Select Publications

Journal articles

Grkovic T; Pouwer RH; Wang Q; Guymer GP; Holst J; Quinn RJ, 2015, 'LAT Transport Inhibitors from Pittosporum venulosum Identified by NMR Fingerprint Analysis', Journal of Natural Products, 78, pp. 1215 - 1220,

Leach DA; Need EF; Toivanen R; Trotta AP; Palenthorpe HM; Tamblyn DJ; Kopsaftis T; England GM; Smith E; Drew PA; Pinnock CB; Lee P; Holst J; Risbridger GP; Chopra S; DeFranco DB; Taylor RA; Buchanan G, 2015, 'Erratum: Stromal androgen receptor regulates the composition of the microenvironment to influence prostate cancer outcome [Oncotarget. 2015; 6:16135-16150]', Oncotarget, 6, pp. 36923,

Wang Q; Holst J, 2015, 'L-type amino acid transport and cancer: Targeting the mTORC1 pathway to inhibit neoplasia', American Journal of Cancer Research, 5, pp. 1281 - 1294

Colas C; Grewer C; Otte NJ; Gameiro A; Albers T; Singh K; Shere H; Bonomi M; Holst J; Schlessinger A, 2015, 'Ligand Discovery for the Alanine-Serine-Cysteine Transporter (ASCT2, SLC1A5) from Homology Modeling and Virtual Screening', PLoS Computational Biology, 11,

Leach DA; Need EF; Toivanen R; Trotta AP; Palenthorpe HM; Tamblyn DJ; Kopsaftis T; England GM; Smith E; Drew PA; Pinnock CB; Lee P; Holst J; Risbridger GP; Chopra S; DeFranco DB; Taylor RA; Buchanan G, 2015, 'Stromal androgen receptor regulates the composition of the microenvironment to influence prostate cancer outcome', Oncotarget, 6, pp. 16135 - 16150,

Yao M; Xie C; Kiang MY; Teng Y; Harman D; Tiffen J; Wang Q; Sved P; Bao S; Witting P; Holst J; Dong Q, 2015, 'Targeting of cytosolic phospholipase A2a impedes cell cycle re-entry of quiescent prostate cancer cells', Oncotarget, 6, pp. 34458 - 34474,

Wang Q; Beaumont KA; Otte NJ; Font J; Bailey CG; Van Geldermalsen M; Sharp DM; Tiffen JC; Ryan RM; Jormakka M; Haass NK; Rasko JEJ; Holst J, 2014, 'Targeting glutamine transport to suppress melanoma cell growth', International Journal of Cancer, 135, pp. 1060 - 1071,

Wang Q; Grkovic T; Font J; Bonham S; Pouwer RH; Bailey CG; Moran AM; Ryan RM; Rasko JEJ; Jormakka M; Quinn RJ; Holst J, 2014, 'Monoterpene glycoside ESK246 from pittosporum targets LAT3 amino acid transport and prostate cancer cell growth', ACS Chemical Biology, 9, pp. 1369 - 1376,

Wong JJL; Ritchie W; Gao D; Lau KA; Gonzalez M; Choudhary A; Taft RJ; Rasko JEJ; Holst J, 2014, 'Identification of nuclear-enriched miRNAs during mouse granulopoiesis', Journal of Hematology and Oncology, 7,

Wang Q; Hardie R-A; Balaban S; Schreuder M; Hoy A; van Geldermalsen M; Fazli L; Nagarajah R; Bailey C; Rasko J; Holst J, 2014, 'Inhibition of glutamine uptake regulates mTORC1, glutamine metabolism and cell growth in prostate cancer', CANCER & METABOLISM, 2,

Wong JJL; Holst J, 2014, 'Changes in CpG methylation marks differentiation of human myeloid progenitors to neutrophils.', Stem Cell Investig, 1, pp. 10,

