Select Publications

Conference Abstracts

Farzi A; Reed F; Zhang L; Holzer P; Herzog H, 2017, 'Peptide YY is a critical regulator of gut microbiota composition specifically under conditions of sucralose or high fat diet exposure', in NEUROGASTROENTEROLOGY AND MOTILITY, WILEY, Vol. 29, pp. 86 - 86,

Crnkovic S; Jain P; Egemnazarov B; Marsh LM; Ghanim B; Klepetko W; Holzer P; Herzog H; Olschewski A; Kwapiszewska G, 2016, 'Increased Expression Of Npy1r Mediated Increased Vascular Reactivity To Npy', in AMERICAN JOURNAL OF RESPIRATORY AND CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE, AMER THORACIC SOC, CA, San Francisco, Vol. 193, presented at International Conference of the American-Thoracic-Society (ATS), CA, San Francisco, 13 May 2016 - 18 May 2016,

Sousa DM; Conceicao F; Silva DI; Alencastre IS; Nave J; Neto E; Alves CJ; McDonald MM; Baldock PA; Herzog H; Lamghari M, 2015, 'Exploring a Novel Y1 Receptor-Based Therapeutic Strategy for Bone Regeneration', in TISSUE ENGINEERING PART A, MARY ANN LIEBERT, INC, MA, Boston, Vol. 21, pp. S135 - S135, presented at 4th TERMIS World Congress, MA, Boston, 08 September 2015 - 11 September 2015,

Seimon RV; Shi Y-C; Slack K; Fernando HA; Nguyen AD; Zhang L; Lin S; Enriquez RF; Lau J; Herzog H; Sainsbury A, 2015, 'Intermittent moderate energy restriction improves weight loss efficiency in diet-induced obese mice', in CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY, WILEY, AUSTRALIA, Adelaide, Vol. 84, pp. 41 - 42, presented at Annual Scientific Meeting of the Endocrine-Society-of-Australia, AUSTRALIA, Adelaide, 23 August 2015 - 26 August 2015,

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