Select Publications

Journal articles

kenny K; Broom A; Kirby E; Ridge D, 2017, 'In one’s own time: Contesting the temporality and linearity of bereavement', Health: an interdisciplinary journal for the social study of health, illness and medicine, 23, pp. 58 - 75,

Broom JK; Broom AF; Kirby ER; Gibson AF; Post JJ, 2017, 'Clinical and social barriers to antimicrobial stewardship in pulmonary medicine: A qualitative study', American Journal of Infection Control, 45, pp. 911 - 916,

Broom J; Broom A; Kirby E; Gibson AF; Post JJ, 2017, 'How do hospital respiratory clinicians perceive antimicrobial stewardship (AMS)? A qualitative study highlighting barriers to AMS in respiratory medicine', Journal of Hospital Infection, 96, pp. 316 - 322,

Broom A; kirby E; Gibson A; Post J; Broom J, 2017, 'Myth, manners, and medical ritual: Defensive medicine and the fetishisation of antibiotics', Qualitative Health Research, 27, pp. 1994 - 2005,

Broom J; Broom A; Kirby E; Gibson A; Post J, 2017, 'Individual care versus broader public health: A qualitative study of hospital doctors' antibiotic decisions', Infection, Disease & Health, 22, pp. 97 - 104,

Broom A; kenny K; Kirby E, 2017, 'On waiting, hauntings and surviving: Chronicling life with cancer through solicited diaries', The Sociological Review, 66, pp. 682 - 699,

Gibson AF; Broom A; Kirby E; Wyld DK; Lwin Z, 2017, 'The social reception of women with cancer', Qualitative Health Research, 27, pp. 983 - 993,

MacArtney JI; Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J, 2017, 'The Liminal and the Parallax: Living and Dying at the End of Life', Qualitative Health Research, 27, pp. 623 - 633,

Broom JK; Broom AF; Kirby ER; Post JJ, 2017, 'How do professional relationships influence surgical antibiotic prophylaxis decision making? A qualitative study', American Journal of Infection Control, 46, pp. 311 - 315,

Murthy V; Adams J; Broom A; Kirby E; Refshauge KM; Sibbritt D, 2017, 'The influence of communication and information sources upon decision-making around complementary and alternative medicine use for back pain among Australian women aged 60–65 years', Health and Social Care in the Community, 25, pp. 114 - 122,

Broom A; Broom J; Kirby E; Adams J, 2016, 'The social dynamics of antibiotic use in an Australian hospital', Journal of Sociology, 52, pp. 824 - 839,

Broom A; Wong WKT; Kirby E; Sibbritt D; Karikios D; Harrup R; Lwin Z, 2016, 'A qualitative study of medical oncologists' experiences of their profession and workforce sustainability', PLoS ONE, 11, pp. e0166302,

Broom A; Kirby E; Kenny K; MacArtney J; Good P, 2016, 'Moral ambivalence and informal care for the dying', Sociological Review, 64, pp. 987 - 1004,

Broom A; Gibson AF; Broom J; Kirby E; Yarwood T; Post JJ, 2016, 'Optimizing antibiotic usage in hospitals: a qualitative study of the perspectives of hospital managers', Journal of Hospital Infection, 94, pp. 230 - 235,

Sibbritt D; Lauche R; Sundberg T; Peng W; Moore C; Broom A; Kirby E; Adams J, 2016, 'Severity of back pain may influence choice and order of practitioner consultations across conventional, allied and complementary health care: A cross-sectional study of 1851 mid-age Australian women', BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 17,

Brosnan C; Kirby E, 2016, 'Sociological perspectives on the politics of knowledge in health care: introduction to themed issue', Health Sociology Review, 25, pp. 139 - 141,

Macartney JI; Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J; Adams J, 2016, 'Locating care at the end of life: Burden, vulnerability, and the practical accomplishment of dying', Sociology of Health and Illness, 38, pp. 479 - 492,

Broom A; Plage S; Broom J; Kirby E; Adams J, 2016, 'A qualitative study of hospital pharmacists and antibiotic governance: Negotiating interprofessional responsibilities, expertise and resource constraints Organization, structure and delivery of healthcare', BMC Health Services Research, 16,

Macartney JI; Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J; Adams J, 2016, 'Locating care at the end of life: Burden, vulnerability, and the practical accomplishment of dying', Sociology of Health and Illness,

Murthy V; Sibbritt D; Broom A; Kirby E; Frawley J; Refshauge KM; Adams J, 2015, 'Back pain sufferers' attitudes toward consultations with CAM practitioners and self- prescribed CAM products: A study of a nationally representative sample of 1310 Australian women aged 60-65 years', Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 23, pp. 782 - 788,

Broom A; Broom J; Kirby E; Scambler G, 2015, 'The path of least resistance? Jurisdictions, responsibility and professional asymmetries in pharmacists' accounts of antibiotic decisions in hospitals', Social Science and Medicine, 146, pp. 95 - 103,

Kirby E; Broom A; Sibbritt D; Refshauge K; Adams J, 2015, 'Suffering, recognition and reframing: Healthcare choices and plural care pathways for women with chronic back pain', Current Sociology, 63, pp. 652 - 668,

Broom AF; Kirby ER; Adams J; Refshauge KM, 2015, 'On Illegitimacy, Suffering and Recognition: A Diary Study of Women Living with Chronic Pain', Sociology, 49, pp. 712 - 731,

Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Lwin Z, 2015, 'Nursing futility, managing medicine: Nurses' perspectives on the transition from life-prolonging to palliative care.', Health (London), pp. 1 - 18,