Wang Q; Tiffen J; Bailey CG; Lehman ML; Ritchie W; Fazli L; Metierre C; Feng YJ; Li E; Gleave M; Buchanan G; Nelson CC; Rasko JEJ; Holst J, 2013, 'Targeting amino acid transport in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: Effects on cell cycle, cell growth, and tumor development', Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 105, pp. 1463 - 1473,

Tiffen JC; Bailey CG; Marshall AD; Metierre C; Feng Y; Wang Q; Watson SL; Holst J; Rasko JEJ, 2013, 'The cancer-testis antigen BORIS phenocopies the tumor suppressor CTCF in normal and neoplastic cells', International Journal of Cancer, 133, pp. 1603 - 1613,

Khoo TL; Xiros N; Guan F; Orellana D; Holst J; Joshua DE; Rasko JEJ, 2013, 'Performance evaluation of the abbott CELL-DYN emerald for use as a bench-top analyzer in a research setting', International Journal of Laboratory Hematology, 35, pp. 447 - 456,

Wong JJL; Ritchie W; Ebner OA; Selbach M; Wong JWH; Huang Y; Gao D; Pinello N; Gonzalez M; Baidya K; Thoeng A; Khoo TL; Bailey CG; Holst J; Rasko JEJ, 2013, 'XOrchestrated intron retention regulates normal granulocyte differentiation', Cell, 154,

Holst J, 2013, 'Letter to the Editor', International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 455, pp. 393,

De Bock CE; Ardjmand A; Molloy TJ; Bone SM; Johnstone D; Campbell DM; Shipman KL; Yeadon TM; Holst J; Spanevello MD; Nelmes G; Stewart D; Lincz LF; Boyd AW; Burns GF; Thorne RF, 2012, 'The Fat1 cadherin is overexpressed and an independent prognostic factor for survival in paired diagnosis-relapse samples of precursor B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia', Leukemia, 26, pp. 918 - 926,

Wang Q; Bailey CG; Ng C; Tiffen J; Thoeng A; Minhas V; Lehman ML; Hendy SC; Buchanan G; Nelson CC; Rasko JEJ; Holst J, 2011, 'Androgen receptor and nutrient signaling pathways coordinate the demand for increased amino acid transport during prostate cancer progression', Cancer Research, 71, pp. 7525 - 7536,

Bröer A; Juelich T; Vanslambrouck JM; Tietze N; Solomon PS; Holst J; Bailey CG; Rasko JEJ; Bröer S, 2011, 'Impaired nutrient signaling and body weight control in a Na + neutral amino acid cotransporter (Slc6a19)-deficient mouse', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 286, pp. 26638 - 26651,

Kranias G; Watt LF; Carpenter H; Holst J; Ludowyke R; Strack S; Sim ATR; Verrills NM, 2010, 'Protein phosphatase 2A carboxymethylation and regulatory B subunits differentially regulate mast cell degranulation', Cellular Signalling, 22, pp. 1882 - 1890,

Tiffen JC; Bailey CG; Ng C; Rasko JEJ; Holst J, 2010, 'Luciferase expression and bioluminescence does not affect tumor cell growth in vitro or in vivo', Molecular Cancer, 9,

Flamant S; Ritchie W; Guilhot J; Holst J; Bonnet ML; Chomel JC; Guilhot F; Turhan AG; Rasko JEJ, 2010, 'Micro-RNA response to imatinib mesylate in patients with chronic myeloid leukemia', Haematologica, 95, pp. 1325 - 1333,

Taft RJ; Simons C; Nahkuri S; Oey H; Korbie DJ; Mercer TR; Holst J; Ritchie W; Wong JJL; Rasko JEJ; Rokhsar DS; Degnan BM; Mattick JS, 2010, 'Nuclear-localized tiny RNAs are associated with transcription initiation and splice sites in metazoans', Nature Structural and Molecular Biology, 17, pp. 1030 - 1034,

