Select Publications

Journal articles

Kruyt ND; Nederkoorn PJ; Sandset EC; Lyden P; Song L; Anderson CS, 2025, 'A cautionary view on blood pressure lowering in patients with acute ischaemic stroke receiving reperfusion therapy', The Lancet Neurology, 24, pp. 28 - 29,

Xu Y; McFall GP; Rydén L; Skoog J; Chang E; Cysique LA; Harris K; Kedwell S; Lim ML; Anstey KJ; Anderson CS; Dixon RA; Skoog I; Tully PJ; Peters R, 2025, 'Cumulative blood pressure load and cognitive decline in older adults: An observational analysis of two large cohorts', Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, 8,

Harris K; Gong J; MacMahon S; Xu Y; Shajahan S; Harrap S; Poulter N; Marre M; Hamet P; Mancia G; Anderson C; Woodward M; Chalmers J, 2025, 'Effect of randomised blood pressure lowering treatment and intensive glucose control on dementia and cognitive decline according to baseline cognitive function and other subpopulations of individuals with type 2 diabetes: Results from the ADVANCE trial', Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, 8,

Lorenzi E; Crawford AM; Anderson CS; Menon B; Chen X; Mistry E; Khatri P; Elm JJ; Beall J; Saville BR; Berry SM; Lewis RJ, 2025, 'Adaptive Platform Trials in Stroke', STROKE, 56, pp. 198 - 208,

Ouyang M; Anjum A; McCawley FG; Wasay M; Ma L; Hu X; Chen X; Malavera A; Li X; Venturelli PM; de Silva HA; Thang NH; Wahab KW; Pandian JD; Pontes-Neto OM; Abanto C; Cano-Nigenda V; Arauz A; You C; Jan S; Song L; Anderson CS; Liu H, 2024, 'Implementation of a goal-directed Care Bundle for intracerebral hemorrhage: Results of embedded process evaluation in the INTERACT3 trial', PLOS Global Public Health, 4,

Wang Y; Maeda T; You S; Chen C; Liu L; Zhou Z; Robinson TG; Lindley RI; Delcourt C; Mair G; Wardlaw JM; Chalmers JP; Arima H; Huang Y; Kim JS; Lavados PM; Lee TH; Levi C; Parsons MW; Martins SC; Pandian JD; Pontes-Neto OM; Sharma VK; Nguyen TH; Wang J; Wu S; Liu M; Anderson CS; Chen X, 2024, 'Patterns and Clinical Implications of Hemorrhagic Transformation After Thrombolysis in Acute Ischemic Stroke: Results From the ENCHANTED Study', Neurology, 103, pp. e210020,

Huque MH; Kootar S; Kiely KM; Anderson CS; van Boxtel M; Brodaty H; Sachdev PS; Carlson M; Fitzpatrick AL; Whitmer RA; Kivipelto M; Jorm L; Köhler S; Lautenschlager NT; Lopez OL; Shaw JE; Matthews FE; Peters R; Anstey KJ, 2024, 'A single risk assessment for the most common diseases of ageing, developed and validated on 10 cohort studies', BMC Medicine, 22,

Zhang Y; Liu R; Zhao Y; Wang Z; Wang C; Li Q; Han D; Anderson CS; Du X; Dong J, 2024, 'Correction to: Influenza vaccination in patients with acute heart failure (PANDA II): study protocol for a hospital-based, parallel-group, cluster randomized controlled trial in China (Trials, (2024), 25, 1, (792), 10.1186/s13063-024-08452-8)', Trials, 25,

Zhang Y; Liu R; Zhao Y; Wang Z; Wang C; Li Q; Han D; Anderson CS; Du X; Dong J, 2024, 'Influenza vaccination in patients with acute heart failure (PANDA II): study protocol for a hospital-based, parallel-group, cluster randomized controlled trial in China', Trials, 25,

Appleton JP; Dixon M; Woodhouse LJ; Anderson CS; Ankolekar S; Cala L; England TJ; Godolphin PJ; Krishnan K; Mair G; Muir KW; Potter J; Price CI; Randall M; Robinson TG; Roffe C; Rothwell PM; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Siriwardena AN; Wardlaw JM; Sprigg N; Bath PM, 2024, 'Pre-hospital transdermal glyceryl trinitrate for transient ischaemic attack: Data from the RIGHT-2 trial', European Journal of Neurology, 31,

