Select Publications

Book Chapters

Madden A; Lennon P; Hogan C; Getty M; Hopwood M; Neale J; Treloar C, 2019, 'Patient-reported measures as a justice project through involvement of service-user researchers', in Aggleton P; Broom A; Moss J (ed.), Practical Justice: Principles, Practice and Social Change, Routledge, pp. 190 - 199,

Fischer J; Neale J; Bloor M; Jenkins N, 2016, 'Conflict and user involvement in drug misuse treatment decision-making: A qualitative study', in Social Work in Mental Health and Substance Abuse, pp. 141 - 162

Neale J, 2013, 'Hostels: A useful policy and practice response?', in Homelessness and Social Policy, pp. 203 - 215

Neale J, 2013, 'Theorising homelessness: Contemporary sociological and feminist perspectives', in Homelessness and Social Policy, pp. 35 - 49

Neale J, 2012, 'Illicit drug use and homelessness', in International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, pp. 714 - 719,

Neale J, 2011, 'Illicit Drug Use and Homelessness', in International Encyclopedia of Housing and Home, pp. 714 - 719,

McKeganey N; Neale J; Lloyd C; Hay G, 2007, 'Sociology and substance use', in Drugs and the Future, pp. 359 - 387,

McKeganey N; Neale J; Lloyd C; Hay G, 2007, 'Chapter 12 Sociology and Substance Use', in Drugs and the Future, Elsevier, pp. 359 - 387,

McKeganey N; Neale J; Lloyd C; Hay G, 2006, 'Sociology and Substance Use', in Drugs and the Future: Brain Science, Addiction and Society, pp. 359 - 387,

Journal articles

Gilmour L; Honeybul L; Lewis S; Smith E; Cheyne H; Aladangady N; Featherstone B; Maxwell M; Neale J; Radcliffe P, 2024, 'Scoping review: mapping clinical guidelines and policy documents that address the needs of women who are dependent on drugs during the perinatal period', BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 24,

Russell E; Hawk M; Neale J; Bennett AS; Davis C; Hill LG; Winograd R; Kestner L; Lieberman A; Bell A; Santamour T; Murray S; Schneider KE; Walley AY; Jones TS, 2024, 'A call for compassionate opioid overdose response', International Journal of Drug Policy, 133,

MacLean SJ; Caluzzi G; Ferry M; Bruun A; Sundbery J; Skattebol J; Neale J; Bryant J, 2024, 'Young people returning to alcohol and other drug services as incremental treatment', Social Science and Medicine, 357,

Parkin S; Neale J; Strang J, 2024, '‘Matters-of-concern’ associated with discontinuation of long-acting injectable buprenorphine: Findings from a longitudinal qualitative study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 129,

Black N; Chung S; Tisdale C; Fialho LS; Aramrattana A; Assanangkornchai S; Blaszczynski A; Bowden-Jones H; van den Brink W; Brown A; Brown QL; Cottler LB; Elsasser M; Ferri M; Florence M; Gueorguieva R; Hampton R; Hudson S; Kelly PJ; Lintzeris N; Murphy L; Nadkarni A; Neale J; Rosen D; Rumpf HJ; Rush B; Segal G; Shorter GW; Torrens M; Wait C; Young K; Farrell M, 2024, 'An International, Multidisciplinary Consensus Set of Patient-Centered Outcome Measures for Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders', Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13,

Hopwood M; Bryant J; Neale J; Caluzzi G; Skattebol J; MacLean S, 2024, 'Alcohol and other drug continuing care for young people: identifying helpful program mechanisms', International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29,

Neale J; Strang J, 2024, 'Long-Acting Injectable Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Analysis of Patients’ Interpersonal Relationships during the First Year of Treatment', Substance Use and Misuse,

Caluzzi G; MacLean S; Gray R; Skattebol J; Neale J; Ferry M; Bruun A; Sundbery J; Bryant J, 2024, 'Opportunities and limits: exploring young people’s views of staff care in residential alcohol and other drug services', Journal of Youth Studies,

Calder R; Neale J; Simonavičius E; Dyer KD, 2024, 'Optimizing online learning resources for substance use professionals in England: lessons from user-centered design', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 31, pp. 328 - 337,

Neale J; Parkin S; Strang J, 2024, 'Qualitative study of patients’ decisions to initiate injectable depot buprenorphine for opioid use disorder: the role of information and other factors', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 31, pp. 189 - 199,

Neale J; Cairns B; Gardiner K; Livingston W; McCarthy T; Perkins A, 2024, 'Waiting for inpatient detoxification: A qualitative analysis of patient experiences', International Journal of Drug Policy, 123,

