Select Publications

Journal articles

Olivier J; Radun I, 2017, 'Bicycle helmet effectiveness is not overstated', Traffic Injury Prevention, 18, pp. 755 - 760,

Unnikrishnan A; Papaemmanuil E; Beck D; Deshpande NP; Verma A; Kumari A; Woll PS; Richards LA; Knezevic K; Chandrakanthan V; Thoms JAI; Tursky ML; Huang Y; Ali Z; Olivier J; Galbraith S; Kulasekararaj AG; Tobiasson M; Karimi M; Pellagatti A; Wilson SR; Lindeman R; Young B; Ramakrishna R; Arthur C; Stark R; Crispin P; Curnow J; Warburton P; Roncolato F; Boultwood J; Lynch K; Jacobsen SEW; Mufti GJ; Hellstrom-Lindberg E; Wilkins MR; MacKenzie KL; Wong JWH; Campbell PJ; Pimanda JE, 2017, 'Integrative Genomics Identifies the Molecular Basis of Resistance to Azacitidine Therapy in Myelodysplastic Syndromes', Cell Reports, 20, pp. 572 - 585,

Poulos RC; Olivier J; Wong JWH, 2017, 'The interaction between cytosine methylation and processes of DNA replication and repair shape the mutational landscape of cancer genomes', Nucleic Acids Research, 45, pp. 7786 - 7795,

Meredith L; Hurren C; Clarke E; Fitzharris M; Baldock M; de Rome L; Olivier J; Brown J, 2017, 'Validation of the abrasion resistance test protocols and performance criteria of EN13595: The probability of soft tissue injury to motorcycle riders by abrasion resistance of their clothing', Journal of Safety Research, 61, pp. 1 - 7,

Schepers P; Stipdonk H; Methorst R; Olivier J, 2017, 'Bicycle fatalities: Trends in crashes with and without motor vehicles in The Netherlands', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 46, pp. 491 - 499,

Olivier J; Creighton P, 2017, 'Bicycle injuries and helmet use: a systematic review and meta-analysis.', Int J Epidemiol, 46, pp. 278 - 292,

Olivier J; Creighton P, 2017, 'Correction: Bicycle injuries and helmet use: a systematic review and meta-analysis', International Journal of Epidemiology, pp. dyw360 - dyw360,

Poulos R; Olivier J; Wong J, 2017, 'CpG methylation accounts for genome-wide C>T mutation variation and cancer driver formation across cancer types', ,

Grzebieta R; Olivier J; Boufous S, 2017, 'Reducing serious injury from road traffic crashes', Medical Journal of Australia, 207,

Kuroiwa-Trzmielina J; Wang F; Rapkins RW; Ward RL; Buchanan DD; Win AK; Clendenning M; Rosty C; Southey MC; Winship IM; Hopper JL; Jenkins MA; Olivier J; Hawkins NJ; Hitchins MP, 2016, 'SNP rs16906252C>T is an expression and methylation quantitative trait locus associated with an increased risk of developing MGMT-methylated colorectal cancer', Clinical Cancer Research, 22, pp. 6266 - 6277,

Norberg MM; Kavanagh DJ; Olivier J; Lyras S, 2016, 'Craving cannabis: a meta-analysis of self-report and psychophysiological cue-reactivity studies', Addiction (Abingdon, England), 111, pp. 1923 - 1934,

Boufous S; Olivier J, 2016, 'Recent trends in cyclist fatalities in Australia', Injury Prevention, 22, pp. 284 - 287,

Olivier J; Boufous S; Grzebieta R, 2016, 'No strong evidence bicycle helmet legislation deters cycling', Medical Journal of Australia,

Tan TC; Grzebieta RH; Bambach MR; Olivier J; McIntosh AS, 2016, 'A case–control study of vehicle panel damage and thoracic injury in rollover crashes', International Journal of Crashworthiness, 21, pp. 367 - 383,

Norberg MM; Ham LS; Olivier J; Zamboanga BL; Melkonian A; Fugitt JL, 2016, 'Pregaming and Emotion Regulation’s Relationship to Alcohol Problems in College Students: A Cross-Sectional Study', Substance Use and Misuse, 51, pp. 1024 - 1033,

Huang Y; Thoms JAI; Tursky ML; Knezevic K; Beck D; Chandrakanthan V; Suryani S; Olivier J; Boulton A; Glaros EN; Thomas SR; Lock RB; MacKenzie KL; Bushweller JH; Wong JWH; Pimanda JE, 2016, 'MAPK/ERK2 phosphorylates ERG at serine 283 in leukemic cells and promotes stem cell signatures and cell proliferation', Leukemia, 30, pp. 1552 - 1561,

