Select Publications

Journal articles

Black C; Vartanian LR; Faasse K, 2019, 'An Experimental Test of the Effects of a Target Person's Body Weight and Engagement with Health Behaviours on Perceptions of Overall Health', Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 11, pp. 240 - 261,

Vartanian LR; Trewartha T; Beames JR; Azevedo SM; Vanman EJ, 2018, 'Physiological and self-reported disgust reactions to obesity', Cognition and Emotion, 32, pp. 579 - 592,

Fardouly J; Willburger BK; Vartanian LR, 2018, 'Instagram use and young women’s body image concerns and self-objectification: Testing mediational pathways', New Media and Society, 20, pp. 1380 - 1395,

Vartanian LR; Hayward LE; Smyth JM; Paxton SJ; Touyz SW, 2018, 'Risk and resiliency factors related to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating: The identity disruption model', International Journal of Eating Disorders, 51, pp. 322 - 330,

Hayward LE; Vartanian LR; Pinkus RT, 2018, 'Weight Stigma Predicts Poorer Psychological Well-Being Through Internalized Weight Bias and Maladaptive Coping Responses', Obesity, 26, pp. 755 - 761,

Jiang MYW; Vartanian LR, 2018, 'A review of existing measures of attentional biases in body image and eating disorders research', Australian Journal of Psychology, 70, pp. 3 - 17,

Vartanian LR; Pinkus RT; Smyth JM, 2018, 'Experiences of weight stigma in everyday life: Implications for health motivation.', Stigma and Health, 3, pp. 85 - 92,

Hayward LE; Vartanian LR; Pinkus RT, 2017, 'Coping with weight stigma: development and validation of a Brief Coping Responses Inventory', Obesity Science and Practice, 3, pp. 373 - 383,

Rahimi-Ardabili H; Reynolds R; Vartanian LR; McLeod LVD; Zwar N; Rahimi Ardabili H, 2017, 'A Systematic Review of the Efficacy of Interventions that Aim to Increase Self-Compassion on Nutrition Habits, Eating Behaviours, Body Weight and Body Image', Mindfulness, 9, pp. 388 - 400,

Vartanian LR; Reily NM; Spanos S; McGuirk LC; Herman CP; Polivy J, 2017, 'Hunger, taste, and normative cues in predictions about food intake', Appetite, 116, pp. 511 - 517,

Swierad EM; Vartanian LR; King M, 2017, 'The influence of ethnic and mainstream cultures on African Americans' health behaviors: A qualitative study', Behavioral Sciences, 7, pp. 49,

Nevin SM; Vartanian LR, 2017, 'The stigma of clean dieting and orthorexia nervosa', Journal of Eating Disorders, 5,

Vartanian LR; Reily NM; Spanos S; Herman CP; Polivy J, 2017, 'Self-reported overeating and attributions for food intake', Psychology and Health, 32, pp. 483 - 492,

Vartanian LR; Spanos S; Peter Herman C; Polivy J, 2017, 'Conflicting internal and external eating cues: Impact on food intake and attributions', Health Psychology, 36, pp. 365 - 369,

Froreich FV; Vartanian LR; Zawadzki MJ; Grisham JR; Touyz SW, 2017, 'Psychological need satisfaction, control, and disordered eating', British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 56, pp. 53 - 68,

Fardouly J; Pinkus RT; Vartanian LR, 2017, 'The impact of appearance comparisons made through social media, traditional media, and in person in women's everyday lives', Body Image, 20, pp. 31 - 39,

Vartanian LR; Kernan KM; Wansink B, 2017, 'Clutter, Chaos, and Overconsumption: The Role of Mind-Set in Stressful and Chaotic Food Environments', Environment and Behavior, 49, pp. 215 - 223,

Vartanian LR; Froreich FV; Smyth JM, 2016, 'A serial mediation model testing early adversity, self-concept clarity, and thin-ideal internalization as predictors of body dissatisfaction', Body Image, 19, pp. 98 - 103,

Vartanian LR; Herman CP; Polivy J, 2016, 'What does it mean to eat an appropriate amount of food?', Eating Behaviors, 23, pp. 24 - 27,

Reily NM; Vartanian LR, 2016, 'The portion size effect on food intake is robust to contextual size information', Appetite, 105, pp. 439 - 448,

Reily NM; Herman CP; Vartanian LR, 2016, 'Portion-size preference as a function of individuals' body mass index', Obesity Science and Practice, 2, pp. 241 - 247,

O'Brien KS; Latner JD; Puhl RM; Vartanian LR; Giles C; Griva K; Carter A, 2016, 'The relationship between weight stigma and eating behavior is explained by weight bias internalization and psychological distress', Appetite, 102, pp. 70 - 76,

Vartanian LR; Porter AM, 2016, 'Weight stigma and eating behavior: A review of the literature', Appetite, 102, pp. 3 - 14,

Vartanian LR; Trewartha T; Vanman EJ, 2016, 'Disgust predicts prejudice and discrimination toward individuals with obesity', Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 46, pp. 369 - 375,