Metrebian N; Carter B; Eide D; McDonald R; Neale J; Parkin S; Dascal T; Mackie C; Day E; Guterstam J; Horsburgh K; Kåberg M; Kelleher M; Smith J; Thiesen H; Strang J, 2023, 'A study protocol for a European, mixed methods, prospective, cohort study of the effectiveness of naloxone administration by community members, in reversing opioid overdose: NalPORS', BMC Public Health, 23,

Parkin S; Neale J; Strang J, 2023, 'Conceptualising retention in treatment with long-acting injectable buprenorphine (for opioid use disorder) as a journey: Findings from a longitudinal qualitative study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 122,

Neale J; Parkin S; Strang J, 2023, 'Patients’ goals when initiating long-acting injectable buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder: findings from a longitudinal qualitative study', Substance Abuse: Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 18,

Caluzzi G; MacLean S; Gray R; Skattebol J; Neale J; Bryant J, 2023, '‘I just wanted a change, a positive change’: Locating hope for young people engaged with residential alcohol and drug services in Victoria, Australia', Sociology of Health and Illness, 45, pp. 1691 - 1708,

Neale J; Parkin S; Strang J, 2023, 'How do patients feel during the first 72 h after initiating long-acting injectable buprenorphine? An embodied qualitative analysis', Addiction, 118, pp. 1329 - 1339,

Donoghue K; Boniface S; Brobbin E; Byford S; Coleman R; Coulton S; Day E; Dhital R; Farid A; Hermann L; Jordan A; Kimergård A; Koutsou ML; Lingford-Hughes A; Marsden J; Neale J; O’Neill A; Phillips T; Shearer J; Sinclair J; Smith J; Strang J; Weinman J; Whittlesea C; Widyaratna K; Drummond C, 2023, 'Adjunctive Medication Management and Contingency Management to enhance adherence to acamprosate for alcohol dependence: the ADAM trial RCT', Health Technology Assessment, 27,

Parkin S; Neale J; Strang J, 2023, 'Non-Prescribed Substance Use during the First Month of Treatment by People Receiving Depot Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder', Substance Use and Misuse, 58, pp. 1696 - 1706,

Tinelli M; Wittenberg R; Cornes M; Aldridge RW; Clark M; Byng R; Foster G; Fuller J; Hayward A; Hewett N; Kilmister A; Manthorpe J; Neale J; Biswell E; Whiteford M, 2022, 'The economic case for hospital discharge services for people experiencing homelessness in England: An in-depth analysis with different service configurations providing specialist care', Health and Social Care in the Community, 30, pp. e6194 - e6205,

Neale J; Parkin S; Hermann L; Metrebian N; Roberts E; Robson D; Strang J, 2022, 'Substance use and homelessness: A longitudinal interview study conducted during COVID-19 with implications for policy and practice', International Journal of Drug Policy, 108,

McDonald R; Eide D; Abel-Ollo K; Barnsdale L; Carter B; Clausen T; Day E; Fonseca F; Holmén E; Horsburgh K; Kelleher M; Kåberg M; Ladenhauf M; McAuley A; Metrebian N; Neale J; Parkin S; Ratcliffe K; Rintoul C; Smith J; Stifanoviciute V; Torrens M; Thiesen H; Strang J, 2022, 'A rapid assessment of take-home naloxone provision during COVID-19 in Europe', International Journal of Drug Policy, 107,

Jones JD; Campbell AN; Brandt L; Metz VE; Martinez S; Wall M; Corbeil T; Andrews H; Castillo F; Neale J; Strang J; Ross S; Comer SD, 2022, 'A randomized clinical trial of the effects of brief versus extended opioid overdose education on naloxone utilization outcomes by individuals with opioid use disorder', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 237,

Bryant J; Caluzzi G; Bruun A; Sundbery J; Ferry M; Gray RM; Skattebol J; Neale J; MacLean S, 2022, 'The problem of over-medicalisation: How AOD disease models perpetuate inequity for young people with multiple disadvantage', International Journal of Drug Policy, 103,

Fomiatti R; Farrugia A; Fraser S; Dwyer R; Neale J; Strang J, 2022, 'Addiction stigma and the production of impediments to take-home naloxone uptake', Health (United Kingdom), 26, pp. 139 - 161,

Clark M; Cornes M; Whiteford M; Aldridge R; Biswell E; Byng R; Foster G; Fuller JS; Hayward A; Hewett N; Kilminster A; Manthorpe J; Neale J; Tinelli M, 2022, 'Homelessness and integrated care: an application of integrated care knowledge to understanding services for wicked issues', Journal of Integrated Care, 30, pp. 3 - 19,

