Select Publications

Conference Abstracts

Hajarizadeh B; George J; Levy M; Wong I; Howell J; Cabrera G; Tu E; Martinello M; Applegate T; Matthews G, 2024, 'Evaluation of a novel hepatitis B DNA test from fingerstick capillary blood at the point-of-care as a tool to enhance clinical management', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, ITALY, Milan, Vol. 80, pp. S776 - S776, presented at European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver Congress (EASL), ITALY, Milan, 05 June 2024 - 08 June 2024

Shah SHBU; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews G; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law M; George J; Innes H; Dore G, 2022, 'Liver-related mortality among people with hepatitis B and C: a validation study using linked healthcare administrative datasets', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 77, pp. S560 - S560,

Jackson K; Visvanathan K; Hall S; Burns G; Bonanzinga S; Anagnostou D; Desmond P; Ratnam D; Sievert W; Levy M; Nicoll A; Lubel J; Angus P; Sinclair M; Strasser S; Ngu M; Meredith C; Matthews G; Revill P; Sundararajan V; Vogrin S; Kuchta A; Canchola J; Torres J; Lau J; Thompson A, 2022, 'Serum HBV RNA levels are associated with risk of hepatitis flare after stopping NA therapy in HBeAg-negative patients', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 77, pp. S842 - S842,

Shah SHBU; Alavi M; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews G; Martinello M; Danta M; Amin J; Law M; George J; Dore G, 2022, 'Trends in decompensated cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosis among people with a hepatitis B notification in New South Wales: a population-based data linkage study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 77, pp. S302 - S302,

Carson J; Dore G; Lloyd A; Grebely J; Byrne M; Cunningham EB; Amin J; Vickerman P; Martin N; Treloar C; Matthews G; Hajarizadeh B, 2022, 'Hepatitis C virus reinfection following direct acting antiviral treatment in the prison setting: the SToP-C study', in Journal of Hepatology, Elsevier BV, Vol. 77, pp. S565 - S565,

Bourgeois S; Lim Y-S; Gane EJ; Lee HW; Cheng W; Heo J; Kim W; Buti M; Thompson A; Matthews G; Janczewska E; Ryder S; Andrade RJ; Yuan Y; Benlahrech A; Wustner J; Dorrell L; Yuen M-F, 2022, 'IMC-I109V, a novel T cell receptor (TCR) bispecific (ENVxCD3) designed to eliminate HBV-infected hepatocytes in chronic HBV patients: initial data from a first-in-human study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, Vol. 77, pp. S872 - S873

Hosseini-Hooshyar S; Alavi M; Martinello M; Matthews G; Dore G, 2021, 'Evaluation of the HCV cascade of care among people with HIV/hepatitis C co-infection in New South Wales, Australia: a data linkage study', in JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY, JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, Vol. 24, pp. 19 - 19,

Acheson LS; Murray E; Clifford B; Siefried KJ; Matthews GV; Ezard N, 2019, 'Optimising care for people who inject drugs: A retrospective medical record review of staphylococcus aureus bactaraemia treatment', in Drug and Alcohol Review, Wiley, Hobart, Australia, Vol. 38, presented at Australasian Professional Society on Alcohol and other Drugs (APSAD) Scientific Conference, Hobart, Australia, 10 November 2019 - 13 November 2019,

Matthews G; Bhagani S; Van der Valk M; Rockstroh JK; Kim AY; Thurnheer C; Feld JJ; Bruneau J; Gane EJ; Hellard M; Grebely J; Applegate T; Marks P; Martinello M; Petoumenos K; Dore G, 2019, 'SHORT COURSE DURATION SOFOSBUVIR/VELPATASVIR IS INFERIOR TO STANDARD DURATION THERAPY IN THE TREATMENT OF RECENTLY ACQUIRED HCV INFECTION: RESULTS FROM REACT STUDY', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, MA, Boston, Vol. 70, pp. 1487A - 1488A, presented at 70th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting, MA, Boston, 08 November 2019 - 12 November 2019,


Harney B; Stoove M; Sacks-Davis R; Van Santen D; Fairley C; Medland N; O'Reilly M; Moore R; Tee B; Sasadeusz J; Iser D; Roney J; Matthews G; Gane E; Prins M; Hellard M; Doyle J, 2019, 'RISK BEHAVIORS FOLLOWING HEPATITIS C TREATMENT AMONG GAY AND BISEXUAL MEN LIVING WITH HIV IN MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA', in SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED INFECTIONS, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, Vol. 95, pp. A117 - A117,

van Santen D; Hoy J; Agius P; Iser D; O'reilly M; Sasadeusz J; Stoove M; Roney J; Moore R; Bk T; Medland N; Fairley C; Gane E; Matthews G; Prins M; Hellard M; Doyle J, 2019, 'Changes in liver stiffness measurements following DAA treatment among HIV/HCV-coinfected individuals: Does HIV contribute to liver disease after HCV cure?', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, AUSTRIA, Vienna, Vol. 70, pp. E204 - E204, presented at International Liver Congress / 54th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), AUSTRIA, Vienna, 10 April 2019 - 14 April 2019,

