Hon M; Bellinger EP; Hekker S; Stello D; Kuszlewicz JS, 2020, Asteroseismic Inference of Subgiant Evolutionary Parameters with Deep Learning,
Malla SP; Stello D; Huber D; Montet BT; Bedding TR; Andersen MF; Grundahl F; Jessen-Hansen J; Hey DR; Palle PL; Deng L; Zhang C; Chen X; Lloyd J; Antoci V, 2020, Asteroseismic masses of four evolved planet-hosting stars using SONG and TESS: resolving the retired A-star mass controversy,
Gao X; Lind K; Amarsi AM; Buder S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Campbell SW; Asplund M; Casey AR; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Hayden MR; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Horner J; Munari U; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Wittenmyer RA; collaboration TG, 2020, The GALAH Survey: A new constraint on cosmological lithium and Galactic lithium evolution from warm dwarf stars,
Čotar K; Zwitter T; Traven G; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Hayden MR; Kos J; Lewis GF; Martell SL; Nordlander T; Stello D; Horner J; Ting Y-S; Žerjal M, 2020, The GALAH survey: Characterization of emission-line stars with spectral modelling using autoencoders,
Martell S; Simpson J; Balasubramaniam A; Buder S; Sharma S; Hon M; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Freeman K; Hayden M; Kos J; Lewis G; Lind K; Zucker D; Zwitter T; Campbell S; Cotar K; Horner J; Montet B; Wittenmyer R, 2020, The GALAH survey: A census of lithium-rich giant stars,
Li T; Bedding TR; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Stello D; Li Y; Keen MA, 2020, Asteroseismology of 36 Kepler subgiants -- II: Determining ages from
detailed modelling,
Wittenmyer RA; Clark JT; Sharma S; Stello D; Horner J; Kane SR; Stevens CP; Wright DJ; Spina L; Cotar K; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Buder S; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2020, K2-HERMES II. Planet-candidate properties from K2 Campaigns 1-13,
Bedding TR; Murphy SJ; Hey DR; Huber D; Li T; Smalley B; Stello D; White TR; Ball WH; Chaplin WJ; Colman IL; Fuller J; Gaidos E; Harbeck DR; Hermes JJ; Holdsworth DL; Li G; Li Y; Mann AW; Reese DR; Sekaran S; Yu J; Antoci V; Bergmann C; Brown TM; Howard AW; Ireland MJ; Isaacson H; Jenkins JM; Kjeldsen H; McCully C; Rabus M; Rains AD; Ricker GR; Tinney CG; Vanderspek RK, 2020, Very regular high-frequency pulsation modes in young intermediate-mass
Li Y; Bedding TR; Li T; Bi S; Stello D; Zhou Y; White TR, 2020, Asteroseismology of 36 \emph{Kepler} subgiants -- I. Oscillation
frequencies, linewidths and amplitudes,
Traven G; Feltzing S; Merle T; Van der Swaelmen M; Čotar K; Church R; Zwitter T; Ting Y-S; Sahlholdt C; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva G; Freeman K; Martell S; Sharma S; Zucker D; Buder S; Casey A; D'Orazi V; Kos J; Lewis G; Lin J; Lind K; Simpson J; Stello D; Munari U; Wittenmyer RA, 2020, The GALAH survey: Multiple stars and our Galaxy. I. A comprehensive method for deriving properties of FGK binary stars,
