Select Publications

Book Chapters

Picard C; Fusaro M; Kashef S; Ziegler JB; Su HC; Lenardo MJ, 2020, 'Combined immune deficiencies (CIDs)', in Stiehm's Immune Deficiencies: Inborn Errors of Immunity, pp. 207 - 268,

Gennery AR; Marodi L; Ziegler JB; Español T; Grimbacher B, 2017, 'Other Well-Defined Immunodeficiencies', in Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 461 - 517,

Ziegler JB; Kashef S, 2014, 'Well-Known Combined Immune Deficiency Syndromes', in Stiehm's Immune Deficiencies, pp. 171 - 198,

Ziegler JB; Kashef S, 2014, 'Chapter 6 Well-Known Combined Immune Deficiency Syndromes', in Stiehm's Immune Deficiencies, Elsevier, pp. 171 - 198,

Roscioli T; Ziegler JB; Buckley MF; Wong M, 2007, 'Hepatic veno-occlusive disease with immunodeficiency', in Pagon R (ed.), Gene Reviews, GeneTests, Seattle, pp. 1 - 15

Graham GG; Milligan MK; Day RO; Williams KM; Ziegler JB, 1998, 'Therapeutic considerations from pharmacokinetics and metabolism: ibuprofen and paracetamol', in Rainsford KD; Powanda MC (ed.), Safety and Efficacy of non-prescription (OTC) analgesics and NSAIDs, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht

Stewart GJ; Irvine SS; Scott M; Kelleher A; Marriot D; McKnight I; Pethebridge AM; Wodak A; Ziegler J, 1997, 'Strategies in managing HIV', in Stewart GJ (ed.), Managing HIV

Ziegler JB, 1996, 'The child with recurrent infection', in A practical approach to clinical paediatrics, World Press, Singapore, pp. 112 - 115

Journal articles

Vallée TC; Glasmacher JS; Buchner H; Arkwright PD; Behrends U; Bondarenko A; Browning MJ; Buchbinder D; Cattoni A; Chernyshova L; Ciznar P; Cole T; Czogała W; Dueckers G; Edgar JDM; Erbey F; Fasth A; Ferrua F; Formankova R; Gambineri E; Gennery AR; Goldman FD; Gonzalez-Granado LI; Heilmann C; Heiskanen-Kosma T; Juntti H; Kainulainen L; Kanegane H; Karaca NE; Kilic SS; Klein C; Kołtan S; Kondratenko I; Meyts I; Nasrullayeva GM; Notarangelo LD; Pasic S; Pellier I; Pignata C; Misbah S; Schulz A; Segundo GR; Shcherbina A; Slatter M; Sokolic R; Soler-Palacin P; Stepensky P; van Montfrans JM; Ryhänen S; Wolska-Kuśnierz B; Ziegler JB; Zhao X; Aiuti A; Ochs HD; Albert MH, 2024, 'Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome: a study of 577 patients defines the genotype as a biomarker for disease severity and survival', Blood, 143, pp. 2504 - 2516,

Wood JG; Heywood AE; Dennington PM; Lloyd AR; Ziegler JB, 2024, 'Trends in intravenous immunoglobulin use in New South Wales, Australia', Internal Medicine Journal, 54, pp. 149 - 156,

Ballow M; Ziegler JB, 2023, 'Must Reads for Clinicians Seeking a Better Understanding of Primary Immune Deficiency Disorders and Related Disorders', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 11, pp. 1703 - 1705,

Walter JE; Ziegler JB; Ballow M; Cunningham-Rundles C, 2023, 'Advances and Challenges of the Decade: The Ever-Changing Clinical and Genetic Landscape of Immunodeficiency', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 11, pp. 107 - 115,

Kelso JM; Ziegler JB, 2021, 'Maximizing the Potential of Vaccination', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 9, pp. 3606 - 3607,

Russell AJ; Gray PE; Ziegler JB; Kim YJ; Smith S; Sewell WA; Goodnow CC, 2021, 'SAMD9L autoinflammatory or ataxia pancytopenia disease mutations activate cell-autonomous translational repression', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118, pp. e2110190118,

