,

Ellis SJ; Wakefield CE; McLoone JK; Robertson EG; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Fertility concerns among child and adolescent cancer survivors and their parents: A qualitative analysis', Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 34, pp. 347 - 362,

Anazodo AC; Stern CJ; Mclachlan RI; Gerstl B; Agresta F; Cohn RJ; Jayasinghe Y; Wakefield CE; Daly G; Chan D; Gilbert L; Kemertzis M; Orme LM; Wand H; Viney R; Gillam L; Deans R; Jetti M; Wu J; Chapman M; Ledger W; Sullivan EA, 2016, 'A study protocol for the australasian oncofertility registry: Monitoring referral patterns and the uptake, quality, and complications of fertility preservation strategies in Australia and New Zealand', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 5, pp. 215 - 225,

Wakefield C; Lin S; Drew D; McLoone J; Doolan E; Young A; Fardell J; Cohn R; Drew D; McLoone J, 2016, 'Development and Evaluation of an Information Booklet for Grandparents of Children With Cancer', Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 33, pp. 361 - 369,

Robertson EG; Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; Ellis SJ; Mcgill BC; Doolan EL; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Sexual and romantic relationships: Experiences of adolescent and young adult cancer survivors', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 5, pp. 286 - 291,

Anazodo AC; Gerstl B; Stern CJ; Mclachlan RI; Agresta F; Jayasinghe Y; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE; Chapman M; Ledger W; Sullivan EA, 2016, 'Utilizing the experience of consumers in consultation to develop the australasian oncofertility consortium charter', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 5, pp. 232 - 239,

Sansom-Daly UM; Bryant RA; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE, 2016, 'Rumination and self-defining memories in the context of health concerns', Memory, 24, pp. 939 - 948,

Wakefield CE; Hanlon LV; Tucker KM; Patenaude AF; Signorelli C; McLoone JK; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'The psychological impact of genetic information on children: A systematic review', Genetics in Medicine, 18, pp. 755 - 762,

Sansom-Daly UM; McGill BC; Anazodo AC; Plaster M; Maguire F; O'Dwyer C; Ellis SJ; Robertson EG; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE, 2016, 'The Reality of Relapse: Impact of Cancer Relapse on Survivorship Interventions and Patient-Reported Outcomes Data', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 63, pp. 1492 - 1493,

McCarthy MC; DeGraves S; Wakefield CE; Bowden MJ; Marks LV; Williams LK, 2016, 'The association of psychosocial screening and service provision in pediatric oncology: the Psychosocial Assessment Tool (PAT2.0) into clinical practice', Supportive Care in Cancer, 24, pp. 2945 - 2952,

Wakefield CE; Sansom-Daly UM; McGill BC; Ellis SJ; Doolan EL; Robertson EG; Mathur S; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Acceptability and feasibility of an e-mental health intervention for parents of childhood cancer survivors: “Cascade”', Supportive Care in Cancer, 24, pp. 2685 - 2694,

Sansom-Daly UM; Lin M; Robertson EG; Wakefield CE; McGill BC; Girgis A; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Health Literacy in Adolescents and Young Adults: An Updated Review', Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology, 5, pp. 106 - 118,

Cavanagh BM; Wakefield CE; McLoone JK; Garvey G; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Cancer survivorship services for indigenous peoples: where we stand, where to improve? A systematic review', Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 10, pp. 330 - 341,

Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; McGill BC; Wilson HL; Patterson P, 2016, 'Consensus among international ethical guidelines for the provision of videoconferencing-based mental health treatments', JMIR Mental Health, 3,

Russo S; Fardell JE; Signorelli C; Wakefield CE; Mcloone JK; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Sleep Disturbances in Childhood Cancer Survivors', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 63, pp. 759 - 760,

Cohen J; Wakefield CE; Laing DG, 2016, 'Smell and taste disorders resulting from cancer and chemotherapy', Current Pharmaceutical Design, 22, pp. 2253 - 2263,

Aralova M; Robertson E; Putrya A; Goncharova L; Wakefield C; Aslanyan K, 2016, 'Relationships between Russian mothers and their children with, and without, cancer: A controlled study', International Journal of Healthcare, 2,

Naumann FL; Hunt M; Ali D; Wakefield CE; Moultrie K; Cohn RJ, 2016, 'Erratum to: "Assessment of fundamental movement skills in childhood cancer patients." [Pediatr Blood Cancer 62, (2015), 2211-2215].', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 63, pp. 574,

Vedi A; Pennington V; O’Meara M; Stark K; Senner A; Hunstead P; Adnum K; Londall W; Maurice L; Wakefield C; Cohn RJ, 2015, 'Management of fever and neutropenia in children with cancer', Supportive Care in Cancer, 23, pp. 2079 - 2087,

Naumann FL; Hunt M; Ali D; Wakefield CE; Moultrie K; Cohn RJ, 2015, 'Assessment of Fundamental Movement Skills in Childhood Cancer Patients', Pediatric Blood and Cancer, 62, pp. 2211 - 2215,

Martin E; Healey E; Williams R; Greening S; Warwick L; Wakefield C; Tucker K, 2015, 'AT RISK AND UNREACHABLE - IMPLEMENTING THE FAMILY COMMUNICATION TOOL INTO THE CLINIC TO IMPROVE DISSEMINATION OF INFORMATION', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 11, pp. 103 - 103,

Bogg TFT; Shaw PJ; Cohn RJ; Wakefield CE; Hardy LL; Broderick C; Naumann F, 2015, 'Physical activity and screen-time of childhood haematopoietic stem cell transplant survivors', Acta paediatrica (Oslo, Norway : 1992), 104, pp. e455 - e459,

Sansom-Daly UM; Wakefield CE; McGill BC; Patterson P, 2015, 'Ethical and Clinical Challenges Delivering Group-based Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy to Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer Using Videoconferencing Technology', Australian Psychologist, 50, pp. 271 - 278,

Wakefield CE; Butow PN; Aaronson NA; Hack TF; Hulbert-Williams NJ; Jacobsen PB, 2015, 'Patient-reported depression measures in cancer: A meta-review', The Lancet Psychiatry, 2, pp. 635 - 647,

Fleming CAK; Cohen J; Murphy A; Wakefield CE; Cohn RJ; Naumann FL, 2015, 'Parent feeding interactions and practices during childhood cancer treatment. A qualitative investigation', APPETITE, 89, pp. 219 - 225,

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