Select Publications

Journal articles

Benomar O; Belkacem K; Bedding TR; Stello D; Di Mauro MP; Ventura R; Mosser B; Goupil MJ; Samadi R; Garcia RA, 2014, 'Asteroseismology of evolved stars with Kepler: A new way to constrain stellar interiors using mode inertias', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 781,

Marcy GW; Isaacson H; Howard AW; Rowe JF; Jenkins JM; Bryson ST; Latham DW; Howell SB; Gautier TN; Batalha NM; Rogers L; Ciardi D; Fischer DA; Gilliland RL; Kjeldsen H; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Huber D; Chaplin WJ; Basu S; Buchhave LA; Quinn SN; Borucki WJ; Koch DG; Hunter R; Caldwell DA; Van Cleve J; Kolbl R; Weiss LM; Petigura E; Seager S; Morton T; Johnson JA; Ballard S; Burke C; Cochran WD; Endl M; Macqueen P; Everett ME; Lissauer JJ; Ford EB; Torres G; Fressin F; Brown TM; Steffen JH; Charbonneau D; Basri GS; Sasselov DD; Winn J; Sanchis-Ojeda R; Christiansen J; Adams E; Henze C; Dupree A; Fabrycky DC; Fortney JJ; Tarter J; Holman MJ; Tenenbaum P; Shporer A; Lucas PW; Welsh WF; Orosz JA; Bedding TR; Campante TL; Davies GR; Elsworth Y; Handberg R; Hekker S; Karoff C; Kawaler SD; Lund MN; Lundkvist M; Metcalfe TS; Miglio A; Aguirre VS; Stello D; White TR; Boss A; Devore E; Gould A; Prsa A; Agol E; Barclay T; Coughlin J; Brugamyer E; Mullally F; Quintana EV; Still M; Thompson SE; Morrison D; Twicken JD; Désert JM; Carter J; Crepp JR; Hébrard G; Santerne A; Moutou C; Sobeck C; Hudgins D; Haas MR, 2014, 'Masses, radii, and orbits of small Kepler planets: The transition from gaseous to rocky planets', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 210,

Chaplin WJ; Basu S; Huber D; Serenelli A; Casagrande L; Silva Aguirre V; Ball WH; Creevey OL; Gizon L; Handberg R; Karoff C; Lutz R; Marques JP; Miglio A; Stello D; Suran MD; Pricopi D; Metcalfe TS; Monteiro MJPFG; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Appourchaux T; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Elsworth Y; García RA; Houdek G; Kjeldsen H; Bonanno A; Campante TL; Corsaro E; Gaulme P; Hekker S; Mathur S; Mosser B; Régulo C; Salabert D, 2014, 'Asteroseismic fundamental properties of solar-type stars observed by the NASA Kepler mission', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 210,

García RA; Mathur S; Pires S; Régulo C; Bellamy B; Pallé PL; Ballot J; Barceló Forteza S; Beck PG; Bedding TR; Ceillier T; Roca Cortés T; Salabert D; Stello D, 2014, 'Impact on asteroseismic analyses of regular gaps in Kepler data', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 568,

García RA; Pérez Hernández F; Benomar O; Silva Aguirre V; Ballot J; Davies GR; Doǧan G; Stello D; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Houdek G; Lignières F; Mathur S; Takata M; Ceillier T; Chaplin WJ; Mathis S; Mosser B; Ouazzani RM; Pinsonneault MH; Reese DR; Régulo C; Salabert D; Thompson MJ; Van Saders JL; Neiner C; De Ridder J, 2014, 'Study of KIC 8561221 observed by Kepler: An early red giant showing depressed dipolar modes', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 563,

Paxton B; Cantiello M; Arras P; Bildsten L; Brown EF; Dotter A; Mankovich C; Montgomery MH; Stello D; Timmes FX; Townsend R, 2013, 'Modules for experiments in stellar astrophysics (MESA): Planets, oscillations, rotation, and massive stars', Astrophysical Journal, Supplement Series, 208,

