Select Publications

Journal articles

Alexander L; Uotila P; Nicholls N, 2009, 'Influence of sea surface temperature variability on global temperature and precipitation extremes', Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 114, pp. D18116 - D18116,

Alexander L; Power S, 2009, 'Severe storms inferred from 150 years of subdaily pressure observations along Victoria`s "Shipwreck Coast"', Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal, 58, pp. 129 - 133

Kiktev D; Caesar J; Alexander L, 2009, 'Temperature and precipitation extremes in the second half of the twentieth century from numerical modeling results and observational data', Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics, 45, pp. 284 - 293

Scaife AA; Folland CK; Alexander L; Moberg A; Knight JR, 2008, 'European climate extremes and the North Atlantic Oscillation', Journal of Climate, 21, pp. 72 - 83

Sensoy S; Peterson TC; Alexander LV; Zhang X, 2007, 'Enhancing Middle East climate change monitoring and indexes', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 88, pp. 1249 - 1254,

Nicholls N; Alexander L, 2007, 'Has the climate become more variable or extreme? Progress 1992-2006', Progress in Physical Geography, 31, pp. 77 - 87,

Kiktev D; Caesar J; Alexander L; Shiogama H; Collier M, 2007, 'Comparison of observed and multimodeled trends in annual extremes of temperature and precipitation', Geophysical Research Letters, 34, pp. L10702

Nicholls N; Alexander L, 2007, 'Has the climate become more variable or extreme? Progress 1992-2006', Progress in Physical Geography, 31, pp. 1 - 11

Sensoy S; Peterson TC; Alexander L; Zhang X, 2007, 'Meeting summary: Enhancing Middle East climate change monitoring and indexes', State of the Climate, 88, pp. 1249 - 1254

Alexander L; Hope P; Collins D; Trewin B; Lynch A; Nicholls N, 2007, 'Trends in Australia's climate means and extremes: a global context', Australian Meteorological Magazine, 56, pp. 1 - 18

Alexander L; Zhang X; Peterson TC; Caesar J; Gleason B; Klein Tank A; Haylock M; Collins D; Trewin B; Rahimzadeh F; Tagipour A; Kumar Kolli R; Revadekar JV; Griffiths G; Vincent L; Stephenson DB; Burn J; Aguilar E; Brunet M; Taylor M; New M; Zhai P; Rusticucci M; Vazquez Aguirre JL, 2006, 'Global observed changes in daily climate extremes of temperature and precipitation', Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 11, pp. D05109,

Moberg A; Jones PD; Lister D; Walther A; Brunet M; Jacobeit J; Alexander L; Della-Marta PM; Luterbacher J; Yiou P; Chen D; Klein Tank A; Saladie O; Sigro J; Aguilar E; Alexandersson H; Almarza C; Auer I; Barriendos M; Bergert M; Bergstrom H; Bohm R; Butler JE; Caesar J; Drebs A; Founda D; Gerstengarbe F-W; Maugeri M; Osterle H; Micela G; Panzic K; Petrakis M; Srnec L; Tolasz R; Tuomenvirta H; Werner PC; Linderholm H; Philipp A; Wanner H; Xoplaki E, 2006, 'Indices for daily temperature and precipitation extremes in Europe analysed for the period 1901-2000', Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 111, pp. D22106,

Caesar J; Alexander L; Vose R, 2006, 'Large-scale changes in observed daily maximum and minimum temperatures: Creation and analysis of a new gridded data set', Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 111, pp. D05101,

Zou X; Alexander L; Parker D; Caesar J, 2006, 'Variations in severe storms over China', Geophysical Research Letters, 33, pp. L17701,

Zhang X; Aguilar E; Sensoy S; Melkonyan H; Tagiyeva U; Ahmed N; Kutaladze N; Rahimzadeh F; Taghipour A; Hantosh TH; Albert P; Semawi M; Karam Ali M; Said Al-Shabibi MH; Al-Oulan Z; Zatari T; Khelet IAD; Hamoud S; Sagir R; Demircan M; Eken M; Adiguzel M; Alexander L; Peterson TC; Wallis T, 2005, 'Trends in Middle East climate extreme indices from 1950 to 2003', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 110, pp. 1 - 12,

Zhang XY; Friedl MA; Schaaf CB; Strahler AH; Liu Z, 2005, 'Monitoring the response of vegetation phenology to precipitation in Africa by coupling MODIS and TRMM instruments', JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, 110,

Arblaster J; Alexander L, 2005, 'Extreme change: an analysis of past, present and future changes in global temperature and precipitation indices', Bulletin of the Australian Meteorological & Oceanographic Society, 18, pp. 125 - 130

