Select Publications

Journal articles

Grebely J; Petoumenos K; Hellard M; Matthews G; Suppiah V; Applegate TL; Yeung B; Marks P; Rawlinson WD; Lloyd AROLA; Booth D; Kaldor JM; George J; Dore GJ; Amin J; Cameron B; Acraman B; Dolan K; Bloch M; Van Beek I; Li H; Madden A, 2010, 'Potential Role for Interleukin-28B Genotype in Treatment Decision-Making in Recent Hepatitis C Virus Infection', Hepatology, 52, pp. 1216 - 1224,

Larney S; Dolan K, 2009, 'A literature review of international implementation of opioid subsitution treatment in prisons: Equivalence of care?', European Addiction Research, 15, pp. 107 - 112

Dolan K; Larney S, 2009, 'A review of HIV in prisons in Nepal', Kathmandu University Medical Journal, 7, pp. 351 - 354,

Matthews G; Hellard M; Haber P; Yeung B; Marks PB; Baker D; McCaughan G; Sasadeusz J; White PA; Rawlinson WD; Lloyd AR; Kaldor JM; Dore GJ; Dolan K, 2009, 'Characteristics and treatment outcomes among HIV-infected individuals in the Australian Trial in acute hepatitis C', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 48, pp. 650 - 658,

Dolan K, 2009, 'Commentary: Prison research', Addiction, 104, pp. 223 - 223

Thomson N; Reid G; Dolan K, 2009, 'Examining HIV, drug use and risk behaviours: A case study in the custodial settings of Thailand and Indonesia', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 5, pp. 180 - 191,

Dolan K; Larney S; Jacka B; Rawlinson WD, 2009, 'Presence of hepatitis C virus in syringes confiscated in prisons in Australia', Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 24, pp. 1655 - 1657

Dolan K, 2009, 'Prison research', Addiction, 104, pp. 223

Dolan K, 2009, 'PRISON RESEARCH - Commentary', Addiction, 104, pp. 223 - 223

Conroy EJ; Kimber J; Dolan K; Day CA, 2008, 'An examination of the quality of life among rural and outer metropolitan injecting drug users in NSW, Australia', Addiction Research and Theory, 16, pp. 607 - 617

Larney S; Dolan K, 2008, 'An exploratory study of needlestick injuries among Australian prison officers', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 4, pp. 164 - 168

Larney S; Dolan K, 2008, 'Increased access to opioid substitution treatment in prisons is needed to ensure equivalence of care', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 32, pp. 86 - 87,

O Brien SM; Day C; Black E; Dolan K, 2008, 'Injecting drug users` understanding of hepatitis C', Addictive Behaviors, 33, pp. 1602 - 1605

Haber PS; Cameron BA; Elliott LN; Teutsch S; Ffrench R; Dolan K; Rawlinson B; Levy MH; Kaldor JM; Lloyd AR, 2007, 'Correlates of incident HCV infection and seronegative-immune status in high risk, IDU prisoners', Hepatology, 46, pp. 630A - 630A

Shearer J; Wodak AD; Dolan K, 2007, 'Evaluation of a prison-based naltrexone program', International Journal of Prisoner Health, 3, pp. 214 - 224

Dolan K; Kite B; Black E; Aceijas C; Stimson G, 2007, 'HIV in prison in low-income and middle-income countries', Lancet Infectious Diseases, 7, pp. 32 - 41

Razali K; Thein H; Bell J; Cooper-Stanbury M; Dolan K; Dore G; George J; Kaldor J; Karvelas M; Li J; Maher L; McGregor S; Hellard M; Poeder F; Quaine J; Stewart K; Tyrrell H; Weltman M; Westcott O; Wodak A; Law M, 2007, 'Modelling the hepatitis C virus epidemic in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 91, pp. 228 - 235,