Jiang C; Wang Z; Du X; Wang Y; Gao M; Jia Z; Chai Z; Yang Z; Wang C; He L; Hu R; Lv Q; Wu J; Li X; Jia C; Han R; Arima H; Wang X; Neal B; Rodgers A; Hillis GS; Patel A; Li Q; Dong J; Anderson CS; Ma C, 2024, 'Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of intensive blood pressure control on cardiovascular risk reduction in patients with atrial fibrillation: Rationale and design of the CRAFT trial', American Heart Journal, 278, pp. 33 - 40,

Rudnick L; Anderson C; Cotton WD; Pasetto A; Alexander EL; Tahani M, 2024, 'Pseudo-3D visualization of Faraday structure in polarized radio sources: methods, science use cases, and development priorities', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 535, pp. 2115 - 2128,

Yan YY; Chan LML; Wang MP; Kwok JYY; Anderson CS; Lee JJ, 2024, 'Technology-supported behavior change interventions for reducing sodium intake in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis', npj Digital Medicine, 7, pp. 72,

Guo J; Chen X; Wu M; Wang D; Zhao Y; Li Q; Tang G; Che F; Xia Z; Liang Z; Shi L; Jiang Q; Chen Y; Liu X; Ren X; Ouyang M; Wang B; You S; Billot L; Wang X; Liu Z; Jing H; Meng W; Tian S; Liu E; Xiang Y; Tang X; Xie T; Cui W; Zheng Y; Cao J; Zhang J; Wen Z; Huang T; Wang L; You C; Pan S; Cai Y; Lu Y; Hankey GJ; Al-Shahi Salman R; Anderson CS; Song L; Wang J; Campbell B; Chen C; Hu R; Li X; Wan Y; Zhang C; Gui Z; Chen M; Ouyang S; Zhao X; Huo C; Ban R; Wang J; Zhang L; Yu W; Dong L; Ning Y; Li P; Huang F; Ren Z; Zheng Z; Li K; Wang X; Li Y; Zhu H; Tan X; Qiu X; Yang Z; Lou Z; Zhao H; Tang Y; Hu D; Xie M; Wang D; Wu X; Zheng Y; Mao R; Chen H; Luo M; Xue S; Li C; Chen J; Jiang H; Zhang X; Xu Y; Yan H; Yang G; Wang F; Lu X; Yan L; Xie Z; He F; Liu W; Zhuang R; Su Q, 2024, 'Traditional Chinese medicine FYTF-919 (Zhongfeng Xingnao oral prescription) for the treatment of acute intracerebral haemorrhage: a multicentre, randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind, clinical trial', The Lancet, 404, pp. 2187 - 2196,

Crawford AM; Lorenzi EC; Saville BR; Lewis RJ; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Adaptive Clinical Trials in Stroke', Stroke, 55, pp. 2731 - 2741,

Rautalin I; Krishnamurthi RV; Anderson CS; Barber PA; Barker-Collo S; Bennett D; Boet R; Correia JA; Douwes J; Law A; Nair B; Thrift AG; Ao BT; Tunnage B; Ranta A; Feigin V, 2024, 'Demographic disparities in the incidence and case fatality of subarachnoid haemorrhage: an 18-year nationwide study from New Zealand', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 52, pp. 101199,

Jung SL; Seta A; Price JM; McClure-Griffiths NM; Livingston JD; Gaensler BM; Ma YK; Tahani M; Anderson CS; Federrath C; Van Eck CL; Leahy D; O’Sullivan SP; West J; Heald G; Akahori T, 2024, 'Magnetized H I superbubbles in the Small Magellanic Cloud revealed by the POSSUM pilot survey', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 534, pp. 2938 - 2952,

Griffiths J; Adshead F; Al-Shahi Salman R; Anderson C; Bedson E; Bliss J; Boshoff A; Chen X; Cranley D; Doran P; Dunne F; Gamble C; Gillies K; Hood K; Kavanagh C; Malone J; Mcgregor N; Mcnamara C; Midha E; Moore K; Murphy L; Newman C; O'reilly S; Perkins AM; Pett S; Sydes MR; Whitty L; You F; Fox L; Williamson PR, 2024, 'What is the carbon footprint of academic clinical trials? A study of hotspots in 10 trials', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e088600,