Sharma S; Hayden MR; Bland-Hawthorn J; Stello D; Buder S; Zinn JC; Kallinger T; Asplund M; De Silva GM; Dorazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Chen B; Cotar K; Esdaile J; Hon M; Horner J; Huber D; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Ting Y-S; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Saadon MHM; Tinney CG; Traven G; Watson F; Wright D; Wyse RFG, 2020, Fundamental relations for the velocity dispersion of stars in the Milky Way,
Auge C; Huber D; Heinze A; Shappee BJ; Tonry J; Chakrabarti S; Sanderson RE; Denneau L; Flewelling H; Holoien TW-S; Kochanek CS; Pignata G; Sickafoose A; Stalder B; Stanek KZ; Stello D; Thompson TA, 2020, Beyond Gaia: Asteroseismic Distances of M giants using Ground-Based
Transient Surveys,
Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Aguirre VS; Cassisi S; Bertolami MM; Serenelli A; Stello D; Weiss A; Angelou G; Jiang C; Lebreton Y; Spada F; Bellinger EP; Deheuvels S; Ouazzani RM; Pietrinferni A; Mosumgaard JR; Townsend RHD; Battich T; Bossini D; Constantino T; Eggenberger P; Hekker S; Mazumdar A; Miglio A; Nielsen KB; Salaris M, 2020, The Aarhus red giants challenge II. Stellar oscillations in the red
giant branch phase,
Yu J; Bedding TR; Stello D; Huber D; Compton DL; Gizon L; Hekker S, 2020, Asteroseismology of luminous red giants with Kepler I: Long Period
Variables with radial and non-radial modes,
Chaplin WJ; Serenelli AM; Miglio A; Morel T; Mackereth JT; Vincenzo F; Basu HKS; Ball WH; Stokholm A; Verma K; Mosumgaard JR; Aguirre VS; Mazumdar A; Ranadive P; Antia HM; Lebreton Y; Ong J; Appourchaux T; Bedding TR; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Creevey O; García RA; Handberg R; Huber D; Kawaler SD; Lund MN; Metcalfe TS; Stassun KG; Bazot M; Beck P; Bell KJ; Bergemann M; Buzasi DL; Benomar O; Bossini D; Bugnet L; Campante TL; Orhan ZÇ; Corsaro E; González-Cuesta L; Davies GR; Mauro MPD; Egeland R; Elsworth YP; Gaulme P; Ghasemi H; Guo Z; Hall OJ; Hasanzadeh A; Hekker S; Howe R; Jenkins JM; Jiménez A; Kiefer R; Kuszlewicz JS; Kallinger T; Latham DW; Lundkvist MS; Mathur S; Montalbán J; Mosser B; Bedón AM; Nielsen MB; Örtel S; Rendle BM; Ricker GR; Rodrigues TS; Roxburgh IW; Safari H; Schofield M; Seager S; Smalley B; Stello D; Szabó R; Tayar J; Themeßl N; Thomas AEL; Vanderspek RK; Rossem WEV; Vrard M; Weiss A; White TR; Winn JN; Yıldız M, 2020, Age dating of an early Milky Way merger via asteroseismology of the
naked-eye star $ν$ Indi,
Sandquist EL; Stello D; Arentoft T; Brogaard K; Grundahl F; Vanderburg A; Hedlund A; DeWitt R; Ackerman TR; Aguilar M; Buckner AJ; Juarez C; Ortiz AJ; Richarte D; Rivera DI; Schlapfer L, 2020, Variability in the Massive Open Cluster NGC 1817 from K2: A Rich
Population of Asteroseismic Red Clump, Eclipsing Binary, and Main Sequence
Pulsating Stars,