Nguyen O; Dore GJ; Kaldor JM; Hellard M; Dolan K, 2007, 'Recruitment and follow-up of injecting drug users in the setting of early hepatitis C treatment: Insights from the ATAHC study', International Journal of Drug Policy, 18, pp. 447 - 451,

Kimber J; Dolan K, 2007, 'Shooting Gallery Operation in the Context of Establishing a Medically Supervised Injecting Center: Sydney, Australia', Journal of Urban Health - Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 84, pp. 255 - 266

Dolan K; Larney S; Wodak AD, 2007, 'The integration of harm reduction into abstinence-based therapeutic communities: A case study of We Help Ourselves.', ASIAN JOURNAL OF COUNSELLING, 14, pp. 1 - 19

Day CA; Dolan K, 2006, 'Correlates of hepatitis C testing among heroin users in Sydney.', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 17, pp. 70 - 72

Shearer J; White BA; Gilmour S; Wodak AD; Dolan K, 2006, 'Hair analysis underestimates heroin use in prisoners', Drug and Alcohol Review, 25, pp. 425 - 431

Day CA; Nassirimanesh B; Shakeshaft AP; Dolan K, 2006, 'Patterns of drug use among a sample of drug users and injecting drug users attending a General Practice in Iran', Harm Reduction Journal, 3

Day CA; Conroy EJ; Lowe J; Page J; Dolan K, 2006, 'Patterns of drug use and assoiciated harms among rural injecting drug users: Comparisons with metropolitan injecting drug users', Australian Journal of Rural Health, 14, pp. 120 - 125

Warren EF; Viney R; Shearer J; Shanahan MD; Wodak AD; Dolan K, 2006, 'Value for money in drug treatment: economic evaluation of prison methadone', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 84, pp. 160 - 166

Kaufman HL; DeRaffele G; Mitcham J; Moroziewicz D; Cohen SM; Hurst-Wicker KS; Cheung K; Lee DS; Divito J; Voulo M; Donovan J; Dolan K; Manson K; Panicali D; Wang E; Hörig H; Marincola FM, 2005, 'Targeting the local tumor microenvironment with vaccinia virus expressing B7.1 for the treatment of melanoma', Journal of Clinical Investigation, 115, pp. 1903 - 1912,

Dolan K; Niven H, 2005, 'A review of HIV prevention among young injecting drug users: A guide for researchers', Harm Reduction Journal, 2

Day CA; Dolan K, 2005, 'Correlates of hepatitis C testing among heroin injectors in Sydeny', Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 16, pp. 70 - 73

Dolan K; Shearer J; White BA; Zhou J; Kaldor JM; Wodak AD, 2005, 'Four-year follow-up of imprisoned male heroin users and methadone treatment: mortality, re-incarceration and hepatitis C infection', Addiction, 100, pp. 820 - 828

Day CA; Ross JE; Dietze P; Dolan K, 2005, 'Initiation to heroin injecting among heroin users in Sydney, Australia: cross-sectional survey.', Harm Reduction Journal, 2

Shakeshaft AP; Nnassirimanesh B; Day CA; Dolan K, 2005, 'Perceptions of substance use, treatment options and training needs among Iranian primary care physicians.', International Journal for Equity in Health, 4, pp. 7,

Kimber J; Dolan K; Wodak AD, 2005, 'Survey of drug consumption rooms: service delivery and perceived public health and amenity impact', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 21 - 24

Southgate E; Weatherall A; Day CA; Dolan K, 2005, 'What¿s in a virus? Folk understandings of hepatitis C infection and infectiousness among injecting drug users in Kings Cross, Sydney.', International Journal for Equity in Health, 4

Dolan K; Rouen DA; Kimber J, 2004, 'An overview of the use of urine, hair, sweat and saliva to detect drug use', Drug and Alcohol Review, 23, pp. 213 - 217

Dolan K; Clement N; Rouen DA; Rees V; Shearer J, 2004, 'Can drug injectors be encouraged to adopt non-injecting rouwtes of administration (NIROA) for drugs?', Drug and Alcohol Review, 23, pp. 281 - 286