Alexander L; Tett SFB; Jonsson T, 2005, 'Recent observed changes in severe storms over the United Kingdom and Iceland', Geophysical Research Letters, 32, pp. L13704,

Zhang X; Aguilar E; Sensoy S; Melkonyan H; Tagiyeva U; Ahmed N; Kutaladze N; Rahimzadeh F; Tagipour A; Hantosh TH; Albert P; Semawi M; Karam Ali M; Halal Said Al-Shabibi M; Oulan A; Taha Zatari Z; Al Dean Khelet I; Hammoud S; Demircan M; Eken M; Adiguzel M; Alexander L; Peterson TC; Wallis T, 2005, 'Trends in Middle East Climate Extremes Indices during 1930-2003', Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 110, pp. D22104

Kiktev D; Sexton D; Alexander L; Folland C, 2004, 'Comparison of modeled and observed trends in indices of daily climate extremes (vol 16, pg 3560, 2003)', JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 17, pp. 2489 - 2489,<2489:C>2.0.CO;2

Page CM; Nicholls N; Plummer N; Trewin B; Manton M; Alexander L; Chambers LE; Choi Y; Collins D; Della-Marta PM; Haylock M; Inape K; Laurent V; Maitrepierre L; Makmur EEP; Nakamigawa H; Ouprasitwong N; McGree S; Pahalad J; Panmao Z; Salinger MJ; Tibig L; Tran DT; Vediapan K, 2004, 'Data rescue in the Southeast Asia and South Pacific region - challenges and opportunities', State of the Climate, 85, pp. 1483 - 1489

Parker D; Alexander L; Kennedy J, 2004, 'Global and regional climate in 2003', Weather, 59, pp. 145 - 152

Kiktev D; Sexton DMH; Alexander L; Folland CK, 2003, 'Comparison of modeled and observed trends in indices of daily climate extremes', JOURNAL OF CLIMATE, 16, pp. 3560 - 3571,<3560:COMAOT>2.0.CO;2

Easterling DR; Alexander LV; Mokssit A; Detemmerman V, 2003, 'CCI/CLIVAR workshop to develop priority climate indices', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 84, pp. 1403 - 1407+1329,

Rayner NA; Parker DE; Horton EB; Folland CK; Alexander LV; Rowell DP; Kent EC; Kaplan A, 2003, 'Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the late nineteenth century', Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 108,

Kiktev D; Sexton D; Alexander L; Folland CK, 2003, 'Comparison of modelled and observed trends in indicators of daily climate extremes', Journal of Climate, 16, pp. 3560 - 3571

Horton EB; Parker D; Alexander L, 2003, 'Global and Regional Climate in 2002', Weather, 58, pp. 324 - 336

Rayner NA; Parker D; Horton EB; Folland CK; Alexander L; Rowell DP; Kent EC; Kaplan A, 2003, 'Globally complete analyses of SST, sea ice and night marine air temperature, 1871-2000', Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 108, pp. D144407,

Alexander L, 2003, 'Status of climate in Europe in 2002', State of the Climate, 84, pp. S43 - S45

Alexander L; Parker D, 2003, 'Status of climate in Europe in 2003', State of the Climate, 85, pp. S1 - S72

Easterling D; Alexander L; Mokssit A; Detemmerman V, 2003, 'Workshop Summary: CCl/CLIVAR Workshop to develop Priority Climate Indices for Africa', State of the Climate, 84, pp. 1403 - 1407

Kiktev DB; Sexton DMH; Alexander LV; Folland CK, 2002, 'Trends in fields of precipitation and surface temperature annual extremes during the second half of the 20th century', Russian Meteorology and Hydrology, pp. 7 - 16

Klein Tank AMG; Wijngaard JB; Können GP; Böhm R; Demarée G; Gocheva A; Mileta M; Pashiardis S; Hejkrlik L; Kern-Hansen C; Heino R; Bessemoulin P; Müller-Westermeier G; Tzanakou M; Szalai S; Pálsdóttir T; Fitzgerald D; Rubin S; Capaldo M; Maugeri M; Leitass A; Bukantis A; Aberfeld R; Van Engelen AFV; Forland E; Mietus M; Coelho F; Mares C; Razuvaev V; Nieplova E; Cegnar T; Antonio López J; Dahlström B; Moberg A; Kirchhofer W; Ceylan A; Pachaliuk O; Alexander LV; Petrovic P, 2002, 'Daily dataset of 20th-century surface air temperature and precipitation series for the European Climate Assessment', International Journal of Climatology, 22, pp. 1441 - 1453,

Waple AM; Lawrimore JH; Halpert MS; Bell GD; Higgins W; Lyon B; Menne MJ; Gleason KL; Schnell RC; Christy JR; Thiaw W; Wright WJ; Salinger MJ; Alexander L; Stone RS; Camargo SJ, 2002, 'Climate assessment for 2001', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83,

