Select Publications
Journal articles
2018, 'International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology: world report on assisted reproductive technology, 2011', Fertility and Sterility, 110, pp. 1067 - 1080,
,2018, 'Improving, but could do better: Trends in gestation-specific stillbirth in Australia, 1994-2015.', Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology,
,2018, 'Assisted reproductive technology (ART) cumulative live birth rates following preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy (PGD-A) or morphological assessment of embryos: A cohort analysis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 58, pp. 525 - 532,
,2018, 'Measuring Social Capital in the Prison Setting: Lessons Learned From the Inmate Social Capital Questionnaire', Journal of Correctional Health Care, 24, pp. 407 - 417,
,2018, 'Are We Getting Value for Money from Behavioral Interventions for Offenders? A Research Note Reviewing the Economic Evaluation Literature', American Journal of Criminal Justice, 43, pp. 411 - 431,
,2018, 'Financial, opportunity and psychosocial costs of spinal muscular atrophy: an exploratory qualitative analysis of Australian carer perspectives.', BMJ Opem, 8, pp. e020907,
,2018, 'Maternal age and offspring developmental vulnerability at age five: A population-based cohort study of Australian children', PLoS Medicine, 15, pp. e1002558,
,2018, 'Are singleton pregnancies after assisted reproduction technology (ART) associated with a higher risk of placental anomalies as compared to non-ART singleton pregnancies? A systematic review and meta-analysis..', BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 126
,2018, 'Assessment of the societal and individual preferences for fertility treatment in Australia: Study protocol for stated preference discrete choice experiments', BMJ Open, 8, pp. e020509,
,2018, 'Gestational Age and Child Development at Age Five in a Population-Based Cohort of Australian Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Children', Paediatric and Perinatal Epidemiology, 32, pp. 114 - 125,
,2017, 'Mental health consultations in the perinatal period: a cost-analysis of Medicare services provided to women during a period of intense mental health reform in Australia', Australian Health Review, 42, pp. 514 - 521,
,2017, 'Prediction of outcomes of extremely low gestational age newborns in Australia and New Zealand', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 1, pp. e000205,
,2017, 'Survival in very preterm infants: An international comparison of 10 national neonatal networks', Pediatrics, 140,
,2017, 'More than a name: Heterogeneity in characteristics of models of maternity care reported from the Australian Maternity Care Classification System validation study', Women and Birth, 30, pp. 332 - 341,
,2017, 'Cumulative live-birth rates after repeated assisted reproduction technology treatment cycles in Australian and New Zealand', Medical Journal of Australia, 207, pp. 114 - 118,
,2017, 'Study protocol for a comparative effectiveness trial of two models of perinatal integrated psychosocial assessment: The PIPA project', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 17, pp. 236,
,2017, 'Social capital strategies to enhance hepatitis C treatment awareness and uptake among men in prison', Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 24, pp. 111 - 116,
,2017, 'Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand: Cumulative live birth rates as measures of success', Medical Journal of Australia, 207, pp. 114 - 118,
,2016, 'Unlocking dimensions of social capital in the prison setting', Health and Justice, 4, pp. 9,
,2016, 'Population trends and live birth rates associated with common ART treatment strategies', Human Reproduction, 31, pp. 2632 - 2641,
,2016, 'Socio-economic disparities in access to assisted reproductive technologies in Australia', Reproductive BioMedicine Online, 33, pp. 575 - 584,
,2016, 'Contextualising the social capital of Australian Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal men in prison', Social Science and Medicine, 167, pp. 29 - 36,
,2016, 'International committee for monitoring assisted reproductive technologies world report: Assisted reproductive technology 2008, 2009 and 2010†', Human Reproduction, 31, pp. 1588 - 1609,
,2016, 'The role, yield and cost of paediatric faecal elastase-1 testing', Pancreatology, 16, pp. 551 - 554,