Post JJ; Pan Y; Freeman AJ; Harvey CE; White PA; Palladinetti P; Haber P; Marinos G; Levy MH; Kaldor JM; Dolan K; Ffrench R; Lloyd AR; Rawlinson WD, 2004, 'Clearance of Hepatitis C Viremia Associated with Cellular Immunity in the Absence of Seroconversion in the Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission in Prisons Study Cohort', Journal of Infectious Diseases, 189, pp. 1846 - 1855

Dolan K; Lowe D; Shearer J, 2004, 'Evaluation of the Condom Distribution Program in New South Wales Prisons, Australia', Journal of Law Medicine and Ethics, 32, pp. 124 - 128

Dolan K; Bijl M; White BA, 2004, 'HIV education in a Siberian prison colony for drug dependent males', International Journal for Equity in Health, 3, pp. 3 - 7,

Stafford JA; Post JJ; Kaldor JM; Pan Y; Haber P; Lloyd AR; Dolan K, 2004, 'Risk factors for hepatitis C infection and perception of antibody status among male prison inmates in the Hepatitis C Incidence and Transmission in Prisons Study Cohort, Australia', Journal of Urban Health - Bulletin of the New York Academy of Medicine, 81, pp. 448 - 452,

Dolan KA; Davis PW, 2003, 'Nuances and shifts in lesbian women's constructions of STI and HIV vulnerability', Social Science and Medicine, 57, pp. 25 - 38,

Day C; Ross J; Dolan K, 2003, 'Hepatitis C-related discrimination among heroin users in Sydney: Drug user or hepatitis C discrimination?', Drug and Alcohol Review, 22, pp. 317 - 321,

Dolan K; Shearer J; MacDonald MA; Mattick RP; Hall WD; Wodak AD, 2003, 'A randomized controlled trial of methadone maintenance treatment versus wait list control in an Australian prison system', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 72, pp. 59 - 65

Day CA; Ross JE; Spooner CJ, 2003, 'Characteristics of Aboriginal Injecting Drug Users in Sydney Australia: Prison history, Hepatitis C status and drug treatment experiences', Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse, 2, pp. 51 - 58

Day CA; Topp LJ; Rouen DA; Darke S; Hall WD; Dolan K, 2003, 'Decreased heroin availability in Sydney in early 2001', Addiction, 98, pp. 93 - 95

Kimber J; Dolan K; Van Beek IA; Hedrich D, 2003, 'Drug consumption facilities: an update since 2000', Drug and Alcohol Review, 22, pp. 227 - 233

Butler TG; Levy MH; Dolan K; Kaldor JM, 2003, 'Drug use and its correlates in an Australian prison population', Addiction Research and Theory, 11, pp. 89 - 101

Dolan K; Rouen DA, 2003, 'Evaluation of an Educational Comic on Harm Reduction for Prison Inmates in New South wales', International Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, 1, pp. 138 - 141

O Sullivan BG; Levy MH; Dolan K; Post JJ; Barton SG; Dwyer D; Kaldor JM; Grulich AE, 2003, 'Hepatitis C transmission and HIV post-exposure prophylaxis after needle-and syringe-sharing in Australian prisons', Medical Journal of Australia, 178, pp. 546 - 549

Law MG; Dore GJ; Bath N; Thompson S; Crofts N; Dolan K; Giles W; Gow P; Kaldor JM; Loveday S; Powell E; Spencer J; Wodak AD, 2003, 'Modelling hepatitis C virus incidence, prevalence and long-term sequelae in Australia, 2001', International Journal of Epidemiology, 32, pp. 717 - 724

Day CA; White BA; Ross JE; Dolan K, 2003, 'Poor knowledge and low coverage of hepatitis B vaccination among injecting drug users in Sydney', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 27, pp. 558 - 558

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