Select Publications
Journal articles
2024, 'Does client importance affect key audit matters reporting? New Zealand evidence', Pacific Accounting Review, 36, pp. 277 - 296,
,2024, 'Managerial litigation risk and auditor choice', International Journal of Auditing, 28, pp. 142 - 169,
,2024, 'Audit firm informatization and audit quality during COVID-19', Journal of Accounting Literature,
,2023, 'The effect of non-financial performance measures, organisational politics and political skill on job performance: Evidence from China', Accounting and Finance, 63, pp. 2557 - 2595,
,2023, 'Shareholder election of CSR committee members and its effects on CSR performance', Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 50, pp. 716 - 763,
,2022, 'Managerial litigation risk and corporate investment efficiency: Evidence from Universal Demand laws', Journal of Empirical Legal Studies, 20, pp. 196 - 232,
,2022, 'CSR Performance and the Reputational Incentives of Independent Directors', Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 49, pp. 841 - 881,
,2022, 'Analyst Coverage and Audit Fees: International Evidence', Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance, 37, pp. 466 - 492,
,2022, 'Competition Effects on Audit Quality and Pricing in a Non-Big 4 Market', The International Journal of Accounting, 57,
,2021, 'Diversity of Signing Auditors and Audit Quality', Auditing: a Journal of Practice and Theory, 40, pp. 27 - 52,
,2020, 'Audit Committee Members’ Reputation Incentives and Their Effectiveness in Monitoring the Financial Reporting Process', Abacus: a journal of accounting, finance and business studies, 56, pp. 348 - 406,
,2020, 'State Ownership and Abnormal Accruals in Highly-Valued Firms: Evidence from China', Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics, 17, pp. 100223,
,2020, 'Corporate Reputation and the Timeliness of External Audit and Earnings Announcement', International Journal of Auditing, 24, pp. 366 - 395,
,2018, 'Does auditor gender affect issuing going concern opinion for financially distressed clients?', Accounting and Finance, 58, pp. 1027 - 1061,
,2018, 'The Impact of Financial Incentives and Perceptions of Seriousness on Whistleblowing Intention', Journal of Business Ethics, 151, pp. 165 - 178,
,2018, 'Bank audit fees and asset securitization risks', Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 37, pp. 21 - 48,
,2018, 'Effects of goal orientation, self-efficacy and task complexity on the audit judgement performance of Malaysian auditors', Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, 31, pp. 75 - 95,
,2018, 'Environmental Management Accounting in Local Government: Functional and Institutional Imperatives', Financial Accountability & Management, 34, pp. 148 - 165,
,2017, 'The Relationship between Audit Team Composition, Audit Fees and Quality', Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 36, pp. 115 - 135,
,2016, 'The effect of networked clients’ economic importance on audit quality', Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, 35, pp. 79 - 103,
,2015, 'Chief Financial Officers' Short- and Long-term Incentive-based Compensation and Earnings Management', Australian Accounting Review, 25, pp. 279 - 291,
,2015, 'The impact of the antecedents and consequences of job burnout on junior accountants' turnover intentions: A structural equation modelling approach', Accounting and Finance, 55, pp. 105 - 132,
,2014, 'Review of Post-CLERP 9 Australian Auditor independence research', Australian Accounting Review, 24, pp. 370 - 380,
,2014, 'Government and managerial influence on auditor switching under partial privatization', Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, 33, pp. 372 - 390,
,2014, 'Government intervention, bank ownership and risk-taking during the Indonesian financial crisis', Pacific Basin Finance Journal, 30, pp. 114 - 131,
,2013, 'Audit Partner Tenure and Cost of Equity Capital', Auditing - a Journal of Practice and Theory, 32, pp. 183 - 202,
,2013, 'The Effectiveness of SOX Regulation: An Interview Study of Corporate Directors', Behavioral Research in Accounting, 25, pp. 61 - 87,
,2011, 'Financial Reporting and Audit Quality', Australian Accounting Review, 21, pp. 203,
,2011, 'Changes to Mutual Fund Risk: Intentional or Mean Reverting?', Journal of Banking and Finance, 36, pp. 112 - 120
,2011, 'Environmental management accounting in local government: A case of waste management', Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal, 24, pp. 93 - 128,
,2011, 'Financial analysts' evaluation of enhanced disclosure of non-financial performance indicators', British Accounting Review, 43, pp. 87 - 101,
,2011, 'Market discipline, financial crisis and regulatory changes: Evidence from Indonesian banks', Journal of Banking and Finance, 35, pp. 1552 - 1562,
,2010, 'Mutual Fund Trades and the Value of Contradictory Private Information', Journal of Banking and Finance, 34, pp. 378 - 387
,2010, 'The value of Big 4 Audits in Australia', Accounting and Finance, 50, pp. 743 - 766
,2009, 'The Value of Assurance on Voluntary Nonfinancial Disclosure: An Experimental Analysis', , 28, pp. 137 - 152
,2008, 'Accounting and Capital Market Measures of Risk: Evidence from Asian Banks during 1998-2003', Journal of Banking and Finance, 32, pp. 480 - 488,
,2008, 'Effects of Employee Support on Junior Accountants’ Job Attitudes and Intention to Quit', Australian Accounting Review, 18, pp. 149 - 160,
,2008, 'The Effect of Moods on Auditors’ Inventory Valuation Decisions', Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, 27, pp. 137 - 160
,2007, 'An Exploratory Study of Counterexplanation as an Ethical Intervention Strategy', Journal of Business Ethics, 73, pp. 245 - 261,
,2007, 'Effects of Goal Orientation, Self-Efficacy and Task Complexity on the Audit Judgment Performance of Malaysian Auditors', Malaysian Accounting Review, 6,
,2006, 'Conflict Management Styles of Male and Female Junior Accountants', , 23, pp. 289 - 295
,2006, 'The Conflict Management Styles of Accountants: An Empirical Study in Australia', International Journal of Management, 23, pp. 289 - 295,
,2004, 'The Impact of Monetary Policy Candidness on Australian Financial Markets', Journal of Multinational Financial Management, 14, pp. 35 - 46,
,2004, 'The Impact of the Emotional Reaction and Cognitive Role of Occupational Stress on Professional Public Accountants' Performance', Asian Review of Accounting, 12, pp. 64 - 78
,2003, 'Exploring Social Desirability Bias', Journal of Business Ethics, 44, pp. 291 - 302,
,2002, 'Auditor independence: Problems and solutions', Australian Accounting Review, 12, pp. 2,
,2001, 'A Research Note on the Effects of Gender and Task Complexity on an Audit Judgment', Behavioral Research in Accounting, 13, pp. 111 - 126,
,2000, 'An Examination of Order Effects in Auditors’ Inherent Risk Assessments', Accounting and Finance, 40, pp. 153 - 168,
,2000, 'Supervisory Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction in Public Accounting Firms', Australian Accounting Review, 10, pp. 65 - 72
,2000, 'The Effects of Experience and Task Difficulty on Accuracy and Confidence Assessments of Auditors', Accounting and Finance, 40, pp. 135 - 152,