Select Publications


Tiwari S; Dahal K; Bashyal M; Shrestha K; Timsina S; Karki S; Baral S; Karki R; Paudel N; Pandit B; Banjade M; Dangal S; Cedamon E; Nuberg I; Ojha H, 2022, Cluster level forest assessment report, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal,, EnLift, Forest Action, Nepal, Vol 2022-02,

Shrestha K; Banjade M; Paudel N; Nuberg I; Ojha H; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2022, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal: Annual research report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Submitted to Australian, Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Canberra.

Banjade M; Paudel N; Jha B; Paudel M; Shrestha K; Ojha H, 2021, Developing a partnership framework between community forestry and local governments under federalism in Nepal, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal, EnLift, Forest Action, Nepal, 2021-04,

Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Paudel N; Cedamnon E; Ojha H; Banjade M; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2021, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal 2021 - Annual research report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Neapl

Banjade M; Paudel N; Shrestha K, 2021, Theories and practices of community - based planning and management of natural resources,, EnLift and Forest Action, Nepal, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal, 2021-01,

Bhandari S; Tiwari S; Banjade M; Shrestha K; Timsina S, 2021, Sansaridanda CFUG Chautara Sangachokgadhi- 8, Sindhupalchok, Case study report, EnLift project.

Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Paudel N; Cedamnon E; Ojha H; Banjade M; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2020, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal - Annual research report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Nepal

Shrestha K; Tamang S; Karki R; Paudel NS; Timsina S; Banjade MR, 2020, Gender Equity in Forest Management: Literature Review for Identifying Research Priorities in Nepal’s Changing Context, Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal, Nepal

Shrestha K; Tamang S; Karki R; Banjade M; Paudel NS, 2020, Interim Report on Gender Empowerment, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal, Nepal

Shrestha K, 2020, Towards collaborative assessment: Teachers and students working together in the design and delivery assessment within the Discipline of Development Studies, Independent

Shrestha K; Numberg I; Paudel N; Cedamnon E; Ojha H; Banjade M; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2019, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal - Annual research report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Nepal

Adhikari A; Ojha H; Paudel N; Paudel G; Shrestha K; Nuberg I, 2019, Community Forestry and Local Level Planning for Food Security and Livelihoods, EnLift project, Nepal

Nuberg I; Paudel N; Shrestha K; Cedamnon E; Ojha H; Banjade M; Pandit B; Dangal S; Karki R, 2018, Enhancing livelihoods from improved forest management in Nepal - Final report, Enlift Project: University of Adelaide, UNSW, University of Canberra and Forest Action Nepal, Nerpal

Karki R; Paudel N; Shrestha K; Nuberg I, 2017, Community Forestry and local level planning for food security and livelihoods, EnLift Policy Report / Policy Brief

Karki R; Paudel N; Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Cedamon E, 2017, Forest and Food security: realising the potentials of community forestry in enhancing food security in Nepal, EnLift Policy Report/ Policy Brief

Shrestha K; Amatya S; Pandit B; Ojha H; Cedamon E; Nuberg I; Paudel N, 2017, A policy lab approach for reforming agro-forestry policy in Nepal, EnLiFT Project, Kathmandu, Nepal, Nepal

Karki R; Paudel N; Ojha H; Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Cedamon E, 2017, Forest and Food Security: realising the potentials of community forestry in enhancing food security in Nepl, Policy Report/ Policy Brief Feb 17, 2017

Joshi M; Dhakal B; Pandit B; Paudel N; Shrestha K, 2016, Agroforestry Business Plan Preparation Training Report, Nepal Agroforestry Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal

Murari J; Dhakal B; Shrestha K; Pandit B; Nuberg I, 2015, Agroforestry Business Plan Preparation Training Report, ACIAR EnLift Project and Nepal Agroforestry Foundation, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tamang D; Paudel N; Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Ojha H; Cedamon E, 2015, Community – private partnership through business literacy workshop report, ACIAR EnLift Project - Forest Action & IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Ojha H; Shrestha K; Paudel N; Nuberg I; Cedamon E, 2015, Earthquake Disasters in Nepal and implications for EnLiFT Project, ACIAR EnLift Project, Forest Action Nepal & IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Ojha H; Shrestha K; Dahal N; Joshi L; Dhungana H, 2015, Enhancing the Role of Community Forestry in Disaster Risk Reduction, Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), Kathmandu, Nepal, Policy Report/ Policy Brief No. 2,

