Select Publications


, 2008, Contexts of child development: culture, policy and intervention, Robinson G; Eichelkamp U; Goodnow J; Katz I, (eds.), Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin

Barnes J; Katz I; Korbin J; O Brien M, 2006, Children and Families in Communities: Theory Research and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, London

Katz I; Pinkerton J, 2005, Evaluating family support: Thinking internationally, thinking critically,

, 2003, Evaluating Family Support ? Thinking Critically, Thinking Internationally, Katz I; Pinkerton J, (ed.), Wiley, Chichester

Book Chapters

Tani Bertuol M; Katz I; Cheng Z, 2025, 'Children with Disability in Out-of-Home Care: Prevalence and Characteristics', in Bennett G; Goodall E (ed.), The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Disability, Palgrave Macmillan Cham, pp. 1 - 9,

Katz C; Katz I; Attrash-Najjar A; Jacobson M; Chang OD; Collin-Vézina D; Fouché A; Kaawa-Mafigiri D; Korbin JE; Levine DT; Maguire-Jack K; Massarweh N; Munir A; Muñoz P; Nieminen I; Paavilainen E; Priolo-Filho S; Ståhlberg M; Tiwari A; Truter E; Varela N; Walker-Williams H; Wekerle C, 2024, 'WHAT HAS COVID-19 TAUGHT US ABOUT SAFEGUARDING CHILDREN FROM MALTREATMENT?: Lessons Learned from an International Study', in The Routledge Handbook of Child and Family Social Work Research: Knowledge-Building, Application, and Impact, pp. 344 - 363,

Rose J; Low-Choy S; Katz I; Homel R, 2023, 'Enriching thematic analysis with clustering techniques: Applying mixed analysis to interviews about big data linkage', in Handbook of Mixed Methods Research in Business and Management, Edward Elgar, pp. 310 - 327,

Katz I; Rose J; Low-Choy S; Homel R, 2022, 'The Impact of Place-Based Services on Child Maltreatment: Evaluation Through Big Data Linkage and Analytics', in Child Maltreatment: Contemporary Issues in Research and Policy, Springer Nature, pp. 31 - 49,

Stephenson N; Chaukra S; Katz I; Heywood A, 2020, 'Newspaper coverage of childhood immunisation in Australia', in Media Analysis and Public Health, Routledge, pp. 106 - 117,

Katz I, 2019, 'A just child protection system - Is it possible?', in Practical Justice: Principles, Practice and Social Change, Routledge, pp. 131 - 145,

Blanden J; Katz I; Redmond G, 2012, 'Family Background and Child Outcomes', in Ermisch J; Jäntti M; Smeeding T (ed.), From Parents to Children: The Intergenerational Transmission of Advantage, Russell Sage, New York, pp. 140 - 163

Gendera S; Pe-Pua R; Katz I, 2012, 'Social cohesion and social capital: the experience of Australian Muslim families in two communities', in Mansouri F; Marotta V (ed.), Muslims in the West and the challenges of belonging, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, pp. 89 - 113

Katz I; Redmond G, 2009, 'Family income as a protective factor for child outcomes?', in Rummery K; Greener I; Holden C (ed.), Social Policy Review 21, The Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 167 - 198,

Katz I, 2008, 'Early Intervention and Evidence-based Policy', in Robinson G; Eickelkamp U; Goodnow J; Katz I (ed.), Contexts of child development: culture, policy and intervention, Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, pp. 90 - 99

Katz I, 2006, 'Family Support and Schools; issues for policy and practice', in Dolan P; Canavan J; Pinkerton J (ed.), Family Support as Reflective Practice, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London

Katz I, 2006, 'School as a base for family support services', in Dolan P; Canavan J; Pinkerton J (ed.), Family Support as Reflective Practice, Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, pp. 27 - 41

Katz I; Pinkerton J, 2005, 'International Convergence and Divergence: Towards an Open System Model in the Evaluation of Family Support', in Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically, pp. 307 - 331,

Pinkerton J; Katz I, 2005, 'Perspective through International Comparison in the Evaluation of Family Support', in Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically, pp. 1 - 21,

May-Chahal C; Katz I; Cooper L, 2005, 'Social Exclusion, Family Support and Evaluation', in Evaluating Family Support: Thinking Internationally, Thinking Critically, pp. 45 - 71,

Katz I, 2005, 'The social and psychological development of mixed parentage children', in Okitipi T (ed.), Working with children of mixed parentage, Russell House, London, pp. 45 - 60

Katz I; Pinkerton J, 2003, 'International Convergence and Divergence – towards an Open System model in the Evaluation of Family Support', in Katz I; Pinkerton J (ed.), Evaluating Family Support ? Thinking Critically, Thinking Internationally, Wiley, Chichester, pp. 309 - 332

Katz I, 2003, 'Sexual Abuse in England and Wales', in Herczog M; May-Chahal C (ed.), Child Sexual Abuse in Europe, Council for Europe, Brussels