Aguirre VS; Stello D; Stokholm A; Mosumgaard JR; Ball W; Basu S; Bossini D; Bugnet L; Buzasi D; Campante TL; Carboneau L; Chaplin WJ; Corsaro E; Davies GR; Elsworth Y; García RA; Gaulme P; Hall OJ; Handberg R; Hon M; Kallinger T; Kang L; Lund MN; Mathur S; Mints A; Mosser B; Orhan ZÇ; Rodrigues TS; Vrard M; Yıldız M; Zinn JC; Örtel S; Beck PG; Bell KJ; Guo Z; Jiang C; Kuszlewicz JS; Kuehn CA; Li T; Lundkvist MS; Pinsonneault M; Tayar J; Cunha MS; Hekker S; Huber D; Miglio A; Monteiro MJPFG; Slumstrup D; Winther ML; Angelou G; Benomar O; Bódi A; Moura BLD; Deheuvels S; Derekas A; Mauro MPD; Dupret M-A; Jiménez A; Lebreton Y; Matthews J; Nardetto N; Jose D. do Nascimento J; Pereira F; Díaz LFR; Serenelli AM; Spitoni E; Stonkutė E; Suárez JC; Szabó R; Eylen VV; Ventura R; Verma K; Weiss A; Wu T; Barclay T; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Jenkins JM; Kjeldsen H; Ricker GR; Seager S; Vanderspek R, 2019, Detection and characterisation of oscillating red giants: first results
from the TESS satellite,
Aguirre VS; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Cassisi S; Bertolami MM; Serenelli AM; Stello D; Weiss A; Angelou G; Jiang C; Lebreton Y; Spada F; Bellinger EP; Deheuvels S; Ouazzani RM; Pietrinferni A; Mosumgaard JR; Townsend RHD; Battich T; Bossini D; Constantino T; Eggenberger P; Hekker S; Mazumdar A; Miglio A; Nielsen KB; Salaris M, 2019, The Aarhus Red Giants Challenge I: Stellar structures in the red giant branch phase,
Ahumada R; Prieto CA; Almeida A; Anders F; Anderson SF; Andrews BH; Anguiano B; Arcodia R; Armengaud E; Aubert M; Avila S; Avila-Reese V; Badenes C; Balland C; Barger K; Barrera-Ballesteros JK; Basu S; Bautista J; Beaton RL; Beers TC; Benavides BIT; Bender CF; Bernardi M; Bershady M; Beutler F; Bidin CM; Bird J; Bizyaev D; Blanc GA; Blanton MR; Boquien M; Borissova J; Bovy J; Brandt WN; Brinkmann J; Brownstein JR; Bundy K; Bureau M; Burgasser A; Burtin E; Cano-Diaz M; Capasso R; Cappellari M; Carrera R; Chabanier S; Chaplin W; Chapman M; Cherinka B; Chiappini C; Choi PD; Chojnowski SD; Chung H; Clerc N; Coffey D; Comerford JM; Comparat J; Costa LD; Cousinou M-C; Covey K; Crane JD; Cunha K; Ilha GDS; Dai YS; Damsted SB; Darling J; Jr JWD; Davies R; Dawson K; De N; Macorra ADL; Lee ND; Queiroz ABDA; Machado AD; Torre SDL; Dell'Agli F; Bourboux HDMD; Diamond-Stanic AM; Dillon S; Donor J; Drory N; Duckworth C; Dwelly T; Ebelke G; Eftekharzadeh S; Eigenbrot AD; Elsworth YP; Eracleous M; Erfanianfar G; Escoffier S; Fan X; Farr E; Fernandez-Trincado JG; Feuillet D; Finoguenov A; Fofie P; Fraser-McKelvie A; Frinchaboy PM; Fromenteau S; Fu H; Galbany L; Garcia RA; Garcia-Hernandez DA; Oehmichen LAG; Ge J; Maia MAG; Geisler D; Gelfand J; Goddy J; Goff J-ML; Gonzalez-Perez V; Grabowski K; Green P; Grier CJ; Guo H; Guy J; Harding P; Hasselquist S; Hawken AJ; Hayes CR; Hearty F; Hekker S; Hogg DW; Holtzman J; Horta D; Hou J; Hsieh B-C; Huber D; Hunt JAS; Chitham JI; Imig J; Jaber M; Angel CEJ; Johnson JA; Jones AM; Jonsson H; Jullo E; Kim Y; Kinemuchi K; IV CCK; Kite GW; Klaene M; Kneib J-P; Kollmeier JA; Kong H; Kounkel M; Krishnarao D; Lacerna I; Lan T-W; Lane RR; Law DR; Leung HW; Lewis H; Li C; Lian J; Lin L; Long D; Longa-Pena P; Lundgren B; Lyke BW; Mackereth JT; MacLeod CL; Majewski SR; Manchado A; Maraston C; Martini P; Masseron T; Masters KL; Mathur S; McDermid RM; Merloni A; Merrifield M; Meszaros S; Miglio A; Minniti D; Minsley R; Miyaji T; Mohammad FG; Mosser B; Mueller E-M; Muna D; Munoz-Gutierrez