Select Publications

Journal articles

Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Davis JS; Webb SAR; Bellomo R; Gomersall C; Shirwadkar C; Eastwood GM; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Starr T; Udy AA; Paul SK; Lipman J, 2013, 'A protocol for a multicentre randomised controlled trial of continuous beta-lactam infusion compared with intermittent beta-lactam dosing in critically ill patients with severe sepsis: The BLING II study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 179 - 185

Bradford CM; Finfer S; O'Connor A; Yarad E; Firth R; McCallister R; Harrington T; Steinfort B; Faulder K; Assaad N; Morgan M, 2013, 'A randomised controlled trial of induced hypermagnesaemia following aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 119 - 125

Bihari S; Peake SL; Seppelt I; Williams P; Bersten A, 2013, 'Sodium administration in critically ill patients in Australia and New Zealand: A multicentre point prevalence study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 294 - 300

Young PJ; Weatherall M; Saxena MK; Bellomo R; Freebairn RC; Hammond NE; van Haren FMP; Henderson SJ; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Mackle D; Myburgh JA; Webb SAR; Beasley RW, 2013, 'Statistical analysis plan for the HEAT trial: A multicentre randomised placebo-controlled trial of intravenous paracetamol in intensive care unit patients with fever and infection', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 279 - 286

Saxena MK; Taylor CB; Hammond NE; Young PJ; Seppelt IM; Glass P; Myburgh JA, 2013, 'Temperature management in patients with acute neurological lesions: An Australian and New Zealand point prevalence study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 110 - 118

Hammond NE; Saxena MK; Taylor C; Young P; Seppelt I; Glass P; Myburgh J, 2013, 'Temperature management of non-elective intensive care patients without neurological abnormalities: A point prevalence study of practice in Australia and New Zealand', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 228 - 233

Venkatesh B; Myburgh J; Finfer S; Webb SAR; Cohen J; Bellomo R; McArthur C; Joyce CJ; Rajbhandari D; Glass P; Harward M, 2013, 'The ADRENAL study protocol: Adjunctive corticosteroid treatment in critically ill patients with septic shock', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 83 - 88

Delaney AP; Peake SL; Bellomo R; Cameron P; Holdgate A; Howe B; Higgins A; Presneill J; Webb S, 2013, 'The Australasian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation (ARISE) trial statistical analysis plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 15, pp. 162 - 171

Delaney A; Peake SL; Bellomo R; Cameron P; Holdgate A; Howe B; Higgins A; Presneill J; Webb S, 2013, 'Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation trial statistical analysis plan', EMA - Emergency Medicine Australasia, 25, pp. 406 - 415,

Huang DT; Angus DC; Barnato A; Gunn SR; Kellum JA; Stapleton DK; Weissfeld LA; Yealy DM; Peake SL; Delaney A; Bellomo R; Cameron P; Higgins A; Holdgate A; Howe B; Webb SA; Williams P; Osborn TM; Mouncey PR; Harrison DA; Harvey SE; Rowan KM, 2013, 'Harmonizing international trials of early goal-directed resuscitation for severe sepsis and septic shock: Methodology of ProCESS, ARISE, and ProMISe', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 1760 - 1775,

Myburgh J; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2013, 'Patient-centered outcomes and trials of hydroxyethyl starch', Critical Care, 17,

Myburgh J, 2013, 'Advances in fluid resuscitation in critically ill patients: Implications for clinical practice', Current Opinion in Critical Care, 19, pp. 279 - 281,

Esteban A; Frutos-Vivar F; Muriel A; Ferguson ND; Peñuelas O; Abraira V; Raymondos K; Rios F; Nin N; Apezteguía C; Violi DA; Thille AW; Brochard L; González M; Villagomez AJ; Hurtado J; Davies AR; Du B; Maggiore SM; Pelosi P; Soto L; Tomicic V; D'Empaire G; Matamis D; Abroug F; Moreno RP; Soares MA; Arabi Y; Sandi F; Jibaja M; Amin P; Koh Y; Kuiper MA; Bülow H-H; Zeggwagh AA; Anzueto A, 2013, 'Evolution of mortality over time in patients receiving mechanical ventilation.', Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 188, pp. 220 - 230,

Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Davis JS; Webb SAR; Bellomo R; Gomersall C; Shirwadkar C; Eastwood GM; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Lipman J, 2013, 'Reply to Soman et al', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 57, pp. 323 - 324,

Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Bellomo R, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl starch 130/0.4 and saline did not differ for mortality at 90 days in ICU patients', Annals of Internal Medicine, 158,

Myburgh J, 2013, 'ACP Journal Club. Review: hydroxyethyl starch increases mortality and acute kidney injury in critically ill patients', Annals of internal medicine, 158,

Cooper DJ; Myburgh J; Heritier S; Finfer S; Bellomo R; Billot L; Murray L; Vallance S, 2013, 'Albumin resuscitation for traumatic brain injury: Is intracranial hypertension the cause of increased mortality?', Journal of Neurotrauma, 30, pp. 512 - 518,

Gattas DJ; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer S, 2013, 'Fluid resuscitation with 6 % hydroxyethyl starch (130/0.4 and 130/0.42) in acutely ill patients: Systematic review of effects on mortality and treatment with renal replacement therapy', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 558 - 568,

Myburgh J; Finfer S, 2013, 'Causes of death after fluid bolus resuscitation: New insights from FEAST', BMC Medicine, 11,

Bellomo R; Lipcsey M; Calzavacca P; Haase M; Haase-Fielitz A; Licari E; Tee A; Cole L; Cass A; Finfer S; Gallagher M; Lee J; Lo S; McArthur C; McGuinness S; Myburgh J; Scheinkestel C, 2013, 'Early acid-base and blood pressure effects of continuous renal replacement therapy intensity in patients with metabolic acidosis', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 429 - 436,

Thomas E; Bhurawala H; Liu A, 2013, 'Medication for attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder and criminality [5]', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 775 - 776,

Myburgh JA; Finfer S; Billot L, 2013, 'The authors reply', New England Journal of Medicine, 368, pp. 775,

Dulhunty JM; Roberts JA; Davis JS; Webb SAR; Bellomo R; Gomersall C; Shirwadkar C; Eastwood GM; Myburgh J; Paterson DL; Lipman J, 2013, 'Continuous infusion of beta-lactam antibiotics in severe sepsis: A multicenter double-blind, randomized controlled trial', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 56, pp. 236 - 244,

Myburgh JA; Mythen MG, 2013, 'Resuscitation fluids', New England Journal of Medicine, 369, pp. 1243 - 1251,

Nielsen N; Wetterslev J; Cronberg T; Erlinge D; Gasche Y; Hassager C; Horn J; Hovdenes J; Kjaergaard J; Kuiper M; Pellis T; Stammet P; Wanscher M; Wise MP; An̊eman A; Al-Subaie N; Boesgaard S; Bro-Jeppesen J; Brunetti I; Bugge JF; Hingston CD; Juffermans NP; Koopmans M; Kbøer L; Langørgen J; Lilja G; Mløler JE; Rundgren M; Rylander C; Smid O; Werer C; Winkel P; Friberg H, 2013, 'Targeted temperature management at 33°c versus 36°c after cardiac arrest', New England Journal of Medicine, 369, pp. 2197 - 2206,

Myburgh JA; Mythen MG, 2013, 'The authors reply', New England Journal of Medicine, 369, pp. 2462 - 2463,

Mitchell RJ; Curtis K; Holland AJA; Balogh ZJ; Evans J; Wilson KL, 2013, 'Acute costs and predictors of higher treatment costs for major paediatric trauma in New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 45, pp. 279 - 284,

