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Select Publications
Roy S; Shrestha KK; Sarkar OT; Singh A; Sultana R, 2024, 'Reframing urban informality: Gendered impacts of COVID-19 in Bangladeshi slums', Progress in Disaster Science, 22, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pdisas.2024.100317
Uddin MB; Shrestha K; Zwi A, 2024, 'Covid–19: Foreign Remittances and Migrants' Well-Being in Bangladesh', Journal of Developing Areas, Volume 58, pp. 289 - 303, https://muse.jhu.edu/article/924541
Bajracharya A; Shrestha K; Zwi A; Baldry E, 2022, 'Reframing Gendered Disaster: Lessons from Nepal's Indigenous women', International Jurnal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 83, pp. 103422, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2022.103422
Shrestha KK; Paudel G; Ojha H; Paudel NS; Nuberg I; Cedamon E, 2022, 'Community entrepreneurship: Lessons from Nepal's Chaubas community forestry sawmill', Forest Policy and Economics, 141, pp. 102779, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2022.102779
Ojha HR; Khatri DB; Shrestha KK; Adhikari B; Pokharel K, 2022, 'INVESTIGATING INSTITUTIONAL LIMITS TO CLIMATE ADAPTATION: A CASE STUDY OF LANDSLIDE IN THE MOUNTAINS OF NEPAL', New Angle: Nepal journal of social science and public policy, 7, pp. 45 - 67, http://dx.doi.org/10.53037/na.v7i1.71
Sunam R; Pariyar B; Shrestha KK, 2022, 'Does affirmative action undermine meritocracy? “Meritocratic inclusion” of the marginalized in Nepal’s bureaucracy', Development Policy Review, 40, http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/dpr.12554
Ojha HR; Devkota K; Pandey C; Shrestha KK; Khatri D; Neupane KR; Bhattarai B; Zwi AB, 2021, 'Urban water security under a changing climate: Is Nepal's water policy on the right track?', World Water Policy, 7, pp. 296 - 318, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/wwp2.12063
Yadav BD; Shrestha KK; Acharya BP, 2021, 'Contested forest management and the Nepalese Government's forest policy', World Development Perspectives, 23, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wdp.2021.100353
Yadav BD; Shrestha K; Acharya BP, 2021, 'Socioecological outcomes from Community Forestry: Insights from Nepalese Stakeholders', SCIREA Journal of Forestry, 2, pp. 1 - 28, http://article.scirea.org/pdf/22019.pdf
McManus P; Pandey C; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Shrestha S, 2021, 'Climate change and equitable urban water management: critical urban water zones (CUWZs) in Nepal and beyond', Local Environment, 26, pp. 431 - 447, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13549839.2021.1892045
Mustafa D; Nyaupane G; Shrestha K; Buzinde C; Thanet DR; Vandever V, 2021, 'Scalar politics of Indigenous waterscapes in Navajo Nation and Nepal: Conflict, conservation and development', Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, pp. 251484862110078, http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/25148486211007853
Saldarriaga N; Shrestha KK; McManus P; Bajracharya A, 2020, 'Greening Sydney: attitudes, barriers and opportunities for tree planting', Australian Geographer, 51, pp. 469 - 488, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049182.2020.1813948
Ojha H; Regmi U; Shrestha KK; Paudel NS; Amatya SM; Zwi AB; Nuberg I; Cedamon E; Banjade MR, 2020, 'Improving science-policy interface: Lessons from the policy lab methodology in Nepal's community forest governance', Forest Policy and Economics, 114, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.forpol.2019.101997
Suadik M; Shrestha K, 2020, 'Reframing indigenous farming in the age of neoliberal agrarian change: Lessons from Sabah, Malaysia', Journal Kinabalu, 26, pp. 51 - 61, https://jurcon.ums.edu.my/ojums/index.php/ejk/article/view/2760
Pandit BH; Nuberg I; Shrestha KK; Cedamon E; Amatya SM; Dhakal B; Schmidt HP, 2020, 'Revitalising Agrarian Economies: The Use of Biochar on Banana-based Agroforestry System in Nepal’s hills', Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 19, pp. 17 - 31, https://www.forestaction.org/app/webroot/vendor/tinymce/editor/plugins/filemanager/files/JFL%2019%20(1)/2%20Pandit%20et%20al.pdf
Pandit BH; Nuberg I; Shrestha KK; Cedamon E; Amatya SM; Dhakal B; Neupane RP, 2019, 'Impacts of market-oriented agroforestry on farm income and food security: insights from Kavre and Lamjung districts of Nepal', Agroforestry Systems, 93, pp. 1593 - 1604, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10457-018-0273-z
