
My Expertise

Craig Anderson is an international authority on the causes, treatment and management of stroke, and other aspects of cardiovascular disease, who has sustained a research program that uniquely links clinical medicine and public health, and involves multidisciplinary teams in many countries, particularly those in low-middle income regions, over 20 years. He has developed a global research program of international randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and population/registry research that has generated high quality (i.e. patient-centred outcomes) and widely applicable (i.e. multicentre, pragmatic design, broad inclusion criteria, conduct in a range of health care settings) evidence that has had considerable influence on guidelines, and decision-making by health care providers and policy makers, across the world.  He has initiated, led and been instrumental in analysis and reporting of research involving a variety of RCT designs, from conventional parallel group individual RCT (open and double-blind) to stepped-wedge and cross-over cluster RCTs.


Fields of Research (FoR)

Neurology and neuromuscular diseases, Clinical sciences


Professor Craig Anderson is Professor of Neurology and Epidemiology in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of New South Wales, and is a clinical academic neurologist at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney, Australia. He is Executive Director of The George Institute China at Peking University Health Science Center in Beijing, China.

Craig holds specialist qualifications in clinical neurology and geriatrics, a PhD in medicine and...view more


+61 02 8052 4300