A; Myers AD; Nadathur S; Nair P; Nandra K; Nascimento JCD; Nevin RJ; Newman JA; Nidever DL; Nitschelm C; Noterdaeme P; O'Connell JE; Olmstead MD; Oravetz D; Oravetz A; Osorio Y; Pace ZJ; Padilla N; Palanque-Delabrouille N; Palicio PA; Pan H-A; Pan K; Parker J; Paviot R; Peirani S; Ramrez KP; Penny S; Percival WJ; Perez-Fournon I; Perez-Rafols I; Petitjean P; Pieri MM; Pinsonneault M; Poovelil VJ; Povick JT; Prakash A; Price-Whelan AM; Raddick MJ; Raichoor A; Ray A; Rembold SB; Rezaie M; Riffel RA; Riffel R; Rix H-W; Robin AC; Roman-Lopes A; Roman-Zuniga C; Rose B; Ross AJ; Rossi G; Rowlands K; Rubin KHR; Salvato M; Sanchez AG; Sanchez-Menguiano L; Sanchez-Gallego JR; Sayres C; Schaefer A; Schiavon RP; Schimoia JS; Schlafly E; Schlegel D; Schneider DP; Schultheis M; Schwope A; Seo H-J; Serenelli A; Shafieloo A; Shamsi SJ; Shao Z; Shen S; Shetrone M; Shirley R; Aguirre VS; Simon JD; Skrutskie MF; Slosar A; Smethurst R; Sobeck J; Sodi BC; Souto D; Stark DV; Stassun KG; Steinmetz M; Stello D; Stermer J; Storchi-Bergmann T; Streblyanska A; Stringfellow GS; Stutz A; Suarez G; Sun J; Taghizadeh-Popp M; Talbot MS; Tayar J; Thakar AR; Theriault R; Thomas D; Thomas ZC; Tinker J; Tojeiro R; Toledo HH; Tremonti CA; Troup NW; Tuttle S; Unda-Sanzana E; Valentini M; Vargas-Gonzalez J; Vargas-Magana M; Vazquez-Mata JA; Vivek M; Wake D; Wang Y; Weaver BA; Weijmans A-M; Wild V; Wilson JC; Wilson RF; Wolthuis N; Wood-Vasey WM; Yan R; Yang M; Yeche C; Zamora O; Zarrouk P; Zasowski G; Zhang K; Zhao C; Zhao G; Zheng Z; Zheng Z; Zhu G; Zou H, 2019, The Sixteenth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys: First
Release from the APOGEE-2 Southern Survey and Full Release of eBOSS Spectra,
Booth RS; Poppenhaeger K; Watson CA; Aguirre VS; Stello D; Bruntt H, 2019, Chromospheric emission of solar-type stars with asteroseismic ages,
Grunblatt SK; Huber D; Gaidos E; Hon M; Zinn JC; Stello D, 2019, Giant planet occurrence within 0.2 AU of low-luminosity red giant branch
stars with K2,
Zinn JC; Pinsonneault MH; Huber D; Stello D; Stassun K; Serenelli A, 2019, Testing the radius scaling relation with ${\it Gaia}$ DR2 in the ${\it Kepler}$ field,
Zinn JC; Stello D; Huber D; Sharma S, 2019, The Bayesian Asteroseismology data Modeling pipeline and its application to $\it K2$ data,
Elsworth Y; Hekker S; Johnson JA; Kallinger T; Mosser B; Pinsonneault M; Hon M; Kuszlewicz J; Miglio A; Serenelli A; Stello D; Tayar J; Vrard M, 2019, Insights from the APOKASC Determination of the Evolutionary State of
Red-Giant Stars by consolidation of different methods,
Campante TL; Corsaro E; Lund MN; Mosser B; Serenelli A; Veras D; Adibekyan V; Antia HM; Ball W; Basu S; Bedding TR; Bossini D; Davies GR; Mena ED; García RA; Handberg R; Hon M; Kane SR; Kawaler SD; Kuszlewicz JS; Lucas M; Mathur S; Nardetto N; Nielsen MB; Pinsonneault MH; Reffert S; Aguirre VS; Stassun KG; Stello D; Stock S; Vrard M; Yıldız M; Chaplin WJ; Huber D; Bean JL; Orhan ZÇ; Cunha MS; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Kjeldsen H; Metcalfe TS; Miglio A; Monteiro MJPFG; Nsamba B; Örtel S; Pereira F; Sousa SG; Tsantaki M; Turnbull MC, 2019, TESS Asteroseismology of the known red-giant host stars HD 212771 and HD
