Select Publications


Eckersall P; Scheer E; Shintaro F, 2017, Dumb Type Reader

Eckersall P; Grehan H; Scheer E, 2017, New Media Dramaturgy Performance, Media and New-Materialism, Palgrave Macmillan UK,

Grehan H; Scheer E, 2016, William Yang Recompositions, NewSouth

Klich R; Scheer EA, 2012, Multimedia Performance, Palgrave MacMillan, London UK

Scheer EA, 2011, Scenario, UNSW Press and ZKM, Sydney and Karlsruhe,

Scheer EA, 2009, The Infinity Machine: Mike Parrs Performance Art 1971-2005, Schwartz City Press, Melbourne

, 2004, Antonin Artaud A Critical Reader, Scheer EA, (ed.), Routledge Press, USA

, 2000, 100 years of cruelty: essays on Artaud, Scheer EA, (ed.), Power Publications, Sydney

Book Chapters

Scheer E, 2019, 'A Concise Introduction to Multimedia Performance', in Digital Theatre Plus, Digital Theatre Plus, UK,

Scheer E, 2019, 'A Concise Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory', in Digital Theatre Plus, Digital Theatre Plus, UK,

Scheer E, 2019, 'A Concise Introduction to Heiner Muller', in Digital Theatre Plus, Digital Theatre Plus, UK,

Scheer E, 2019, 'Postmodernism: A Concise Introduction', in Digital Theatre Plus, Digital Theatre Plus, UK,

Scheer E, 2019, 'The Performative Institution', in The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Politics, pp. 193 - 196,

Scheer E, 2019, '"The performative institution"', in Eckersall P; Grehan H (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Theatre and Politics, Routledge, UK, pp. 191 - 197,

Scheer E, 2018, 'Deconstruction: A Concise Introduction', in Digital Theatre Plus, Digital Theatre Plus, UK,

Scheer E, 2018, 'Stelarc in the Air. The Flight off the Posthuman', in Fell H (ed.), Stelarc: Stretched Skin, Obsolete, Uncertain and Indifferent Body, PS Media, Trondheim Norway, pp. 66 - 70

Scheer E, 2018, 'A Space in Time Itself', in What Is Performance Art? Australian Perspectives, pp. 112 - 128

Scheer E, 2017, 'Animate Atmospheres: Art at the Edge of Materiality', in Braddock C (ed.), Animism in Art and Performance, Springer, UK, pp. 131 - 149,

Scheer EA, 2017, 'Dumb Type's XD', in Scheer EA; Eckersall P (ed.), The Dumb Type Reader, Museum Tusculanum Press, Copenhagen, pp. 145 - 158,

Scheer EA, 2016, 'Art After the Expiry date: Mike Parr’s Moving Images', in Butler R; Pitt E (ed.), Mike Parr Language and Chaos, NGA Publications, Canberra, pp. 12 - 22,

Scheer EA; Eckersall P; Grehan H, 2015, 'New Media Dramaturgy', in Romanska M (ed.), The Routledge Companion to Dramaturgy, Routledge Taylor and Francis, UK and New York USA, pp. 375 - 381,

Scheer EA, 2014, 'Recomposing the Social Drama: Myra's Olympic Snafu', in MISperformance: essays in shifting perspectives, Maska, ljubljana, pp. 157 - 170,

Scheer EA, 2013, 'Re-creating Performance Art: The Rise of Re-enactment', in Handbook of Research on Creativity, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA, pp. 422 - 434,

Scheer EA, 2012, 'The Generosity of Displacement', in Wilson T (ed.), Parallax: The Performance Paradigm in Photography, Australian Centre for Photography, Paddington, NSW, pp. 8 - 17

Scheer EA, 2010, 'Instance: Granular Synthesis, Modell 5', in Bay-Cheng S; Kattenbelt C; Lavender A; Nelson R (ed.), Mapping Intermediality in Performance, Amsterdam University Press, Amsterdam, pp. 115 - 123

Scheer EA, 2009, '‘I Artaud BWO: The Uses of Artaud’s To Have Done with the Judgement of God’', in Cull L (ed.), Deleuze and Performance, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 37 - 53