Jeffries MW; Sandquist EL; Mathieu RD; Geller AM; Orosz JA; Milliman KE; Brewer LN; Platais I; Brogaard K; Grundahl F; Frandsen S; Dotter A; Stello D, 2013, 'WOCS 40007: A detached eclipsing binary near the turnoff of the open cluster NGC 6819', Astronomical Journal, 146,

Hekker S; Elsworth Y; Mosser B; Kallinger T; Basu S; Chaplin WJ; Stello D, 2013, 'Asteroseismic surface gravity for evolved stars', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 556,

Silva Aguirre V; Basu S; Brandão IM; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Deheuvels S; Doǧan G; Metcalfe TS; Serenelli AM; Ballot J; Chaplin WJ; Cunha MS; Weiss A; Appourchaux T; Casagrande L; Cassisi S; Creevey OL; García RA; Lebreton Y; Noels A; Sousa SG; Stello D; White TR; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H, 2013, 'Stellar ages and convective cores in field main-sequence stars: First asteroseismic application to two kepler targets', Astrophysical Journal, 769,

Huber D; Chaplin WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Kjeldsen H; Buchhave LA; Fischer DA; Lissauer JJ; Rowe JF; Sanchis-Ojeda R; Basu S; Handberg R; Hekker S; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Karoff C; Latham DW; Lund MN; Lundkvist M; Marcy GW; Miglio A; Silva Aguirre V; Stello D; Arentoft T; Barclay T; Bedding TR; Burke CJ; Christiansen JL; Elsworth YP; Haas MR; Kawaler SD; Metcalfe TS; Mullally F; Thompson SE, 2013, 'Fundamental properties of kepler planet-candidate host stars using asteroseismology', Astrophysical Journal, 767,

Benomar O; Bedding TR; Mosser B; Stello D; Belkacem K; Garcia RA; White TR; Kuehn CA; Deheuvels S; Christensen-Dalsgaard J, 2013, 'Properties of oscillation modes in subgiant stars observed by kepler', Astrophysical Journal, 767,

Corsaro E; Fröhlich HE; Bonanno A; Huber D; Bedding TR; Benomar O; De Ridder J; Stello D, 2013, 'A bayesian approach to scaling relations for amplitudes of solar-like oscillations in Kepler stars', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 430, pp. 2313 - 2326,

Barclay T; Rowe JF; Lissauer JJ; Huber D; Fressin F; Howell SB; Bryson ST; Chaplin WJ; Désert JM; Lopez ED; Marcy GW; Mullally F; Ragozzine D; Torres G; Adams ER; Agol E; Barrado D; Basu S; Bedding TR; Buchhave LA; Charbonneau D; Christiansen JL; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Ciardi D; Cochran WD; Dupree AK; Elsworth Y; Everett M; Fischer DA; Ford EB; Fortney JJ; Geary JC; Haas MR; Handberg R; Hekker S; Henze CE; Horch E; Howard AW; Hunter RC; Isaacson H; Jenkins JM; Karoff C; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Klaus TC; Latham DW; Li J; Lillo-Box J; Lund MN; Lundkvist M; Metcalfe TS; Miglio A; Morris RL; Quintana EV; Stello D; Smith JC; Still M; Thompson SE, 2013, 'Erratum: A sub-Mercury-sized exoplanet (Nature (2013) 494 (452-454) DOI: 10.1038/nature11914)', Nature, 496, pp. 252,

Chaplin WJ; Sanchis-Ojeda R; Campante TL; Handberg R; Stello D; Winn JN; Basu S; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Davies GR; Metcalfe TS; Buchhave LA; Fischer DA; Bedding TR; Cochran WD; Elsworth Y; Gilliland RL; Hekker S; Huber D; Isaacson H; Karoff C; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Latham DW; Lund MN; Lundkvist M; Marcy GW; Miglio A; Barclay T; Lissauer JJ, 2013, 'Asteroseismic determination of obliquities of the exoplanet systems kepler-50 and kepler-65', Astrophysical Journal, 766,

