Select Publications

Journal articles

Wong AC; Childs PA; Peng G, 2006, 'Multiplexed fibre fizeau interferometer and fibre Bragg grating sensor system for simultaneous measurement of quai-static and temperature using descrete wavelet transform', Measurement Science and Technology, 17, pp. 384 - 388

Chang J; Wang Q; Peng G, 2006, 'Optical amplification in Yb3+-codoped thulium doped silica fiber', Optical Materials, 28, pp. 1088 - 1094,

Liu H; Peng G; Liu H; Chu PL, 2006, 'Polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings based fibre laser', Optics Communications, 266, pp. 132 - 135,

Wong AC; Childs PA; Peng G, 2006, 'Simultaneous demodulation technique for a multiplexed fiber Fizeau interferometer and fiber Bragg grating sensor system', Optics Letters, 31, pp. 23 - 25

Childs PA; Peng G, 2006, 'Simultaneous detection of eight spectrally overlapping carrier modulated fibre Bragg gratings', Electronics Letters, 42, pp. 274 - 276,

Childs PA; Wong AC; Peng G, 2006, 'Strain-sensing system based on carrier-modulated gratings for the monitoring of a large number of channels', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 24, pp. 1388 - 1394,

Chang J; Wang Q-P; Zhang X-Y; Liu Z-J; Liu Z-J; Peng G-D, 2005, 'Modeling laser-diode-pumped Tm3+-doped fiber amplifiers', OPTOELECTRONICS LETTERS, 1, pp. 33 - 36,

Liu HY; Liu HB; Peng GD; Whitbread TW, 2005, 'Polymer fiber bragg gratings tunable dispersion compensation', Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

Jin Z; Peng G, 2005, 'New criterion for designing silica multimode interference power splitters', Fiber and Integrated Optics, 24, pp. 501 - 509

Chang J; Wang Q; Zhang X; Liu Z; Liu Z; Peng G, 2005, 'S-band optical amplification by an internally generated pump in thulium ytterbium codoped fiber', Optics Express, 13, pp. 3902 - 3912

Liu H; Peng G, 2005, 'Strain sensing characterization of polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings', Proceedings of SPIE Volume 7503, 5855 PART, pp. 663 - 666,

Liu H; Peng G, 2005, 'Tensile strain characterization of polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings', Optics Communications, 251, pp. 37 - 43,

Liu H; Peng G; Whitbread TW; Liu H, 2005, 'Tunable dispersion using linearly chirped polymer optical fiber Bragggratings with fixed center wavelength', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 17, pp. 411 - 413

Peng G; Wang WSY, 2004, 'An Innovative Prosody Modeling Method for Chinese Speech Recognition', International Journal of Speech Technology, 7, pp. 129 - 140,

Yeung A; Chiang KS; Rastogi V; Chu PL; Peng GD, 2004, 'Experimental demonstration of single-mode operation of large-core segmented cladding fiber', OSA Trends in Optics and Photonics Series, 95 B, pp. 160 - 162

Liu H; Peng G; Chu PL; Liu H, 2004, 'Novel growth behaviors of fiber Bragg gratings in polymer optical fiberunder UV irradiation with low power', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16, pp. 159 - 161

Jin Z; Peng G, 2004, 'Optimal design of N X N silica multimode interference couplers - an improved approach', Optics Communications, 241, pp. 299 - 308,

Kaalund CJ; Peng G, 2004, 'Pole-zero diagram approach to the design of ring resonator-basedfilters for photonic applications', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 22, pp. 1548 - 1559

Kaalund CJ; Peng GD, 2003, 'Pole-Zero Diagram Approach to the Design of Coupled Ring Resonator-Arrays for Photonic Applications', Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 5181, pp. 33 - 41,

Liu H; Liu H; Peng G, 2003, 'Different types of polymer fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) and their strain/thermal properties', Optical Memory and Neural Networks, 12, pp. 147 - 155

Liu H; Liu H; Peng G; Chu PL, 2003, 'Observation of type I and tep II grating behaviour in polymer optical fiber', Optics Communications, 220, pp. 337 - 343

Liu H; Liu H; Peng G; Chu PL, 2003, 'Strain and temperature sensor using a combination of polymer and silica fibre Bragg gratings', Optics Communications, 219, pp. 139 - 142

Zhou L; Gu P; Li X; Peng G, 2002, 'Reflection coefficient of optical fiber acousto-optic phase modulator coated with piezoelectric ZnO', Guangxue Xuebao/Acta Optica Sinica, 22, pp. 206 - 209

Yan M; Chen J; Peng GD, 2002, 'Optimization of 40 Gb/s amplified dispersion managed system for various launch power and fiber length', Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4906, pp. 407 - 413,

