Select Publications


Rogers WA; Scully JL; Carter SM; Entwistle VA; Mills C, 2022, INTRODUCTION,

Rogers WA; Scully JL; Carter SM; Entwistle VA; Mills C, 2022, THE ROUTLEDGE HANDBOOK OF FEMINIST BIOETHICS,

Scully JL; Dandelion P, 2016, Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives,

Scully JL; Dandelion P, 2013, Good and evil: Quaker perspectives

Book Chapters

Rogers WA; Scully JL; Carter SM; Entwistle VA; Mills C, 2022, 'Introduction', in The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics, Routledge, pp. 1 - 11,

Scully JL, 2022, 'BEING DISABLED AND CONTEMPLATING DISABLED CHILDREN', in The Disability Bioethics Reader, pp. 116 - 124,

Scully JL, 2022, 'FEMINIST BIOETHICS AND DISABILITY', in The Routledge Handbook of Feminist Bioethics, pp. 181 - 194,

Scully JL, 2021, 'The Politics of Care: From Biomedical Transformation to Narrative Vulnerability', in Vulnerability and the Politics of Care, British Academy, pp. 151 - 167,

Scully JL, 2020, '14 Nothing Like a Gene', in Genes in Development, Duke University Press, pp. 349 - 364,

Scully JL, 2020, 'Epistemic Exclusion, Injustice, and Disability', in Cureton A; Wasserman DT (ed.), , Oxford University Press, pp. 295 - 309,

Scully JL, 2019, 'Deaf identities in disability studies', in Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies, Routledge, pp. 145 - 157,

Scully JL, 2019, 'Choice, Chance, and Acceptance', in Human Flourishing in an Age of Gene Editing, Oxford University Press, pp. 143 - 156,

Scully JL, 2018, 'Disability and the challenge of genomics', in Routledge Handbook of Genomics, Health and Society, pp. 186 - 194,

Scully JL, 2017, 'Receiving and interpreting information: A joint enterprise', in Disclosure Dilemmas: Ethics of Genetic Prognosis after the 'Right to Know/Not to Know' Debate, pp. 205 - 217

Scully JL, 2016, 'Feminist empirical bioethics', in Empirical Bioethics: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives, pp. 195 - 221,

Kim J; Scully JL; Katsanis SH, 2016, 'Ethical challenges in missing persons investigations', in Handbook of Missing Persons, pp. 163 - 175,

Scully JL, 2016, 'The Secular Ethics of Liberal Quakerism', in Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives, pp. 219 - 231,

Scully JL, 2014, 'On unfamiliar moral territory: About variant embodiment, enhancement and normativity', in The Human Enhancement Debate and Disability: New Bodies for a Better Life, pp. 23 - 37,

Scully JL, 2014, 'On Unfamiliar Moral Territory: About Variant Embodiment, Enhancement and Normativity', in The Human Enhancement Debate and Disability, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 23 - 37,

Scully JL, 2013, 'Disability and Vulnerability', in Vulnerability, Oxford University Press, pp. 204 - 221,

Scully JL, 2013, 'Deaf identities in disability studies: With us or without us?', in Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies, pp. 109 - 121,

Scully JL, 2013, 'The secular ethics of liberal Quakerism', in Good and Evil: Quaker Perspectives, pp. 132 - 219

Dodds S, 2013, 'Feminist Bioethics', in The International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Blackwell Publishing Ltd, pp. 1918 - 1925

Scully JL, 2012, 'Disability, Human Rights and Contemporary Genetics', in , Wiley,

Scully JL, 2012, 'Disability: Stigma and Discrimination', in , Wiley,

Scully JL, 2012, 'Disability and the thinking body', in Embodied Selves, pp. 139 - 159,

Scully JL, 2011, 'Disability and the Pitfalls of Recognition', in Contesting Recognition, Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 36 - 52,

Rehmann-Sutter C; Porz R; Scully JL, 2009, 'Sourcing human embryonic tissue: The ethical issues', in Fundamentals of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, pp. 37 - 46,

Scully JL, 2009, 'Die Bedeutung des Leibes in der Neurowissenschaft', in Das technisierte Gehirn, Brill | mentis, pp. 439 - 461,

Rehmann-Sutter C; Scully JL, 2009, 'Which Ethics for (of) the Nanotechnologies?', in Sociology of the Sciences Yearbook, Springer Netherlands, pp. 233 - 252,

