My Expertise
Multimedia Communication, Video compression, Image processing, Image compression.
Fields of Research (FoR)
Image and video coding, Image processing, Signal processing, Coding, information theory and compressionSEO tags
- Professor and Deputy Head of School (Research), School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (EE&T), UNSW Sydney, Australia
Co-director of Kakadu Software Pty. Ltd. and its affiliates Kakadu R&D and Kakadu GPU.
- Electricity Commission of N.S.W., Engineer, 1988-1990
- Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, Member of Technical Staff, 1994-1998
- Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, Palo...view more
- Professor and Deputy Head of School (Research), School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications (EE&T), UNSW Sydney, Australia
Co-director of Kakadu Software Pty. Ltd. and its affiliates Kakadu R&D and Kakadu GPU.
- Electricity Commission of N.S.W., Engineer, 1988-1990
- Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, Member of Technical Staff, 1994-1998
- Hewlett-Packard Research Laboratories, Palo Alto, California, Senior Member of Technical Staff, 1998
- University of New South Wales, Senior Lecturer, December 1998-2003
- University of New South Wales, Associate Professor, January 2004 to present
- University of New South Wales, Professor, January 2009 to present
- Head: EE&T Telecommunications Research Group (inc. Signal Processing), Aug 2003 to June 2014
Head: EE&T Signal Processing Research Group, July 2014 to present
Director of Research: School of EE&T, Oct 2011 to 2016
Deputy Head of School (Research): EE&T, 2017-present
Membership of Professional Societies
- The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers: Fellow
- Engineers Australia: Fellow (by invitation)
- Member of Standards Australia Technical Committee MS-065 – mirrors ISO TC42 (Digital Photography)
- Constitutional member of Standards Australia Technical Committee IT-029 (Coded Representation of Picture, Audio and Multimedia/Hypermedia Information)
Professional and Industry Involvement
- JPEG2000: an international image compression standard
- Author of the EBCOT coding algorithm adopted in November 1998.
o Author of Verification Model and associated documentation.
o Central contributor to IS15444-1, IS15444-4, IS15444-9, IS15444-15 and IS15444-17 (in progress) - Developer of the commercially successful Kakadu Software tools for JPEG2000, with around 500 full commercial licensees over its history so far; co-director of Kakadu Software Pty Ltd and Kakadu R&D Pty Ltd.
- Associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (two 4 yr appointments: 2003-5; and 2010-13)
- Consultant to various U.S., Japanese and Australian corporations
My Grants
First or sole investigator on 9 successful Australian Research Council discovery applications
My Qualifications
- B.Sc. in Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Sydney, 1986
- B.E. (Medal) in Electrical Engineering, University of Sydney, 1988
- M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, 1992
- Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, 1994.
My Awards
- Highest profile plenary/keynote speeches: ICIP2006 (flagship IEEE image processing conference); ICME2012 (flagship IEEE multimedia processing conferences). Others include WIAMIS’2010, PCS’2013, Archiving’2019, APSIPA'2020.
- IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Paper Award, 2001, sole-authored paper.
- IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Best Paper Award, 1997, co-authored with PhD supervisor Avideh Zakhor.
- IEEE Int. Conf. Image Processing Best Student Paper Award, 2004, with PhD student Johnson Thie.
- Received inaugural outstanding reviewer award from IEEE Transactions on Image Processing in 2004.
- Two separate ISO/IEC Certificates of Appreciation: 2001 and 2005 for contributions to the JPEG2000 family of standards
- UNSW Vice Chancellor’s Teaching Award (open category), 2014
- UNSW Faculty of Engineering Teaching Excellence Award, 2011
- NSi Inventor of the Year Award (Information and Communication category), 2009
- Institute of Engineers Australia Medal (1988) and University of Sydney Medal (1988).
My Research Activities
Image Compression
- Developed the EBCOT algorithm and many of the other core technologies in JPEG2000 Part-1 and in many other parts of the JPEG 2000 family of standards
- Authored JPEG2000 VM3A, which was the basis of all subsequent verification models
- Author of Kakadu, a comprehensive software framework for JPEG2000 application developers
- Author, with Michael Marcellin, of JPEG2000: image compression fundamentals, standards and practice, Kluwer 2002
Video Compression
- Highly scalable video compression
- Motion compensated temporal lifting
- Motion modeling and scalable motion signalling
Image and Video Processing
- Motion and depth estimation / optical flow
- Demosaicing of digital colour images
- Medical image analysis
Multimedia Communication
- Major contributor to the JPIP standard (JPEG2000 Internet Protocol) for interactive imaging
- Highly scalable fixed and variable bit-rate video communication
- Interactive, highly accessible image and video communication systems
by Professor David Scott Taubman
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