Cunha MS; Avelino PP; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Stello D; Vrard M; Jiang C; Mosser B, 2019, Analytical modelling of period spacings across the HR diagram,
Bonanno A; Corsaro E; Sordo FD; Pallé PL; Stello D; Hon M, 2019, Acoustic oscillations and dynamo action in the G8 sub-giant EK Eri,
Stassun KG; Oelkers RJ; Paegert M; Torres G; Pepper J; Lee ND; Collins K; Latham DW; Muirhead PS; Chittidi J; Rojas-Ayala B; Fleming SW; Rose ME; Tenenbaum P; Ting EB; Kane SR; Barclay T; Bean JL; Brassuer CE; Charbonneau D; Lissauer JJ; Mann AW; McLean B; Mulally S; Narita N; Plavchan P; Ricker GR; Sasselov D; Seager S; Sharma S; Shiao B; Sozzetti A; Stello D; Vanderspek R; Wallace G; Winn JN, 2019, The Revised TESS Input Catalog and Candidate Target List,
Sharma S; Stello D; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden MR; Zinn JC; Kallinger T; Hon M; Asplund M; Buder S; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman K; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Lind K; Martell S; Simpson JD; Wittenmyer RA; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Bedding TR; Chen B; Cotar K; Esdaile J; Horner J; Huber D; Kafle PR; Khanna S; Li T; Ting Y-S; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Saddon H; Traven G; Wright D; Wyse RFG, 2019, The K2-HERMES Survey: Age and Metallicity of the Thick Disc,
Hon M; Stello D; García RA; Mathur S; Sharma S; Colman IL; Bugnet L, 2019, A Search for Red Giant Solar-like Oscillations in All Kepler Data,
Khanna S; Sharma S; Tepper-Garcia T; Bland-Hawthorn J; Hayden M; Asplund M; Buder S; Chen B; De Silva GM; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lin J; Martell SL; Simpson JD; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Zucker DB; Zwitter T, 2019, The GALAH survey and Gaia DR2: Linking ridges, arches and vertical waves in the kinematics of the Milky Way,
Compton DL; Bedding TR; Stello D, 2019, Asteroseismology of main-sequence F stars with \textit{Kepler}:
overcoming short mode lifetimes,
Addison B; Wright DJ; Wittenmyer RA; Horner J; Mengel MW; Johns D; Marti C; Nicholson B; Okumura J; Bowler B; Crossfield I; Kane SR; Kielkopf J; Plavchan P; Tinney CG; Zhang H; Clark JT; Clerte M; Eastman JD; Swift J; Bottom M; Muirhead P; McCrady N; Herzig E; Hogstrom K; Wilson M; Sliski D; Johnson SA; Wright JT; Blake C; Riddle R; Lin B; Cornachione M; Bedding TR; Stello D; Huber D; Marsden S; Carter BD, 2019, Minerva-Australis I: Design, Commissioning, & First Photometric Results,
Schofield M; Chaplin WJ; Huber D; Campante TL; Davies GR; Miglio A; Ball WH; Appourchaux T; Basu S; Bedding TR; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Creevey O; Garcia RA; Handberg R; Kawaler SD; Kjeldsen H; Latham DW; Lund MN; Metcalfe TS; Ricker GR; Serenelli A; Aguirre VS; Stello D; Vanderspek R, 2019, The Asteroseismic Target List (ATL) for solar-like oscillators observed
in 2-minute cadence with the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS),