,2016, 'The National Perinatal Depression Initiative: An evaluation of access to general practitioners, psychologists and psychiatrists through the Medicare Benefits Schedule', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 50, pp. 264 - 274,
,2015, 'High burden of RSV hospitalization in very young children: a data linkage study', Epidemiology and Infection,
,2015, 'Cost-effectiveness of term induction of labour using inpatient prostaglandin gel versus outpatient Foley catheter', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 55, pp. 440 - 445,
,2015, 'Risk of preterm birth after blastocyst embryo transfer: A large population study using contemporary registry data from Australia and New Zealand', Fertility and Sterility, 104, pp. 997 - 1003,
,2015, 'Reply: Preimplantation genetic screening using comprehensive chromosome screening: evidence and remaining challenges', Human reproduction (Oxford, England), 30, pp. 1516,
,2015, 'Risk of preterm birth after blastocyst embryo transfer: A large population study using contemporary registry data from Australia and New Zealand', Fertility and Sterility,
,2015, 'Indicators of social capital in prison: a systematic review', Health & Justice, 3, pp. 3 - 7,
,2015, 'Reply: Preimplantation genetic screening using comprehensive chromosome screening: Evidence and remaining challenges', Human Reproduction, 30, pp. 1516,
,2015, 'The clinical effectiveness of preimplantation genetic diagnosis for aneuploidy in all 24 chromosomes (PGD-A): Systematic review', Human Reproduction, 30, pp. 473 - 483,
,2015, 'Impact of assisted reproductive technology on the incidence of multiple-gestation infants: A population perspective', Fertility and Sterility, 103, pp. 179 - 183,
,2014, 'Hospital costs of multiple-birth and singleton-birth children during the first 5 years of life and the role of assisted reproductive technology', JAMA Pediatrics, 168, pp. 1045 - 1053,
,2014, 'The economic implications of multiple pregnancy following ART', Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 19, pp. 254 - 261,
,2013, 'Hospital utilisation, costs and mortality rates during the first 5 years of life: A population study of ART and non-ART singletons', Human Reproduction, 29, pp. 601 - 610,
,2013, 'The impact of patient costs on access to assisted reproductive technologies and embryo transfer practices: An international analysis', Fertility and Sterility
,2013, 'Perinatal mortality following assisted reproductive technology treatment in Australia and New Zealand, a public health approach for international reporting of perinatal mortality', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 13,
,2013, 'Optimal IVF in 2020: The Global Perspective: Acceptable Cost for the Patient and Society.', Fertility and Sterility, 100, pp. 319 - 327,
,2013, 'Session 50: Reproduction and society', Human Reproduction, 28, pp. i80 - i82,
,2013, 'Optimal IVF in 2020: The Global Perspective: Acceptable cost for the patient and society', Fertility and Sterility, 100, pp. 319 - 327,
,2013, 'Socioeconomic disparities in access in ART treatment and the differential impact of a policy that increased consumer costs', Human Reproduction,
,2013, 'What can we learn from a decade of promoting safe embryo transfer practices? A comparative analysis of policies and outcomes in the UK and Australia, 2001-2010', Human Reproduction, 28, pp. 1679 - 1686,
,2012, 'A reduction in public funding for fertility treatment - an econometric analysis of access to treatment and savings to government', BMC Health Services Research, 12,
,2012, 'Single embryo transfer reduces the risk of perinatal mortality, a population study', Human Reproduction, 27, pp. 3609 - 3615,
,2011, 'Assisted reproductive technology: Public funding and the voluntary shift to single embryo transfer in Australia', MJA Open, 195, pp. 594 - 598,
,2010, 'Author's reply', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 50, pp. 583 - 584,
,2010, 'Is in vitro fertilisation more effective than stimulated intrauterine insemination as a first-line therapy for sub-fertility? A cohort analysis', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 50, pp. 280 - 288,
,2010, 'The costs and consequences of assisted reproductive technology: an economic perspective.', Human Reproduction Update, 16, pp. 603 - 613,