Ouyang M; Faigle R; Wang X; Johnson B; Summers D; Khatri P; Billot L; Liu H; Malavera A; Muñoz-Venturelli P; González F; Urrutia F; Day D; Song L; Sui Y; Delcourt C; Robinson T; Durham AC; Ebraimo A; Wan Zaidi WA; Jan S; Lindley RI; Urrutia VC; Anderson CS, 2024, 'The main Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMISTmain): Protocol for a Pragmatic, Stepped Wedge, Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 53, pp. 635 - 642,

You S; Wang Y; Wang X; Maeda T; Ouyang M; Han Q; Li Q; Song L; Zhao Y; Chen C; Delcourt C; Ren X; Carcel C; Zhou Z; Cao Y; Liu CF; Zheng D; Arima H; Robinson TG; Chen X; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Twenty-Four-Hour Post-Thrombolysis NIHSS Score As the Strongest Prognostic Predictor After Acute Ischemic Stroke: ENCHANTED Study', Journal of the American Heart Association, 13,

Merluzzi P; Venturi T; Busarello G; Di Gennaro G; Giacintucci S; Casasola V; Krajnović D; Vernstrom T; Carretti E; Smirnov O; Trehaeven K; Anderson CS; Chesters J; Heald G; Hopkins AM; Koribalski B, 2024, 'Ram-pressure stripped radio tails detected in the dynamically active environment of the Shapley Supercluster', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 533, pp. 1394 - 1411,

Hu YB; Lu J; Li HX; Anderson CS; Liu ZM; Zhang B; Hao JJ, 2024, 'Spatiotemporal alterations in the brain oscillations of Arctic explorers', Brain Research Bulletin, 215,

Carcel C; Clancy L; Harris K; Peters R; Byrne A; Bassett K; Freed R; Hoyos CM; Rodgers A; Lindley R; Chalmers J; Xu Y; Woodward M; Ouyang M; Naismith SL; Anderson C, 2024, 'Randomised controlled decentralised feasibility trial of a fixed low-dose combination antihypertensive drug strategy to attenuate cognitive decline in high-risk adults', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e080862,

Nuñez M; Allende MI; González F; Cavada G; Anderson CS; Venturelli PM; Allende Echanez M, 2024, 'Sex Differences in Profile and In-Hospital Death for Acute Stroke in Chile: Data From a Nationwide Hospital Registry', Journal of the American Heart Association, 13, pp. e035152,

Xu Y; Aung HL; Hesam-Shariati N; Keay L; Sun X; Phu J; Honson V; Tully PJ; Booth A; Lewis E; Anderson CS; Anstey KJ; Peters R, 2024, 'Contrast Sensitivity, Visual Field, Color Vision, Motion Perception, and Cognitive Impairment: A Systematic Review', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 25, pp. 105098,

Zhao Y; Cui W; Xie T; Zhao K; Li Y; Wan Y; Wang X; Li Q; Xiaoying C; Liu Z; Zhao H; Gong B; Wang R; Wu M; Wang D; Zheng Y; Chen Y; Chen Y; Guo Q; Gan C; Che F; Song L; Anderson CS; Guo J, 2024, 'Efficacy and Safety of Chinese Herbal Medicine in Patients with Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Protocol for a Randomized Placebo-Controlled Double-Blinded Multicenter Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases, 53, pp. 501 - 508,

Maeda T; Woodward M; Jun M; Sakamoto Y; Chen X; Matsushita K; Mancia G; Arima H; Anderson CS; Chalmers J; Harris K, 2024, 'Risk of recurrent stroke and dementia following acute stroke by changes in kidney function: results from the Perindopril Protection Against Recurrent Stroke Study', Journal of Hypertension, 42, pp. 1313 - 1321,

Shajahan S; Peters R; Carcel C; Woodward M; Harris K; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Hypertension and Mild Cognitive Impairment: State-of-the-Art Review', American Journal of Hypertension, 37, pp. 385 - 393,

Li J; Chen Y; Wang Y; Liu X; Li P; He Y; Hao Y; Huang L; Jin J; Wang J; Anderson C, 2024, 'Impact of guideline-directed medical therapy on systolic blood pressure and cardiovascular outcomes in patients with heart failure and low blood pressure: A systematic review and meta-analysis', European Journal of Heart Failure, 26, pp. 1435 - 1442,

