Select Publications


Bates S; Kayess R; Katz I, 2023, Transitioning to a human rights based formal supported decision-making framework in NSW, UNSW, Sydney,

Blunden H; Giuntoli G; Skattebol J; Katz I; Baker S; Lee J, 2023, Educational Pathways Program Evaluation - baseline report Executive Summary, Social Policy Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,,

Cortis N; Smyth C; Katz I, 2023, Reducing restrictive practices: A review of evidence-based alternatives, Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability,,

Bates S; Brown C; Kayess R; Katz I, 2023, Do Australian social policies take an intersectional approach when addressing the diverse needs of people with disability? A desk top review, UNSW, Sydney, Australia,

Bates S; Kayess R; Giuntoli G; Rengel-Gonçalves A; Li B; Fisher K; Goldin D; Ramirez B; Katz I, 2023, Towards best-practice access to services for culturally and linguistically diverse people with a disability, Disability Royal Commission,,

Blaxland M; Giuntoli G; Katz I, 2023, Evaluation of SDN Family Preservation Program. Final report, Social Policy Research Centre

Giuntoli G; Blaxland M; Katz I, 2023, Evaluation of SDN Family Preservation Program. Interim report, Social Policy Research Centre

Adamson E; Katz I; Gendera S; Smyth C, 2023, Evaluation of SDN Beranga Autism-Specific Preschool: Final Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,

Katz I; Blunden H; Giuntoli G; Skattebol J; Gendera S, 2022, Evaluation of the National headspace Program - Final Report, KPMG, Canberra,,

Li Y; Huang Y; Zhang W; Katz I; Li B, 2022, Sustaining Old Age Volunteerism Among CALD Population — The CASS Community Volunteer Model,,

Bates S; Laurens EJ; Cross M; Rowe B; Wilson B; Canham B; Hudson L; Katz I; Kayess R; Fisher KR, 2022, Growing Up Making Decisions, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,

Smyth C; Katz I, 2022, Changing experiences of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery across the social care (child and family services) sector, ANZSOG,,

Ritter A; Drysdale K; Katz I; de Leeuw E; Bates S, 2022, How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery?, ANZSOG, Sydney,,

Bates S; Bedford M; Katz I, 2021, Baseline study of current and future availability of ex-service organisation advocacy services, DVA, Canberra,,

Green MJ; Hindmarsh G; Harris F; Laurens K; Tzoumakis S; Whitten T; Katz I; Carr V, 2021, Child protection status and developmental outcomes in early and middle childhood: A data summary from the NSW Child Development Study,

Katz I; O'Shea P; Bates S; Gendera S, 2020, Final Report Part A (Summary) Implementing the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the development and trialling of the InnoWell Platform, as part of Project Synergy (Phase 2, 2017–2020),

Katz I; O'Shea P; Bates S; Gendera S, 2020, Project Synergy (Phase 2) Implementation Evaluation: Final Report Part B (Full Report),

Katz I; Idle J; Jopson W, 2019, OCHRE Local Decision Making Accords: Three Rivers Regional Assembly, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 08/19,

Hill T; Katz I, 2019, Insights into abuse of older people - analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics datasets, UNSW Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,

Gendera S; Katz I, 2019, ASELCC Research Synthesis Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Blunden H; Katz I, 2019, Establishing a Child Development Fund in Australia: A review of international models, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 09/19,

Searle A; Van Hooff M; Lawrence-Wood E; Hilferty F; Katz I; Zmudzki F; McFarlane A, 2019, Homelessness amongst Australian contemporary veterans: pathways from military and transition risk factors, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne,

Hilferty F; Katz I; Van Hooff M; Lawrence-Wood E; Zmudzki F; Searle A; Evans G, 2019, Homelessness amongst Australian veterans: Final report of the AHURI inquiry, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), Melbourne,

Hilferty F; Katz I; Jops P; Challinor B; Talbot A; Evans G; Van Hooff M; Lawrence-Wood E; Zmudzki F, 2019, Homelessness amongst Australian veterans: findings from the qualitative interviews, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), Melbourne,

Hilferty F; Katz I; Zmudzki F; Van Hooff M; Lawrence-Wood E; Evans G, 2019, Homelessness amongst Australian veterans: using the Specialist Homelessness Services Collection to examine veteran homelessness, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute (AHURI), Melbourne,

Searle A; Van Hooff M; Lawrence-Wood E; Hilferty F; Katz I; Zmudzki F; McFarlane A, 2019, Homelessness and its correlates in Australian Defence Force veterans, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute, Melbourne,

Smyth C; Katz I, 2019, OCHRE Local Decision Making Accords: Illawarra Wingecarribee Alliance Aboriginal Corporation, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 10/19,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Campbelltown Opportunity Hub (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Campbelltown Opportunity Hub (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Gumbaynggir Language and Culture Nest (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Gumbaynggir Language and Culture Nest (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Local Decision Making (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Local Decision Making (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: North West Wiradjuri Language and Culture Nest (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: North West Wiradjuri Language and Culture Nest (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Synthesis Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Tamworth Opportunity Hub (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Bates S; Idle J; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Tamworth Opportunity Hub (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Walsh P; McHugh M; Blunden H; Katz I, 2018, Literature Review: Factors Influencing the Outcomes of Children and Young People in Out-of-Home Care, NSW Family and Community Services, Sydney, Report Number 6,,

Zmudzki F; Muir S; Blunden H; Bates S; Katz I; valentine K; Harvey J, 2018, Evaluation Report: DVA Coordinated Client Support Program, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney

Goldfeld S; Villanueva K; Lee JL; Robinson R; Moriarty A; Peel D; Tanton R; Giles-Corti B; Woolcock G; Brinkman S; Katz I, 2018, Foundational Community Factors (FCFs) for Early Childhood Development: A report on the Kids in Communities Study,

Katz I; Jones A; Newton BJ; Reimer E, 2017, Life journeys of victim/survivors of child sexual abuse in institutions: an analysis of Royal Commission private sessions, Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Sydney,,

Smyth CA; Gendera S; Giuntoli G; Hill T; Katz I; Asante D, 2017, Evaluation of Settlement Grants - Final report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 12/17,,

Cashmore J; Katz I; Shackel R; valentine K, 2017, Evaluation of the Child Sexual Offence Evidence Pilot: process evaluation report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 16/17,

Smyth CA; Hill T; Griffths A; Katz I; Mahenthirarajah A, 2017, Post Implementation Review of the No Jab, No Pay 2015 Budget Measure – Final Report.

Raven M; Katz I; Newton BJ; Bates S, 2017, OCHRE Evaluation Plan: Overview and Stage 1, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney,

Meltzer A; Bates S; Robinson S; Kayess R; Fisher KR; Katz I, 2016, What do people with intellectual disability think about their jobs and the support they receive at work? A comparative study of three employment support models, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 16/16,,

Matthews B; Walsh K; Dunne M; Katz I; Arney F; Higgins D; Octoman O; Parkinson S; Bates S, 2016, Scoping study for research into the prevalence of child abuse in Australia, UNSW Australia in partnership with Australian Institute of Family Studies, Queensland University of Technology and the Australian Centre for Child Protection (University of South Australia), SPRC Report 13/16,,

Jones AR; Katz I; Giuntoli G; Bates S; Johnson K, 2016, Quality of life after retirement from Australian Disability Enterprises, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 17/16,

Smyth CA; Katz I, 2016, Child Protection and Respectful Relationships Education and Best Practice in School Settings – Literature Review & Stakeholder Consultation, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney,

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