Select Publications

Journal articles

Robinson S; Dickinson H; Freeman T; Rumbold B; Williams I, 2012, 'Structures and processes for priority-setting by health-care funders: A national survey of primary care trusts in England', Health Services Management Research, 25, pp. 113 - 120,

Wistow G; Dickinson H, 2012, 'Integration: Work still in progress', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 26, pp. 676 - 684,

Williams I; Bovaird T; Brown H; Allen K; Dickinson H; Kennedy J; Glasby J, 2012, 'Designing whole-systems commissioning: Lessons from the English experience', Journal of Care Services Management, 6, pp. 83 - 92,

Miller R; Dickinson H; Glasby J, 2011, 'The care trust pilgrims', Journal of Integrated Care, 19, pp. 14 - 21,

Dickinson H; Millar R; West M, 2011, 'Mind the gap: policy and practice in the reform of healthcare.', Journal of health organization and management, 25, pp. 244 - 246

Dickinson H; Freeman T; Robinson S; Williams I, 2011, 'Resource scarcity and prioritysetting: From management to leadership in the rationing of health care?', Public Money and Management, 31, pp. 363 - 370,

Dickinson H; Robinson S; Mannion R; Williams I, 2011, 'Thank you to the outgoing editorial team', Journal of Health Organization and Management, 25, pp. 443 - 444,

Williams I; Robinson S; Dickinson H, 2011, 'Disinvestment. Cut with care.', The Health service journal, 121, pp. 24 - 25

Dickinson H; Neal C, 2011, 'Single point of access to third sector services: The Conwy collaborative approach', Journal of Integrated Care, 19, pp. 37 - 48,

Miller R; Dickinson H, 2011, 'Towards a sustainable future with social care', Community Care, pp. 32 - 33

Robinson S; Dickinson H; Freeman T; Williams I, 2011, 'Disinvestment in health- the challenges facing general practitioner (GP) commissioners', Public Money and Management, 31, pp. 145 - 148,

Ham C; Clark J; Spurgeon P; Dickinson H; Armit K, 2011, 'Doctors who become chief executives in the NHS: From keen amateurs to skilled professionals', Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 104, pp. 113 - 119,

Williams I; Dickinson H; Robinson S, 2011, 'Joined-up rationing? An analysis of priority setting in health and social care commissioning', Journal of Integrated Care, 19, pp. 3 - 11,

Dickinson H, 2011, 'How to make the most out of brainstorming.', Nursing times, 107, pp. 37

Glasby J; Dickinson H; Miller R, 2011, 'Partnership working in England-where we are now and where we've come from', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, 11,

Dickinson H; Miller R, 2011, 'GP commissioning: implications for the third sector', Voluntary Sector Review, 2, pp. 265 - 273,

Dickinson H, 2010, 'The importance of being efficacious: English health and social care partnerships and service user outcomes', International Journal of Integrated Care, 10,

Miller R; Dickinson H, 2010, 'Integrated care in local areas', Community Care, pp. 32 - 33

Peck E; Dickinson H, 2010, 'Research paper: Pursuing legitimacy: Conceptualising and developing leaders' performances', Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 31, pp. 630 - 642,

Glasby J; Dickinson H; Smith J, 2010, ''Creating NHS Local': The Relationship between English Local Government and the National Health Service', Social Policy and Administration, 44, pp. 244 - 264,

Dickinson H; Peck E; Durose J; Wade E, 2010, 'Efficiency, effectiveness and efficacy: Towards a framework for high-performance in healthcare commissioning', Public Money and Management, 30, pp. 167 - 174,

Dickinson H; Glasby J, 2010, ''Why partnership working doesn't work': Pitfalls, problems and possibilities in English health and social care', Public Management Review, 12, pp. 811 - 828,

Williams L; Dickinson H, 2010, 'Can knowledge management enhance technology adoption in healthcare? A review of the literature', Evidence and Policy, 6, pp. 309 - 331,

Nederland T, 2009, 'International perspectives on health and social care. Partnership working in action', International Journal of Integrated Care, 9,