Pillay BA; Fusaro M; Gray PE; Statham AL; Burnett L; Bezrodnik L; Kane A; Tong W; Abdo C; Winter S; Chevalier S; Levy R; Masson C; Schmitt Y; Bole C; Malphettes M; Macintyre E; de Villartay JP; Ziegler JB; Smart JM; Peake J; Aghamohammadi A; Hammarström L; Abolhassani H; Picard C; Fischer A; Latour S; Neven B; Tangye SG; Ma CS, 2021, 'Somatic reversion of pathogenic DOCK8 variants alters lymphocyte differentiation and function to effectively cure DOCK8 deficiency', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 131,

Boyle R; Brown N; Chiang WC; Chien CM; Gold M; Hourihane J; Peake J; Quinn P; Rao R; Smith P; Tang M; Ziegler J; Warner J, 2020, 'Partially hydrolysed, prebiotic supplemented whey formula for the prevention of allergic manifestations in high risk infants: a multicentre double-blind randomised controlled trial (Retraction of Vol 5, art no P30, 2015)', CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL ALLERGY, 10,

Ziegler JB; Aalberse RC, 2020, 'Sesame: An Increasingly Popular Word and Common Food Allergen', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 8, pp. 1689 - 1691,

Breit S; Ziegler J; Kelleher AD, 2020, 'Vale Ron Penny AO (1936-2019): pioneer of clinical immunology OBITUARY', CLINICAL & TRANSLATIONAL IMMUNOLOGY, 9,

Gray PE; McCarthy H; Siggs OM; Saleem MA; O' Brien T; Frith K; Ziegler JB; Kitching AR; Fogo AB; Hudson BG; Pedchenko V, 2019, 'Molecular Analysis of Goodpasture’s Disease Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant in a Pediatric Patient, Recalls the Conformeropathy of Wild-Type Anti-GBM Disease', Frontiers in Immunology, 10,

Zammit NW; Siggs OM; Gray PE; Horikawa K; Langley DB; Walters SN; Daley SR; Loetsch C; Warren J; Yap JY; Cultrone D; Russell A; Malle EK; Villanueva JE; Cowley MJ; Gayevskiy V; Dinger ME; Brink R; Zahra D; Chaudhri G; Karupiah G; Whittle B; Roots C; Bertram E; Yamada M; Jeelall Y; Enders A; Clifton BE; Mabbitt PD; Jackson CJ; Watson SR; Jenne CN; Lanier LL; Wiltshire T; Spitzer MH; Nolan GP; Schmitz F; Aderem A; Porebski BT; Buckle AM; Abbott DW; Ziegler JB; Craig ME; Benitez-Aguirre P; Teo J; Tangye SG; King C; Wong M; Cox MP; Phung W; Tang J; Sandoval W; Wertz IE; Christ D; Goodnow CC; Grey ST, 2019, 'Denisovan, modern human and mouse TNFAIP3 alleles tune A20 phosphorylation and immunity', Nature Immunology, 20, pp. 1299 - 1310,

Pillay BA; Avery DT; Smart JM; Cole T; Choo S; Chan D; Gray PE; Frith K; Mitchell R; Phan TG; Wong M; Campbell DE; Hsu P; Ziegler JB; Peake J; Alvaro F; Picard C; Bustamante J; Neven B; Cant AJ; Uzel G; Arkwright PD; Casanova JL; Su HC; Freeman AF; Shah N; Hickstein DD; Tangye SG; Ma CS, 2019, 'Hematopoietic stem cell transplant effectively rescues lymphocyte differentiation and function in DOCK8-deficient patients', JCI Insight, 4,

Nolan T; Booy R; Marshall HS; Richmond P; Nissen M; Ziegler JB; Baine Y; Traskine M; Jastorff A; Van Der Wielen M, 2019, 'Immunogenicity and safety of a quadrivalent meningococcal acwy-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine 6 years after menc priming as toddlers', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 38, pp. 643 - 650,