Beames JR; Black MJ; Vartanian LR, 2016, 'Prejudice toward individuals with obesity: Evidence for a pro-effort bias', Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 22, pp. 184 - 195,

Fardouly J; Vartanian LR, 2016, 'Social Media and Body Image Concerns: Current Research and Future Directions', Current Opinion in Psychology, 9, pp. 1 - 5,

Vartanian LR; Chen WH; Reily NM; Castel AD, 2016, 'The parallel impact of episodic memory and episodic future thinking on food intake', Appetite, 101, pp. 31 - 36,

Froreich FV; Vartanian LR; Grisham JR; Touyz SW, 2016, 'Dimensions of control and their relation to disordered eating behaviours and obsessive-compulsive symptoms', Journal of Eating Disorders, 4, pp. 14,

Herman CP; Polivy J; Vartanian LR; Pliner P, 2016, 'Are large portions responsible for the obesity epidemic?', Physiology and Behavior, 156, pp. 177 - 181,

Jiang MYW; Vartanian LR, 2016, 'The role of memory in the relationship between attention toward thin-ideal media and body dissatisfaction', Eating and Weight Disorders, 21, pp. 57 - 64,

Coleman SRM; Zawadzki MJ; Heron KE; Vartanian LR; Smyth JM, 2016, 'Self-focused and other-focused resiliency: Plausible mechanisms linking early family adversity to health problems in college women', Journal of American College Health, 64, pp. 85 - 95,

Spanos S; Vartanian LR; Herman CP; Polivy J, 2015, 'Personality, perceived appropriateness, and acknowledgement of social influences on food intake', Personality and Individual Differences, 87, pp. 110 - 115,

Fardouly J; Diedrichs PC; Vartanian LR; Halliwell E, 2015, 'The Mediating Role of Appearance Comparisons in the Relationship Between Media Usage and Self-Objectification in Young Women', Psychology of Women Quarterly, 39, pp. 447 - 457,

Azevedo SM; Vartanian LR, 2015, 'Ethical Issues for Public Health Approaches to Obesity', Current obesity reports, 4, pp. 324 - 329,

Vartanian LR; Spanos S; Herman CP; Polivy J, 2015, 'Modeling of food intake: a meta-analytic review', Social Influence, 10, pp. 119 - 136,

Kerameas K; Vartanian LR; Herman CP; Polivy J, 2015, 'The effect of portion size and unit size on food intake: Unit bias or segmentation effect?', Health Psychology, 34, pp. 670 - 676,

Peter Herman C; Polivy J; Pliner P; Vartanian LR, 2015, 'Mechanisms underlying the portion-size effect', Physiology and Behavior, 144, pp. 129 - 136,

Vartanian LR, 2015, 'Impression management and food intake. Current directions in research', Appetite, 86, pp. 74 - 80,

Fardouly J; Diedrichs PC; Vartanian LR; Halliwell E, 2015, 'Social comparisons on social media: THE impact of Facebook on young women's body image concerns and mood', Body Image, 13, pp. 38 - 45,

Spanos S; Kenda AS; Vartanian LR, 2015, 'Can serving-size labels reduce the portion-size effect? A pilot study', Eating Behaviors, 16, pp. 40 - 42,

Fardouly J; Vartanian LR, 2015, 'Negative comparisons about one's appearance mediate the relationship between Facebook usage and body image concerns', Body Image, 12, pp. 82 - 88,

Vartanian LR, 2015, 'Development and validation of a brief version of the Stigmatizing Situations Inventory.', Obes Sci Pract, 1, pp. 119 - 125,

Zhang Y; Touyz S; Burns B; Vartanian L; Abbott M, 2014, 'An empirical examination of the mislabelling of fat as an emotion in sub-clinical eating disorder groups', Journal of Eating Disorders, 2,

Black MJ; Sokol N; Vartanian LR, 2014, 'The effect of effort and weight controllability on perceptions of obese individuals', Journal of Social Psychology, 154, pp. 515 - 526,

Vartanian LR; Smyth JM; Zawadzki MJ; Heron KE; Coleman SRM, 2014, 'Early adversity, personal resources, body dissatisfaction, and disordered eating', International Journal of Eating Disorders, 47, pp. 620 - 629,

Spanos S; Vartanian LR; Herman CP; Polivy J, 2014, 'Failure to report social influences on food intake: Lack of awareness or motivated denial?', Health Psychology, 33, pp. 1487 - 1494,

Vartanian LR; Fardouly J, 2014, 'Reducing the stigma of bariatric surgery: Benefits of providing information about necessary lifestyle changes', Obesity, 22, pp. 1233 - 1237,

Cavanagh K; Vartanian LR; Peter Herman C; Polivy J, 2014, 'The effect of portion size on food intake is robust to brief education and mindfulness exercises', Journal of Health Psychology, 19, pp. 730 - 739,

Vartanian LR; Pinkus RT; Smyth JM, 2014, 'The phenomenology of weight stigma in everyday life', Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science, 3, pp. 196 - 202,

Vartanian LR; Thomas MA; Vanman EJ, 2013, 'Disgust, contempt, and anger and the stereotypes of obese people', Eating and Weight Disorders, 18, pp. 377 - 382,

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