Scheer EA; Eckersall P, 2009, 'Between Antipodality and Relational Performance: Performance Studies in Australia; E.Scheer & P.Eckersall in ; eds.', in McKenzie J; Wee CJW-L; Roms H (ed.), Contesting Performance in an Age of Globalization, Palgrave MacMillan, UK, pp. 109 - 122

Scheer EA, 2009, 'What I think about When I think about dancing', in The River Project, Campbelltown Arts Centre, Sydney NSW

Scheer EA, 2006, 'Eleutheromania: Performance Art and the War on Terror', in A Performance Cosmology. Testimony from the Future, Evidence of the Past., Routledge Press, United kingdom, pp. 187 - 190

Scheer EA, 2006, 'Stelarc, Magic and Cyber-Ritual', in Potts J; Scheer E (ed.), Technologies of Magic. A Cultural Study of Ghosts, Machines and the Uncanny., Power Publications, Australia, pp. 141 - 155

Scheer E, 2005, 'I Artaud BwO: The Uses of Artaud's To have done with the judgement of god', in Deleuze and Performance, Edinburgh University Press, pp. 36 - 53,

Scheer EA, 2004, 'Dissident vectors: surrealist ethnography and ecological performance', in Eckersall P; Uchino T; Moriyama N (ed.), Alternatives. Debating Theatre Culture in the Age of Con-Fusion, Peter Lang, Brussels, pp. 55 - 61

Scheer EA, 2000, 'De Quincey/ Body weather', in Australian performing arts directory, Performance Media, North Sydney, NSW, pp. 9 - 11

Scheer EA, 2000, 'Sketches of the jet: Artaud`s abreaction of the system of fine arts', in 100 years of cruelty: essays on Artaud, Power Publications, Sydney, pp. 57 - 74

Journal articles

Scheer E, 2019, 'Bombshells and Balaclavas: Ironies of inclusion in the work of young Islamic artists in Australia', Performance Research, 24, pp. 37 - 43,

Scheer E, 2018, 'On Departures Heiner Müller meets Elon Musk', Performance Research: a journal of the performing arts, Volume 23, 2018 -, pp. 406 - 408,

Scheer E, 2015, 'Robotics as New Media Dramaturgy: The Case of the Sleepy Robot', TDR - The Drama Review - A Journal of Performance Studies, 59, pp. 140 - 149,

Scheer E, 2014, 'How to Do Things with performance art', Performance Research, 19, pp. 90 - 98,

Scheer EA, 2014, 'The Resistances of the Body: On Durational Art and Tehching Hsieh', Performance Paradigm, 2014, pp. 48 - 65,

Scheer EA, 2013, 'Non Places for Non People: Social Sculpture in Minto', Southerly, 72, pp. 87 - 97,;dn=787102213628233;res=IELLCC

Scheer EA, 2012, 'Mike Parr: Brain Coral', Art and Australia, 50, pp. 149 - 150

Scheer EA, 2012, 'Posthuman Scenarios and Performative Media', Performance Research, 17, pp. 23 - 33

Scheer EA, 2012, 'The Return of the Real Duration', Column, 10, pp. 47 - 50

Scheer E, 2008, 'Australia's post-olympic apocalypse?', PAJ - Journal of Performance and Art, 30, pp. 42 - 56,

Scheer E, 2008, 'The performance of disappearance', TDR - The Drama Review - A Journal of Performance Studies, 52, pp. 195 - 201,

Scheer EA, 2008, ''Australia's Post-Olympic Apocalypse?' Mike Parr¿s Kingdom Come and Other Actions (2001-2005)', PAJ - A Journal of Performance and Art, 30, pp. 42 - 57

Scheer EA, 2007, 'Introduction: The End of Ethics?', Performance Paradigm, 3, pp. Online Journal

Scheer EA; Eckersall P, 2006, '`After Liveness` An E-Interview with Philip Auslander', The Ends of the 60s. Performance, Media and Contemporary Culture., pp. 142 - 150

Scheer EA, 2006, '`Performing In-Difference` An E-Interview with Stelarc', The Ends of the 60s. Performance, Media and Contemporary Culture., pp. 137 - 141

Scheer EA; Potts J, 2006, 'Introduction', Technologies of Magic. A Cultural Study of Ghosts, Machines and the Uncanny., pp. 7 - 19

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