My Expertise
Language, communication, images, museum communication, discourse analysis, systemic functional grammar.
Fields of Research (FoR)
Communication and media studies, Heritage, archive and museum studies, Applied linguistics and educational linguistics, Architectural history, theory and criticismSEO tags
I am Professor of Communication in the School of the Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. I have a long-standing interest in understanding how communication works, across language, images and multimodal texts - including the built environment - using multimodal discourse analysis and systemic-functional linguistics. Books include Multimodality in the Built Environment: Spatial Discourse Analysis (Routledge, 2016, with...view more
I am Professor of Communication in the School of the Arts and Media at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. I have a long-standing interest in understanding how communication works, across language, images and multimodal texts - including the built environment - using multimodal discourse analysis and systemic-functional linguistics. Books include Multimodality in the Built Environment: Spatial Discourse Analysis (Routledge, 2016, with Robert McMurtrie), Museum Texts: Communication Frameworks (Routledge, 2006), and Doctoral Writing in the Creative and Performing Arts (Libri UK, 2014, with Brian Paltridge and Sue Starfield). I am joint Chief Editor of the journal Visual Communication (Sage). Current supervision includes multimodal research projects in spatial design, web analysis, music and movement.
My Grants
ARC DP0880667 Writing in the academy: The practice-based thesis as an evolving genre
My Qualifications
BA (Hons) Syd; MPhil, PhD Birmingham
My Research Activities
My current research explores the intersection of multimodal analysis with the domain of organisation studies, in the context of the design of university learning environments as well as of retail shopping. Yes, quite diverse!
My Research Supervision
Areas of supervision
I supervise in the areas of social semiotic and multimodal discourse analysis. The area of application can be up to the student, but I am particularly interested at the moment in projects which address spatial discourse analysis and web analysis.
Currently supervising
Joshua Han - A social semiotic account of music-movement correspondence (Co-supervisor: Theo van Leeuwen)
Nataliia Laba - Multimodal discourse of university websites: The social semiotic landscape
Eden Fitsum Woldegiorgis - Journalism, Technology and the role of Hyperlinks in the context of Ethiopia
Xiaoqin Wu - Spatial Pedagogy: A social semiotic perspective on the design and use of 'Active Learning Classrooms'.
My Engagement
I am joint Chief Editor of the journal Visual Communication (Sage), and on the advisory board of the the Journal of English for Academic Purposes. I review for journals across a range of fields including communication, discourse analysis and museum studies; as well as examining masters and doctoral theses, and acting as external review for a number of research bodies, including the Australian Research Council, The European Science Foundation, the FNRS (Belgium), and am an Expert Panel Member for the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO) for Cult2 Art, Art History and Literature.
My Teaching
Course Convenor:
MDIA1002 Media and Communication Contexts
ARTS2094 Visual Communication
MDIA3011 Communication Design: Multimodality, Meaning and Media
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