Select Publications

Journal articles

Lee J, 2013, 'Behind the academic motivation of East Asian students', The Journal Personality and Individual Differences,

Lee J, 2013, 'No secrets to academic success', The Journal Personality and Individual Differences,

Lee J; Stankov, L , 2013, 'Overconfidence across world regions', The Journal Personality and Individual Differences, 60, pp. S38 - S55,

Lee J; Stankov, L , 2013, 'Two dimensions of psychological country-level differences: Conservatism/Liberalism and Harshness/Softness', The Journal Personality and Individual Differences,

Lee J; Stankov L, 2013, 'Higher-order structure of noncognitive constructs and prediction of PISA 2003 mathematics achievement', Learning and Individual Differences, 26, pp. 119 - 130,

Lee J, 2013, 'Can writing attitudes and learning behavior overcome gender difference in writing? Evidence from NAEP', Written Communication, 30, pp. 164 - 193,

Stankov L; Lee J; Luo W; Hogan D, 2012, 'Confidence: A better predictor of academic achievement than self-efficacy, self-concept and anxiety?', Learning and Individual Differences, 22, pp. 747 - 758,

Lee J; Stankov L, 2012, 'Special Issue on Noncognitive Psychological Processes And Academic Achievement', Educational Psychology, 32, pp. 551 - 552,

Lee J; Corter J, 2011, 'Diagnosis of subtraction bugs using Bayesian networks', Applied Psychological Measurement, 35, pp. 27 - 47

Lee J; Shute V, 2010, 'Personal and social-contextual factors in K-12 academic performance: An integrative perspective on student learning', Educational Psychologist, 45, pp. 185 - 202

Lee J; Shute VJ, 2009, 'THE INFLUENCE OF NONCOGNITIVE DOMAINS ON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN K-12', ETS Research Report Series, 2009, pp. i - 51,

Lee J, 2009, 'SELF-CONSTRUCTS AND ANXIETY ACROSS CULTURES', ETS Research Report Series, 2009, pp. i - 35,

Lee J; Stankov L, 2009, 'Dimensions of cultural differences: pancultural, etic/emic and ecological approaches', Learning and Individual Differences, 19, pp. 339 - 354,

Stankov L; Lee J; Paek I, 2009, 'Realism of confidence judgment', European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 25, pp. 123 - 130

Lee J, 2009, 'Universals and specifics of math self-concept, math self-efficacy, and math anxiety across 41 PISA 2003 participating countries', Learning and Individual Differences, 19, pp. 355 - 365

Paek I; Lee J; Stankov L; Wilson M, 2008, 'A STUDY OF CONFIDENCE AND ACCURACY USING THE RASCH MODELING PROCEDURES', ETS Research Report Series, 2008, pp. i - 25,

Lee J; Stankov L, 2008, 'Confidence and cognitive test performance', Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, pp. 961 - 976,

Stankov L; Lee J, 2007, 'CONFIDENCE AND COGNITIVE TEST PERFORMANCE', ETS Research Report Series, 2007, pp. i - 32,

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