Select Publications


Shan S; Billot L; Du X; Dong J; Anderson C, 2024, A hospital-based cluster-randomized controlled trial of free influenza vaccination before hospital discharge compared to routine care in patients with heart failure (PANDA II): Statistical Analysis Plan,

Allende MI; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Gonzalez F; Bascur F; Anderson C; Ouyang M; Cabieses B; Obach A; Cano-Nigenda V; Arauz A, 2024, Recommendations for implementing the INTERACT3 care bundle for intracerebral hemorrhage in Latin America: a Delphi Study,

Billot L; Bompoint S; Ouyang M; Xu L; Wang X; Malavera A; Johnson B; Summers D; Khatri P; Muñoz-Venturelli P; Day D; Sui Y; Song L; Wan Zaidi WA; Huy Thang N; Delcourt C; Robinson T; Jan S; Lindley R; Urrutia V; Anderson C, 2024, Statistical Analysis Plan for the Optimal Post rTpa-Iv Monitoring in Ischemic Stroke Trial (OPTIMIST),

Billot L; Chen C; Song L; Lin Y; Liu F; Chen X; Arima H; Bath PM; Ford GA; Robinson T; Sandset EC; Saver JL; Sprigg N; van der Worp B; Yang J; Li G; Anderson CS, 2023, Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive ambulance-delivered blood pressure Reduction in hyper-Acute stroke Trial (INTERACT4),

Nuñez M; Delfino C; Asenjo-Lobos C; Schilling A; Lavados P; Anderson C; Muñoz Venturelli P, 2023, Disparities in stroke incidence over time by sex and age in Latin America and the Caribbean region: a systematic review and meta-analysis,

Nguyen M; Sakamoto Y; Maeda T; Woodward M; Anderson C; Catiwa J; Yazidjoglou A; Carcel C; Yang M; Wang X, 2023, Influence of socioeconomic status on functional outcomes after stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis,

Nuñez M; Allende MI; Gonzalez F; Cavada G; Anderson C; Muñoz-Venturelli P, 2023, Sex differences in profile and in-hospital mortality for acute stroke in Chile: data from a nationwide hospital registry,

Dong J; Wang X; Wang H; Du X; Wang Z; Li C; Anderson C; Zhang J; Hou X, 2022, EvaLuation of early CRRT and beta-blocker InTervention in patients with ECMO (ELITE) trial: Study protocol for a 2 × 2 partial factorial randomized controlled trial,

Billot L; Song L; Hu X; Ma L; Ouyang M; Chen X; You C; Anderson CS, 2022, Statistical Analysis Plan for the INTEnsive care bundle with blood pressure Reduction in Acute Cerebral haemorrhage Trial (INTERACT3),

Chen C; Ouyang M; Delcourt C; Song L; Billot L; Anderson CS, 2022, Effect of blood pressure control on cerebral infarction in the Enhanced Control of Hypertension and Thrombolysis Stroke (ENCHANTED) study: statistical analysis plan,

Tunnage B; Woodhouse LJ; Dixon M; Anderson CS; Ankolekar S; Appleton JP; Cala L; England TJ; Krishnan K; Havard D; Mair G; Muir K; Phillips SJ; Potter J; Price CI; Randall M; Robinson TG; Roffe C; Sandset EC; Siriwardena N; Scutt P; Wardlaw JM; Sprigg N; Bath PM, 2021, Pre-hospital Transdermal Glyceryl Trinitrate in Patients With Stroke Mimics: Data From the Right-2 Randomised-controlled Ambulance Trial,

Jiang RC; Wang D; Zhao SG; Wang RZ; Kang DZ; Zhu XG; Zhao ZM; Wei JJ; Huang Y; Qu Y; Sun XC; Ji HM; Jiang XC; Liu JF; De Zhu X; Wang JJ; Tian Y; Gao C; Wei HJ; Zhang S; Quan W; Yue SY; Lei P; Li X; Song LL; Anderson CS; Zhang J, 2020, Atorvastatin combined with dexamethasone in chronic subdural haematoma (ATOCH II): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial,

Li S; Cui L-Y; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2019, Barriers from calling ambulance after recognizing stroke differed in adults younger or older than 75 years old in China,

Li S; Cui L-Y; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2019, Barriers from calling ambulance after recognizing stroke differed in adults younger or older than 75 years old in China,

Li S; Cui L-Y; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2019, Unconventional association between risk factors and knowledge of stroke among cerebrovascular disease survivors in China: A cross-sectional community-based study (FAST-RIGHT),

Li S; Cui L-Y; Anderson C; Gao C; Yu C; Shan G; Wang L; Peng B, 2019, Barriers from calling ambulance after recognizing stroke differed in adults younger or older than 75 years old in China,

Hankey G; Hackett ML; Almeida OP; Flicker L; Mead GE; Dennis MS; Etherton-Beer C; Ford AH; Billot L; Jan S; Lundström E; Anderson CS; Thang-Nguyen H; Gommans J; Yi Q, Effects of Fluoxetine on Functional Recovery after Acute Stroke (AFFINITY): A Randomised, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial,

Wei Y; Yang Y; Yang H; Chen H; Anderson C; Wang L; Liu X; Song G; Li Q; Wang Q; Shen H; Zhang Y; Yan D; Peng Z; He Y; Wang Y; Xu J; Zhao J; Zhang Y; Zhang H; Wang Y; Dai Q; Ma X, Pre-Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in 6.4 Million Women in Rural China During 2010-2016: A Population-Based, Cohort Study,

Wei Y; Yang Y; Yang H; Chen H; Anderson C; Wang L; Liu X; Song G; Li Q; Wang Q; Shen H; Zhang Y; Yan D; Peng Z; He Y; Wang Y; Xu J; Zhao J; Zhang Y; Zhang H; Wang Y; Dai Q; Ma X, Pre-Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes in 6.4 Million Women in Rural China During 2010-2016: A Population-Based, Cross-Sectional Study,

Carcel C; Peters SAE; Sandset EC; Balicki G; Bushnell C; Howard VJ; Reeves M; Anderson CS, Representation of Women in Stroke Clinical Trials: A Review of 281 Trials Involving Over 500,000 Participants,

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