Aydin SE; Freeman AF; Al-Herz W; Al-Mousa HA; Arnaout RK; Aydin RC; Barlogis V; Belohradsky BH; Bonfim C; Bredius RG; Chu JI; Ciocarlie OC; Doğu F; Gaspar HB; Geha RS; Gennery AR; Hauck F; Hawwari A; Hickstein DD; Hoenig M; Ikinciogullari A; Klein C; Kumar A; Ifversen MRS; Matthes S; Metin A; Neven B; Pai SY; Parikh SH; Picard C; Renner ED; Sanal Ö; Schulz AS; Schuster F; Shah NN; Shereck EB; Slatter MA; Su HC; van Montfrans J; Woessmann W; Ziegler JB; Albert MH, 2019, 'Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation as Treatment for Patients with DOCK8 Deficiency', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 7, pp. 848 - 855,

Ziegler JB; Ballow M, 2019, 'Primary Immunodeficiency: New Approaches in Genetic Diagnosis, and Constructing Targeted Therapies', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 7, pp. 839 - 841,

Zammit N; Siggs OM; Gray P; King C; Christ D; Goodnow CC; Grey S; Cowley M; Craig M; Dinger M; Ziegler J; Villanueva J; Cultrone D; Brink R, 2019, 'Phospho-tuning immunity through Denisovan, modern human and mouse TNFAIP3 gene variants', bioRxiv, pp. 589507,

Ong LTC; Nachbur U; Rowczenio D; Ziegler JB; Fischer E; Lin MW, 2017, 'A novel nucleotide oligomerisation domain 2 mutation in a family with Blau syndrome: Phenotype and function', Innate Immunity, 23, pp. 578 - 583,

Norman M; David C; Wainstein B; Ziegler JB; Cohn R; Mitchell R; O'Brien T; Russell S; Trahair T; Trickett A; Frith K; Gray P, 2017, 'Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for primary immunodeficiency syndromes: A 5-year single-centre experience', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53, pp. 988 - 994,

Lee AYS; Frith K; Schneider L; Ziegler JB, 2017, 'Haematopoietic stem cell transplantation for severe combined immunodeficiency: Long-term health outcomes and patient perspectives', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53, pp. 766 - 770,

Tangye SG; Pillay B; Randall KL; Avery DT; Phan TG; Gray P; Ziegler JB; Smart JM; Peake J; Arkwright PD; Hambleton S; Orange J; Goodnow CC; Uzel G; Casanova JL; Lugo Reyes SO; Freeman AF; Su HC; Ma CS, 2017, 'Dedicator of cytokinesis 8–deficient CD4+ T cells are biased to a TH2 effector fate at the expense of TH1 and TH17 cells', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 139, pp. 933 - 949,

Morris BJ; Kennedy SE; Wodak AD; Mindel A; Golovsky D; Schrieber L; Lumbers ER; Handelsman DJ; Ziegler JB, 2017, 'Early infant male circumcision: Systematic review, risk-benefit analysis, and progress in policy.', World J Clin Pediatr, 6, pp. 89 - 102,

Wodak AD; Ziegler JB; Morris BJ, 2017, 'Infant circumcision: Evidence, policy, and practice', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 53, pp. 93,

Tangye SG; Pillay B; Randall KL; Avery DT; Tri GP; Gray P; Ziegler JB; Smart JM; Peake J; Arkwright PD; Hambleton S; Orange J; Goodnow CC; Uzel G; Casanova J-L; Lugo Reyes SO; Freeman AF; Su HC; Ma CS, 2017, 'Dedicator of cytokinesis 8-deficient CD4+ T cells are biased to a TH2 effector fate at the expense of TH1 and TH17 cells', JOURNAL OF ALLERGY AND CLINICAL IMMUNOLOGY, 139, pp. 933 - 949,