Doyle J; van Santen D; Iser D; Sasadeusz J; O'reilly M; Harney B; Roney J; Cutts J; Bowring A; Winter R; Medland N; Fairley C; Moore R; Bk T; Hoy J; Gane E; Matthews G; Prins M; Stoove M; Hellard M, 2019, 'Hepatitis C elimination by enhancing care and treatment among HIV co-infected individuals (the co-EC study): Real world evidence of decreasing HCV incidence and prevalence', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, AUSTRIA, Vienna, Vol. 70, pp. E329 - E329, presented at International Liver Congress / 54th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), AUSTRIA, Vienna, 10 April 2019 - 14 April 2019,

Grebely J; Cunningham EB; Dalgard O; Hajarizadeh B; Conway B; Powis J; Bruneau J; Feld J; Read P; Cooper C; Amin J; Bruggmann P; Lacombe K; Stedman C; Hellard M; Marks P; Dunlop A; Moriggia A; Applegate T; Litwin A; Matthews G; Dore G, 2019, 'Reinfection following successful HCV DAA therapy among people with recent injecting drug use', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER, AUSTRIA, Vienna, Vol. 70, pp. E732 - E733, presented at International Liver Congress / 54th Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver (EASL), AUSTRIA, Vienna, 10 April 2019 - 14 April 2019,

Salazar-Vizcaya L; Boettiger DC; Dore GJ; Gray R; Law M; Rauch A; Lea T; Matthews G, 2018, 'Will hepatitis C transmission be eliminated by 2025 among HIV-positive men who have sex with men in Australia?', in JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL AIDS SOCIETY, JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD, Vol. 21, pp. 66 - 66,

Yee J; Dore GJ; Hanson J; Iser D; Danta M; Shaw D; Read P; Balcomb A; Post J; Faros J; Montebello M; Collie P; Hallinan R; Cooper L; Marks P; Hajarizadeh B; Matthews GV, 2018, 'High efficacy of HCV therapy following universal DAA access in Australia: the REACH-C cohort', in JOURNAL OF VIRAL HEPATITIS, WILEY, CANADA, Toronto, Vol. 25, pp. 54 - 54, presented at 16th International Symposium on Viral Hepatitis and Liver Diseases (ISVHLD), CANADA, Toronto, 14 June 2018 - 17 June 2018,

Dalgard O; Grebely J; Conway B; Cunningham E; Bruggmann P; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Marks P; Quiene S; Applegate TL; Swan T; Byrne J; Lacalamita M; Dunlop A; Bruneau J; Hellard ME; Matthews GV; Powis J; Shaw D; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Kronborg I; Cooper C; Feld JJ; Fraser C; Litwin A; Dillon J; Read P; Gane E; Dore GJ, 2018, 'Sofosbuvir and Velpatasvir for Hepatitis C Virus Infection in People with Recent Injecting Drug Use (Simplify): An Open-Label, Single-Arm, Phase 4, Multicentre Trial', in HEROIN ADDICTION AND RELATED CLINICAL PROBLEMS, PACINI EDITORE, Vol. 20, pp. 14 - 14,

Martinello M; Bartlett S; Dore G; Bopage R; Finlayson R; Baker D; Bloch M; Doyle J; Shaw D; Hajkowicz K; Read P; Filep E; Lin L; Yee J; Applegate T; Hellard M; Matthews G, 2018, 'Universal access to DAA therapy paves the way for HCV control and elimination among people living with HIV in Australia', in Universal access to DAA therapy paves the way for HCV control and elimination among people living with HIV in Australia, Paris, France, presented at THE INTERNATIONAL LIVER CONGRESS 2018, Paris, France, 11 April 2018 - 15 April 2018

Martinello M; Cerrone M; Bhagani S; Gane E; Orkin C; Cooke G; Dore GJ; Petoumenos K; Applegate TL; Tu E; Marks P; Pagani N; Schoolmeesters A; Grebely J; Nelson M; Matthews GV, 2018, 'TARGET3D: high efficacy of 8 weeks paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir and dasabuvir among people with recent genotype 1 HCV infection', in HIV MEDICINE, WILEY, Vol. 19, pp. S151 - S152,

Grebely J; Dalgard O; Conway B; Cunningham E; Bruggmann P; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Marks P; Quiene S; Applegate TL; Swan T; Byrne J; Lacalamita M; Dunlop AJ; Bruneau J; Hellard ME; Matthews GV; Powis J; Shaw D; Thurnheer MC; Weltman M; Kronborg I; Cooper C; Feld JJ; Fraser C; Litwin AH; Dillon JF; Read P; Gane ED; Dore GJ, 2017, 'EFFICACY AND SAFETY OF SOFOSBUVIR/VELPATASVIR IN PEOPLE WITH CHRONIC HEPATITIS C VIRUS INFECTION AND RECENT INJECTING DRUG USE: THE SIMPLIFY STUDY', in DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, WILEY, Vol. 36, pp. 34 - 34,