Liu H; Peng G; Chu PL, 2002, 'Polymer fiber gragg gratings with 28-dB transmission rejection', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 14, pp. 935 - 937

Liu H; Peng G; Chu PL, 2002, 'Thermal stability of gratings in PMMA and CYTOP polymer fibers', Optics Communications, 204, pp. 151 - 156

Peng GD; Ji P; Chu PL, 2001, 'Electro-optic polymer optical fibres and their device applications', Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 4459, pp. 101 - 117,

Wang ZH; Peng GD; Ankiewicz A; Chu PL, 2001, 'A new recursion method for fiber grating analysis', Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 31, pp. 308 - 313,

Gu ZH; Peng GD, 2001, 'Enhanced backscattering from organic laser gain media bounded with rough gold films', Applied Optics, 40, pp. 4236 - 4242,

Gu ZM; Peng G, 2001, 'Enchanced backscattering from organic laser gain media bounded with rough gold films', Applied Optics, pp. 4236 - 4242

Malomed BA; Peng G; Chu PL, 2001, 'Helical Versus Fundamental Solitons in Optical Fibers', Physica Scripta T, pp. 386 - 390

Liu HY; Peng G; Chu PL; Koike Y; Watanabe Y, 2001, 'Photosensitivity in low-loss perfluoropolymer (CYTOP) fibre material', Electronics Letters, pp. 347 - 348

Peng G; Li AD, 2001, 'Preparation of polymer optical fibres doped with nonlinear optical active organic chromophores', Journal of Polymer Science Part B - Polymer Physics, pp. 1794 - 1801

Malomed BA; Peng G; Chu PL; Towers I; Buryak AV; Sammut RA, 2001, 'Stable helical solitons in optical media', Pramana - Journal of Physics, 57, pp. 1061 - 1078,

Chu PL; Peng G, 2001, 'The emerging applications of polymer optical fibre', Engineering World, 11, pp. 16 - 21

Chu PL; Peng G, 2001, 'The emerging applications of polymer optical fibre', Monitor, pp. 27 - 31

Liu HY; Peng G; Chu PL, 2001, 'Thermal Tuning of Polymer Optical Fibre Bragg Gratings', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 13, pp. 824 - 826

Gu ZM; Peng G, 2000, 'Amplification of enchanced backscattering from a dye-doped polymer bounded by a rough surface', Optics Letters, pp. 375 - 377

Wang Z; Peng G; Chu PL, 2000, 'Improved Rouard`s method for fiber and waveguide gratings', Optics Communications, 177, pp. 245 - 250

Xiong Z; Peng G; Chu PL, 2000, 'Nonlinear coupling and optical switching in a ß-carotene-doped twin-core polymer optical fiber', Optical Engineering, pp. 624 - 627

Xiong Z; Peng G; Chu PL, 2000, 'Nonlinear Coupling and Optical Switcing in Twin-Core Polymer Optical Fibres', Optical Engineering, pp. 624 - 627

Peng G; Chu PL, 2000, 'Polymer optical fiber photosensitivities and highly tunable fiber gratings', Fiber and Integrated Optics, 19, pp. 277 - 293

Malomed B; Peng GD; Chu PL, 1999, 'Soliton wavelength-division multiplexing system with channel-isolating notch filters', Optics Letters, 24, pp. 1100 - 1102,

Xiong Z; Peng G; Wu B; Chu PL, 1999, 'Effects of the Zeroth Order Diffraction of a Phase Mask on Bragg Grating', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 17, pp. 2361 - 2365

Xiong Z; Peng G; Wu B; Chu PL, 1999, 'Highly Tunable Bragg Gratings in Single Mode Polymer Optical Fibres', IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 11, pp. 352 - 354

Malomed BA; Wang Z; Chu PL; Peng G, 1999, 'Multichannel Switchable System for Spatial Solitons', Journal of the Optical Society of America B - Optical Physics, 16, pp. 1197 - 1201

Peng G; Xiong Z; Chu PL, 1999, 'Photosensitivity and Gratings in Dye-doped Polymer Optical Fibres', Optical Fiber Technology, pp. 242 - 251

Malomed BA; Peng G; Chu PL, 1999, 'Solition WDM System Using Channelisolating Notch Filters', Optics Letters, pp. 1100 - 1102

Ankiewicz A; Wang Z; Peng G, 1998, 'Analysis of narrow bandpass filter using coupler with Bragg grating in transmission', Optics Communications, 156, pp. 27 - 31

Peng G; Xiong Z; Chu PL, 1998, 'Fluorescence decay and recovery in organic dye-doped polymer optical fibers', Journal of Lightwave Technology, 16, pp. 2365 - 2372

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