Select Publications

Conference Papers

Fisher K; O'Shea P, 2023, 'Valuing diversity as strength in how we build social equality', in McConkey K; Hatherly C (ed.), Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, Canberra, pp. 79 - 83,

Fisher K; Clifford E; Piniella N; Leder A; Gallagher R, 2023, 'Alopecia in Females with Young Onset Parkinson's Disease: An Exploratory Survey', in MOVEMENT DISORDERS, WILEY, DENMARK, Copenhagen, pp. S187 - S187, presented at International Congress of Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders, DENMARK, Copenhagen, 27 August 2023 - 31 August 2023

Roberts J; Fitches A; Fisher K; Grammick S; Holler D; Pinto E; Ismail Z; Asalya M, 2022, 'NYG@Home: A Blended Model Supporting Patients at Home During COVID-19', in INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTEGRATED CARE, UBIQUITY PRESS LTD,

Thorburn K; Harris M; Spooner C; Fisher K, 2021, 'Learning about co-design in primary care', in AUSTRALIAN JOURNAL OF PRIMARY HEALTH, CSIRO PUBLISHING, pp. LI - LI,

Shang X; Fisher KAREN; Fisher K, 2016, 'Never become an adult? Support to young people with disabilities in Chinese state care to achieve economic security', Auckland, New Zealand., presented at the 5th International Conference on Adoption Research, Auckland, New Zealand., 07 January 2016 - 11 January 2016

Fisher KR; Purcal C, 2008, 'Measuring effective housing support policy for people with disability', Sydney, presented at National Disability Services Accommodation and Social Participation Conference, Sydney

Purcal C; Fisher KR, 2005, 'Affordability funding models for early childhood services', in SPRC (ed.), Australian Social Policy Conference 2005, University of New South Wales, presented at Australian Social Policy Conference 2005, University of New South Wales

Fine MD; Fisher KR; Thomson CM, 2000, 'Changing Care Solutions: Innovative Forms of Support for Older People', in Ageing and Active. Australia in the 21st Century. Future challenges and opportunities for Australia`s ageing populati, pp. 66 - 72

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