Select Publications

Journal articles

Bowrey K; Cochrane T; Hadley M; McKeough J; Pappalardo K; Weatherall K, 2024, 'Managing Ownership of Copyright in Research Publications to Increase the Public Benefits from Research', Federal Law Review, 52, pp. 3 - 33,

Bowrey K, 2024, 'The threat posed by a woman inventor: law, labour and the subjugation of Louisa Lawson', History Australia, 21, pp. 376 - 397,

Bowrey K; Kropinyeri K, 2023, 'David Unaipon, Inventor', Australian Historical Studies, 54, pp. 794 - 815,

Bowrey K; Chan J, 2022, 'The Machinery of Creation. Oulipo Poetry, Copyright & Rules of Constraint', Stockholm Intellectual Property Law Review, 5, pp. 36 - 57,

Bowrey K, 2022, 'Racist Ideology & Hashtag activism: The Collision of Art, Brand and Law in Peter Drew’s Aussie Folk Hero, Monga Khan', Griffith Journal of Law and Human Dignity, 10, pp. 80 - 103,

Bowrey K; Hadley M; Watson I, 2022, 'Decolonising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Research', Australian Universities' Review, 64, pp. 54 - 64

Bowrey K, 2021, 'Book Review: Macmillan, Fiona, Intellectual and Cultural Property: Between Market and Community', Modern Law Review,

Bellido J; Bowrey K, 2018, 'Disney in Spain (1930–1935)', Business History, 60, pp. 1275 - 1305,

Bowrey KA, 2016, 'Speaking of Us, About Us and For Us: The Teleology of the Copy and The Colonial Archive', Law&History, 2016, pp. 132 - 161

Bowrey KA, 2016, 'Book review of Tiffany Jenkins, Keeping their Marbles. How the treasures of the past ended up in museums … and why they should stay there', Indigenous Law Bulletin, 25, pp. 20 - 21

Bellido J; Bowrey K, 2014, 'From the Author to the Proprietor: Newspaper Copyright and The Times (1842–1956)', Journal of Media Law, 6, pp. 206 - 233,

Bowrey KA, 2013, 'Audit Culture: Why Law Journals are Ranked and What Impact This Has on the Discipline of Law Today', Legal Education Review, 23, pp. 291 - 312,

Bowrey KA, 2011, 'Law and its confinement: Reflections on Trevor Nickolls' 'brush with the lore'', Griffith Law Review, 20, pp. 729 - 750,;dn=757816869000477;res=IELHSS

Bowrey KA, 2011, 'The New Intellectual Property: Celebrity, fans and the properties of the entertainment franchise', Griffith Law Review, 20, pp. 188 - 210

Bowrey KA, 2010, 'Economic rights, culture claims and a culture of piracy in the Indigenous art market: what should we expect from the western legal system', Australian Indigenous Law Review, 13, pp. 35 - 58

Bowrey KA, 2010, 'Why global regulation of ICT needs to be taken more seriously', Transnational Legal Theory, 1, pp. 459 - 474

Bowrey KA, 2009, 'Book Review: The True History of Copyright: the Australian Experience 1905-2005 by Benedict Atkinson', Media and Arts Law Review, 14, pp. 96 - 100

Bowrey KA, 2009, 'Book Review:The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It', Political Quarterly, 80, pp. 153 - 156

Bowrey KA; Bond CM, 2009, 'Copyright and the fourth estate: Does copyright support a sustainable and reliable public domain of news?', Intellectual Property Quarterly, pp. 399 - 427

Bowrey KA; Fowell NJ, 2009, 'Digging up fragments and building IP franchises', Sydney Law Review, 31, pp. 185 - 210,

Bowrey KA; Anderson JE, 2009, 'The politics of global information sharing: Whose cultural agendas are being advanced?', Social and Legal Studies, 18, pp. 479 - 504,

Bowrey KA, 2007, 'Book Review: Andrew Chadwick, Internet Politics: State, Citizens and New Communicative Technologies', International History Review, 29, pp. 935 - 937

Bowrey KA, 2007, 'Book Review: Internet politics: States, citizens, and new communication technologies', International History Review, 29, pp. 935 - 937

Bowrey KA, 2007, 'Can a Public-Minded Copyight Deliver a more Democratic Internet?', UNB Law Journal, 56, pp. 26 - 35

Bowrey KA, 2006, 'Alternative intellectual property? Indigenous Protocols, Copyleft and new Juridifications of customary practices', Macquarie Law Journal, 6, pp. 65 - 95

Bowrey K; Rimmer M, 2005, 'Rip, Mix, Burn: The politics of peer to peer and copyright law (originally published in August 2002)', First Monday,

Bowrey K; Rimmer M, 2005, 'Rip, mix, burn: The politics of peer to peer and copyright law', First Monday, 10

Bowrey K; Rimmer M, 2005, 'Rip, Mix, Burn: The politics of peer to peer and copyright law', First Monday, 1

Bowrey KA, 2005, 'Who writes the communication rules that underpin internet legal practice?', Internet Law Bulletin, 8, pp. 49 - 52

Bowrey K; Rimmer M, 2002, 'Rip, mix, burn: The politics of peer to peer and copyright law', First Monday, 7,

Bowrey K, 2002, 'The ideal framework for academic authors? a bounty to genius and learning', Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 33, pp. 223 - 233,

Bowrey KA; Rimmer M, 2002, 'Rip, Mix, Burn: The Politics of Peer to Peer', First Monday: Peer Refereed Journal on the Internet, 7

Bowrey KA, 2002, 'The Ideal Copyright Framework for Authors? A Bounty to Genius and Learning', Australian Academic and Research Libraries, 32, pp. 223 - 233

Bowrey KA, 2001, 'Retrospective Futures? Law, technology and copyright control in cyberspace', Media and Arts Law Review, pp. 181 - 191

Bowrey KA, 2001, 'The Outer Limits of Copyright Law - where law meets philosophy and culture', Law and Critique, 12, pp. 75 - 98

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