Vanslambrouck JM; Bröer A; Thavyogarajah T; Holst J; Bailey CG; Bröer S; Rasko JEJ, 2010, 'Renal imino acid and glycine transport system ontogeny and involvement in developmental iminoglycinuria', Biochemical Journal, 428, pp. 397 - 407,

Wang H; Holst J; Woo SR; Guy C; Bettini M; Wang Y; Shafer A; Naramura M; Mingueneau M; Dragone LL; Hayes SM; Malissen B; Band H; Vignali DAA, 2010, 'Tonic ubiquitylation controls T-cell receptor: CD3 complex expression during T-cell development', EMBO Journal, 29, pp. 1285 - 1298,

Holst J; Watson S; Lord MS; Eamegdool SS; Bax DV; Nivison-Smith LB; Kondyurin A; Ma L; Overhauser AF; Weiss AS; Rasko JEJ, 2010, 'Substrate elasticity provides mechanical signals for the expansion of hemopoietic stem and progenitor cells', Nature Biotechnology, 28, pp. 1123 - 1130,

Rajasekhar M; Holst J; Rasko JEJ, 2009, 'MicroRNA expression in myeloid differentiation', CYTOKINE, 48, pp. 78 - 78,

Holst J; Wang H; Eder KD; Workman CJ; Boyd KL; Baquet Z; Singh H; Forbes K; Chruscinski A; Smeyne R; van Oers NSC; Utz PJ; Vignali DAA, 2008, 'Scalable signaling mediated by T cell antigen receptor-CD3 ITAMs ensures effective negative selection and prevents autoimmunity', Nature Immunology, 9, pp. 658 - 666,

El Kasmi KC; Holst J; Coffre M; Mielke L; De Pauw A; Lhocine N; Smith AM; Rutschman R; Kaushal D; Shen Y; Suda T; Donnelly RP; Myers MG; Alexander W; Vignali DAA; Watowich SS; Ernst M; Hilton DJ; Murray PJ, 2006, 'General nature of the STAT3-activated anti-inflammatory response', Journal of Immunology, 177, pp. 7880 - 7888,

Holst J; Szymczak-Workman AL; Vignali KM; Burton AR; Workman CJ; Vignali DAA, 2006, 'Generation of T-cell receptor retrogenic mice', Nature Protocols, 1, pp. 406 - 417,

Holst J; Vignali KM; Burton AR; Vignali DAA, 2006, 'Erratum: Rapid analysis of T-cell selection in vivo using T cell-receptor retrogenic mice (Nature Methods) (2006) vol. 3 (191-197))', Nature Methods, 3, pp. 327,

Holst J; Vignali KM; Burton AR; Vignali DAA, 2006, 'Rapid analysis of T-cell selection in vivo using T cell-receptor retrogenic mice.', Nature methods, 3, pp. 191 - 197,

Sim ATR; Baldwin ML; Rostas JAP; Holst J; Ludowyke RI, 2003, 'The role of serine/threonine protein phosphatases in exocytosis', Biochemical Journal, 373, pp. 641 - 659,

Sim ATR; Holst J; Ludowyke RI, 2003, '[10] Protein Phosphatase Translocation in RBL-2H3 Cells', Methods in Enzymology, 366, pp. 113 - 124,

Sim A; Holst JA; Ludowyke RI, 2003, 'Protein phosphatase translocation in RBL-2H3 cells', Methods in Enzymology, 366, pp. 113 - 124

Holst J; Sim ATR; Ludowyke RI, 2002, 'Protein phosphatases 1 and 2A transiently associate with myosin during the peak rate of secretion from mast cells', Molecular Biology of the Cell, 13, pp. 1083 - 1098,

Ludowyke RI; Holst J; Mudge LM; Sim ATR, 2000, 'Transient translocation and activation of protein phosphatase 2A during mast cell secretion', Journal of Biological Chemistry, 275, pp. 6144 - 6152,

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