MacArtney JI; Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J; Yates PM; Adams J, 2015, 'On resilience and acceptance in the transition to palliative care at the end of life', Health (United Kingdom), 19, pp. 263 - 279,

MacArtney JI; Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J; Yates PM; Adams J, 2015, 'On resilience and acceptance in the transition to palliative care at the end of life', Health (London, England : 1997), 19, pp. 263 - 279,

Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J; Yates P; Hardy J, 2015, 'Negotiating futility, managing emotions: Nursing the transition to palliative care', Qualitative Health Research, 25, pp. 299 - 309,

Broom A; Broom J; Kirby E; Plage S; Adams J, 2015, 'What role do pharmacists play in mediating antibiotic use in hospitals? A qualitative study', BMJ Open, 5, pp. e008326,

Kirby E; Broom A; Good P; Wootton J; Adams J, 2014, 'Families and the transition to specialist palliative care', Mortality, 19, pp. 323 - 341,

Lwin Z; Broom A; Cosman R; Livingstone A; Sawkins K; Good P; Kirby E; Koh ES; Hovey E, 2014, 'Culturally and linguistically diverse patient participation in glioma research', Neuro-Oncology Practice, 1, pp. 101 - 105,

Kirby ER; Broom AF; Adams J; Sibbritt DW; Refshauge KM, 2014, 'A qualitative study of influences on older women's practitioner choices for back pain care', BMC Health Services Research, 14,

Murthy V; Sibbritt D; Adams J; Broom A; Kirby E; Refshauge KM, 2014, 'Consultations with complementary and alternative medicine practitioners amongst wider care options for back pain: A study of a nationally representative sample of 1,310 Australian women aged 60-65 years', Clinical Rheumatology, 33, pp. 253 - 262,

Murthy V; Sibbritt D; Adams J; Broom A; Kirby E; Refshauge KM, 2014, 'Self-prescribed complementary and alternative medicine use for back pain amongst a range of care options: Results from a nationally representative sample of 1310 women aged 60-65 years', Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 22, pp. 133 - 140,

Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J; Adams J, 2014, 'The troubles of telling: Managing communication about the end of life', Qualitative Health Research, 24, pp. 151 - 162,

Broom A; Broom J; Kirby E, 2014, 'Cultures of resistance? A Bourdieusian analysis of doctors' antibiotic prescribing', Social Science and Medicine, 110, pp. 81 - 88,

Kirby E; Broom A; Good P; Wootton J; Adams J, 2014, 'Medical specialists' motivations for referral to specialist palliative care: A qualitative study', BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care, 4, pp. 277 - 284,

Kirby E; Broom A; Good P, 2014, 'The role and significance of nurses in managing transitions to palliative care: A qualitative study', BMJ Open, 4,

Kirby ER; Broom AF; Sibbritt DW; Refshauge KM; Adams J, 2013, 'Health care utilisation and out-of-pocket expenditure associated with back pain: A nationally representative survey of Australian women', PLoS ONE, 8,

Broom A; Good P; Kirby E; Lwin Z, 2013, 'Negotiating palliative care in the context of culturally and linguistically diverse patients', Internal Medicine Journal, 43, pp. 1043 - 1046,

Broom A; Kirby E, 2013, 'The end of life and the family: Hospice patients' views on dying as relational', Sociology of Health and Illness, 35, pp. 499 - 513,

Kirby ER; Broom AF; Sibbritt DW; Adams J; Refshauge KM, 2013, 'A national cross-sectional survey of back pain care amongst Australian women aged 60-65', European Journal of Integrative Medicine, 5, pp. 36 - 43,

Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J; Adams J, 2013, 'The art of letting go: Referral to palliative care and its discontents', Social Science and Medicine, 78, pp. 9 - 16,

Broom A; Sibbritt D; Nayar KR; Nilan P; Kirby E, 2012, 'What factors predict exposure to caste, political and religious violence in India? A cross - Sectional survey of 1000 Indian Men', Asian Social Science, 9, pp. 1 - 8,

Broom A; Kirby E; Good P; Wootton J; Adams J, 2012, 'Specialists' experiences and perspectives on the timing of referral to palliative care: A qualitative study', Journal of Palliative Medicine, 15, pp. 1248 - 1253,

Broom AF; Kirby ER; Sibbritt DW; Adams J; Refshauge KM, 2012, 'Back pain amongst mid-age Australian women: A longitudinal analysis of provider use and self-prescribed treatments', Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 20, pp. 275 - 282,

Broom AF; Kirby ER; Sibbritt DW; Adams J; Refshauge KM, 2012, 'Use of complementary and alternative medicine by mid-age women with back pain: a national cross-sectional survey', BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 12,

Broom A; Kirby E; Good P, 2012, 'Referral to specialist palliative care', Internal Medicine Journal, 42, pp. 1040 - 1042,

Harris M; Nilan P; Kirby E, 2011, 'Risk and risk management for australian sex workers', Qualitative Health Research, 21, pp. 386 - 398,

Conference Papers

Robards B; Watson A; Kirby E; Churchill B; LaRochelle L, 2020, 'Queering the Map: Physical traces and digital places of queer lives', Dublin/Online, presented at Association of Internet Researchers Annual Conference "Life", Dublin/Online, 26 October 2020 - 31 October 2020,


Watson-Kirby E; Newman C; Strnadova I; Churchill B; Smith L, 2023, When caring ends: Understanding and supporting informal care trajectories (ARC Linkage Project Launch and Research Agenda),

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