Cedamon ED; Nuberg I; Mulia R; Lusiana B; Subedi YR; Shrestha KK, 2019, 'Contribution of integrated forest-farm system on household food security in the mid-hills of Nepal: assessment with EnLiFT model', Australian Forestry, 82, pp. 32 - 44, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049158.2019.1610212
Nuberg IK; Shrestha KK; Bartlett AG, 2019, 'Pathways to forest wealth in Nepal', Australian Forestry, 82, pp. 106 - 120, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049158.2019.1614805
Shrestha K; Bhattarai B; Ojha H; Bajracharya A, 2019, 'Disaster justice in Nepal's earthquake recovery', International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 33, pp. 207 - 216, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2018.10.006
Sunam R; Shrestha K, 2019, 'FAILING THE MOST EXCLUDED: A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF NEPAL’S AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY', Contributions to Nepalese Studies, pp. 283 - 305
Maskey G; Pandey CL; Shrestha K, 2019, 'Securing water in the rapidly urbanizing global south: Insights from critical analysis of ‘sectoral policies’ in Nepal', New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy, 6, pp. 1 - 23, http://www.sias-southasia.org/publications-category/journals/securing-water-in-the-rapidly-urbanising-global-south-insights-from-critical-analysis-of-sectoral-policies-in-nepal/
Amatya SM; Nuberg I; Cedamon E; Shrestha KK; Pandit BH; Aulia P; Joshi M; Dhakal B, 2018, 'Participatory market chain appraisal for the full range of agroforestry products including market trends and growing markets', Banko Janakari, 27, pp. 32 - 45, http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/banko.v27i2.21221
Cedamon E; Paudel G; Basyal M; Nuberg I; Shrestha KK, 2018, 'Applications of single-tree selection guideline following a DBq approach on Nepal’s community forests', Banko Janakari, Special Issue No. 4, 2018, pp. 104 - 112, http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/banko.v27i3.20555
Karki R; Shrestha KK; Ojha H; Paudel N; Khatri DB; Nuberg I; Adhikary A, 2018, 'From Forests to Food Security: Pathways in Nepal’s Community Forestry', Small-scale Forestry, 17, pp. 89 - 104, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11842-017-9377-y
Cedamon E; Nuberg I; Pandit BH; Shrestha K, 2018, 'Adaptation factors and futures of agroforestry systems in Nepal', Agroforestry Systems, 92, pp. 1437 - 1453, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10457-017-0090-9
Subedi Y; Mulia R; Cedamon E; Lusiana B; Shrestha K; Nuberg I, 2018, 'Local knowledge on factors leading to agroforestry diversification in Mid-hills of Nepal', Journal of Forest and Livelihoods, 15, pp. 32 - 51, https://www.cabdirect.org/cabdirect/abstract/20183228950
Sharma Paudel N; Ojha H; Shrestha K; Cedamon E; Karki R; Paudel G; Basyal M; Nuberg I; Dangal S, 2018, 'Towards active utilisation of community forestry: Silvo-institutional model for sustainable forest management in Nepal', Banko Janakari, 27, pp. 120 - 129, http://dx.doi.org/10.3126/banko.v27i3.20557
Satyal P; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Vira B; Adhikari J, 2017, 'A new Himalayan crisis? Exploring transformative resilience pathways', Environmental Development, 23, pp. 47 - 56, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envdev.2017.02.010
Ojha HR; Shrestha KK; Subedi YR; Shah R; Nuberg I; Heyojoo B; Cedamon E; Rigg J; Tamang S; Paudel KP; Malla Y; McManus P, 2017, 'Agricultural land underutilisation in the hills of Nepal: Investigating socio-environmental pathways of change', Journal of Rural Studies, 53, pp. 156 - 172, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jrurstud.2017.05.012
Cedamon E; Nuberg I; Paudel G; Basyal M; Shrestha K; Paudel N, 2017, 'Rapid Silviculture Appraisal to Characterise Stand and Determine Silviculture Priorities of Community Forests in Nepal', Small-scale Forestry, 16, pp. 195 - 218, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11842-016-9351-0
Khatri D; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Paudel G; Paudel N; Pain A, 2017, 'Reframing community forest governance for food security in Nepal', Environmental Conservation, 44, pp. 174 - 182, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0376892916000369