Parker DE; Alexander LV, 2002, 'Global and regional climate in 2001', Weather, 57, pp. 328 - 340,

Frich P; Alexander LV; Della-Marta P; Gleason B; Haylock M; Tank Klein AMG; Peterson T, 2002, 'Observed coherent changes in climatic extremes during the second half of the twentieth century', Climate Research, 19, pp. 193 - 212,

Peterson TC; Taylor MA; Demeritte R; Duncombe DL; Burton S; Thompson F; Porter A; Mercedes M; Villegas E; Fils RS; Tank AK; Martis A; Warner R; Joyette A; Mills W; Alexander L; Gleason B, 2002, 'Recent changes in climate extremes in the Caribbean region', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 107,

Kiktev DB; Sexton DM; Alexander LV; Folland CK, 2002, 'Trends of the precipitation and surface air temperature annual extremes in the second half of the 20th century', Meteorologiya i Gidrologiya, pp. 13 - 25

Waple AM; Lawrimore JH; Halpert MS; Bell GD; Higgins W; Lyon B; Menne MJ; Gleason KL; Schnell RC; Christy JR; Thiaw W; Wright WJ; Salinger MJ; Alexander L; Stone RS; Camargo SJ, 2002, 'Climate Assessment for 2001', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 83, pp. 938 - 938,<0938:caf>;2

Jones PD; Osborn TJ; Briffa KR; Folland CK; Horton EB; Alexander LV; Parker DE; Rayner NA, 2001, 'Adjusting for sampling density in grid box land and ocean surface temperature time series', Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres, 106, pp. 3371 - 3380,

Lawrimore JH; Halpert MS; Bell GD; Menne MJ; Lyon B; Schnell RC; Gleason KL; Easterling DR; Thiaw W; Wright WJ; Heim RR; Robinson DA; Alexander L, 2001, 'Climate assessment for 2000', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82,

Parker DE; Alexander LV, 2001, 'Global and regional climate in 2000', Weather, 56, pp. 255 - 267,

Lawrimore JH; Menne MJ; Gleason KL; Easterling DR; Heim RR; Halpert MS; Bell GD; Thiaw W; Lyon B; Schnell RC; Wright WJ; Robinson DA; Alexander L, 2001, 'Climate Assessment for 2000', Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82, pp. 1304 - 1304,<1304:caf>;2

Alexander LV; Jones PD, 2000, 'Updated Precipitation Series for the UK and Discussion of Recent Extremes', ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE LETTERS, 1, pp. 142 - 150,

Parker DE; Horton EB; Alexander LV, 2000, 'Global and regional climate in 1999', Weather, 55, pp. 188 - 199,

Alexander LV; Jones PD, 2000, 'Updated Precipitation Series for the U.K. and Discussion of Recent Extremes', Atmospheric Science Letters, 1, pp. 142 - 150,

Alexander LV; Jones PD, 2000, 'Updated precipitation series for the U.K. and discussion of recent extremes', Atmospheric Science Letters, 1, pp. 142 - 150,

Conference Papers

Blenkinsop S; Fowler HJ; Barbero R; Chan SC; Guerreiro SB; Kendon E; Lenderink G; Lewis E; Li X-F; Westra S; Alexander L; Allan RP; Berg P; Dunn RJH; Ekstrom M; Evans JP; Holland G; Jones R; Kjellstrom E; Klein-Tank A; Lettenmaier D; Mishra V; Prein AF; Sheffield J; Tye MR, 2017, 'The INTENSE project: using observations and models to understand the past. present and future of sub-daily rainfall extremes', in ADVANCES IN SCIENCE AND RESEARCH, COPERNICUS GESELLSCHAFT MBH, IRELAND, Dublin, pp. 117 - 126, presented at 17th EMS Annual Meeting / European Conference for Applied Meteorology and Climatology, IRELAND, Dublin, 04 September 2017 - 08 September 2017,

Evans JP; Pepler A; Di Luca A; Ji F; Alexander L; Argueso D, 2015, 'Future changes in Extreme East Coast Lows', in The Art and Science of Water - 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2015, Hobart, pp. 1131 - 1138, presented at 36th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, Hobart, 07 December 2015 - 10 December 2015,;dn=830177531387913;res=IELENG

Wang B; Liu DL; Macadam I; Alexander LV; Abramowitz G; Yu Q, 2015, 'Multi-model ensemble projections of future extreme temperature change using a statistical downscaling method in eastern Australia', in Proceedings - 21st International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, MODSIM 2015, pp. 1565 - 1571

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