Select Publications
Book Chapters
2024, 'When caring ends: Exploring the hidden aspects of loss in trajectories out of caring in Australia', in Understanding the Grief and Loss Experiences of Carers: Research, Practitioner and Personal Perspectives, pp. 110 - 122,
,2024, 'Ageing, disability, dementia and gender and sexuality diversity: what do the intersections tell us about models of care?', in Ned L; Rivas Verlade M; Singh S; Swartz L; Soldatic K (ed.), The Routledge International Handbook of Disability and Global Health, Routledge,
,2023, 'Quiet Casualties', in Brownell B (ed.), The Pandemic Effect: Ninety Experts on Immunizing the Built Environment, Chronicle Books
,2014, 'Traditional health services utilization among cancer patients in developing countries', in Cockerham W; Dingwall R; Quah S (ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health and Society, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford
,2014, 'Traditional health services utilization among cancer patients in Western countries', in Cockerham W; Dingwall R; Quah S (ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health and Society, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford
,Journal articles
2024, 'On the sensations of direct-to-consumer DNA testing: realisations, resemblance and relationships', EMOTIONS AND SOCIETY,
,2024, 'Grieving academic grant rejections: Examining funding failure and experiences of loss', Sociological Review, 72, pp. 998 - 1017,
,2024, 'Affective routes in interviews: Participants exploring a digital map as a live elicitation method', Qualitative Research,
,2024, 'What socio-cultural, emotional and relational factors shape older people's experiences of death and dying in residential aged care? A scoping review', Ageing and Society, pp. 1 - 24,
,2024, '‘Is There Anything Else You’d Like to Tell Us About Your Experience?’ Orientations Towards Listening to Open-Ended Survey Responses', Sociological Research Online,
,2024, 'What matters in the queer archive? Technologies of memory and Queering the Map', Sociological Review, 72, pp. 99 - 117,
,2023, 'Nursing experiences in antimicrobial optimisation in the intensive care unit: A convergent analysis of a national survey', Australian Critical Care, 36, pp. 769 - 781,
,2023, 'Palliative care environments for patient, family and staff well-being: an ethnographic study of nonstandard design', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care,
,2023, 'Pandemic delay: social implications and challenges for palliative care', Palliative Care and Social Practice, 17,
,2022, 'Bereavement affinities: A qualitative study of lived experiences of grief and loss', Death Studies, 47, pp. 836 - 846,
,2022, 'Routines of isolation? A qualitative study of informal caregiving in the context of glioma in Australia', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. 1924 - 1932,
,2022, 'Chronicity in/and cancer: a qualitative interview study of health professionals, patients, and family carers', Critical Public Health, 32, pp. 472 - 484,
,2022, 'Reconfiguring time: optimisation and authenticity in accounts of people surviving with advanced cancer', Health Sociology Review, 31, pp. 96 - 111,
,2021, '(How) Will it end? A qualitative analysis of free-text survey data on informal care endings', International Journal of Care and Caring, pp. 1 - 17,
,2021, 'Hopeful dying? The meanings and practice of hope in palliative care family meetings', Social Science and Medicine, 291,
,2021, 'Personhood, belonging, affect and affliction', Sociological Review, 69, pp. 1051 - 1071,
,2021, 'The modern hospital executive, micro improvements, and the rise of antimicrobial resistance', Social Science and Medicine, 285,
,2021, 'The social meanings of choice in living-with advanced breast cancer', Social Science and Medicine, 280,
,2021, 'Knowledge, perceptions and experiences of nurses in antimicrobial optimization or stewardship in the intensive care unit', Journal of Hospital Infection, 109, pp. 10 - 28,
,2021, 'Connection, comfort and COVID-19 in palliative care', Palliative Care and Social Practice, 15, pp. 26323524211001389,
,2021, 'Queering the Map: Stories of love, loss and (be)longing within a digital cartographic archive', Media, Culture & Society, 43, pp. 1043 - 1060,
,2020, 'Reconsidering the nursing role in antimicrobial stewardship: A multisite qualitative interview study', BMJ Open, 10, pp. e042321,
,2020, 'Entangled and Estranged: Living and Dying in Relation (to Cancer)', Sociology, 54, pp. 1004 - 1021,
,2020, 'The (Co)Production of Difference in the Care of Patients With Cancer From Migrant Backgrounds', Qualitative Health Research, 30, pp. 1619 - 1631,
,2020, 'What lies beneath? Experiencing emotions and caring in oncology.', Health (London), 24, pp. 348 - 365,
,2020, 'Reciprocity, Autonomy, and Vulnerability in Men’s Experiences of Informal Cancer Care', Qualitative Health Research, 30, pp. 491 - 503,
,2020, 'Cancer caregivers' experiences of prognosis in Australia: a qualitative interview study', BMJ Open, 10,
,2020, 'Improvisation, therapeutic brokerage and antibiotic (mis)use in India: a qualitative interview study of Hyderabadi physicians and pharmacists', Critical Public Health, 30, pp. 16 - 27,
,2019, 'Exploring the impact and experience of fractional work in medicine: A qualitative study of medical oncologists in Australia', BMJ Open, 9,
,2019, 'The drivers of antimicrobial use across institutions, stakeholders and economic settings: A paradigm shift is required for effective optimization', Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 74, pp. 2803 - 2809,
,2019, 'A qualitative study of cancer care professionals' experiences of working with migrant patients from diverse cultural backgrounds', BMJ Open, 9, pp. e025956,
,2019, 'Individualising difference, negotiating culture: Intersections of biography and cancer care', Health,
,2019, 'Responses to a cancer diagnosis: a qualitative patient-centred interview study', Supportive Care in Cancer, 28,
,2019, 'The drivers of antimicrobial use across institutions, stakeholders and economic settings: A paradigm shift is required for effective optimisation', Infection, Disease & Health, 24, pp. S7 - S7,
,2018, '‘… My biggest worry now is how my husband is going to cope’: women’s relational experiences of cancer ‘care’ during illness', Journal of Gender Studies, 27, pp. 901 - 913,
,2018, 'The collective/affective practice of cancer survivorship', British Journal of Sociology, 70, pp. 1582 - 1601,
,2018, 'Context-sensitive antibiotic optimization: a qualitative interviews study of a remote Australian hospital setting', Journal of Hospital Infection, 100, pp. 265 - 269,
,2018, 'The private life of medicine: accounting for antibiotics in the ‘for-profit’ hospital setting', Social Theory and Health, 16, pp. 379 - 395,
,2018, 'A mixed methods analysis of experiences and expectations among early-career medical oncologists in Australia', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 14, pp. e521 - e527,
,2018, 'Medical authority, managerial power and political will: A Bourdieusian analysis of antibiotics in the hospital', Health (United Kingdom), 22, pp. 500 - 518,
,2018, 'Improvisation versus guideline concordance in surgical antibiotic prophylaxis: a qualitative study', Infection, 46, pp. 541 - 548,
,2018, 'The meaning and experience of bereavement support: A qualitative interview study of bereaved family caregivers', Palliative and Supportive Care, 16, pp. 396 - 405,
,2018, '"It doesn't exist...": Negotiating palliative care from a culturally and linguistically diverse patient and caregiver perspective', BMC Palliative Care, 17, pp. 90,
,2017, 'Nurses as Antibiotic Brokers: Institutionalized Praxis in the Hospital', Qualitative Health Research, 27, pp. 1924 - 1935,
,2017, 'Experiences of interpreters in supporting the transition from oncology to palliative care: A qualitative study', Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology, 13, pp. e497 - e505,