Cedamon E; Nuberg I; Shrestha KK, 2017, 'How understanding of rural households’ diversity can inform agroforestry and community forestry programs in Nepal', Australian Forestry, 80, pp. 153 - 160, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049158.2017.1339237
Ojha HR; Khatri DB; Shrestha KK; Bhattarai B; Baral JC; Basnett BS; Goutam K; Sunam R; Banjade MR; Jana S; Bushley B; Dhungana SP; Paudel D, 2016, 'Can Evidence and Voice Influence Policy? A Critical Assessment of Nepal's Forestry Sector Strategy 2014', Society and Natural Resources, 29, pp. 357 - 373, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2015.1122851
McManus P; Shrestha KK; Yoo D, 2014, 'Equity and climate change: Local adaptation issues and responses in the City of Lake Macquarie, Australia', Urban Climate, 10, pp. 1 - 18, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.uclim.2014.08.003
Tamang S; Paudel K; Shrestha K, 2014, 'Feminisation of agriculture and its implications for food security in rural Nepal', Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12, pp. 20 - 32, http://www.forestaction.org/publications/jfl/172
Pandit B; Shrestha K; Bhattarai S, 2014, 'Sustainable local livelihoods through enhancing agroforestry systems in Nepal', Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12, pp. 47 - 63, http://www.forestaction.org/publications/jfl/172
Paudel K; Tamang S; Shrestha K, 2014, 'Transforming land and livelihoods: Analysis of agricultural land abandonment in the mid-hills of Nepal', Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 12, pp. 11 - 19, http://www.forestaction.org/publications/jfl/172
Ojha H; Khatri D; Shrestha K; Bushley B; Sharma N, 2013, 'Carbon, community and governance: is Nepal getting ready for REDD+?', Forests, Trees and Livelihoods, 22, pp. 216 - 229, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14728028.2013.856166
Jha P; Shrestha K, 2013, 'Climate Change and Urban Water Supply: Adaptive Capacity of Local Government in Kathmandu City, Nepal', Journal of Forest and Livelihood, 11, pp. 62 - 81, http://www.forestaction.org/publications/view/136
Pradhan A; Shrestha K, 2012, 'Rethinking environmental decision-making practice: Analysis of environmental and climate change decisions in Australian governments', OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 3, pp. 11 - 26, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1990429#%23
Neupane S; Shrestha K, 2012, 'Sustainable forest governance in a changing climate: Impacts of REDD program on the livelihood of poor communities in Nepalese community forestry', OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 4, pp. 71 - 82, http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2048675
Shrestha K; Mahjabeen Z, 2011, 'Civil science, community participation and planning for knowledge-based development: analysis of Sydney Metropolitan Strategy', International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 2, pp. 412 - 432, http://dx.doi.org/10.1504/IJKBD.2011.044315
Dressler W; Buscher B; Schoon B; Brockington D; Hayes T; Kull C; McCarthy J; Shrestha K, 2010, 'From hope to crisis and back again? A critical genealogy of the global CBNRM narrative', Environmental Conservation, 37, pp. 5 - 15, http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0376892910000044
Mahjabeen Z; Shrestha K; Dee J, 2009, 'Rethinking community participation in urban planning: The role of disadvantaged groups in Sydney Metropolitan Strategy', Australian Journal of Regional Studies, 15, pp. 45 - 63, http://www.anzrsai.org/system/files/f8/f4/f51/f52/o289//Mahjabeen.pdf
Sarker A; Ross H; Shrestha K, 2008, 'Common pool approach for water quality management: An Australian case study', Ecological Economics, 68, pp. 461 - 471, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2008.05.001
Sarker A; Ross H; Shrestha K, 2008, 'Interdependence of common pool resources: Lessons from a nested set of catchments in Australia', Human Ecology, 36, pp. 821 - 834, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10745-008-9206-1
Shrestha K; Mcmanus P, 2008, 'The politics of community participation in natural resource management: Lessons from community forestry in Nepal', Australian Forestry, 71, pp. 135 - 146, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00049158.2008.10676280
Shrestha K; Mcmanus P, 2007, 'The embeddedness of community forestry in Nepal', Small-Scale Forestry, 6, pp. 273 - 290, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11842-007-9020-4