Seiffge DJ; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Treatment for intracerebral hemorrhage: Dawn of a new era', International Journal of Stroke, 19, pp. 482 - 489,

Nguyen MTH; Sakamoto Y; Maeda T; Woodward M; Anderson CS; Catiwa J; Yazidjoglou A; Carcel C; Yang M; Wang X, 2024, 'Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Functional Outcomes After Stroke: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Journal of the American Heart Association, 13, pp. e033078,

Anderson CS; Song L, 2024, 'Promising Efforts to Define a Novel Approach to Neuroprotection for Acute Ischemic Stroke', JAMA Neurology, 81, pp. 317 - 318,

Wang X; Yang J; Moullaali TJ; Sandset EC; Woodhouse LJ; Law ZK; Arima H; Butcher KS; Delcourt C; Edwards L; Gupta S; Jiang W; Koch S; Potter J; Qureshi AI; Robinson TG; Al-Shahi Salman R; Saver JL; Sprigg N; Wardlaw J; Anderson CS; Sakamoto Y; Bath PM; Chalmers J, 2024, 'Influence of Time to Achieve Target Systolic Blood Pressure on Outcome after Intracerebral Hemorrhage: The Blood Pressure in Acute Stroke Collaboration', Stroke, 55, pp. 849 - 855,

Jiang C; Zhao M; Li M; Wang Z; Bai Y; Guo H; Li S; Lai Y; Wang Y; Gao M; He L; Guo X; Li S; Liu N; Jiang C; Tang R; Long D; Sang C; Du X; Dong J; Anderson CS; Ma C, 2024, 'Orthostatic blood pressure changes do not influence cognitive outcomes following intensive blood pressure control', Journal of Internal Medicine, 295, pp. 557 - 568,

Zhou Z; You S; Sakamoto Y; Xu Y; Ding S; Xu W; Li W; Yu J; Wang Y; Harris K; Delcourt C; Reeves MJ; Lindley RI; Parsons MW; Woodward M; Anderson C; Du X; Pu J; Wardlaw JM; Carcel C, 2024, 'Covert Cerebrovascular Changes in People With Heart Disease', Neurology, 102,

Li Q; Yakhkind A; Alexandrov AW; Alexandrov AV; Anderson CS; Dowlatshahi D; Frontera JA; Hemphill JC; Ganti L; Kellner C; May C; Morotti A; Parry-Jones A; Sheth KN; Steiner T; Ziai W; Goldstein JN; Mayer SA, 2024, 'Code ICH: A Call to Action', Stroke, 55, pp. 494 - 505,

Lepore M; Di Mascolo L; Tozzi P; Churazov E; Mroczkowski T; Borgani S; Carilli C; Gaspari M; Ginolfi M; Liu A; Pentericci L; Rasia E; Rosati P; Röttgering HJA; Anderson CS; Dannerbauer H; Miley G; Norman C, 2024, 'Feeding and feedback processes in the Spiderweb proto-intracluster medium', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 682,

Fu L; Zhang Y; Du X; Han R; Hu R; Anderson CS; Ji L; Ma C, 2024, 'A 24-Week, Multi-Center, Randomized, Open-Label Clinical Trial Comparing the Effects of Xuezhikang and Atorvastatin on Glucose Metabolism in Patients with Dyslipidemia and Prediabetes (XTREME Study): Design of the Study Protocol', Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications, 9,

Sakamoto Y; Bosookhuu O; Ouyang M; Banzrai C; Dambasuren B; Wang X; Turbat S; Myadagsuren M; Boldbayar P; Baatar K; Erdenedalai T; Munkhtur U; Yadamsuren E; Chen X; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Associated Factors of Long-Term Functional Outcome and Recovery Pattern after Intracerebral Hemorrhage: A Prospective Population-Based Study in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia', Stroke,