Stello D; Huber D; Bedding TR; Benomar O; Bildsten L; Elsworth YP; Gilliland RL; Mosser B; Paxton B; White TR, 2013, 'Asteroseismic classification of stellar populations among 13,000 red giants observed by kepler', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 765,

Doǧan G; Metcalfe TS; Deheuvels S; Di Mauro MP; Eggenberger P; Creevey OL; Monteiro MJPFG; Pinsonneault M; Frasca A; Karoff C; Mathur S; Sousa SG; Brandão IM; Campante TL; Handberg R; Thygesen AO; Biazzo K; Bruntt H; Niemczura E; Bedding TR; Chaplin WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; García RA; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Stello D; Van Saders JL; Kjeldsen H; Still M; Thompson SE; Van Cleve J, 2013, 'Characterizing Two Solar-Type Kepler Subgiants with Asteroseismology: KIC 10920273 and KIC 11395018', Astrophysical Journal, 763,

Sandquist EL; Mathieu RD; Brogaard K; Meibom S; Geller AM; Orosz JA; Milliman KE; Jeffries MW; Brewer LN; Platais I; Grundahl F; Bruntt H; Frandsen S; Stello D, 2013, 'A long-period totally eclipsing binary star at the turnoff of the open cluster NGC 6819 discovered with Kepler', Astrophysical Journal, 762,

White TR; Huber D; Maestro V; Bedding TR; Ireland MJ; Baron F; Boyajian TS; Che X; Monnier JD; Pope BJS; Roettenbacher RM; Stello D; Tuthill PG; Farrington CD; Goldfinger PJ; McAlister HA; Schaefer GH; Sturmann J; Sturmann L; ten Brummelaar TA; Turner NH, 2013, 'Interferometric radii of bright Kepler stars with the CHARA Array: θ Cygni and 16 Cygni A and B', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 433, pp. 1262 - 1270,

Huber D; Carter JA; Barbieri M; Miglio A; Deck KM; Fabrycky DC; Montet BT; Buchhave LA; Chaplin WJ; Hekker S; Montalbán J; Sanchis-Ojeda R; Basu S; Bedding TR; Campante TL; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Elsworth YP; Stello D; Arentoft T; Ford EB; Gilliland RL; Handberg R; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Johnson JA; Karoff C; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Latham DW; Lund MN; Lundkvist M; Marcy GW; Metcalfe TS; Aguirre VS; Winn JN, 2013, 'Stellar spin-orbit misalignment in a multiplanet system', Science, 342, pp. 331 - 334,

Bányai E; Kiss LL; Bedding TR; Bellamy B; Benko JM; Bódi A; Callingham JR; Compton D; Csányi I; Derekas A; Dorval J; Huber D; Shrier O; Simon AE; Stello D; Szabó GM; Szabó R; Szatmáry K, 2013, 'Variability of M giant stars based on Kepler photometry: General characteristics', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 436, pp. 1576 - 1587,

Mosser B; Goupil MJ; Belkacem K; Marques JP; Beck PG; Bloemen S; De Ridder J; Barban C; Deheuvels S; Elsworth Y; Hekker S; Kallinger T; Ouazzani RM; Pinsonneault M; Samadi R; Stello D; García RA; Klaus TC; Li J; Mathur S; Morris RL, 2012, 'Spin down of the core rotation in red giants', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 548,

Huber D; Ireland MJ; Bedding TR; Brandão IM; Piau L; Maestro V; White TR; Bruntt H; Casagrande L; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Silva Aguirre V; Sousa SG; Barclay T; Burke CJ; Chaplin WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Cunha MS; De Ridder J; Farrington CD; Frasca A; García RA; Gilliland RL; Goldfinger PJ; Hekker S; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; McAlister HA; Metcalfe TS; Miglio A; Monteiro MJPFG; Pinsonneault MH; Schaefer GH; Stello D; Stumpe MC; Sturmann J; Sturmann L; Ten Brummelaar TA; Thompson MJ; Turner N; Uytterhoeven K, 2012, 'Fundamental properties of stars using asteroseismology from Kepler and CoRoT and interferometry from the CHARA Array', Astrophysical Journal, 760,

