Select Publications

Journal articles

Smith RL; Healey D; Bai X, 2023, 'Competitive Neutrality: OECD Recommendations and the Australian Experience', Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 19, pp. 250 - 276,

Healey D; Smith R, 2023, 'Competitive Neutrality in Australia: Time for a Reset?', Australian Business Law Review, pp. 360 - 373,

Smith R; Healey D, 2023, 'Attacking concentration: market power in the digital space', European Competition Journal,

Smith RL; Healey D, 2022, 'Effective Merger Review: A Question for Australian Courts?', Antitrust Bulletin, 67, pp. 600 - 621,

Healey D; Smith R, 2021, 'The Art of Crystal Ball Gazing? Assessing digital Mergers', Australian Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 2021, pp. 292 - 315

Healey D, 2021, 'Current issues: Regulation of Big Tech:News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code', Australian Law Journal, 95, pp. 3 - 6

Healey D; Smith R, 2021, 'Merger Reform in Australia: Possible Approaches', Competition Policy International

Healey D; Fox E, 2021, 'Competition Law and the State: Competition Laws" Prohibitions of Anti-Competitive State Acts and Measures', Competition Policy International

Healey D, 2020, 'Grab–Uber merger in Southeast Asia: the Singapore approach', Journal of Antitrust Enforcement, 8, pp. 638 - 648,

Healey D; Smith R, 2019, ''Competitive Neutrality in Australia: Opportunity for Policy Development'', Competition Law and Policy Review, 5, pp. 166 - 192

Healey D, 2019, 'Competitive Neutrality and the Role of Competition Authorities: a Glance at Experiences in Europe and Asia-Pacific', Revista De Defesa Da Concorrência, 7, pp. 51 - 51,

Healey D, 2018, 'Antitrust regimes in the Pacific Region: Introduction', Concurrences, 2018,

Healey D; Smith R, 2018, 'Competitive Neutrality in Australia:Opportunity for Policy Development', Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 25, pp. 223 - 248

Healey D; Coles J, 2018, 'From "Carries on Business' to 'In Trade Or Commerce": Efficiency in Government or Semantic Endeavour?', Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 26, pp. 47 - 81

Healey D; Zhang C; Coles J, 2017, 'Sustaining the Status Quo: The Use of Conditions in Chinese Merger Clearance', Tsinghua China Law Review, 10, pp. 1 - 32

Healey D; Nicholls RJ, 2017, 'Enhancing Competition: Challenges for Australian Retail Banking', Journal of Banking and Finance: Law and Practice, 28, pp. 48 - 71

Healey DJ, 2017, 'Bank Mergers in China: What Role for Competition?', Asian Journal of Comparative Law,

Healey DJ; Nicholls R, 2016, 'Should Stability Reign? The Consumer Downside of Foregone Competition in Retail Banking Markets', Banking and Finance Law Review, 32, pp. 69 - 101,

Healey DJ; Young Y, 2016, 'Competition Regimes in Singapore and Hong Kong: A Product of Idiosyncratic Attributes of Small Market Economies?', Journal of Business Law

Fox EM; Healey D, 2014, 'When the state harms competition-the role for competition law', Antitrust Law Journal, 79, pp. 769 - 820

Healey DJ, 2014, 'Mergers in China: What's the Story?', Australian Law Journal, pp. 92 - 95

Healey DJ, 2013, 'Competition Law Compliance in Australia: Diverse Strategies for the Regulator and Business', Economic Law Review, 25, pp. 371 - 393

Healey D, 2012, 'Governance in Sport: Outside the Box?', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 23, pp. 39 - 60,

Healey DJ, 2012, 'Application of Competition Laws to Government in Asia', KLRI Journal of Law and Legislation, 2, pp. 57 - 97

Healey DJ, 2012, 'Strange Bedfellows or Soulmates: A Comparison of Merger Regulation in China and Australia', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 7, pp. 1 - 40

Healey DJ, 2012, 'Strange Bedfellows or Soulmates: A Comparison of Merger Regulation in China and Australia', Asian Journal of Comparative Law, 7, pp. 1 - 40,

Healey DJ, 2009, 'Third Line Forcing: Has the problem gone away?', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 32, pp. 249 - 262

Healey DJ, 2008, 'An Anti-monopoly Law for China: Weapon or Mirage?', Competition and Consumer Law Journal, 16, pp. 220 - 245

Healey DJ, 2007, 'A bridge too far: risk, warning signs and negligence', Australian Civil Liability, 4, pp. 84

Orchard JW; Fricker PA; White SL; Burke LM; Healey DJ, 2006, '4. The use and misuse of performance-enhancing substances in sport', Medical Journal of Australia, 184, pp. 132 - 136,

Healey DJ, 2006, 'Risk in recreation: interpretation of the rules', Australian Civil Liability, 3, pp. 25 - 29

Healey DJ, 2006, 'Sport and the law: how do they work together?', Legal Date, 18, pp. 1 - 3

Healey DJ, 2006, 'The court as referee in sport: what are the limits?', Reform: a journal of national and international law reform, 88, pp. 39 - 41

Orchard JW; Fricker PA; White S; Burke L; Healey DJ, 2006, 'The use and abuse of performance-enhancing substances in sport', Medical Journal of Australia, 184, pp. 244 - 248

Healey DJ, 2006, 'Warnings and Exclusions Post Personal Responsibility', Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Journal, 1, pp. 7 - 41

Healey DJ, 2006, 'Warnings and waivers in recreation', Australian Civil Liability, 3, pp. 37 - 40

Brennan S; Healey DJ; Hunter JB; Johnson D; San Roque M; Wolff LT, 2005, 'Indigenous Legal Education at UNSW: A Work-In-Progress', Indigenous Law Bulletin, 6, pp. 26 - 29

Healey DJ, 2003, 'The ACCC and the media: Improving the ratings', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 26, pp. 305 - 314

Nicholls R; Healey D, 'Balancing Competition and Stability in Australian Retail Banking', SSRN Electronic Journal,

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