Ouyang M; González F; Montalbano M; Pruski A; Jan S; Wang X; Johnson B; Summers DV; Khatri P; Malavera A; Iacobelli M; Faigle R; Munoz-Venturelli P; Urrutia Goldsack F; Day D; Robinson TG; Durham AC; Ebraimo A; Song L; Sui Y; Wan Zaidi WA; Lindley RI; Delcourt C; Urrutia VC; Anderson CS; Liu H, 2024, 'Implementation of Low-Intensity Thrombolysis Monitoring Care in Routine Practice: Process Evaluation of the Optimal Post rtPA-IV Monitoring in Acute Ischemic Stroke Study in the USA', Cerebrovascular Diseases,

Ren X; Chen C; Wang X; Li Q; Zhao Y; You S; Ouyang M; Robinson T; Lindley RI; Arima H; Chen X; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Song L, 2024, 'Influence of renal function on blood pressure control and outcome in thrombolyzed patients after acute ischemic stroke: post-hoc analysis of the ENCHANTED trial', Frontiers in Endocrinology, 15,

Chen C; Ren X; Zhao Y; Ouyang M; Li Mbiostat Q; Wang X; Li Y; You S; Wang Y; Robinson TG; Lindley R; Arima H; Chalmers J; Li G; Chen X; Anderson CS; Song L, 2024, 'Intensive Blood Pressure Lowering and Renal Function in Ischemic Stroke Patients: Secondary Analysis of the ENCHANTED Trial', Cerebrovascular Diseases,

Li Y; Zhao Y; Zhang X; Sun L; Wan Y; Zhang Y; Yang P; Song L; Liu J; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Opinions over Targets for Blood Pressure Control after Mechanical Thrombectomy in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke: Baseline Survey for the ENCHANTED2/MT Trial in China', Cerebrovascular Diseases,

You S; Zheng D; Yoshimura S; Ouyang M; Han Q; Wang X; Cao Y; Delcourt C; Song L; Arima H; Chen X; Liu CF; Lindley RI; Robinson T; Anderson CS; Chalmers J, 2024, 'Optimum Baseline Clinical Severity Scale Cut Points for Prognosticating Intracerebral Hemorrhage: INTERACT Studies', Stroke, 55, pp. 139 - 145,

Hurden A; Cotter I; Mowszowski L; Naismith S; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Perspectives of general practitioners and memory clinic patients on ageing and cognitive decline to inform the design of a decentralised antihypertensive dementia prevention trial', Cerebral Circulation - Cognition and Behavior, 6, pp. 100215,

Ouyang M; Ma L; Chen X; Wang X; Billot L; Li Q; Malavera A; Li X; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Silva AD; Nguyen TH; Wahab KW; Pandian JD; Wasay M; Pontes-Neto OM; Abanto C; Arauz A; You C; Hu X; Song L; Anderson CS, 2024, 'Predictive Accuracy of Clinicians Estimates of Death and Recovery after Acute Intracerebral Hemorrhage: Pre-Specified Analysis in INTERACT3 Study', Cerebrovascular Diseases, pp. 1 - 8,

Han Q; You S; Maeda T; Wang Y; Ouyang M; Li Q; Song L; Zhao Y; Ren X; Chen C; Delcourt C; Zhou Z; Cao Y; Liu CF; Zheng D; Arima H; Robinson TG; Chen X; Lindley RI; Chalmers J; Anderson CS; Wang X, 2024, 'Predictors of Early versus Delayed Neurological Deterioration after Thrombolysis for Ischemic Stroke', Cerebrovascular Diseases,

Liu R; Chen C; Liu F; Lin Y; Chu H; Liu H; Anderson CS; Yang J; Li G; Song L; Ouyang M, 2024, 'Process Evaluation of an Ambulance-Delivered Early Intensive Blood Pressure-Lowering Stroke Trial: Design, Rationale, and Reflection', Cerebrovascular Diseases,

Allende MI; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Gonzalez F; Bascur F; Anderson CS; Ouyang M; Cabieses B; Obach A; Cano-Nigenda V; Arauz A, 2024, 'Recommendations for Implementing the INTERACT3 Care Bundle for Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Latin America: Results of a Delphi Method', Cerebrovascular Diseases, pp. 1 - 8,

Heffernan M; Woodward M; De Silva DA; Chen C; Anderson CS; Kremer C; Harris K; Sandset EC; Ferretti MT; Caso V; Carcel C, 2024, 'Sex and Gender Publications in Brain Health: A Mapping Review of the Asia-Pacific Region', Cerebrovascular Diseases,

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