Select Publications

Journal articles

Thompson TP; Horrell J; Taylor AH; Wanner A; Husk K; Wei Y; Creanor S; Kandiyali R; Neale J; Sinclair J; Nasser M; Wallace G, 2020, 'Physical activity and the prevention, reduction, and treatment of alcohol and other drug use across the lifespan (The PHASE review): A systematic review', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 19,

Horrell J; Thompson TP; Taylor AH; Neale J; Husk K; Wanner A; Creanor S; Wei Y; Kandiyali R; Sinclair J; Nasser M; Wallace G, 2020, 'Qualitative systematic review of the acceptability, feasibility, barriers, facilitators and perceived utility of using physical activity in the reduction of and abstinence from alcohol and other drug use', Mental Health and Physical Activity, 19,

Kelly PJ; Beck AK; Baker AL; Deane FP; Hides L; Manning V; Shakeshaft A; Larance B; Neale J; Kelly J; Oldmeadow C; Searles A; Treloar C; Gray RM; Argent A; McGlaughlin R, 2020, 'Feasibility of a mobile health app for routine outcome monitoring and feedback in mutual support groups coordinated by SMART recovery Australia: Protocol for a pilot study', JMIR Research Protocols, 9,

Marsden J; Darke S; Hall W; Hickman M; Holmes J; Humphreys K; Neale J; Tucker J; West R, 2020, 'Mitigating and learning from the impact of COVID-19 infection on addictive disorders', Addiction, 115, pp. 1007 - 1010,

Parkin S; Neale J; Brown C; Campbell ANC; Castillo F; Jones JD; Strang J; Comer SD, 2020, 'Opioid overdose reversals using naloxone in New York City by people who use opioids: Implications for public health and overdose harm reduction approaches from a qualitative study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 79,

Cox S; O'Reilly J; West R; Neale J, 2020, 'Addiction's policy on fair authorship and acknowledgment practices', Addiction, 115, pp. 603 - 604,

Gray R; Kelly PJ; Beck AK; Baker AL; Deane FP; Neale J; Treloar C; Hides L; Manning V; Shakeshaft A; Kelly J; Argent A; McGlaughlin R, 2020, 'A qualitative exploration of SMART Recovery meetings in Australia and the role of a digital platform to support routine outcome monitoring', Addictive Behaviors, 101,

Farrugia A; Neale J; Dwyer R; Fomiatti R; Fraser S; Strang J; Dietze P, 2020, 'Conflict and communication: managing the multiple affordances of take-home naloxone administration events in Australia', Addiction Research and Theory, 28, pp. 29 - 37,

Maher L; Neale J, 2019, 'Adding quality to quantity in randomized controlled trials of addiction prevention and treatment: a new framework to facilitate the integration of qualitative research', Addiction, 114, pp. 2257 - 2266,

Neale J; Parkman T; Strang J, 2019, 'Challenges in delivering personalised support to people with multiple and complex needs: qualitative study', Journal of Interprofessional Care, 33, pp. 734 - 743,

Tompkins CNE; Neale J; Strang J, 2019, 'Opioid users' willingness to receive prolonged-release buprenorphine depot injections for opioid use disorder', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 104, pp. 64 - 71,

Neale J; Diana Strekalova K; Meadows R; Nettleton S, 2019, '“I don’t stress about it like I used to”: Perceptions of non-problematic sleep amongst people in residential treatment for substance use disorders', Journal of Substance Use, 24, pp. 439 - 444,

Neale J; Tompkins CNE; Strang J, 2019, 'Depot buprenorphine injections for opioid use disorder: Patient information needs and preferences', Drug and Alcohol Review, 38, pp. 510 - 518,

Kelly PJ; Beck AK; Baker AL; Deane FP; Hides L; Manning V; Shakeshaft A; Larance B; Neale J; Kelly J; Oldmeadow C; Searles A; Treloar C; Gray RM; Argent A; McGlaughlin R, 2019, 'Feasibility of a Mobile Health App for Routine Outcome Monitoring and Feedback in Mutual Support Groups Coordinated by SMART Recovery Australia: Protocol for a Pilot Study (Preprint)', ,

Madden A; Hopwood M; Neale J; Treloar C, 2019, 'Acceptability of Patient-Reported Outcome and Experience Measures for Hepatitis C Treatment Among People Who Use Drugs', Patient, 12, pp. 259 - 265,