Bamford A; Manno EC; Mellado MJ; Spoulou V; Marques L; Scherpbier HJ; Niehues T; Oldakowska A; Rossi P; Palma P; Menson EN; Muñoz-Fernández M; Della Negra M; Shingadia D; Levy J; Marczynska M; Conejo PR; Klein N; Ananworanich J; Ziegler JB; Lyall H; Di Biagio A; Giacomet V; Gattinara GC; De Sousa Marques HH; Cotugno N; Salo E; Volokha A; Mardarescu M; Reliquet V; Bernardi S; Giaquinto C, 2016, 'Immunisation practices in centres caring for children with perinatally acquired HIV: A call for harmonisation', Vaccine, 34, pp. 5587 - 5594,

Jurczyluk J; Munoz MA; Skinner OP; Chai RC; Ali N; Palendira U; Quinn JMW; Preston A; Tangye SG; Brown AJ; Argent E; Ziegler JB; Mehr S; Rogers MJ, 2016, 'Mevalonate kinase deficiency leads to decreased prenylation of Rab GTPases', Immunology and Cell Biology, 94, pp. 994 - 999,

Ma CS; Wong N; Rao G; Nguyen A; Avery DT; Payne K; Torpy J; O'Young P; Deenick E; Bustamante J; Puel A; Okada S; Kobayashi M; Martinez-Barricarte R; Elliott M; Kilic SS; Baghdadi JE; Minegishi Y; Bousfiha A; Robertson N; Hambleton S; Arkwright PD; French M; Blincoe AK; Hsu P; Campbell DE; Stormon MO; Wong M; Adelstein S; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Stepensky P; Boztug K; Beier R; Ikincioğullari A; Ziegler JB; Gray P; Picard C; Boisson-Dupuis S; Phan TG; Grimbacher B; Warnatz K; Holland SM; Uzel G; Casanova JL; Tangye SG, 2016, 'Unique and shared signaling pathways cooperate to regulate the differentiation of human CD4+ T cells into distinct effector subsets', Journal of Experimental Medicine, 213, pp. 1589 - 1608,

Boyle RJ; Tang MLK; Chiang WC; Chua MC; Ismail I; Nauta A; Hourihane JOB; Smith P; Gold M; Ziegler J; Peake J; Quinn P; Rao R; Brown N; Rijnierse A; Garssen J; Warner JO; Axelrad C; Jeffries S; Donald Y; Barham H; Brown J; Wickenden R; Barnes T; Taylor S; Smith S; Thomas N; Goh A; Anng WA; Hua CCY; Daly D; Lafford S; Cullinane C; Bindels J; Van Der Merwe L; Klaassen D; Swinkels S; Knipping K, 2016, 'Prebiotic-supplemented partially hydrolysed cow's milk formula for the prevention of eczema in high-risk infants: A randomized controlled trial', Allergy: European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 71, pp. 701 - 710,

Blumenthal KG; Ziegler JB, 2016, 'Hypersensitivity Reactions, Dietary Supplements, and the Importance of the Case Report', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: In Practice, 4, pp. 177 - 178,

Gray PE; O’Brien TA; Wagle M; Tangye SG; Palendira U; Roscioli T; Choo S; Sutton R; Ziegler JB; Frith K, 2015, 'Cerebral Vasculitis in X-linked Lymphoproliferative Disease Cured by Matched Unrelated Cord Blood Transplant', Journal of Clinical Immunology, 35, pp. 604 - 609,

Ma CS; Wong N; Rao G; Avery DT; Torpy J; Hambridge T; Bustamante J; Okada S; Stoddard JL; Deenick EK; Pelham SJ; Payne K; Boisson-Dupuis S; Puel A; Kobayashi M; Arkwright PD; Kilic SS; El Baghdadi J; Nonoyama S; Minegishi Y; Mahdaviani SA; Mansouri D; Bousfiha A; Blincoe AK; French MA; Hsu P; Campbell DE; Stormon MO; Wong M; Adelstein S; Smart JM; Fulcher DA; Cook MC; Phan TG; Stepensky P; Boztug K; Kansu A; Ikincioʇullari A; Baumann U; Beier R; Roscioli T; Ziegler JB; Gray P; Picard C; Grimbacher B; Warnatz K; Holland SM; Casanova JL; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2015, 'Monogenic mutations differentially affect the quantity and quality of T follicular helper cells in patients with human primary immunodeficiencies', Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 136, pp. 993 - 1006.e1,

