Select Publications

Journal articles

Fang Q; Poon AWC; Fisher KR; Duong J; Lee JS, 2024, 'Coproduction with peer support groups: A new approach to culturally responsive social services', American Journal of Community Psychology, 73, pp. 515 - 525,

Whittle EL; Fisher K; Srasuekbul P; Trollor J, 2024, 'The demographic and diagnostic profile of women with intellectual disability and mental health disorder in New South Wales and patterns of service use: A data linkage study', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, pp. 371 - 384,

Robinson S; Idle J; Fisher KR; Reedy K; Newman C; Purcal C; Giuntoli G; Byrne S; Nankivell R; Burner G; Touzeau R; Adam T; Armstrong P, 2024, 'How do self-advocates use community development to change attitudes to disability?', British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 52, pp. 87 - 100,

Spooner C; OShea P; Fisher K; Harris-Roxas B; Taggart J; Bolton P; Harris MF, 2024, 'Access to general practice for preventive health care for people who experience severe mental illness in Sydney, Australia: a qualitative study', Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30,

Fang Q; Chang H-H; Fisher K; Dong R; Wang X, 2024, 'Disability policy meets cultural values: Chinese families of children and young people with developmental disabilities in Taipei and Sydney', Ethics and Social Welfare,

Idle J; Robinson S; Fisher KR; Ikäheimo H; Smyth C; Yoon J, 2024, 'Conceptualising the everyday harm experienced by people with cognitive disability: A scoping review of microaggression and emotional and psychological abuse', Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability,

Thorburn K; Waks S; Aadam B; Fisher KR; Spooner C; Harris MF, 2024, 'Creating the conditions for collaborative decision-making in co-design', CoDesign, 20, pp. 567 - 584,

Purcal C; Idle J; Fisher KR; Robinson S; Giuntoli G; Newman CE, 2024, 'Five Factors for Effective Policy to Improve Attitudes towards People with Disability', Social Policy and Society, pp. 1 - 14,

Bellon M; Gendera S; Robinson S; Cahalan T; Fisher KR, 2024, 'Peer-led self-advocacy for people with intellectual disability through the lens of “freedom through encounter”', Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability,

Giuntoli G; Fisher KR; O'Shea P; Purcal C; Zmudzki F; Dwyer O, 2024, 'Social Participation of People with Chronic Mental Health Needs: Building Horizontal and Vertical Forms of Social Capital', Health and Social Care in the Community, 2024, pp. 1 - 11,

Weise J; Tracy J; Fisher KR; Ward J; Hind T; Adrian S; Harris M; Trollor JN, 2024, 'The future of preventive health care for people with intellectual disabilities in Australia: an analysis of the Disability Royal Commission’s approach, findings and recommendations', Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 11, pp. 331 - 347,

Giuntoli G; Idle J; Newman C; Fisher KR; Edwards Y; Robinson S, 2024, 'Towards a More Inclusive Society: A Scoping Review of Interventions and Policies for Changing Attitudes Towards People with Disability', Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 26, pp. 315 - 334,

Smyth C; Fisher K; Robinson S; Ikaheimo H; Hrenchir N; Idle J; Yoon J, 2023, 'Policy representation of everyday harm experienced by people with disability', Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research, 58, pp. 691 - 707,

Liu Y; Fisher K, 2023, 'Barriers to High Quality Therapy Services for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Analysis of Street-Level Policy Practice of Therapy Service Organizations in China', The British Journal of Social Work, 54, pp. 208 - 227,

Newman B; Fisher KR; Trollor J, 2023, 'How do Australian mental health services use easy read to make information accessible for people with intellectual disability?', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 36, pp. 1354 - 1362,

Alexander J; Gendera S; Fisher K; Robinson S; Howe K, 2023, 'On-the-job training supports for people with intellectual disability employed in aged care', Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability,

Fisher K; Purcal C; Blaxland M; Robinson S; Quan Farrant F; Kayess R; Edwards Y, 2023, 'Factors that help people with disability to self-manage their support', Disability and Society, 39, pp. 1821 - 1839,

Foster M; Needham C; Hummell E; Borg S; Fisher K, 2023, 'Personalisation and Collaboration: Dual Tensions in Individualised Funding Policy for Older and Disabled Persons', Social Policy and Society, 22, pp. 122 - 126,

Liu Y; Fisher KR, 2023, 'Struggle for recognition, rights, and redistribution: Understanding the identity of parents of children with autism spectrum disorder in China', Frontiers in Psychology, 13, pp. 981986,

Fisher KR; Burner G; Robinson S, 2023, 'Attitudes towards people with intellectual disabilities. Commentary on “Stereotypes of people with intellectual disabilities held by university education students” (Beunza-Garcia et al., 2023)', Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 10, pp. 134 - 137,

Fisher KR; Cortis N; Shang X; Blaxland M, 2023, 'Chinese and Australian Neoliberal Policy Responses to Risks in Social Service Purchasing', Social Policy and Society,

Macdonald D; Dew A; Fisher KR; Boydell KM, 2023, 'Claiming space: photovoice, identity, inclusion and the work of disability', Disability and Society, 38, pp. 98 - 126,

Lutz DL; Fisher KR, 2023, 'Personalising Support through Communication between People with Intellectual Disabilities and their Support Workers', Scandinavian Journal of Disability Research, 25, pp. 295 - 308,

Fraser-Barbour E; Robinson S; Gendera S; Burton-Clark I; Fisher KR; Alexander J; Howe K, 2023, 'Shifting power to people with disability in co-designed research', Disability and Society, ahead-of-print, pp. 1 - 22,