Scully JL, 2008, 'Disability and the thinking body', in Arguing about Disability: Philosophical Perspectives, pp. 57 - 73,

Scully JL, 2008, 'Moral bodies: Epistemologies of embodiment', in Naturalized Bioethics: Toward Responsible Knowing and Practice, pp. 23 - 41,

Scully JL, 2007, 'Kommentar zu Baruch Brody et al.', in Gekauftes Gewissen?, Brill | mentis, pp. 301 - 313,

Thompson SM, 2007, 'Introduction', in Thompson S (ed.), Planning Australia: An Overview of Urban and Regional Planning, Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne, pp. 1 - 8

Scully JL, 2006, 'Disability: Stigma and Discrimination', in , Wiley,

Scully JL, 2006, 'Inheritable genetic modification and disability: Normality and identity', in The Ethics of Inheritable Genetic Modification: A Dividing Line?, pp. 175 - 192,

SCULLY JL, 2006, 'DISABLED EMBODIMENT AND AN ETHIC OF CARE', in International Library of Ethics, Law, and the New Medicine, Springer Netherlands, pp. 247 - 261,

Scully JL, 2006, 'Nothing Like a Gene', in Genes in Development, Duke University Press, pp. 349 - 364,

Scully JL, 2005, 'Admitting All Variations? Postmodernism and Genetic Normality', in Ethics of the Body, The MIT Press, pp. 49 - 68,

Porz R; Scully JL; Rehmann-Sutter C, 2005, 'Fragilität oder Stabilität? Die Gendiagnostik aus Patientensicht', in Technik in einer fragilen Welt, Nomos, pp. 153 - 162,

Scully JL; Rippberger C; Rehmann-Sutter C, 2003, 'Additional ethical issues in genetic medicine perceived by the potential patients', in Populations and Genetics: Legal and Socio-Ethical Perspectives, pp. 623 - 638

Otten U; Scully JL; Ehrhard PB; Gadient RA, 1994, 'Chapter 24 Neurotrophins: Signals between the nervous and immune systems', in , pp. 293 - 305,

Scully JL, 'Deaf Identities in Disability Studies', in Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies, Routledge,

Scully JL, 'Disability and the Pitfalls of Recognition', in Contesting Recognition, Palgrave Macmillan,

Scully JL, 'On Unfamiliar Moral Territory', in The Human Enhancement Debate and Disability, Palgrave Macmillan,

Journal articles

Strnadová I; Dunn M; Molnar C; Loblinzk Refalo J; Scully JL; Danker J; Tso M; Lim TQ; Cathcart-King Y; Jackaman K-M; Hayes S; Willow SA; Boyle J; Hansen J; Sarfaraz S; Basckin C; Halliburton C; Sri Ganeshan T; Middleton EK; Terrill B; Palmer EE, 2025, '"All doctors should be trained in that": The coproduction and mixed-methods evaluation of an educational toolkit to enable safe, high-quality genetic health care for people with intellectual disability.', Genet Med, 27, pp. 101371,

Freeman L; Bristowe L; Kirk EP; Delatycki MB; Scully JL, 2024, 'Should genes for non-syndromic hearing loss be included in reproductive genetic carrier screening: Views of people with a personal or family experience of deafness', Journal of Genetic Counseling, 33, pp. 566 - 577,

Dunn M; Strnadová I; Scully JL; Hansen J; Loblinzk J; Sarfaraz S; Molnar C; Palmer EE, 2024, 'Equitable and accessible informed healthcare consent process for people with intellectual disability: a systematic literature review', BMJ Quality and Safety, 33, pp. 328 - 339,

Molnar C; Strnadová I; Dunn M; Loblinzk J; Sarfaraz S; Cathcart-King Y; Tso M; Danker J; Hayes S; Willow SA; Hansen J; Lim TQ; Boyle J; Terrill B; Scully JL; Palmer EE, 2024, 'The need for co-educators to drive a new model of inclusive, person-centred and respectful co-healthcare with people with intellectual disability', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 15, pp. 1346423,

Drysdale K; Scully JL; Kint L; Laginha KJ; Hodgson J; Holmes I; MacKay KL; Newson AJ, 2024, 'The salience of genomic information to reproductive autonomy: Australian healthcare professionals’ views on a changing prenatal testing landscape', New Genetics and Society, 43, pp. e2332310,

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