Neale J; Tompkins CNE; Strang J, 2019, 'Prolonged-release opioid agonist therapy: Qualitative study exploring patients' views of 1-week, 1-month, and 6-month buprenorphine formulations', Harm Reduction Journal, 16,

Tompkins CNE; Neale J; Marsden J; Strang J, 2019, 'Factors influencing recruitment to a randomised placebo-controlled trial of oral naltrexone and extended release implant naltrexone: Qualitative study', Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 99, pp. 52 - 60,

Neale J; Brown C; Campbell ANC; Jones JD; Metz VE; Strang J; Comer SD, 2019, 'How competent are people who use opioids at responding to overdoses? Qualitative analyses of actions and decisions taken during overdose emergencies', Addiction, 114, pp. 708 - 718,

Farrugia A; Fraser S; Dwyer R; Fomiatti R; Neale J; Dietze P; Strang J, 2019, 'Take-home naloxone and the politics of care', Sociology of Health and Illness, 41, pp. 427 - 443,

Neale J; Meadows R; Nettleton S; Panebianco D; Strang J; Vitoratou S; Marsden J, 2019, 'Substance use, sleep and intervention design: insights from qualitative data', Journal of Mental Health, 28, pp. 482 - 489,

Aldridge RW; Menezes D; Lewer D; Cornes M; Evans H; Blackburn RM; Byng R; Clark M; Denaxas S; Fuller J; Hewett N; Kilmister A; Luchenski S; Manthorpe J; McKee M; Neale J; Story A; Tinelli M; Whiteford M; Wurie F; Hayward A, 2019, 'Causes of death among homeless people: a population-based cross-sectional study of linked hospitalisation and mortality data in England.', Wellcome Open Res, 4, pp. 49 - 49,

Neale J; Tompkins CNE; McDonald R; Strang J, 2018, 'Patient views of opioid pharmacotherapy biodelivery systems: Qualitative study to assist treatment decision making', Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26, pp. 570 - 581,

Madden A; Hopwood M; Neale J; Treloar C, 2018, 'Beyond interferon side effects: What residual barriers exist to DAA hepatitis C treatment for people who inject drugs?', PLoS ONE, 13, pp. e0207226,

Cornes M; Aldridge R; Byng R; Clark M; Foster G; Fuller J; Hayward A; Hewett N; Kilmister A; Manthorpe J; Neale J; Tinelli M; Whiteford M, 2018, 'Improving Hospital Discharge Arrangements for People who are Homeless: The Role of Specialist Integrated Care', International Journal of Integrated Care, 18, pp. 18 - 18,

Madden A; Hopwood M; Neale J; Treloar C, 2018, 'Beyond cure: Patient reported outcomes of hepatitis C treatment among people who inject drugs in Australia', Harm Reduction Journal, 15, pp. 42,

Neale J; Tompkins CNE; McDonald R; Strang J, 2018, 'Implants and depot injections for treating opioid dependence: Qualitative study of people who use or have used heroin', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 189, pp. 1 - 7,

Hall W; West R; Marsden J; Humphreys K; Neale JO; Petry N, 2018, 'The need for more consistent evidential standards in cannabis policy evaluations', Addiction, 113, pp. 1553 - 1554,

Neale J; Tompkins CNE; Marshall AD; Treloar C; Strang J, 2018, 'Building on feminist achievements to enhance choice for women seeking treatment', Addiction, 113, pp. 1001 - 1002,

Neale J; Tompkins CNE; Marshall AD; Treloar C; Strang J, 2018, 'Do women with complex alcohol and other drug use histories want women-only residential treatment?', Addiction, 113, pp. 989 - 997,

Neale J; Tompkins CNE; McDonald R; Strang J, 2018, 'Improving recruitment to pharmacological trials for illicit opioid use: findings from a qualitative focus group study', Addiction, 113, pp. 1066 - 1076,

Hall W; West R; Marsden J; Humphreys K; Neale J; Petry N, 2018, 'It is premature to expand access to medicinal cannabis in hopes of solving the US opioid crisis', Addiction, 113, pp. 987 - 988,

Cornes M; Whiteford M; Manthorpe J; Neale J; Byng R; Hewett N; Clark M; Kilmister A; Fuller J; Aldridge R; Tinelli M, 2018, 'Improving hospital discharge arrangements for people who are homeless: A realist synthesis of the intermediate care literature', Health and Social Care in the Community, 26, pp. e345 - e359,

