Select Publications
, 2008, Contexts of child development: culture, policy and intervention, Robinson G; Eichelkamp U; Goodnow J; Katz I, (eds.), Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin
2006, Children and Families in Communities: Theory Research and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, London
,2005, Evaluating family support: Thinking internationally, thinking critically,
,, 2003, Evaluating Family Support ? Thinking Critically, Thinking Internationally, Katz I; Pinkerton J, (ed.), Wiley, Chichester
Book Chapters
2023, 'Enriching thematic analysis with clustering techniques: Applying mixed analysis to interviews about big data linkage', in Handbook of Mixed Methods Research in Business and Management, Edward Elgar, pp. 310 - 327,
,2022, 'The Impact of Place-Based Services on Child Maltreatment: Evaluation Through Big Data Linkage and Analytics', in Child Maltreatment: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy, Springer Nature, pp. 31 - 49,
,2020, 'Newspaper coverage of childhood immunisation in Australia', in Media Analysis and Public Health, Routledge, pp. 106 - 117,
,2019, 'A just child protection system - Is it possible?', in Practical Justice: Principles, Practice and Social Change, Routledge, pp. 131 - 145,
,2012, 'Family Background and Child Outcomes', in Ermisch J; Jäntti M; Smeeding T (ed.), From Parents to Children: The Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage, Russell Sage, New York, pp. 140 - 163
,2012, 'Social cohesion and social capital: the experience of Australian Muslim families in two communities', in Mansouri F; Marotta V (ed.), Muslims in the West and the challenges of belonging, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp. 89 - 113
,2009, 'Family income as a protective factor for child outcomes?', in Rummery K; Greener I; Holden C (ed.), Social Policy Review 21, The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 167 - 198,
,2008, 'Early Intervention and Evidence-based Policy', in Robinson G; Eickelkamp U; Goodnow J; Katz I (ed.), Contexts of child development: culture, policy and intervention, Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, pp. 90 - 99
,2006, 'Family Support and Schools; issues for policy and practice', in Dolan P; Canavan J; Pinkerton J (ed.), Family Support as Reflective Practice, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London
,2006, 'School as a base for family support services', in Dolan P; Canavan J; Pinkerton J (ed.), Family Support as Reflective Practice, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 27 - 41
,2005, 'International Convergence and Divergence: Towards an Open System Model in the Evaluation of Family Support', in Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically, pp. 307 - 331,
,2005, 'Perspective through International Comparison in the Evaluation of Family Support', in Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically, pp. 1 - 21,
,2005, 'Social Exclusion, Family Support and Evaluation', in Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically, pp. 45 - 71,
,2005, 'The social and psychological development of mixed parentage children', in Okitipi T (ed.), Working with children of mixed parentage, Russell House, London, pp. 45 - 60
,2003, 'International Convergence and Divergence – towards an Open System model in the Evaluation of Family Support', in Katz I; Pinkerton J (ed.), Evaluating Family Support ? Thinking Critically, Thinking Internationally, Wiley, Chichester, pp. 309 - 332
,2003, 'Sexual Abuse in England and Wales', in Herczog M; May-Chahal C (ed.), Child Sexual Abuse in Europe, Council for Europe, Brussels
,Journal articles
2024, 'Family member and service provider experiences and perspectives of a digital surveillance and service navigation approach in multicultural context: a qualitative study in identifying the barriers and enablers to Watch Me Grow-Electronic (WMG-E) program with a culturally diverse community', BMC health services research, 24, pp. 978,
,2024, 'What can we learn from disability policy to advance our understanding of how to operationalise intersectionality in Australian policy frameworks?', Australian Journal of Public Administration,
,2024, 'Unveiling Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure in China: An Ecological Exploration of Survivors’ Experiences', Children, 11,
,2024, 'Developmental trajectories of socio-emotional outcomes of children and young people in out-of-home care – Insights from data of Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS)', Child Abuse and Neglect, 149,