Arentoft T; Grundahl F; White TR; Slumstrup D; Handberg R; Lund MN; Brogaard K; Andersen MF; Aguirre VS; Zhang C; Chen X; Yan Z; Pope BJS; Huber D; Kjeldsen H; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Jessen-Hansen J; Antoci V; Frandsen S; Bedding TR; Palle PL; Garcia RA; Deng L; Hon M; Stello D; Jørgensen UG, 2019, Asteroseismology of the Hyades red giant and planet host epsilon Tauri,
Huber D; Chaplin WJ; Chontos A; Kjeldsen H; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Bedding TR; Ball W; Brahm R; Espinoza N; Henning T; Jordan A; Sarkis P; Knudstrup E; Albrecht S; Grundahl F; Andersen MF; Palle PL; Crossfield I; Fulton B; Howard AW; Isaacson HT; Weiss LM; Handberg R; Lund MN; Serenelli AM; Mosumgaard J; Stokholm A; Bierlya A; Buchhave LA; Latham DW; Quinn SN; Gaidos E; Hirano T; Ricker GR; Vanderspek RK; Seager S; Jenkins JM; Winn JN; Antia HM; Appourchaux T; Basu S; Bell KJ; Benomar O; Bonanno A; Buzasi DL; Campante TL; Orhan ZC; Corsaro E; Cunha MS; Davies GR; Deheuvels S; Grunblatt SK; Hasanzadeh A; Mauro MPD; Garcia RA; Gaulme P; Girardi L; Guzik JA; Hon M; Jiang C; Kallinger T; Kawaler SD; Kuszlewicz JS; Lebreton Y; Li T; Lucas M; Lundkvist MS; Mathis S; Mathur S; Mazumdar A; Metcalfe TS; Miglio A; Monteiro MJ; Mosser B; Noll A; Nsamba B; Mann AW; Ong JMJ; Ortel S; Pereira F; Ranadive P; Regulo C; Rodrigues TS; Roxburgh IW; Aguirre VS; Smalley B; Schofield M; Sousa SG; Stassun KG; Stello D; Tayar J; White TR; Verma K; Vrard M; Yildiz M; Baker D; Bazot M; Beichmann C; Bergmann C; Bugnet L; Cale B; Carlino R; Cartwright SM; Christiansen JL; Ciardi DR; Creevey O; Dittmann JA; Nascimento JDD; Eylen VV; Furesz G; Gagne J; Gao P; Gazeas K; Giddens F; Hall O; Hekker S; Ireland MJ; Latouf N; LeBrun D; Levine AM; Matzko W; Natinsky E; Page E; Plavchan P; Mansouri-Samani M; McCauliff S; Mullally SE; Orenstein B; Soto A; Paegert M; Saders JLV; Schnaible C; Soderblom DR; Szabo R; Tanner A; Tinney CG; Teske J; Thomas A; Trampedach R; Wright D; Yuan TT; Zohrabi F, 2019, A Hot Saturn Orbiting An Oscillating Late Subgiant Discovered by TESS,
Li T; Bedding TR; Kjeldsen H; Stello D; Christensen-Dalsgaard J; Deng L, 2018, Asteroseismic modelling of the subgiant μ Herculis using SONG data:
lifting the degeneracy between age and model input parameters,
Brogaard K; Christiansen SM; Grundahl F; Miglio A; Izzard RG; Tauris TM; Sandquist EL; VandenBerg DA; Jessen-Hansen J; Arentoft T; Bruntt H; Frandsen S; Orosz JA; Feiden GA; Mathieu R; Geller A; Shetrone M; Ryde N; Stello D; Platais I; Meibom S, 2018, The blue straggler V106 in NGC6791: A prototype progenitor of old single
giants masquerading as young,
Yu J; Huber D; Bedding TR; Stello D, 2018, Predicting radial-velocity jitter induced by stellar oscillations based
on Kepler data,
Compton DL; Bedding TR; Ball WH; Stello D; Huber D; White TR; Kjeldsen H, 2018, Surface correction of main sequence solar-like oscillators with the
$Kepler$ LEGACY sample,
Kallinger T; Beck PG; Stello D; Garcia RA, 2018, Nonlinear seismic scaling relations,