Corsaro E; Stello D; Huber D; Bedding TR; Bonanno A; Brogaard K; Kallinger T; Benomar O; White TR; Mosser B; Basu S; Chaplin WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Elsworth YP; García RA; Hekker S; Kjeldsen H; Mathur S; Meibom S; Hall JR; Ibrahim KA; Klaus TC, 2012, 'Asteroseismology of the open clusters ngc6791, ngc6811, and ngc6819 from 19 months of kepler photometry', Astrophysical Journal, 757,

Silva Aguirre V; Casagrande L; Basu S; Campante TL; Chaplin WJ; Huber D; Miglio A; Serenelli AM; Ballot J; Bedding TR; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Creevey OL; Elsworth Y; García RA; Gilliland RL; Hekker S; Kjeldsen H; Mathur S; Metcalfe TS; Monteiro MJPFG; Mosser B; Pinsonneault MH; Stello D; Weiss A; Tenenbaum P; Twicken JD; Uddin K, 2012, 'Verifying asteroseismically determined parameters of Kepler stars using Hipparcos parallaxes: Self-consistent stellar properties and distances', Astrophysical Journal, 757,

Baran AS; Reed MD; Stello D; Østensen RH; Telting JH; Pakštiene E; O'Toole SJ; Silvotti R; Degroote P; Bloemen S; Hu H; Van Grootel V; Clarke BD; Van Cleve J; Thompson SE; Kaéaler SD, 2012, 'A pulsation zoo in the hot subdwarf B star KIC10139564 observed by Kepler', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 424, pp. 2686 - 2700,

Bonaca A; Tanner JD; Basu S; Chaplin WJ; Metcalfe TS; Monteiro MJPFG; Ballot J; Bedding TR; Bonanno A; Broomhall AM; Bruntt H; Campante TL; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Corsaro E; Elsworth Y; García RA; Hekker S; Karoff C; Kjeldsen H; Mathur S; Régulo C; Roxburgh I; Stello D; Trampedach R; Barclay T; Burke CJ; Caldwell DA, 2012, 'Calibrating convective properties of solar-like stars in the Kepler field of view', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 755,

Hekker S; Elsworth Y; Mosser B; Kallinger T; Chaplin WJ; De Ridder J; García RA; Stello D; Clarke BD; Hall JR; Ibrahim KA, 2012, 'Solar-like oscillations in red giants observed with Kepler: Influence of increased timespan on global oscillation parameters', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 544,

Carter JA; Agol E; Chaplin WJ; Basu S; Bedding TR; Buchhave LA; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Deck KM; Elsworth Y; Fabrycky DC; Ford EB; Fortney JJ; Hale SJ; Handberg R; Hekker S; Holman MJ; Huber D; Karoff C; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Lissauer JJ; Lopez ED; Lund MN; Lundkvist M; Metcalfe TS; Miglio A; Rogers LA; Stello D; Borucki WJ; Bryson S; Christiansen JL; Cochran WD; Geary JC; Gilliland RL; Haas MR; Hall J; Howard AW; Jenkins JM; Klaus T; Koch DG; Latham DW; MacQueen PJ; Sasselov D; Steffen JH; Twicken JD; Winn JN, 2012, 'Kepler-36: A pair of planets with neighboring orbits and dissimilar densities', Science, 337, pp. 556 - 559,

Thygesen AO; Frandsen S; Bruntt H; Kallinger T; Andersen MF; Elsworth YP; Hekker S; Karoff C; Stello D; Brogaard K; Burke C; Caldwell DA; Christiansen JL, 2012, 'Atmospheric parameters of 82 red giants in the Kepler field', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 543,

Brogaard K; Vandenberg DA; Bruntt H; Grundahl F; Frandsen S; Bedin LR; Milone AP; Dotter A; Feiden GA; Stetson PB; Sandquist E; Miglio A; Stello D; Jessen-Hansen J, 2012, 'Age and helium content of the open cluster NGC 6791 from multiple eclipsing binary members: II. Age dependencies and new insights', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 543,