Bion J; Bellomo R; Myburgh J; Perner A; Reinhart K; Finfer S, 2013, 'Hydroxyethyl starch: putting patient safety first', Intensive Care Medicine, pp. 1 - 4,

Myburgh J; Mcintyre LA, 2013, 'New insights into fluid resuscitation', Intensive Care Medicine, 39, pp. 998 - 1001,

Parke RL; Eastwood GM; McGuinness SP; George Institute for Global Health ; Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group , 2013, 'Oxygen therapy in non-intubated adult intensive care patients: a point prevalence study.', Crit Care Resusc, 15, pp. 287 - 293,

Blyth C; Webb S; Kok J; Dwyer DE; van Hal S; Foo H; Ginn AN; Kesson AM; Seppelt I; Iredell JR; Parr MJ; et A; Shehabi Y; Numa A; Williams G; Rawlinson W; Myburgh J, 2013, 'The impact of bacterial and viral co-infection in severe influenza', Influenza and other Respiratory Viruses, 7, pp. 168 - 176,

Willenberg L; Curtis K; Taylor C; Jan S; Glass P; Myburgh J, 2013, 'The variation of acute treatment costs of trauma in high-income countries', Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine, 21,

Young P; Hodgson C; Dulhunty J; Saxena M; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Davies A; Finfer S; Kruger P; Lipman J; Myburgh J; Peake S; Seppelt I; Streat S; Tate R; Webb S, 2012, 'End points for Phase II trials in intensive care: Recommendations from the Australian and New Zealand clinical trials group consensus panel meeting', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 211 - 215

Young PJ; Saxena MK; Bellomo R; Freebairn RC; Hammond NE; van Haren FMP; Henderson SJ; McArthur CJ; McGuinness SP; Mackle D; Myburgh JA; Weatherall M; Webb SAR; Beasley RW, 2012, 'The HEAT trial: A protocol for a multicentre randomised placebo-controlled trial of IV paracetamol in ICU patients with fever and infection', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 290 - 296

Myburgh J, 2012, 'The role of hydroxyethyl starch in resuscitation in the ICU', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 251 - 252

Daniel BS; Skowronski G; Myburgh J; Hersch M; Murrell DF, 2012, 'Concurrent Management of Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis with Thermal Water Spray and Non-Stick Dressings', Acta Dermatovenerologica Croatica, 20, pp. 210 - 212

Taylor CB; Liu B; Bruce E; Burns B; Jan S; Myburgh J, 2012, 'Primary scene responses by Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in New South Wales Australia 2008-2009', BMC Health Services Research, 12, pp. 402,

Taylor CB; Jan S; Myburgh JA, 2012, 'Exploring the economics of helicopter rescue in Australia', Medical Journal of Australia, 197, pp. 488 - 489,

Shehabi Y; Bellomo R; Reade MC; Bailey M; Bass F; Howe B; McArthur C; Seppelt IM; Webb S; Weisbrodt L, 2012, 'Early intensive care sedation predicts long-term mortality in ventilated critically ill patients', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 186, pp. 724 - 731,

Cheung W; Myburgh J; Seppelt I; Parr MJ; Blackwell N; DeMonte S; Gandhi K; Hoyling L; Mullany D; Nair PS; Passer M; Reynolds C; Saunders N; Saxena M; Thanakrishnan G, 2012, 'A multicentre evaluation of two intensive care unit triage protocols for use in an influenza pandemic', Medical Journal of Australia, 197, pp. 178 - 181,

Cheung WK; Myburgh J; Seppelt I; Parr MJ; Blackwell N; al E, 2012, 'Development and evaluation of an influenza pandemic intensive care unit triage protocol', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 185 - 189

Peake SL; Chapman M; Davies A; Moran JL; O'Connor S; Ridley E; Williams P; Parr MJ, 2012, 'Enteral nutrition in Australian and New Zealand intensive care units: a point-prevalence study of prescription practices', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 148 - 153