Zinn JC; Pinsonneault MH; Huber D; Stello D, 2018, Confirmation of the ${\rm \it Gaia}$ DR2 parallax zero-point offset using asteroseismology and spectroscopy in the ${\rm \it Kepler}$ field,
Pinsonneault MH; Elsworth YP; Tayar J; Serenelli A; Stello D; Zinn J; Mathur S; García RA; Johnson JA; Hekker S; Huber D; Kallinger T; Mészáros S; Mosser B; Stassun K; Girardi L; Rodrigues TS; Aguirre VS; An D; Basu S; Chaplin WJ; Corsaro E; Cunha K; García-Hernández DA; Holtzman J; Jönsson H; Shetrone M; Smith VV; Sobeck JS; Stringfellow GS; Zamora O; Beers TC; Fernández-Trincado JG; Frinchaboy PM; Hearty FR; Nitschelm C, 2018, The Second APOKASC Catalog: The Empirical Approach,
Hon M; Stello D; Zinn JC, 2018, Detecting Solar-like Oscillations in Red Giants with Deep Learning,
Zwitter T; Kos J; Chiavassa A; Buder S; Traven G; Čotar K; Lin J; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva G; Duong L; Freeman KC; Lind K; Martell S; D'Orazi V; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Sharma S; Zucker DB; Anguiano B; Casagrande L; Collet R; Horner J; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Lewis G; Munari U; Nataf DM; Ness M; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Tinney CG; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA; Žerjal M, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Accurate Radial Velocities and Library of Observed Stellar Template Spectra,
Buder S; Asplund M; Duong L; Kos J; Lind K; Ness MK; Sharma S; Bland-Hawthorn J; Casey AR; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Amarsi AM; Anguiano B; Carollo D; Cotar K; Cottrell PL; Da Costa G; Gao XD; Hayden MR; Horner J; Ireland MJ; Kafle PR; Munari U; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Watson F; Wittenmyer RA; Wyse RFG; Yong D; Zinn JC; Zerjal M, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Second Data Release,
Gao X; Lind K; Amarsi AM; Buder S; Dotter A; Nordlander T; Asplund M; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Duong L; Freeman KC; Kos J; Lewis GF; Lin J; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Da Costa G; Anguiano B; Horner J; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Nataf DM; Reid W; Stello D; Ting Y-S; collaboration TG, 2018, The GALAH Survey: Verifying abundance trends in the open cluster M67 using non-LTE spectroscopy,
Buder S; Lind K; Ness MK; Asplund M; Duong L; Lin J; Kos J; Casagrande L; Casey AR; Bland-Hawthorn J; De Silva GM; D'Orazi V; Freeman KC; Martell SL; Schlesinger KJ; Sharma S; Simpson JD; Zucker DB; Zwitter T; Cotar K; Dotter A; Hayden MR; Hyde EA; Kafle PR; Lewis GF; Nataf DM; Nordlander T; Reid W; Rix H-W; Skuladottir A; Stello D; Ting Y-S; Traven G; Wyse RFG, 2018, The GALAH survey: An abundance, age, and kinematic inventory of the solar neighbourhood made with TGAS,
Boeche C; Smith MC; Grebel EK; Zhong J; Hou JL; Chen L; Stello D, 2018, LAMOST DR1: Stellar parameters and chemical abundances with SP_Ace,
Hon M; Stello D; Yu J, 2018, Deep Learning Classification in Asteroseismology Using an Improved Neural Network: Results on 15000 Kepler Red Giants and Applications to K2 and TESS Data,
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