Robinson S; Hall E; Fisher KR; Graham A; Johnson K; Neale K, 2023, 'Using the ‘in-between’ to build quality in support relationships with people with cognitive disability: the significance of liminal spaces and time', Social and Cultural Geography, 24, pp. 175 - 194,

Fisher K; Robinson S; Burner G, 2022, '“Listening to me and acting on what I say I need from the NDIS.” Commentary on “The National Disability Insurance Scheme: Voices of adults with intellectual disabilities” (Lloyd, Moni, Cuskelly, & Jobling, 2022),', Research and Practice in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, 9, pp. 17 - 20,

Hummell E; Foster M; Fisher K; Needham C; Borg S, 2022, 'Challenges and adaptations of an intermediary: An exploration of support coordination in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme', International Journal of Care and Caring, 7, pp. 408 - 424,

Henman P; Dai D; Borg S; Hummell E; Foster M; Fisher K, 2022, 'Digitally Networked Social Services: Mapping the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) online network in Queensland, Australia', Journal of Social Policy, 53, pp. 829 - 853,

Fisher K; Gendera S; Kayess R, 2022, 'Reaching people who are marginalized in major disability policy reform', Global Social Policy, 23, pp. 109 - 126,

Hummell E; Foster M; Borg S; Fisher K; Needham C, 2022, 'Breaking up is risky business: Personalisation and collaboration in a marketised disability sector', Social Policy and Society, 22, pp. 155 - 171,

Needham C; Foster M; Hummell E; Fisher K; Borg S, 2022, 'Tailored and seamless: Individualised budgets and the dual forces of personalisation and collaboration', Social Policy and Society, 22, pp. 127 - 138,

Shang X; Fisher K, 2022, 'Understanding China’s Social Policies and Practices.', Law & Social Inquiry, 48, pp. 363 - 369,

Macdonald D; Peacock K; Dew A; Fisher KR; Boydell KM, 2022, 'Photovoice as a platform for empowerment of women with disability', SSM - Qualitative Research in Health, 2, pp. 100052,

Macdonald D; Dew A; Fisher KR; Boydell KM, 2022, 'Self-Portraits for Social Change: Audience Response to a Photovoice Exhibition by Women with Disability', Qualitative Report, 27, pp. 1011 - 1039,

Foster M; Hummell E; Fisher K; Borg SJ; Needham C; Venning A, 2022, 'Organisations adapting to dual aspirations of individualisation and collaboration in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) market', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 81, pp. 127 - 144,

Robinson S; Fisher K; Ikaheimo H; Graham A; Rozengarten T; Johnson K, 2022, 'Recasting ‘harm’ in support: Misrecognition between people with intellectual disability and paid workers', Disability & Society, 38, pp. 1667 - 1688,

Hummell E; Venning A; Foster M; Fisher K; Kuipers P, 2021, 'A rapid review of barriers and enablers of organisational collaboration: identifying challenges in disability reform in Australia', Australian Journal of Social Issues, 57, pp. 441 - 457,

Fang Q; Fisher K; Li B, 2021, 'How can co-production help to deliver culturally responsive disability support? A case study from Australia', Health and Social Care in the Community, 29, pp. e396 - e404,

Newman B; Fisher K; Trollor J, 2021, 'Right to information for people with intellectual disability in Australian mental health policy', Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 19, pp. 230 - 238,

Fisher KR; Robinson S; Neale K; Graham A; Johnson K; Davy L; Hall EC, 2021, 'Impact of organisational practices on the relationships between young people with disabilities and paid social support workers', Journal of Social Work, 21, pp. 1377 - 1398,

Li B; Fisher KR; Quan Farrant F; Cheng Z, 2021, 'Digital policy to disability employment? An ecosystem perspective on China and Australia', Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research, 55, pp. 863 - 878,

Robinson S; Blaxland M; Fisher K; Johnson K; Kuang C; Graham A; Neale K, 2020, 'Recognition in relationships between young people with cognitive disabilities and support workers', Children and Youth Services Review, 116, pp. 105177,

Robinson S; Graham A; Fisher K; Neale K; Davy L; Johnson K, 2020, 'Understanding paid support relationships: possibilities for mutual recognition between young people with disability and their support workers', Disability and Society, 36, pp. 1 - 26,

Boaden N; Purcal C; Fisher K; Meltzer A, 2020, 'Transition Experience of Families with Young Children in the Australian National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)', Australian Social Work, 74, pp. 294 - 306,

Fang Q; Fisher KR; Li B, 2020, 'Follower or Challenger? How Chinese Non-governmental Organizations Manage Accountability Requirements from Funders', Voluntas, 31, pp. 722 - 735,

Weise J; Fisher KR; Turner B; Trollor JN, 2020, 'What is the capability of the Australian mental health workforce to meet the needs of people with an intellectual disability and co-occurring mental ill health?', Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability, 45, pp. 184 - 193,

Howell J; Fisher KR; Shang X, 2020, 'Accountability and legitimacy of NGOs under authoritarianism: the case of China', Third World Quarterly, 41, pp. 113 - 132,

Whittle E; Fisher K; Reppermund S; Trollor J, 2019, 'Access to mental health services: the experiences of people with intellectual disabilities', Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 32, pp. 368 - 379,

Meltzer A; Robinson S; Fisher K, 2019, 'Barriers to finding and maintaining employment for people with intellectual disability in Australia', Social Policy and Administration, 54, pp. 1 - 14,

Fisher KR; Purcal C; Jones A; Lutz D; Robinson S; Kayess R, 2019, 'What place is there for shared housing with individualized disability support?', Disability and Rehabilitation, 43, pp. 1 - 9,

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