Select Publications

Journal articles

Chen J; Dobrescu LI; Foster G; Motta A, 2024, 'Can leagues mitigate the demoralization effect of rank feedback? A randomized controlled trial', Labour Economics, 90,

Coelli M; Foster G, 2024, 'Unintended consequences of school accountability reforms: Public versus private schools', Economics of Education Review, 99,

Foster G; Frijters P, 2024, 'Hiding the elephant: The tragedy of COVID policy and its economist apologists', Australian Economic Papers, 63, pp. 106 - 144,

Arnold SRC; Desai A; McVilly K; Hind T; Mason B; Walsh J; Foster G; Trollor JN, 2024, 'Towards a contribution paradigm: photovoice uncovering the contribution of people with intellectual disability', Disability and Society,

d’Abrera JC; Foster G, 2023, 'Letter to the Editor regarding ‘What happened to the predicted COVID-19-induced suicide epidemic, and why?’', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 57, pp. 1583 - 1584,

Foster G; Sabhlok S, 2023, 'Response to 'Understanding the impact of lockdowns on short-term excess mortality in Australia' by Philip Clarke and Andrew Leigh', BMJ Global Health, 8,

Foster G, 2021, 'Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men', ECONOMIC RECORD, 97, pp. 310 - 316,

Foster G, 2021, 'Driven by the Invisible: The economics of the unseen', Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 5, pp. 79 - 85

Bose G; Dechter E; Foster G, 2020, 'Behavioral coordination as an individual best-response to punishing role models', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 174, pp. 301 - 319,

Foster G, 2020, 'Early estimates of the impact of COVID-19 disruptions on jobs, wages, and lifetime earnings of schoolchildren in Australia', Australian Journal of Labour Economics, 23,

Foster G, 2020, 'The Behavioural Economics of Government Responses to COVID-19', Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, Covid-19 Special Issue 3, pp. 11 - 43

Foster G, 2019, 'A portrait of a scientist as a young mind', Journal of Mind and Behavior, 40, pp. 83 - 94

Foster G; Pingle M; Yang J, 2019, 'Are we addicted to love? A parsimonious economic model of love', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 165, pp. 70 - 81,

Foster G; Stratton LS, 2019, 'What women want (their men to do): Housework and Satisfaction in Australian Households', Feminist Economics, 25, pp. 23 - 47,

Foster G, 2019, 'Hybrid Public Policy Innovations: Contemporary Policy Beyond Ideology, by Mark Fabian and Robert Breunig (eds.) (Taylor and Francis, New York, NY, 2018), pp. 289.', Economic Record,

Foster G; Stratton LS, 2018, 'Does Female Breadwinning Make Partnerships Less Healthy or Less Stable?', ,

Foster G; Frijters P; Schaffner M; Torgler B, 2018, 'Expectation formation in an evolving game of uncertainty: New experimental evidence', Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 154, pp. 379 - 405,

Foster G, 2018, 'Education Policy Reforms to Boost Productivity in Australia', Australian Economic Review, 51, pp. 253 - 261,

Foster G; Stratton LS, 2018, 'Do significant labor market events change who does the chores? Paid work, housework, and power in mixed-gender Australian households', Journal of Population Economics, 31, pp. 483 - 519,

Ko CC; Frijters P; Foster G, 2018, 'A tale of cyclones, exports and surplus forgone in Australia’s protected banana industry', Economic Record, 94, pp. 276 - 300,

Foster G, 2018, 'Ethics in Economics', AGENDA-A JOURNAL OF POLICY ANALYSIS AND REFORM, 25, pp. 61 - 75,

Foster G, 2018, 'Towards a living theoretical spine for (behavioural) economics', Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 2, pp. 75 - 81

Foster G, 2017, 'Why Gender Matters in Economics', ECONOMIC RECORD, 93, pp. 509 - 511,

Kalenkoski CM; Foster G, 2015, 'Measuring the relative productivity of multitasking to sole-tasking in household production: experimental evidence', Applied Economics, 47, pp. 1847 - 1862,