Journal articles

Poon AWC; Cassaniti M; Katz I; Karan P; Zwi A, 2025, 'Mental Health Workers’ Perceptions of Transcultural Practice with Young People and Families', Australian Social Work, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 14,

Barr KR; Hawker P; Winata T; Wang S; Smead M; Ignatius H; Kohlhoff J; Schmied V; Jalaludin B; Lawson K; Liaw ST; Lingam R; Page A; Lam-Cassettari C; Boydell K; Lin PI; Katz I; Dadich A; Raman S; Grace R; Doyle AK; McClean T; Di Mento B; Preddy J; Woolfenden S; Eapen V; Wood A; Blight V; Arora A; Kaplun C; Descallar J; Myers N; Bruce J; Diaz AM; Cibralic S; Grace R; Lin DP, 2024, 'Family member and service provider experiences and perspectives of a digital surveillance and service navigation approach in multicultural context: a qualitative study in identifying the barriers and enablers to Watch Me Grow-Electronic (WMG-E) program with a culturally diverse community', BMC Health Services Research, 24,

Drysdale K; Bates S; Ritter A; Smyth C; Leeuw ED; Katz I, 2024, 'Is there a role for hybrid service provision in place-based initiatives within the human services sector? Findings from an Australian exploratory study', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 83, pp. 584 - 602,

Bates S; Katz I; Whitten T, 2024, 'Making the most of a captive audience: Do specialist teams in custodial settings offer a way to assist people to access the NDIS?', Australian Journal of Social Issues,

Bates S; Kayess R; Katz I, 2024, 'What can we learn from disability policy to advance our understanding of how to operationalise intersectionality in Australian policy frameworks?', Australian Journal of Public Administration,

Tian T; Katz I; Shang X, 2024, 'Unveiling Child Sexual Abuse Disclosure in China: An Ecological Exploration of Survivors’ Experiences', Children, 11,

Hu N; Gelaw YA; Katz I; Fernandez E; Falster K; Hanly M; Newton BJ; Stephensen J; Hotton P; Zwi K; Lingam R, 2024, 'Developmental trajectories of socio-emotional outcomes of children and young people in out-of-home care – Insights from data of Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study (POCLS)', Child Abuse and Neglect, 149,

Newton BJ; Katz I; Gray P; Frost S; Gelaw Y; Hu N; Lingam R; Stephensen J, 2024, 'Restoration from out-of-home care for Aboriginal children: Evidence from the pathways of care longitudinal study and experiences of parents and children', Child Abuse and Neglect, 149,

Li B; Katz I; Fang L; Kumar S, 2024, 'Social inclusion, social innovation, and urban governance', Urban Governance, 4, pp. 1 - 2,

Uribe G; Huckel Schneider C; Mukumbang F; Liu H; Woolfenden S; Jones T; Gillespie J; Hiscock H; Haigh F; Goldfeld S; Katz I; Page A; Giannopoulos V; Haber P; Goodwin N; Anderson T; Eastwood J; Cunich M, 2024, 'Guiding research into integrated health and social care in Australia: suitability of three global frameworks for local adoption', Journal of Integrated Care, 32, pp. 122 - 134,

Newton BJ; Gray P; Cripps K; Falster K; Katz I; Chiswell K; Wellington L; Ardler R; Frith F; Jones T; Kent M; Tong N, 2024, 'Restoring Children From Out-of-Home Care: Insights From an Aboriginal-Led Community Forum', Child and Family Social Work,

Bates S; Kayess R; Laurens EJ; Katz I, 2024, 'The importance of supporting evolving capacity: The need to support young people with cognitive impairment in out-of-home-care', Children and Youth Services Review, 156, pp. 107315,

Katz C; Cohen N; Attrash-Najjar A; Glucklich T; Jacobson M; Varela N; Priolo-Filho SR; Chang OD; Haffejee S; Kaawa-Mafigiri D; Katz I; Maguire-Jack K; Massarweh N; Tarabulsy GM; Levine DT; Wekerle C, 2024, 'The remote work of child protection professionals during COVID-19: A scoping review and thematic analysis', Child Abuse and Neglect,

White J; Evans P; Katz I, 2024, 'Children dually involved with statutory child protection and juvenile justice in Australia: A developmental cascade framework', Children and Youth Services Review, 161, pp. 107645 - 107645,

Uribe G; Dronavalli M; Katz I; Page A; Wolfenden S; Gillespie J; Eastwood J; Huckel Schneider C, 2023, 'Integrated health and social care with a CALD focus: a service mapping study in Sydney Metropolitan', International Journal of Integrated Care, 23, pp. 206 - 206,