Neale J; Werthern H; Alhusein N; Chater A; Scott J; Family H, 2022, 'Contraceptive choice and power amongst women receiving opioid replacement therapy: qualitative study', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 29, pp. 655 - 666,

Brandt L; Campbell ANC; Jones JD; Martinez S; Neale J; Parkin S; Brown C; Strang J; Comer SD, 2022, 'Emotional reactions of trained overdose responders who use opioids following intervention in an overdose event', Substance Abuse, 43, pp. 581 - 591,

Neale J; Bowen AM, 2022, 'Lessons for Uptake and Engagement of a Smartphone App (SURE Recovery) for People in Recovery From Alcohol and Other Drug Problems: Interview Study of App Users', JMIR Human Factors, 9,

Neale J; Farrugia A; Campbell AN; Dietze P; Dwyer R; Fomiatti R; Jones JD; Comer SD; Fraser S; Strang J, 2022, 'Understanding preferences for type of take-home naloxone device: international qualitative analysis of the views of people who use opioids', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 29, pp. 109 - 120,

MacLean SJ; Caluzzi G; Ferry M; Bruun A; Skattebol J; Neale J; Bryant J, 2022, 'Why we stopped using the term ‘aftercare’', Drug and Alcohol Review, 41, pp. 3 - 6,

Alhusein N; Scott J; Neale J; Chater A; Family H, 2021, 'Community pharmacists' views on providing a reproductive health service to women receiving opioid substitution treatment: A qualitative study using the TDF and COM-B', Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy, 4,

Kelly PJ; Beck AK; Deane FP; Larance B; Baker AL; Hides L; Manning V; Shakeshaft A; Neale J; Kelly JF; Oldmeadow C; Searles A; Palazzi K; Lawson K; Treloar C; Gray RM; Argent A; McGlaughlin R, 2021, 'Feasibility of a mobile health app for routine outcome monitoring and feedback in SMART recovery mutual support groups: Stage 1 mixed methods pilot study', Journal of Medical Internet Research, 23,

McDonald R; Parkin S; Eide D; Neale J; Clausen T; Metrebian N; Carter B; Strang J, 2021, 'Rethinking ‘carriage’ of take-home naloxone', International Journal of Drug Policy, 95,

Lewer D; Menezes D; Cornes M; Blackburn RM; Byng R; Clark M; Denaxas S; Evans H; Fuller J; Hewett N; Kilmister A; Luchenski SA; Manthorpe J; McKee M; Neale J; Story A; Tinelli M; Whiteford M; Wurie F; Yavlinsky A; Hayward A; Aldridge R, 2021, 'Hospital readmission among people experiencing homelessness in England: A cohort study of 2772 matched homeless and housed inpatients', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 75, pp. 681 - 688,

Beck AK; Kelly PJ; Deane FP; Baker AL; Hides L; Manning V; Shakeshaft A; Neale J; Kelly JF; Gray RM; Argent A; McGlaughlin R; Chao R; Martini M, 2021, 'Developing a mHealth Routine Outcome Monitoring and Feedback App (“SMART Track”) to Support Self-Management of Addictive Behaviours', Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12,

Neale J, 2021, 'Iterative categorisation (IC) (part 2): interpreting qualitative data', Addiction, 116, pp. 668 - 676,

Parkin S; Neale J; Brown C; Jones JD; Brandt L; Castillo F; Campbell ANC; Strang J; Comer SD, 2021, 'A qualitative study of repeat naloxone administrations during opioid overdose intervention by people who use opioids in New York City.', International Journal of Drug Policy, 87,

Biswell R E; Clark M; Tinelli M; Manthorpe G; Neale J; Whiteford M; Cornes M, 2021, 'Beyond clinical trials: Extending the role of the clinical research nurse into social care and homeless research', Journal of Clinical Nursing,

Cornes M; Aldridge RW; Biswell E; Byng R; Clark M; Foster G; Fuller J; Hayward A; Hewett N; Kilmister A; Manthorpe J; Neale J; Tinelli M; Whiteford M, 2021, 'Improving care transfers for homeless patients after hospital discharge: a realist evaluation',

Hall W; Darke S; Humphreys K; Marsden J; Neale J; West R, 2020, 'Addiction's policy on publishing effectiveness studies of involuntary treatment of addiction and its variants', Addiction, 115, pp. 1795 - 1796,

Neale J; Kalk NJ; Parkin S; Brown C; Brandt L; Campbell ANC; Castillo F; Jones JD; Strang J; Comer SD, 2020, 'Factors associated with withdrawal symptoms and anger among people resuscitated from an opioid overdose by take-home naloxone: Exploratory mixed methods analysis', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 117,

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