Select Publications

Journal articles

Lai K, 2024, 'Embedded Agency in Early Chinese Philosophy: Time, Place, and Orientation', Yearbook for Eastern and Western Philosophy, 7, pp. 7 - 31,

Lai K, 2024, 'Learning from models: knowing sages as sages in Confucian philosophy', British Journal for the History of Philosophy,

Lai K, 2023, 'Contempt, Withdrawal and Equanimity in the Zhuangzi', Emotion Review, 15, pp. 189 - 199,

Lai YY; Lai K, 2023, 'Learning from exemplars in Confucius’ Analects: The centrality of reflective observation', Educational Philosophy and Theory, 55, pp. 797 - 808,

Lai K; Stapleton M, 2022, 'Confucius and the varifocal stance', Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 45,

Lai K, 2022, 'Freedom and agency in the Zhuangzi: navigating life’s constraints', British Journal for the History of Philosophy, 30, pp. 3 - 23,

Ryan S; Lai K, 2021, 'Who is a wise person? Zhuangzi and epistemological discussions of wisdom', Philosophy East and West, 71, pp. 665 - 682,

Lai KL, 2019, 'Emotional Attachment and Its Limits: Mengzi, Gaozi and the Guodian Discussions', Frontiers of Philosophy in China, 14, pp. 132 - 151,

Lai K, 2018, 'The Routledge Companion to Virtue Ethics', PHILOSOPHY EAST & WEST, 68, pp. 639 - 645,

Lai K, 2018, 'Global Thinking', TPM-THE PHILOSOPHERS MAGAZINE, pp. 64 - 69

Lai KL; CHIU WW, 2013, 'Ming in the Zhuangzi Neipian: Enlightened Engagement', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 40, pp. 527 - 543,

Lai K, 2012, 'Taking Confucian Ethics Seriously: Contemporary Theories and Applications', DAO-A JOURNAL OF COMPARATIVE PHILOSOPHY, 11, pp. 119 - 124,

Lai KL, 2012, 'Knowing to Act in the Moment: Examples from Confucius’ Analects', Asian Philosophy, 22, pp. 347 - 364,

Hetherington SC; Lai KL, 2012, 'Practising to Know: Practicalism and Confucian Philosophy', Philosophy, 87, pp. 375 - 393,

Lai KL, 2011, 'Assessing participation skills: online discussions with peers', Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education,

Lai KL, 2008, 'Learning from the Confucians: Learning from the Past', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 35, pp. 97 - 119,

Lai KL, 2008, 'Learning from the Confucians: Learning from the past', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 35, pp. 97 - 119,

LAI KL, 2007, 'UNDERSTANDING CHANGE: THE INTERDEPENDENT SELF IN ITS ENVIRONMENT', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 34, pp. 81 - 99,

Lai KL, 2007, 'Understanding change: The interdependent self in its environment', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 34, pp. 81 - 99,

Lai KL, 2007, 'Understanding Confucian Ethics: reflections on moral development', Australian Journal of Professional and Applied Ethics, 9, pp. 21 - 27

Lai KL, 2007, 'Ziran and Wuwei in the Daodejing: an ethical assessment', Dao: a journal of comparative philosophy, 6, pp. 325 - 337,

Lai KL, 2006, 'Philosophy and Philosophical Reasoning in the Zhuangzi: Dealing with Plurality', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 33, pp. 365 - 374,

Lai KL, 2006, 'Li in the analects: Training in moral competence and the question of flexibility', Philosophy East and West, 56, pp. 69 - 84,

Lai KL, 2006, 'Philosophy and Philosophical reasoning in the Zhuangzi: Dealing with Plurality', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 33, pp. 365 - 374,

Lai K, 2003, 'Conceptual Foundations for Environmental Ethics', Environmental Ethics, 25, pp. 247 - 266,

Lai KL, 2003, 'Conceptual Foundations for Environmental Ethics: A Daoist Perspective', Environmental Ethics, 25, pp. 247 - 266,

Lai KL, 2003, 'Critical Notice of Joel Kupperman, Learning from Asian Philosophy', Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 81.1, pp. 126 - 133,

Lai K, 2000, 'The Daodejing : Resources for Contemporary Feminist Thinking', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, 27, pp. 131 - 153,

Lai KL, 2000, 'The Daodejing: Resources for Contemporary Feminist Thinking', Journal of Chinese Philosophy, pp. 131 - 153,

Lai KL, 1995, 'Confucian moral thinking', Philosophy East and West, pp. 249 - 272,

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