Select Publications


Goodwin-Gill G, 2017, Model International Mobility Convention,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2017, The Experts Initiative on the Global Compact on Refugees: Conclusions and Explanatory Note. The Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility,

Goodwin-Gill G; McAdam J, 2017, UNHCR and Climate Change, Disasters, and Displacement, UNHCR, Geneva, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2015, Refugees and Migrants at Sea: Duties of Care and Protection in the Mediterranean and the Need for International Action, JMCE Migrants, Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Migrants' Rights in the Mediterranean,

Goodwin-Gill G; SC S, 2015, Footing the Bill: Refugee-Creating States' Responsibility to Pay, Council on Foreign Relations, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2014, Temporary Exclusion Orders and their Implications for the United Kingdom’s International Legal Obligations, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2014, Deprivation of Citizenship, Statelessness and International Law: More Authority (if it were needed...), ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2014, Deprivation of Citizenship resulting in Statelessness and its Implications in International Law: Further Comments, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2014, The Globalization of High Seas Interdiction – Sale’s Legacy and Beyond (Part 1), ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2014, The Globalization of High Seas Interdiction – Sale’s Legacy and Beyond (Part 2), ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2014, Deprivation of Citizenship resulting in Statelessness and its Implications in International Law: Opinion, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2014, Mr Al-Jedda, Deprivation of Citizenship, and International Law, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2013, Voting rights of recognised Geneva Convention refugees in their countries of asylum, University of Oxford,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2012, Introduction to the 1967 United Nations Declaration on Territorial Asylum, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2011, Introduction to the 1961 Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2009, Introduction to the 1951 Convention/1967 Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2009, Introduction to the 1954 Convention relating to the Status of Stateless Persons, ,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2006, Parliament and democracy in the twenty-first century: a guide to good practice, Inter-Parliamentary Union,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2004, Refugees and their human rights, Refugee Studies Centre,

Goodwin-Gill G; Hurwitz A, 2002, Amended Proposal for a Council Directive on Minimum Standards on Procedures in Member States for Granting and Withdrawing Refugee Status,

Goodwin-Gill G; Hurwitz A, 2002, Draft Regulation to determine the Member State responsible for examining an asylum application,

Goodwin-Gill G; Hurwitz A, 2002, Qualification as a Refugee and on Subsidiary Protection,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2001, Common Migration Policy in Europe,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2001, Minimum Standards in Asylum Procedures,

Goodwin-Gill G; Symes M, 2000, Caselaw on the Refugee Convention: the United Kingdom's interpretation in the light of the international authorities, Refugee Legal Centre,

Goodwin-Gill G, 2000, Inquiry into Physical Controls at UK Ports of Entry Evidence,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1998, The Funding of Political Parties,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1997, Status bezhentsa v mezhdunarodnom prave, UNITY,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1995, Legal, ethical and human rights issues on reproductive health in refugee situations, University of Amsterdam,

Goodwin-Gill G; Arnim RV; Heffernan L; Bossuyt M; Iza A; Chernichenko SV; Czaplinski W; Kawashima Y; Lempert E, 1994, International Law Association Buenos Aires Conference (1994),

Goodwin-Gill G, 1994, International Refugee Law: Essay Prepared for the Pastoral Dictionary on Migrants and Human Mobility, Carleton University,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1993, The principle of non-refoulement: its standing and scope in international law, UNHCR,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1992, Refugee and Asylum Procedures-The Return of Rejected Cases: A Role for UNHCR, UNHCR,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1992, The European Convention on Human Rights: Proposal for an Additional Protocol-Asylum in Europe, Carleton University,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1991, The Determination of Refugee Status in Canada: A Review of the Procedure: Preliminary Study, Law Reform Commission of Canada, Ottawa,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1990, Nationality and Statelessness, Residence and Refugee Status: Issues Affecting Palestinians, Carleton University,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1988, Refugees: the expanding mandate of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees/by Guy S. Goodwin-Gill,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1987, Refugees, Non-Nationals and the Relevance of Constitutional Values,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1986, The Detention of Non-Nationals, with particular Reference to Refugees and Asylum-Seekers,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1985, The Determination of Refugee Status: Problems of Access to Procedures and the Standard of Proof,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1982, International covenants and agreements: government international migration, Beirut Lebanon UN Economic Commission for Western Asia 1982,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1980, Refugees: Definition and Admission, University of New South Wales,

Goodwin-Gill G, 1973, The entry, establishment and removal of aliens in national and international law, University of Oxford,

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