Foster G, 2015, 'Book review: Geoffrey M Hodgson, From Pleasure Machines to Moral Communities: An Evolutionary Economics without Homo Economicus', The Economic and Labour Relations Review, 26, pp. 175 - 181,

Frijters P; Foster G, 2015, 'Rising inequality: A benign outgrowth of markets or a symptom of cancerous political favours?', Australian Economic Review, 48, pp. 67 - 75,

Foster G; Frijters P, 2014, 'The formation of expectations: Competing theories and new evidence', Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 53, pp. 66 - 81,

Foster G; Frijters P, 2014, 'Book Review - The Why Axis: Hidden Motives and the Undiscovered Economics of Everyday Life, Uri Gneezy, John A. List. Public Affairs (2013). xi + 267 pp. ISBN: 978-1-61039-311-9', Journal of Economic Psychology, 44, pp. 50 - 51,

Greenglass E; Antonides G; Christandl F; Foster G; Katter JKQ; Kaufman BE; Lea SEG, 2014, 'The financial crisis and its effects: Perspectives from economics and psychology', Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 50, pp. 10 - 12,

Pugh K; Foster G, 2014, 'Australia's National School Data and the 'Big Data' Revolution in Education Economics', Australian Economic Review, 47, pp. 258 - 268,

Foster G; Kalenkoski CM, 2013, 'Tobit or OLS? An empirical evaluation under different diary window lengths', Applied Economics, 45, pp. 2994 - 3010,

Arcidiacono P; Foster G; Goodpaster N; Kinsler J, 2012, 'Estimating Spillovers using Panel Data, with an Application to the Classroom', Quantitative Economics, 3, pp. 421 - 470,

Foster G, 2012, 'The Impact of International Students on Measured Learning and Standards in Australian Higher Education', Economics of Education Review, 31, pp. 587 - 600

Foster G; Frijters P; Johnston D, 2012, 'The triumph of hope over disappointment: A note on the utility value of good health expectations', Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, pp. 208 - 214,

Foster G, 2011, 'Academics as Educators in Australian Universities: Power, Perceptions, and Institutions', Economic Papers, 30, pp. 568 - 575

Foster G; Frijters P, 2010, 'Students' Beliefs about Peer Effects', Economics Letters, 108, pp. 260 - 263

Foster G, 2010, 'Teacher effects on student attrition and perforrmance in mass-market tertiary education', Higher Education, 2010, pp. 301 - 319

Foster G, 2009, 'A Diagrammatic Exposition of Regression and Instrumental Variables for th Beginning Student', Journal of Economic Education, 40, pp. 278 - 296

Foster G, 2008, 'Names will Never Hurt Me: Racially identifiable names and identity in the undergraduate classroom', Social Science Research, 37, pp. 934 - 952,

Kalenkoski CM; Foster G, 2008, 'The quality of time spent with children in Australian households', Review of Economics of the Household, 6, pp. 243 - 266

Leach M; Pincombe J; Foster G, 2006, 'Clinical Efficacy of Horsechestnut Seed Extract in Venous Leg Ulcer Management', Journal of Wound Care, 15, pp. 159 - 167,

Foster G, 2006, 'It's not your peers, and it's not your friends: Some progress toward understanding the educational peer effect mechanism', Journal of Public Economics, 90, pp. 1455 - 1475

Shanahan M; Foster G; Erik , 2006, 'Operationalising a Threshold Concept in Economics: A Pilot Study Using Multiple Choice Questions on Opportunity Cost', International review of economics education, 5, pp. 29 - 57,

Leach M; Pincombe J; Foster G, 2006, 'Using Horsechestnut Seed Extract in the Treatment of Venous Leg Ulcers: A cost-benefit analysis', Ostomy Wound Management, 52, pp. 68 - 78,

Foster G, 2005, 'Making Friends: A nonexperimental analysis of social pair formation', Human Relations, 58, pp. 1443 - 1465,

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