White TR; Bedding TR; Gruberbauer M; Benomar O; Stello D; Appourchaux T; Chaplin WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Elsworth YP; García RA; Hekker S; Huber D; Kjeldsen H; Mosser B; Kinemuchi K; Mullally F; Still M, 2012, 'Solving the mode identification problem in asteroseismology of F stars observed with Kepler', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 751,

Kallinger T; Hekker S; Mosser B; De Ridder J; Bedding TR; Elsworth YP; Gruberbauer M; Guenther DB; Stello D; Basu S; García RA; Chaplin WJ; Mullally F; Still M; Thompson SE, 2012, 'Evolutionary influences on the structure of red-giant acoustic oscillation spectra from 600d of Kepler observations', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 541,

Mosser B; Goupil MJ; Belkacem K; Michel E; Stello D; Marques JP; Elsworth Y; Barban C; Beck PG; Bedding TR; De Ridder J; García RA; Hekker S; Kallinger T; Samadi R; Stumpe MC; Barclay T; Burke CJ, 2012, 'Probing the core structure and evolution of red giants using gravity-dominated mixed modes observed with Kepler', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 540,

Mathur S; Metcalfe TS; Woitaszek M; Bruntt H; Verner GA; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Creevey OL; Dogan G; Basu S; Karoff C; Stello D; Appourchaux T; Campante TL; Chaplin WJ; García RA; Bedding TR; Benomar O; Bonanno A; Deheuvels S; Elsworth Y; Gaulme P; Guzik JA; Handberg R; Hekker S; Herzberg W; Monteiro MJPFG; Piau L; Quirion PO; Régulo C; Roth M; Salabert D; Serenelli A; Thompson MJ; Trampedach R; White TR; Ballot J; Brandão IM; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Kjeldsen H; Twicken JD; Uddin K; Wohler B, 2012, 'A uniform asteroseismic analysis of 22 solar-type stars observed by Kepler', Astrophysical Journal, 749,

Metcalfe TS; Chaplin WJ; Appourchaux T; García RA; Basu S; Brandão I; Creevey OL; Deheuvels S; Doan G; Eggenberger P; Karoff C; Miglio A; Stello D; Yildiz M; Elik Z; Antia HM; Benomar O; Howe R; Régulo C; Salabert D; Stahn T; Bedding TR; Davies GR; Elsworth Y; Gizon L; Hekker S; Mathur S; Mosser B; Bryson ST; Still MD; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Ibrahim KA; Klaus TC; Li J, 2012, 'Asteroseismology of the solar analogs 16 Cyg A and B from Kepler observations', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 748,

Howell SB; Rowe JF; Bryson ST; Quinn SN; Marcy GW; Isaacson H; Ciardi DR; Chaplin WJ; Metcalfe TS; Monteiro MJPFG; Appourchaux T; Basu S; Creevey OL; Gilliland RL; Quirion PO; Stello D; Kjeldsen H; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Elsworth Y; García RA; Houdek G; Karoff C; Molenda-Akowicz J; Thompson MJ; Verner GA; Torres G; Fressin F; Crepp JR; Adams E; Dupree A; Sasselov DD; Dressing CD; Borucki WJ; Koch DG; Lissauer JJ; Latham DW; Buchhave LA; Gautier TN; Everett M; Horch E; Batalha NM; Dunham EW; Szkody P; Silva DR; Mighell K; Holberg J; Ballot J; Bedding TR; Bruntt H; Campante TL; Handberg R; Hekker S; Huber D; Mathur S; Mosser B; Régulo C; White TR; Christiansen JL; Middour CK; Haas MR; Hall JR; Jenkins JM; McCaulif S; Fanelli MN; Kulesa C; McCarthy D; Henze CE, 2012, 'KEPLER-21b: A 1.6 REarth planet transiting the bright oscillating F subgiant star HD179070', Astrophysical Journal, 746,