Dahal N; Dhungana H; Ojha H; Shrestha K; Joshi L, 2015, How can Adaptation Planning be Integrated into Local Development Practice in Nepal, Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), Kathmandu, Nepal, Policy Report/ Policy Brief No 3 -1,

Karki R; Shrestha K; Cedamon E; Ojha H; Bashyal M; Paudel N, 2015, Process Report on Inclusive Community Forest Planning, ACIAR EnLift Project - Forest Action Nepal and IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu

Paudel N; Ojha H; Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Cedamon E, 2015, Research designs and agreements made with Community Forestry Users Group, ACIAR EnLift Project, Kathmandu, Nepal

Dhungana H; Dahal N; Ojha H; Joshi L; Shrestha K, 2015, Whose Adaptation? Achieving Greater Local Ownership over Adaptation Planning in Nepal, Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), Kathmandu, Nepal,

Paudel G; Paudel N; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Nuberg I, 2014, Action Research on Chaubas Community Forestry Enterprise, EnLift Project, ForestAction Nepal & IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu

Tamang D; Paudel N; Shrestha K; Nuberg I, 2014, Qualitative Baseline Survey Report - EnLift Project Nepal, EnLift Project - Forest Action & IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Paudel N; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Nuberg I, 2014, ACIAR Action Research Planning and Writing Workshop Report, ACIAR EnLift Project, Forest Action & IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Tamang D; Cedamon E; Nuberg I; Shrestha K, 2014, Baseline household profile on agroforestry, community forestry and under-utilised land in six selected sites in Kavre and Lamjung Districts Nepal, Research Paper Series on Agroforestry and Community Forestry, 2014-02

Nuberg I; Paudel N; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Pandit B; Cedamon E, 2014, Enhancing Livelihoods and Food Security from Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal: Progress Report, EnLift project - ForestAction & IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Paudel K; Subedi Y; Tamang S; Nuberg I; Shrestha K, 2014, Milestones in selecting field sites for participatory action research

Malla Y; Shah R; Chhetri R; Tamang S; Shrestha K; Subedi YR; Paudel K; Shrestha S; Nuberg I, 2014, Qualitative Baseline Study on Underutilised Land in Kavre and Lamjung Districts, Nepal, EnLift Project of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Kathmandu, Nepal, 2014-05,

Cedamon E; Shrestha K; Nuberg I; Paudel N; Ojha H, 2014, Silviculture Demonstrations Report, Enlift project - ForestAction & IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal

Ojha H; Shrestha K; Paudel N; Nuberg I, 2014, The Yalamaya Protocol for Effective Research Practice, ACIAR EnLift Project, Forest Action Nepal & IUCN Nepal, Patan, Nepal

Nuberg I; Shrestha K; Ojha H; Malla Y; Cedamon E, 2013, Enhancing Livelihoods and Food Security from Agroforestry and Community Forestry in Nepal - Inception Report, EnLift Project, Forest Action Nepal and IUCN Nepal, Kathmandu

Shrestha K; Bista S, 2011, Student-centered assessment in higher education: Teachers and students working together in the design and delivery of assessment at the Faculty of Architecture, Design and Planning, University of Sydney

Emtage N; Shrestha K, 2010, Landholders' perceptions of the Australian Government's Reef Rescue Program in the Wet Tropics region of North Queensland, Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, QLD, MTSRF Project 4.9.4 - Integrating ecology, economics and people in forest and landscapes,

Shrestha K, 2009, IP Rural: Rural Hubs to Support Inter-professional Student Experience, The University of Sydney

Shrestha K; Dee J, 2009, Towards student-centred learning and assessment in the Discipline of Urban Planning, Design and Planning, University of Sydney

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