Martinello M; Bhagani S; Gane EJ; Orkin C; Cooke G; Kulasegaram R; Shaw D; Hellard M; Tu E; Filep E; Petoumenos K; Marks P; Grebely J; Dore GJ; Nelson M; Matthews G, 2017, 'Shortened therapy of 8 weeks duration with paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir and dasabuvir is highly effective in people with acute and recent genotype 1 HCV infection: The TARGET3D Study', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY, DC, Washington, Vol. 66, pp. 574A - 575A, presented at 68th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD) / Liver Meeting, DC, Washington, 20 October 2017 - 24 October 2017

Milder TY; Greenfield J; Matthews G; Center J, 2017, 'Hypophosphataemic osteomalacia induced by tenofovir disoproxil fumarate', in CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, WILEY, AUSTRALIA, Perth, Vol. 89, pp. 70 - 70, presented at Joint Annual Scientific Meetings of Endocrine-Society-of-Australia (ESA) and Society-for-Reproductive-Biology (SRB), AUSTRALIA, Perth, 27 August 2017 - 30 August 2017,

Grebely J; Dalgard O; Conway B; Cunningham E; Bruggmann P; Hajarizadeh B; Amin J; Marks P; Quiene S; Applegate TL; Swan T; Byrne J; Lacalamita M; Dunlop AJ; Bruneau J; Hellard ME; Matthews GV; Powis J; Shaw D; Thurnheer CM; Weltman M; Kronborg I; Cooper C; Feld JJ; Fraser C; Litwin A; Dillon J; Read P; Gane E; Dore GJ, 2017, 'Efficacy and safety of sofosbuvir/velpatasvir in people with chronic hepatitis C virus infection and recent injecting drug use: the SIMPLIFY study', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, Vol. 66, pp. S513 - S513, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017

Martinello M; Dore GJ; Bopage RI; Finlayson R; Baker D; Bloch M; Wilcox A; Filep E; Hellard M; Matthews GV, 2017, 'DAA treatment scale-up in HIV/HCV co-infection: characterisinga population at risk for reinfection', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, Vol. 66, pp. S495 - S496, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,

Bowing AL; Doyle JS; Iser DM; Sasadeusz J; Roney J; O'Reilly M; Fairley C; Gane E; Hoy J; Matthews GV; Medland N; Moore R; Prins M; Stoove M; Ban-Kiem T; Hellard ME, 2017, 'High-risk behaviour in a cohort of HIV/hepatitis C coinfected gay and bisexual men commencing hepatitis C treatment', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, Vol. 66, pp. S269 - S270, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,

Doyle JS; Bowring AL; Iser DM; Sasadeusz J; Roney J; O'Reilly M; Fairley C; Gane E; Hoy J; Matthews GV; Medland N; Moore R; Prins M; Stoove M; Ban-Kiem T; Hellard ME, 2017, 'Suitability of HCV treatment in primary care settings for individuals with HIV/hepatitis C coinfection', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, Vol. 66, pp. S524 - S525, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,

Bartlett SR; Grebely J; Eltahla AA; Reeves JD; Howe A; Miller V; Bull RA; Ceccherini-Silberstein F; Douglas MW; Dore GJ; Harrington P; Lloyd AR; Jacka B; Matthews GV; Wang GP; Pawlotsky J-M; Feld JJ; Schinkel J; Garcia F; Lennerstrand J; Applegate TL, 2017, 'Systematic review & expert guidance on methods for sequencing of hepatitis C virus for detection of direct-acting antiviral resistance', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, Vol. 66, pp. S323 - S323, presented at International Liver Congress / 52nd Annual Meeting of the European-Association-for-the-Study-of-the-Liver, NETHERLANDS, Amsterdam, 19 April 2017 - 23 April 2017,

Martinello M; Petoumenos K; Grebely J; Gane E; Hellard M; Shaw D; Sasdeusz J; Applegate T; Lamoury F; Yeung B; Maire L; Dore G; Matthews G, 2016, 'INCIDENCE OF HCV REINFECTION AMONG TREATED INDIVIDUALS WITH RECENTLY ACQUIRED INFECTION', in JOURNAL OF HEPATOLOGY, ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, SPAIN, Barcelona, Vol. 64, pp. S620 - S621, presented at EASL International Liver Congress, SPAIN, Barcelona, 13 April 2016 - 17 April 2016,

Hill AM; Roberts T; Amorosa V; Pourmand K; Matthews G; Cooke G; Khan H; Main J; Brown A; Peter JA; Nelson DR; Fried MW; Cohn J; Graham CS, 2015, 'Can HCV Antigen Testing Replace HCV RNA PCR Analysis, for Diagnosis and Monitoring of Treatment for Hepatitis C?', in HEPATOLOGY, WILEY-BLACKWELL, CA, San Francisco, Vol. 62, pp. 1099A - 1100A, presented at 66th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD), CA, San Francisco, 13 November 2015 - 17 November 2015,

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