Olivier J; May WL; Bell ML, 2016, 'Relative Effect Sizes for Measures of Risk', Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods,

Olivier J; Creighton P; Mason CT, 2016, 'Evidence bicycle helmets mitigate intra-cranial injury is not controversial', European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 42, pp. 333 - 336,

Mattos G; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Olivier J; Eusebio J; Zheng WY; Wall J; Charlton J; Lenné M; Haley J; Barnes B; Rakotonirainy A; Woolley J; Senserrick T; Young K; Haworth N; Regan M; Cockfield S; Healy D; Cavallo A; Di Stefano M; Wong HL; Cameron I; Cornish M; Baird C, 2016, '250 Pedestrian-vehicle interactions: early results from the Australian naturalistic driving study (ands)', Injury Prevention, 22, pp. a91,

Vajdic CM; Marashi Pour S; Olivier J; Swart A; O'Connell DL; Falster MO; Meagher NS; Mao L; Grulich AE; Randall DA; Amin J; Burns L; Degenhardt L, 2015, 'Corrigendum to "The impact of blood-borne viruses on cause-specific mortality among opioid dependent people: An Australian population-based cohort study" [Drug Alcohol Depend. 152C (2015) 264-271] DOI: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2015.03.026', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 154, pp. 304,

Olivier J; Walter SR, 2015, 'Too much statistical power can lead to false conclusions: a response to 'Unsuitability of the epidemiological approach to bicycle transportation injuries and traffic engineering problems' by Kary', Injury prevention : journal of the International Society for Child and Adolescent Injury Prevention, 21, pp. 289,

Vajdic CM; Pour SM; Olivier J; Swart A; O'Connell DL; Falster MO; Meagher NS; Mao L; Grulich AE; Randall DA; Amin J; Burns L; Degenhardt L, 2015, 'The impact of blood-borne viruses on cause-specific mortality among opioid dependent people: An Australian population-based cohort study', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 152, pp. 264 - 271,

Tursky ML; Beck D; Thoms JAI; Huang Y; Kumari A; Unnikrishnan A; Knezevic K; Evans K; Richards LA; Lee E; Morris J; Goldberg L; Izraeli S; Wong JWH; Olivier J; Lock RB; MacKenzie KL; Pimanda JE, 2015, 'Overexpression of ERG in cord blood progenitors promotes expansion and recapitulates molecular signatures of high ERG leukemias', Leukemia, 29, pp. 819 - 827,

Olivier J; Wang JJ; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'A systematic review of methods used to assess mandatory bicycle helmet legislation in New Zealand', Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25, pp. 24 - 31,

Olivier J; Wang JJ; Walter S; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'Anti-Helmet Arguments: Lies, damned lies and flawed statistics', Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety, 25, pp. 10 - 23,

Norberg MM; Hides L; Olivier J; Khawar L; McKetin R; Copeland J, 2014, 'Brief Interventions to Reduce Ecstasy Use: A Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Trial', Behavior Therapy, 45, pp. 745 - 759,

Diffner E; Beck D; Gudgin E; Thoms JAI; Knezevic K; Pridans C; Foster S; Goode D; Khong Lim W; Boelen L; Metzeler KH; Micklem G; Bohlander SK; Buske C; Burnett A; Ottersbach K; Vassiliou GS; Olivier J; Wong JWH; Gottgens B; Huntly BJ; Pimanda JE, 2014, 'Erratum: Activity of a heptad of transcription factors is associated with stem cell programs and clinical outcome in acute myeloid leukemia (Blood (2013) 121:12 (2289-2300))', Blood, 123, pp. 2901,

Mooren L; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Olivier J; Friswell R, 2014, 'Safety management for heavy vehicle transport: A review of the literature', Safety Science, 62, pp. 79 - 89,

Olivier J; Walter SR, 2014, 'Erratum: Bicycle helmet wearing is not associated with close motor vehicle passing: A re-analysis of walker, 2007 (PLoS ONE (2014) 9:1)', PLoS ONE, 9,

Heinzelmann-Schwarz VA; Nixdorf S; Valadan M; Diczbalis M; Olivier J; Otton G; Fedier A; Hacker NF; Scurry JP, 2014, 'A clinicopathological review of 33 patients with vulvar melanoma identifies c-KIT as a prognostic marker', International Journal of Molecular Medicine, 33, pp. 784 - 794,

