Select Publications

Journal articles

Du J, 2003, 'Finite-dimensional algebras and standard systems', Algebras and Representation Theory, 6, pp. 461 - 474

Du J; Parshall B, 2002, 'Linear quivers and the geometric setting of quantum GLn', Indagationes Mathematicae - New Series, 13, pp. 459 - 481

Du J; Rui H, 2001, 'Specht modules for ariki-koike algebras', Communications in Algebra, pp. 4701 - 4719

Du J; Rui H, 2000, 'Ariki-Koike algebras with semisimple bottoms', Mathematische Zeitschrift, pp. 807 - 830

Du J; Scott LM, 2000, 'The q-Schur2 algebras', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, pp. 4325 - 4353

Du J, 1999, 'A new proof for the canonical bases of type A', Algebra Colloquium, pp. 377 - 383

Du J; Rui H, 1999, 'Borel type subalgebras of the q-Schur m algebra', Journal of Algebra, pp. 567 - 595

Du J; Rui H, 1998, 'Based algebras and standard bases for Quasi-Hereditary algebras', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, pp. 3207 - 3235

Du J; Parshall B; Scott LM, 1998, 'Cells and q-Schur algebras', Transformation Groups, pp. 33 - 49

Du J; Parshall B; Scott LM, 1998, 'Quantum Weyl reciprocity and tilting modules', Communications in Mathematical Physics, 195, pp. 321 - 352

Du J; Parshall B; Scott LM, 1998, 'Stratifying endomorphism algebras associated to Hecke algebras', Journal of Algebra, 203, pp. 169 - 210

Dipper R; Du J, 1997, 'Harish-Chandra vertices and Steinberg`s tensor product theorems for finite general linear groups', Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, 3rd Series, pp. 559 - 599

Du J, 1996, 'Cells in certain sets of matrices', Tohoku Mathematical Journal, pp. 417 - 427

Du J, 1996, 'Global IC bases for quantum linear groups', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 114, pp. 25 - 37

Du J, 1995, 'A note on quantized Weyl reciprocity at roots of unity', Algebra Colloquium, 2, pp. 363 - 372

Du J, 1995, 'Canonical bases for irreducible representations of quantum GLn, II', Journal of the London Mathematical Society - Second Series, pp. 461 - 470

Du J, 1995, 'Q-Schur algebras, asymptotic forms and quantum SLn', Journal of Algebra, 177, pp. 385 - 408

Du J; Scott L, 1994, 'Lusztig conjectures, old and new, I', Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 1994, pp. 141 - 182,

Dipper R; Du J, 1993, 'Harish-Chandra vertices', Journal fur die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, 1993, pp. 101 - 130,

Dipper R; Du J, 1993, 'Trivial and Alternating Source Modules of Hecke Algebras of Type A', Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, s3-66, pp. 479 - 506,

Du J, 1992, 'Integral Schur algebras for GL 2', Manuscripta Mathematica, 75, pp. 411 - 427,

Du J, 1992, 'Canonical bases for irreducible representations of quantum GLn', Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society, 24, pp. 325 - 334,

Du J, 1992, 'The green correspondence for the representations of hecke algebras of type Ar-1', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 329, pp. 273 - 287,

Du J, 1992, 'The modular representation theory of q-schur algebras', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 329, pp. 253 - 271,

Du J, 1991, 'The modular representation theory of q-Schur algebras. II', Mathematische Zeitschrift, 208, pp. 503 - 536,

Du J; Wang JP, 1991, 'Two-parameter quantum linear groups and the hyperbolic invariance of q-schur algebras', Journal of the London Mathematical Society, s2-44, pp. 420 - 436,

Conference Papers

Du J; Parshall B; Scott L, 2024, 'An exact category approach to Hecke endomorphism algebras', in Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, pp. 159 - 291,

Du J; Gu H; Zhou Z, 2024, 'Canonical bases for the modified quantum glm', in Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, pp. 127 - 157,

Du J, 2016, 'Structure and representations of the quantum loop algebra', in Proceedings of The 7th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Beijing, China, presented at 7th International Congress of Chinese Mathematicians, Beijing, China, 06 April 2016 - 11 August 2016

Du J, 2011, 'Structure and representations of affine q-Schur algebras', in Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics, Vol 86, American Mathematical Society, University of Virginia, pp. 137 - 158, presented at Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop: Finite and Algebraic Groups, University of Virginia, 01 June 2011 - 04 June 2011

Deng B; Du J; Mah A, 2010, 'Generic extensions and composition monoids of cyclic quivers', in Chari V; Greenstein J; Misra KC; Raghavan KN; Viswanath S (eds.), Recent Developments in Algebraic and Combinatorial Aspects of Representation Theory, American Mathematical Society, Bangalore, India, pp. 99 - 114, presented at International Congress of Mathematicians Satellite Conference Algebraic and Combinatorial Approaches to Represenation Theory, Bangalore, India, 12 August 2010 - 16 August 2010

Du J; Rui H, 2004, 'Multi-parameter cells of finite Coxeter groups', in International Conference on Complex Geometry and Related Fields, Shanghai, presented at International Conference on Complex Geometry and Related Fields, Shanghai

Du J, 2002, 'Finite Dimensional Algebras, Quantum Groups and Finite Groups of Lie Type', in Fields Institute Communications, Toronto, USA, presented at Fields Institute Communications, Toronto, USA

Du J; Scott LM, 1998, 'Stratifying q-Schur algebras', in international conference on representation theory, Shanghai, China, presented at international conference on representation theory, Shanghai, China, 29 June 1998 - 03 July 1998

Du J, 1998, 'Generalised q-Schur algebras and the ways to approach them', in A symposium held at the University of Virginia, Virginia, presented at a symposium held at the University of Virginia, Virginia, 08 May 1998 - 15 May 1998

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