Borucki WJ; Koch DG; Batalha N; Bryson ST; Rowe J; Fressin F; Torres G; Caldwell DA; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Cochran WD; Devore E; Gautier TN; Geary JC; Gilliland R; Gould A; Howell SB; Jenkins JM; Latham DW; Lissauer JJ; Marcy GW; Sasselov D; Boss A; Charbonneau D; Ciardi D; Kaltenegger L; Doyle L; Dupree AK; Ford EB; Fortney J; Holman MJ; Steffen JH; Mullally F; Still M; Tarter J; Ballard S; Buchhave LA; Carter J; Christiansen JL; Demory BO; Désert JM; Dressing C; Endl M; Fabrycky D; Fischer D; Haas MR; Henze C; Horch E; Howard AW; Isaacson H; Kjeldsen H; Johnson JA; Klaus T; Kolodziejczak J; Barclay T; Li J; Meibom S; Prsa A; Quinn SN; Quintana EV; Robertson P; Sherry W; Shporer A; Tenenbaum P; Thompson SE; Twicken JD; Van Cleve J; Welsh WF; Basu S; Chaplin W; Miglio A; Kawaler SD; Arentoft T; Stello D; Metcalfe TS; Verner GA; Karoff C; Lundkvist M; Lund MN; Handberg R; Elsworth Y; Hekker S; Huber D; Bedding TR; Rapin W, 2012, 'Kepler-22b: A 2.4 earth-radius planet in the habitable zone of a sun-like star', Astrophysical Journal, 745,

Benomar O; Bedding TR; Stello D; Deheuvels S; White TR; Christensen-Dalsgaard J, 2012, 'Masses of subgiant stars from asteroseismology using the coupling strengths of mixed modes', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 745,

Creevey OL; Doǧan G; Frasca A; Thygesen AO; Basu S; Bhattacharya J; Biazzo K; Brandão IM; Bruntt H; Mazumdar A; Niemczura E; Shrotriya T; Sousa SG; Stello D; Subramaniam A; Campante TL; Handberg R; Mathur S; Bedding TR; García RA; Régulo C; Salabert D; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Quirion PO; White TR; Bonanno A; Chaplin WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Christiansen JL; Elsworth Y; Fanelli MN; Karoff C; Kinemuchi K; Kjeldsen H; Gai N; Monteiro MJPFG; Suárez JC, 2012, 'Fundamental properties of five Kepler stars using global asteroseismic quantities and ground-based observations', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 537,

Mosser B; Elsworth Y; Hekker S; Huber D; Kallinger T; Mathur S; Belkacem K; Goupil MJ; Samadi R; Barban C; Bedding TR; Chaplin WJ; García RA; Stello D; De Ridder J; Middour CK; Morris RL; Quintana EV, 2012, 'Characterization of the power excess of solar-like oscillations in red giants with Kepler', Astronomy and Astrophysics, 537,

Beck PG; Montalban J; Kallinger T; De Ridder J; Aerts C; García RA; Hekker S; Dupret MA; Mosser B; Eggenberger P; Stello D; Elsworth Y; Frandsen S; Carrier F; Hillen M; Gruberbauer M; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Miglio A; Valentini M; Bedding TR; Kjeldsen H; Girouard FR; Hall JR; Ibrahim KA, 2012, 'Fast core rotation in red-giant stars as revealed by gravity-dominated mixed modes', Nature, 481, pp. 55 - 57,

Bruntt H; Basu S; Smalley B; Chaplin WJ; Verner GA; Bedding TR; Catala C; Gazzano JC; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Thygesen AO; Uytterhoeven K; Hekker S; Huber D; Karoff C; Mathur S; Mosser B; Appourchaux T; Campante TL; Elsworth Y; García RA; Handberg R; Metcalfe TS; Quirion PO; Régulo C; Roxburgh IW; Stello D; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Morris RL; Quintana EV; Sanderfer DT, 2012, 'Accurate fundamental parameters and detailed abundance patterns from spectroscopy of 93 solar-type Kepler targets', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 423, pp. 122 - 131,