O'Hare K; Tzoumakis S; Watkeys O; Katz I; Laurens KR; Butler M; Harris F; Carr VJ; Green MJ, 2023, 'Out-of-home care characteristics associated with childhood educational underachievement, mental disorder, and police contacts in an Australian population sample', Child Abuse and Neglect, 139, pp. 106120,

Townsend ML; Tarren-Sweeney M; Hopkins J; Paxman M; Dey P; Katz I, 2023, 'COVID-19: Impact on children living in out-of-home care and their carers', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 58, pp. 90 - 110,

Katz C; Attrash-Najjar A; Cohen N; Glucklich T; Jacobson M; Varela N; Priolo-Filho SR; Bérubé A; Chang OD; Collin-Vézina D; Fouché A; Haffejee S; Katz I; Maguire-Jack K; Massarweh N; O'Reilly M; Tiwari A; Truter E; de Andrade Vieira RV; Walker-Williams H; Zibetti MR; Wekerle C, 2023, 'Child protective services and out-of-home Care for Children during COVID-19: A scoping review and thematic analysis', Child Abuse and Neglect,

Green MJ; Piotrowska PJ; Tzoumakis S; Whitten T; Laurens KR; Butler M; Katz I; Harris F; Carr VJ, 2023, 'Profiles of Resilience from Early to Middle Childhood among Children Known to Child Protection Services', Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 52, pp. 533 - 545,

Villanueva K; Woolcock G; Goldfeld S; Tanton R; Brinkman S; Katz I; Giles-Corti B, 2023, 'The built environment and early childhood development: qualitative evidence from disadvantaged Australian communities', Children's Geographies, 21, pp. 330 - 346,

Katz C; Glucklich T; Attrash-Najjar A; Jacobson M; Cohen N; Varela N; Priolo-Filho SR; Bérubé A; Chang OD; Collin-Vézina D; Fouché A; Haffejee S; Katz I; Maguire-Jack K; Massarweh N; O'Reilly M; Tiwari A; Truter E; de Andrade Vieira RV; Walker-Williams H; Zibetti MR; Werkele C, 2023, 'The global impact of COVID-19 on child protection professionals: A scoping review and thematic analysis', Child Abuse and Neglect,

Tani Bertuol M; Cheng Z; Katz I, 2023, 'Outcomes for children with disability in out-of-home care: Evidence from the Pathways of Care Longitudinal Study in Australia', Child Abuse and Neglect, 143, pp. 106246,

Katz C; Varela N; Korbin JE; Najjar AA; Cohen N; Bérubé A; Bishop E; Collin-Vézina D; Desmond A; Fallon B; Fouche A; Haffejee S; Kaawa-Mafigiri D; Katz I; Kefalidou G; Maguire-Jack K; Massarweh N; Munir A; Munoz P; Priolo-Filho S; Tarabulsy GM; Levine DT; Tiwari A; Truter E; Walker-Williams H; Wekerle C, 2022, 'Child protective services during COVID-19 and doubly marginalized children: International perspectives', Child Abuse and Neglect, 131,

Cibralic S; Alam M; Mendoza Diaz A; Woolfenden S; Katz I; Tzioumi D; Murphy E; Deering A; Mcnamara L; Raman S; Eapen V, 2022, 'Utility of screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in children and young people attending clinical and healthcare settings: a systematic review', BMJ Open, 12,

Katz I; Priolo-Filho S; Katz C; Andresen S; Bérubé A; Cohen N; Connell CM; Collin-Vézina D; Fallon B; Fouche A; Fujiwara T; Haffejee S; Korbin JE; Maguire-Jack K; Massarweh N; Munoz P; Tarabulsy GM; Tiwari A; Truter E; Varela N; Wekerle C; Yamaoka Y, 2022, 'One year into COVID-19: What have we learned about child maltreatment reports and child protective service responses?', Child Abuse and Neglect, 130,

Cortis N; Katz I, 2022, 'Waiting for redress: Child sexual abuse survivors' experiences of Australia's National Redress Scheme', Child Abuse and Neglect, 129, pp. 105657,

Eapen V; Woolfenden S; Schmied V; Jalaludin B; Lawson K; Liaw ST; Lingam R; Page A; Cibralic S; Winata T; Mendoza Diaz A; Lam-Cassettari C; Burley J; Boydell K; Lin P; Masi A; Katz I; Dadich A; Preddy J; Bruce J; Raman S; Kohlhoff J; Descallar J; Karlov L; Kaplun C; Arora A; Di Mento B; Smead M; Doyle K; Grace R; McClean T; Blight V; Wood A; Raine KH; Lin P, 2021, '“Watch Me Grow- Electronic (WMG-E)” surveillance approach to identify and address child development, parental mental health, and psychosocial needs: study protocol', BMC Health Services Research, 21, pp. 1240,

Shang X; Katz I; Tian T, 2021, 'Protecting Sexually Abused Children with Intellectual Disability in the Emerging Child Protection System in China: a Case Study', International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice, 4, pp. 517 - 536,

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