,2024, 'Restoration from out-of-home care for Aboriginal children: Evidence from the pathways of care longitudinal study and experiences of parents and children', Child Abuse and Neglect, 149,
,2024, 'Social inclusion, social innovation, and urban governance', Urban Governance, 4, pp. 1 - 2,
,2024, 'Restoring Children From Out-of-Home Care: Insights From an Aboriginal-Led Community Forum', Child and Family Social Work,
,2024, 'The importance of supporting evolving capacity: The need to support young people with cognitive impairment in out-of-home-care', Children and Youth Services Review, 156, pp. 107315,
,2024, 'The remote work of child protection professionals during COVID-19: A scoping review and thematic analysis', Child Abuse and Neglect,
,2024, 'Children dually involved with statutory child protection and juvenile justice in Australia: A developmental cascade framework', Children and Youth Services Review, 161, pp. 107645 - 107645,
,2023, 'Out-of-home care characteristics associated with childhood educational underachievement, mental disorder, and police contacts in an Australian population sample', Child Abuse and Neglect, 139, pp. 106120,
,2023, 'COVID-19: Impact on children living in out-of-home care and their carers', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 58, pp. 90 - 110,
,2023, 'Child protective services and out-of-home Care for Children during COVID-19: A scoping review and thematic analysis', Child Abuse and Neglect,
,2023, 'Is there a role for hybrid service provision in place-based initiatives within the human services sector? Findings from an Australian exploratory study', Australian Journal of Public Administration,
,2023, 'Profiles of Resilience from Early to Middle Childhood among Children Known to Child Protection Services', Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 52, pp. 533 - 545,
,2023, 'The built environment and early childhood development: qualitative evidence from disadvantaged Australian communities', Children's Geographies, 21, pp. 330 - 346,
,2023, 'The global impact of COVID-19 on child protection professionals: A scoping review and thematic analysis', Child Abuse and Neglect,
,2023, 'Outcomes for children with disability in out-of-home care: Evidence from the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study in Australia', Child Abuse and Neglect, 143, pp. 106246,
,2022, 'Child protective services during COVID-19 and doubly marginalized children: International perspectives', Child Abuse and Neglect, 131,
,2022, 'Utility of screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in children and young people attending clinical and healthcare settings: a systematic review', BMJ Open, 12,
,2022, 'One year into COVID-19: What have we learned about child maltreatment reports and child protective service responses?', Child Abuse and Neglect, 130,
,2022, 'Waiting for redress: Child sexual abuse survivors' experiences of Australia's National Redress Scheme', Child Abuse and Neglect, 129, pp. 105657,
,2021, '“Watch Me Grow- Electronic (WMG-E)” surveillance approach to identify and address child development, parental mental health, and psychosocial needs: study protocol', BMC Health Services Research, 21, pp. 1240,
,2021, 'Protecting Sexually Abused Children with Intellectual Disability in the Emerging Child Protection System in China: a Case Study', International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 4, pp. 517 - 536,
,2021, 'The challenge of Defining Child Sexual Abuse in the Developing Child Protection System in China', International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 4, pp. 401 - 419,
,2021, 'Children’s Behavioral Agency within Families in the Context of Migration: A Systematic Review', Adolescent Research Review, 7, pp. 1 - 61,
,2021, 'Findings from the Kids in Communities Study (KiCS): A mixed methods study examining community-level influences on early childhood development', PLoS ONE, 16,
,2021, 'Child maltreatment reports and Child Protection Service responses during COVID-19: Knowledge exchange among Australia, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Germany, Israel, and South Africa', Child Abuse and Neglect, 116,
,2021, 'Child protection services for children with special healthcare needs: A population record linkage study', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56, pp. 223 - 243,
,2021, 'How many Australian veterans are homeless? Reporting prevalence findings and method from a national study', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 56, pp. 114 - 127,