Miglio A; Brogaard K; Stello D; Chaplin WJ; D'Antona F; Montalbán J; Basu S; Bressan A; Grundahl F; Pinsonneault M; Serenelli AM; Elsworth Y; Hekker S; Kallinger T; Mosser B; Ventura P; Bonanno A; Noels A; Silva Aguirre V; Szabo R; Li J; McCauliff S; Middour CK; Kjeldsen H, 2012, 'Asteroseismology of old open clusters with Kepler: Direct estimate of the integrated red giant branch mass-loss in NGC 6791 and 6819', Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 419, pp. 2077 - 2088,

White TR; Bedding TR; Stello D; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Huber D; Kjeldsen H, 2011, 'Calculating asteroseismic diagrams for solar-like oscillations', Astrophysical Journal, 743,

Huber D; Bedding TR; Stello D; Hekker S; Mathur S; Mosser B; Verner GA; Bonanno A; Buzasi DL; Campante TL; Elsworth YP; Hale SJ; Kallinger T; Silva Aguirre V; Chaplin WJ; De Ridder J; García RA; Appourchaux T; Frandsen S; Houdek G; Molenda-Zakowicz J; Monteiro MJPFG; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Broomhall AM; Corsaro E; Salabert D; Sanderfer DT; Seader SE; Smith JC, 2011, 'Testing scaling relations for solar-like oscillations from the main sequence to red giants using kepler data', Astrophysical Journal, 743,

Jiang C; Jiang BW; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Bedding TR; Stello D; Huber D; Frandsen S; Kjeldsen H; Karoff C; Mosser B; Demarque P; Fanelli MN; Kinemuchi K; Mullally F, 2011, 'Modeling Kepler observations of solar-like oscillations in the red giant star HD 186355', Astrophysical Journal, 742,

White TR; Bedding TR; Stello D; Appourchaux T; Ballot J; Benomar O; Bonanno A; Broomhall AM; Campante TL; Chaplin WJ; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Corsaro E; Doǧan G; Elsworth YP; Fletcher ST; García RA; Gaulme P; Handberg R; Hekker S; Huber D; Karoff C; Kjeldsen H; Mathur S; Mosser B; Monteiro MJPFG; Régulo C; Salabert D; Silva Aguirre V; Thompson MJ; Verner G; Morris RL; Sanderfer DT; Seader SE, 2011, 'Asteroseismic diagrams from a survey of solar-like oscillations with Kepler', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 742,

Mathur S; Hekker S; Trampedach R; Ballot J; Kallinger T; Buzasi D; García RA; Huber D; Jiménez A; Mosser B; Bedding TR; Elsworth Y; Régulo C; Stello D; Chaplin WJ; De Ridder J; Hale SJ; Kinemuchi K; Kjeldsen H; Mullally F; Thompson SE, 2011, 'Granulation in red giants: Observations by the Kepler mission and three-dimensional convection simulations', Astrophysical Journal, 741,

Silva Aguirre V; Chaplin WJ; Ballot J; Basu S; Bedding TR; Serenelli AM; Verner GA; Miglio A; Monteiro MJPFG; Weiss A; Appourchaux T; Bonanno A; Broomhall AM; Bruntt H; Campante TL; Casagrande L; Corsaro E; Elsworth Y; García RA; Gaulme P; Handberg R; Hekker S; Huber D; Karoff C; Mathur S; Mosser B; Salabert D; Schönrich R; Sousa SG; Stello D; White TR; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Gilliland RL; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Houdek G; Metcalfe TS; Molenda-Akowicz J; Thompson MJ; Caldwell DA; Christiansen JL; Wohler B, 2011, 'Constructing a one-solar-mass evolutionary sequence using asteroseismic data from Kepler', Astrophysical Journal Letters, 740,

Antoci V; Handler G; Campante TL; Thygesen AO; Moya A; Kallinger T; Stello D; Grigahcène A; Kjeldsen H; Bedding TR; Lüftinger T; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Catanzaro G; Frasca A; De Cat P; Uytterhoeven K; Bruntt H; Houdek G; Kurtz DW; Lenz P; Kaiser A; Van Cleve J; Allen C; Clarke BD, 2011, 'The excitation of solar-like oscillations in a δ Sct star by efficient envelope convection', Nature, 477, pp. 570 - 573,

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