Neale J; Vitoratou S; Lennon P; Meadows R; Nettleton S; Panebianco D; Strang J; Marsden J, 2018, 'Development and early validation of a patient-reported outcome measure to assess sleep amongst people experiencing problems with alcohol or other drugs', Sleep, 41,

Thompson TP; Taylor AH; Wanner A; Husk K; Wei Y; Creanor S; Kandiyali R; Neale J; Sinclair J; Nasser M; Wallace G, 2018, 'Physical activity and the prevention, reduction, and treatment of alcohol and/or substance use across the lifespan (The PHASE review): Protocol for a systematic review', Systematic Reviews, 7,

Tompkins CNE; Neale J, 2018, 'Delivering trauma-informed treatment in a women-only residential rehabilitation service: Qualitative study', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 25, pp. 47 - 55,

Neale J; Tompkins CNE; Strang J, 2018, 'Qualitative exploration of relationships between peers in residential addiction treatment', Health and Social Care in the Community, 26, pp. e39 - e46,

Blackburn RM; Hayward A; Cornes M; McKee M; Lewer D; Whiteford M; Menezes D; Luchenski S; Story A; Denaxas S; Tinelli M; Wurie FB; Byng R; Clark MC; Fuller J; Gabbay M; Hewett N; Kilmister A; Manthorpe J; Neale J; Aldridge RW, 2017, 'Outcomes of specialist discharge coordination and intermediate care schemes for patients who are homeless: Analysis protocol for a population-based historical cohort', BMJ Open, 7,

Neale J; Bouteloup A; Getty M; Hogan C; Lennon P; Mc Cusker M; Strang J, 2017, 'Why we should conduct research in collaboration with people who use alcohol and other drugs', Addiction, 112, pp. 2084 - 2085,

Parkman T; Neale J; Day E; Drummond C, 2017, 'How Do People Who Frequently Attend Emergency Departments for Alcohol-Related Reasons Use, View, and Experience Specialist Addiction Services?', Substance Use and Misuse, 52, pp. 1460 - 1468,

Neale J; Black L; Getty M; Hogan C; Lennon P; Lora C; McDonald R; Strang J; Tompkins C; Usher J; Villa G; Wylie A, 2017, 'Paying participants in addiction research: Is cash king?', Journal of Substance Use, 22, pp. 531 - 533,

Meadows R; Nettleton S; Neale J, 2017, 'Sleep waves and recovery from drug and alcohol dependence: Towards a rhythm analysis of sleep in residential treatment', Social Science and Medicine, 184, pp. 124 - 133,

Nettleton S; Meadows R; Neale J, 2017, 'Disturbing sleep and sleepfulness during recovery from substance dependence in residential rehabilitation settings', Sociology of Health and Illness, 39, pp. 784 - 798,

Black L; Connolly I; Getty M; Hogan C; Lennon P; Mc Cusker M; Neale J; Strang J, 2017, 'Poor implementation of naloxone needs to be better understood in order to save lives', Addiction (Abingdon, England), 112, pp. 911 - 912,

Tompkins CNE; Neale J; Strang J, 2017, 'Qualitative study of welcome houses: a recent initiative designed to improve retention in therapeutic communities', Addiction Research and Theory, 25, pp. 168 - 175,

Parkman T; Neale J; Day E; Drummond C, 2017, 'Qualitative exploration of why people repeatedly attend emergency departments for alcohol-related reasons', BMC Health Services Research, 17, pp. 140,

Neale J; Humphreys K, 2017, 'Addiction Debates: challenging ideas, challenging ourselves', Addiction, 112, pp. 204,

Neale J; Parkman T; Day E; Drummond C, 2017, 'Socio-demographic characteristics and stereotyping of people who frequently attend accident and emergency departments for alcohol-related reasons: Qualitative study', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 24, pp. 67 - 74,

Neale J; Bradford J; Strang J, 2017, 'Development of a proto-typology of opiate overdose onset', Addiction, 112, pp. 168 - 175,

Strang J; Neale J; Mcdonald R; Kalk N, 2017, 'Toxicity: Exploring and expanding the concept', Addiction,

Treloar C; Cama E; Brener L; Hopwood M; Dewit J; Madden A; Neale J, 2017, 'O11 Hepatitis C: stigma indicators and patient reported outcome measures for DAA treatment', Journal of Virus Eradication, 3, pp. 4 - 5,

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