Addicott R, 2009, 'Better Partnership Working Complete Set', HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY, 17, pp. 532 - 533,

Peck E; Freeman T; Perri ; Dickinson H, 2009, 'Performing leadership: Towards a new research agenda in leadership studies?', Leadership, 5, pp. 25 - 40,

Williams I; Dickinson H; Robinson S; Allen C, 2009, 'Clinical microsystems and the NHS: A sustainable method for improvement?', Journal of Health, Organisation and Management, 23, pp. 119 - 132,

Dickinson H; Glasby J; Miller R; McCarthy L, 2009, 'Whose outcomes are they anyway? Report of the pilot evaluation of a joint service', Journal of Integrated Care, 17, pp. 37 - 44,

Donkers L, 2008, 'Evaluating outcomes in health and social care (Better partnership working series)', International Journal of Integrated Care, 8,

Butt G; McGuinness L, 2008, 'Partnership working in health and social care (Better partnership working series)', International Journal of Integrated Care, 8,

Dickinson H; Glasby J, 2008, 'Not Throwing out the Partnership Agenda with the Personalisation Bathwater', Journal of Integrated Care, 16, pp. 3 - 8,

Dickinson H; Glasby J, 2008, 'Training together to work together', Community Care, pp. 30 - 31

Glasby J; Dickinson H, 2008, 'A question of leadership', Community Care, pp. 30 - 31

Glasby J; Dickinson H, 2008, 'Strength through unity', Community Care, pp. 32 - 33

Glasby J; Dickinson H, 2008, 'Greater than the sum of our parts? Emerging lessons for UK health and social care', International Journal of Integrated Care, 8,

Dickinson H; Peck E; Davidson D, 2007, 'Opportunity seized or missed? A case study of leadership and organizational change in the creation of a Care Trust', Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21, pp. 503 - 513,

Dickinson H; Glasby J; Forder J; Beesley L, 2007, 'Free personal care in Scotland: A narrative review', British Journal of Social Work, 37, pp. 459 - 474,

Dickinson H; Glasby J; Peck E; Ham C, 2007, 'NHS independence: Can things only get better?', British Journal of Health Care Management, 13, pp. 164 - 165,

Dickinson H; Parker H, 2006, 'Organisational change. Grace under fire.', The Health service journal, 116

Glasby J; Smith J; Dickinson H, 2006, 'Creating 'NHS Local': A new relationship between PCTs and local government?', British Journal of Health Care Management, 12, pp. 377 - 378

Glasby J; Dickinson H; Peck E, 2006, 'Guest editorial: Partnership working in health and social care', Health and Social Care in the Community, 14, pp. 373 - 374,

Dickinson H, 2006, 'The evaluation of health and social care partnerships: An analysis of approaches and synthesis for the future', Health and Social Care in the Community, 14, pp. 375 - 383,

Peck E; Dickinson H; Smith J, 2006, 'Transforming or Transacting? The Role of Leaders in Organisational Transition', International Journal of Leadership in Public Services, 2, pp. 4 - 14,

Glasby J, 2006, 'Guest editorial: 'Bringing down the Berlin Wall': partnership working and the health and social care divide', HEALTH & SOCIAL CARE IN THE COMMUNITY, 14, pp. 195 - 196,

Lynn Young , 2006, 'The Working in Partnership Programme', Primary Health Care, 16, pp. 14 - 15,

Cosgrove J, 2004, 'Care Trusts: Partnership Working in ActionCare Trusts: Partnership Working in Action', Nursing Standard, 18, pp. 26 - 26,

Masterson A, 2004, 'Care trusts: partnership working in action Jon Glasby Care trusts: partnership working in action Edward Peck (editors) Radcliffe Medical Press147 pp£27.501 85775 821 81857758218', Nursing Older People, 16, pp. 35 - 35,

Glasby J; Lester H, 2004, 'Cases for change in mental health: partnership working in mental health services.', J Interprof Care, 18, pp. 7 - 16,

Wilson L, 1993, 'Working in partnership', Primary Health Care, 3, pp. 16 - 17,

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