Select Publications

Journal articles

Warton DI; Shepherd LC, 2010, 'Correction note: Poisson point process models solve the “pseudo-absence problem” for presence-only data in ecology', Annals of Applied Statistics, 4, pp. 2203 - 2204,

Warton DI; Shepherd LC, 2010, 'Poisson point process models solve the “pseudo-absence problem" for presence-only data in ecology', Annals of Applied Statistics, 4, pp. 1383 - 1402,

Moles AT; Warton DI; Warman L; Swenson N; Laffan SW; Zanne A; Pitman AJ; Hemmings F; Leishman M, 2009, 'Global patterns in plant height', Journal of Ecology, 97, pp. 923 - 932,

Warton DI, 2008, 'Penalized normal likelihood and ridge regularization of correlation and covariance matrices', Journal of the American Statistical Association, 103, pp. 340 - 349

Warton DI, 2008, 'Raw data graphing: an informative but under-utilized tool for the analysis of multivariate abundances', Austral Ecology, 33, pp. 290 - 300

Warton DI, 2008, 'Which Wald statistic? Choosing a parameterization of the Wald statistic to maximize power in k-sample generalized estimating equations', Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138, pp. 3269 - 3282

Forster MA; Warton DI, 2007, 'A metacommunity-scale comparison of species-abundance distribution models for plant communities of eastern Australia', Ecography, 30, pp. 449 - 458

Lusk C; Warton DI, 2007, 'Global meta-analysis shows that relationships of leaf mass per area with species shade tolerance depend on leaf habit and ontogeny', New Phytologist, 176, pp. 764 - 774

Warton DI, 2007, 'How many words do you know? An integrated assesment task for introductory statistics students', Journal of Statistics Education, 15

Warton DI, 2007, 'Robustness to failure of assumptions of tests for a common slope amongst several allometric lines a simulation study', Biometrical Journal, 49, pp. 286 - 299

Warton DI; Wright I; Falster D; Westoby M, 2006, 'Bivariate line-fitting methods for allometry', Biological Reviews, 81, pp. 259 - 291

Weisbecker V; Warton DI, 2006, 'Evidence at hand: Diversity, functional implications, and locomotor prediction in intrinsic hand proportions of Doprotodtian marsupials', Journal of Morphology, 267, pp. 1469 - 1485

Wright I; Reich P; Cornelissen J; Falster D; Garnier E; Hikosaka K; Lamont B; Lee WY; Oleksyn J; Osada N; Poorter H; Villar R; Warton DI; Westoby M, 2005, 'Assessing the generality of global leaf trait relationships', New Phytologist, 166, pp. 485 - 496

Warton DI, 2005, 'Many zeros does not mean zero inflation: comparing the goodness-of-fit of parametric models to multivariate abundance data', Environmetrics, 16, pp. 275 - 289

Ramp D; Caldwell J; Edwards KA; Warton DI; Croft DB, 2005, 'Modelling of wildlife fatality hotspots along the Snowy Mountain Highway in New South Wales, Australia', Biological Conservation, 126, pp. 474 - 490

Wright I; Reich P; Cornelissen J; Falster D; Groom P; Hikosaka K; Lee W; Lusk C; Niinemets U; Oleksyn J; Poorter H; Warton DI; Westoby M, 2005, 'Modulation of leaf economic traits and trait relationships by climate', Global Ecology and Biogeography, 14, pp. 411 - 421

Warton DI; Hudson H, 2004, 'A manova statistic is just as powerful as distance-based statistics,for multivariate abundances', Ecology, 85, pp. 858 - 874

Moles AT; Warton DI; Stevens R; Westoby M, 2004, 'Does a latitudinal gradient in seedling survival favour larger seeds inthe tropics?', Ecology Letters, 7, pp. 911 - 914

Vest PA; Warton DI; Westoby M, 2004, 'Sprouting by semi-arid plants: testing a dichotomy and predictive traits', Oikos, 107, pp. 72 - 89

Moles AT; Warton DI; Westoby M, 2003, 'Do small-seeded species have higher survival through seed predation than large-seeded species?', Ecology, 84, pp. 3148 - 3161,

Moles AT; Warton DI; Westoby M, 2003, 'Seed size and survival in the soil in arid Australia', Austral Ecology, 28, pp. 575 - 585

Warton DI; Wardle GM, 2003, 'Site-to-site variation in the demography of a fire-affected perennial, Acacia suaveolens, at Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park, New South Wales, Australia', Austral Ecology, 28, pp. 38 - 47

Warton DI; Weber NC, 2002, 'Common slope tests for bivariate errors-in-variables models', Biometrical Journal, 44, pp. 161 - 174,<161::AID-BIMJ161>3.0.CO;2-N

Westoby M; Warton D; Reich PB, 2000, 'The Time Value of Leaf Area.', Am Nat, 155, pp. 649 - 656,

Pattinson GS; Warton DI; Misman R; McGee PA, 1997, 'The fungicides terrazole and terraclor and the nematicide fenamiphos have little effect on root colonisation by Glomus mosseae and growth of cotton seedlings', Mycorrhiza, 7, pp. 155 - 159,

Conference Papers

Chow BVY; Bolsterlee B; Morgan C; Rae C; Warton DI; Novak I; Davies S; Lancaster A; Popovic GC; Rizzo RRN; Rizzo CY; Kyriagis M; Smith M; Muling E; Herbert RD, 2022, 'Three-dimensional architecture and diffusion properties of the medial gastrocnemius muscle in human infants in vivo', in ISMRM Annual Meeting, ISMRM, presented at Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB ISMRT 31st Annual Meeting, 07 May 2022 - 12 May 2022,

WARTON D; HUDSON M, 2002, 'HYPOTHESIS TESTING OF MULTIVARIATE ABUNDANCE DATA', in Advances in Statistics, Combinatorics and Related Areas, WORLD SCIENTIFIC, pp. 349 - 360, presented at Proceedings of the Wollongong Conference,


O’Brien T; Kar F; Warton D; Falster D, 2025, hmde: Hierarchical Methods for Differential Equations,

McGillycuddy M; Popovic G; Bolker BM; Warton DI, 2024, Parsimoniously Fitting Large Multivariate Random Effects in glmmTMB,

Maslen B; Popovic G; Verges A; Marzinelli E; Warton D, 2024, How many sites? Methods to assist design decisions when collecting multivariate data in ecology,

Hartig F; Abrego N; Bush A; Chase JM; Guillera-Arroita G; Leibold MA; Ovaskainen O; Pellissier L; Pichler M; Poggiato G; Pollock L; Si-Moussi S; Thuiller W; Viana DS; Warton DI; Zurell D; Yu DW, 2024, Novel community data in ecology -- properties and prospects,

O’Brien T; Warton D; Falster D, 2024, Yes, they’re all individuals: Hierarchical models from repeat measurement data improve estimates of tree growth and size,

Maslen B; Popovic G; Vergés A; Marzinelli E; Warton D, 2022, How many sites? Methods to assist design decisions when collecting multivariate data in ecology,

Kidziński Ł; Hui FKC; Warton DI; Hastie T, 2020, Generalized Matrix Factorization: efficient algorithms for fitting generalized linear latent variable models to large data arrays,

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