Boyle R; Brown N; Chiang WC; Chien CM; Gold M; Hourihane J; Peake J; Quinn P; Rao R; Smith P; Tang M; Ziegler J; Warner J, 2015, 'RETRACTED ARTICLE: Partially hydrolysed, prebiotic supplemented whey formula for the prevention of allergic manifestations in high risk infants: a multicentre double‐blind randomised controlled trial', Clinical and Translational Allergy, 5,

Gray PEA; Logan GJ; Alexander IE; Poulton S; Roscioli T; Ziegler J, 2015, 'A novel intronic splice site deletion of the IL-2 receptor common gamma chain results in expression of a dysfunctional protein and T-cell-positive X-linked Severe combined immunodeficiency', International Journal of Immunogenetics, 42, pp. 11 - 14,

MacKie FE; Kainer G; Adib N; Boros C; Elliott EJ; Fahy R; Munro J; Murray K; Rosenberg A; Wainstein B; Ziegler JB; Singh-Grewal D, 2015, 'The national incidence and clinical picture of SLE in children in Australia - A report from the Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit', Lupus, 24, pp. 66 - 73,

, 2015, '8th IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (IAS 2015).', J Int AIDS Soc, 18, pp. 20479,

Lee AYS; Lim K2; Ziegler JB3, 2014, 'Letters to the Editor: The problems with neonatal immune system screening using glutathione levels', Australasian Medical Journal, 7, pp. 388 - 389

Lee AYS; Lim K; Ziegler JB, 2014, 'The problems with neonatal immune system screening using glutathione levels', AUSTRALASIAN MEDICAL JOURNAL, 7, pp. 388 - 389,

Berglund LJ; Avery DT; Ma CS; Moens L; Deenick EK; Bustamante J; Boisson-Dupuis S; Wong M; Adelstein S; Arkwright PD; Bacchetta R; Bezrodnik L; Dadi H; Roifman CM; Fulcher DA; Ziegler JB; Smart JM; Kobayashi M; Picard C; Durandy A; Cook MC; Casanova JL; Uzel G; Tangye SG, 2013, 'IL-21 signalling via STAT3 primes human näive B cells to respond to IL-2 to enhance their differentiation into plasmablasts', Blood, 122, pp. 3940 - 3950,

Bates MJ; Ziegler JB; Kennedy SE; Mindel A; Wodak AD; Zoloth LS; Tobian AAR; Morris BJ, 2013, 'Recommendation by a law body to ban infant male circumcision has serious worldwide implications for pediatric practice and human rights', BMC Pediatrics, 13,

Lucey JM; Hsu P; Ziegler JB, 2013, 'Tenofovir-related Fanconi's syndrome and osteomalacia in a teenager with HIV', BMJ Case Reports,

Gray PEA; Wainstein BK; Ziegler JB; Mehr S; Campbell D; Joshi P; Wong M; Dunne G; Dennison B; Kakakios A; Katelaris CH; Frankum B; Keat K; Star A, 2013, 'Salicylate elimination diets in children: Is food restriction supported by the evidence?', Medical Journal of Australia, 198, pp. 600 - 602,

Booy R; Richmond P; Nolan T; Mcvernon J; Marshall H; Nissen M; Reynolds G; Ziegler JB; Stoney T; Heron L; Lambert SB; Mesaros N; Peddiraju K; Miller J, 2013, 'Three-year antibody persistence and safety following a single dose of combined haemophilus influenzae type b-neisseria meningitidis serogroup C-tetanus toxoid conjugate vaccine in Hib-primed toddlers', Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, 32, pp. 169 - 174,

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