Bell ML; Teixeira-Pinto A; McKenzie JE; Olivier J, 2014, 'A myriad of methods: Calculated sample size for two proportions was dependent on the choice of sample size formula and software', Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 67, pp. 601 - 605,

Williamson A; Friswell R; Olivier J; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'Are drivers aware of sleepiness and increasing crash risk while driving?', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 70, pp. 225 - 234,

Norberg MM; Olivier J; Schmidt NB; Zvolensky MJ, 2014, 'Cannabis use among treatment-seeking smokers: Motives and the moderating effects of anxiety sensitivity', American Journal on Addictions, 23, pp. 7 - 14,

Raju S; Kirk O; Davis M; Olivier J, 2014, 'Hemodynamics of "critical" venous stenosis and stent treatment', Journal of Vascular Surgery: Venous and Lymphatic Disorders, 2, pp. 52 - 59,

Olivier J, 2014, 'The apparent ineffectiveness of bicycle helmets: A case of selective citation', Gaceta Sanitaria, 28, pp. 254 - 255,

Ford CE; Punnia-Moorthy G; Henry CE; Llamosas E; Nixdorf S; Olivier J; Caduff R; Ward RL; Heinzelmann-Schwarz V, 2014, 'The non-canonical Wnt ligand, Wnt5a, is upregulated and associated with epithelial to mesenchymal transition in epithelial ovarian cancer', Gynecologic Oncology, 134, pp. 338 - 345,

McDaniel DO; Rigney D; Olivier J; McDaniel KY; Brock M; Redmond P; Porter J, 2014, 'Trauma Induced Inflammation, Sepsis and Ageing', Ageing International, 39, pp. 243 - 258,

Mooren L; Williamson A; Friswell R; Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Magableh F, 2014, 'What are the differences in management characteristics of heavy vehicle operators with high insurance claims versus low insurance claims?', Safety Science, 70, pp. 327 - 338,

Norberg M; Khawar L; Copeland J; Olivier J, 2014, 'Efficacy of brief treatment for ecstasy use', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 140, pp. e162 - e163,

van Kamp I; Santos J; Du W; Olivier J; Hatfield J, 2014, 'Outdoor hazards and falls among community-dwelling older Australians', Healthy Aging Research, 3, pp. 17,

Wang J; Olivier J; Grzebieta R, 2014, 'Response to 'Evaluation of New Zealand's bicycle helmet law' article', New Zealand Medical Journal, 127, pp. 106 - 108,

Olivier J; Walter SR, 2013, 'Bicycle Helmet Wearing Is Not Associated with Close Motor Vehicle Passing: A Re-Analysis of Walker, 2007', PLoS ONE, 8,

Stavrou EP; Buckley N; Olivier J, 2013, 'Discontinuation of statin therapy in older people: does a cancer diagnosis make a difference? An observational cohort study using data linkage', BMJ OPEN, 3,

Diffner E; Beck D; Gudgin E; Thoms JA; Knezevic K; Pridans C; Foster S; Goode D; Lim WK; boelen L; Metzeler KH; Micklem G; Bohlander SK; Buske C; Burnett A; Ottersbach K; Vassiliou GS; Olivier J; Wong JWH; Goettgens B; Huntly BJ; Pimanda JE, 2013, 'Activity of a heptad of transcription factors is associated with stem cell programs and clinical outcome in acute myeloid leukemia', Blood, 121, pp. 2289 - 2300,

Olivier J; Bell ML, 2013, 'Effect sizes for 2x2 contingency tables', PLoS ONE, 8, pp. e58777 (7pp),

Olivier J; Walter SR; Grzebieta R, 2013, 'Long term bicycle related head injury trends for New South Wales, Australia following mandatory helmet legislation', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 53, pp. 1128 - 1134,

Bell ML; Olivier J; King MT, 2013, 'Scientific rigour in psycho-oncology trials: why and how to avoid common statistical errors', Psycho-oncology, 22, pp. 499 - 505,

Bambach M; Mitchell RJ; Grzebieta R; Olivier J, 2013, 'The effectiveness of helmets in bicycle collisions with motor vehicles: a case-control study', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 53, pp. 78 - 88,

Walter SR; Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Churches T, 2013, 'The impact of compulsory helmet legislation on cyclist head injuries in New South Wales, Australia: A response', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 52, pp. 204 - 209,

Olivier J; Bell ML, 2013, 'The importance of statistics in cancer research', World Journal of Cancer Research, 1, pp. 78 - 81,

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