Gattas DJ; Dan A; Myburgh J; Billot L; Lo S; Finfer S, 2012, 'Fluid Resuscitation With 6% Hydroxyethyl Starch (130/0.4) in Acutely Ill Patients', Survey of Anesthesiology, 56, pp. 216 - 217,

Myburgh J; Finfer SR; Bellomo R; Billot L; Cass A; Parr MJ; et A, 2012, 'Hydroxyethyl starch or saline for fluid resuscitation in intensive care', New England Journal of Medicine, 367, pp. 1901 - 1911,

Finfer SR; Liu B; Chittock DR; Norton R; Myburgh J; Mcarthur CJ; Mitchell I; Foster DE; Dhingra VK; Henderson WR; Ronco JJ; Bellomo R; Cook D; Mcdonald E; Dodek PM; Hebert PC; Heyland DK; Robinson BG, 2012, 'Hypoglycemia and risk of death in critically ill patients', New England Journal of Medicine, 367, pp. 1108 - 1118,

Myburgh J; Li Q; Heritier S; Dan A; Glass P, 2012, 'Statistical analysis plan for the Crystalloid Versus Hydroxyethyl Starch Trial (CHEST).', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 14, pp. 44 - 52

Hammond NE; Saxena M; Young P; Taylor C; Seppelt I; Glass P; Myburgh J, 2012, 'Temperature management for patients without brain injury in Australia and New Zealand ICUs: a point prevalence study', Critical care (London, England), 16, pp. P58 - P58,

Webb SAR; Aubron C; Bailey M; Bellomo R; Howe B; McArthur C; Morrison S; Seppelt I, 2011, 'Critical care services and the H1N1 (2009) influenza epidemic in Australia and New Zealand in 2010: the impact of the second winter epidemic', CRITICAL CARE, 15,

Olldashi F; Kerçi M; Zhurda T; Ruçi K; Banushi A; Traverso MS; Jiménez J; Balbi J; Dellera C; Svampa S; Quintana G; Piñero G; Teves J; Seppelt I; Mountain D; Balogh Z; Zaman M; Druwé P; Rutsaert R; Mazairac G; Pascal F; Yvette Z; Chancellin D; Okwen P; Djokam-Liapoe J; Jangwa E; Mbuagbaw L; Fointama N; Baillie F; Jiang JY; Gao GY; Bao YH; Morales C; Sierra J; Naranjo S; Correa C; Gómez C; Herrera J; Caicedo L; Rojas A; Pastas H; Miranda H; Constaín A; Perdomo M; Muñoz D; Duarte A; Vásquez E; Ortiz C; Ayala B; Delgado H; Benavides G; Rosero L; Mejía-Mantilla J; Varela A; Calle M; Castillo J; García A; Ciro J; Villa C; Panesso R; Flórez L; Gallego A; Puentes-Manosalva F; Medina L; Márquez K; Romero AR; Hernández R; Martínez J; Gualteros W; Urbina Z; Velandia J; Benítez F; Trochez A; Villarreal A; Pabón P; López H; Quintero L; Rubiano A; Tamayo J; Piñera M; Martínez D; Martínez H; Casola E; Domínguez M; Herrera C; Iraola M; Rojas O; Pastrana I; Rodríguez D; De La Campa SA; Fortún T; Larrea M; Aragón L; Madrazo A; Svoboda P; Izurieta M; Daccach A; Altamirano M; Ortega A; Cárdenas B, 2011, 'The importance of early treatment with tranexamic acid in bleeding trauma patients: An exploratory analysis of the CRASH-2 randomised controlled trial', The Lancet, 377,

Saxena MK; Hammond NE; Taylor C; Young P; Reade MC; Bellomo R; Myburgh J, 2011, 'A survey of fever management in febrile intensive care patients without neurological injury', Critical care (London, England), 15, pp. P18 - P18,

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